Example #1
function get_saved_data($val)
    global $mysqli;
    $q = 'SELECT ' . $val . ' FROM campaigns WHERE id = "' . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $_GET['c']) . '" AND userID = ' . get_app_info('main_userID');
    $r = mysqli_query($mysqli, $q);
    if ($r && mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) {
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) {
            $value = stripslashes($row[$val]);
            //if title
            if ($val == 'title') {
                //tags for subject
                preg_match_all('/\\[([a-zA-Z0-9!#%^&*()+=$@._-|\\/?<>~`"\'\\s]+),\\s*fallback=/i', $value, $matches_var, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                preg_match_all('/,\\s*fallback=([a-zA-Z0-9!,#%^&*()+=$@._-|\\/?<>~`"\'\\s]*)\\]/i', $value, $matches_val, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                preg_match_all('/(\\[[a-zA-Z0-9!#%^&*()+=$@._-|\\/?<>~`"\'\\s]+,\\s*fallback=[a-zA-Z0-9!,#%^&*()+=$@._-|\\/?<>~`"\'\\s]*\\])/i', $value, $matches_all, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                $matches_var = $matches_var[1];
                $matches_val = $matches_val[1];
                $matches_all = $matches_all[1];
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches_var); $i++) {
                    $field = $matches_var[$i];
                    $fallback = $matches_val[$i];
                    $tag = $matches_all[$i];
                    //for each match, replace tag with fallback
                    $value = str_replace($tag, $fallback, $value);
                $value = str_replace('[Email]', get_saved_data('from_email'), $value);
            return $value;
Example #2
function get_saved_data($val)
    global $mysqli;
    global $edit;
    $q = 'SELECT ' . $val . ' FROM campaigns WHERE id = "' . mysqli_real_escape_string($mysqli, $_GET['c']) . '" AND userID = ' . get_app_info('main_userID');
    $r = mysqli_query($mysqli, $q);
    if ($r && mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) {
        while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) {
            $value = stripslashes($row[$val]);
            //if title
            if ($val == 'title' && !$edit) {
                //tags for subject
                preg_match_all('/\\[([a-zA-Z0-9!#%^&*()+=$@._\\-\\:|\\/?<>~`"\'\\s]+),\\s*fallback=/i', $value, $matches_var, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                preg_match_all('/,\\s*fallback=([a-zA-Z0-9!,#%^&*()+=$@._\\-\\:|\\/?<>~`"\'\\s]*)\\]/i', $value, $matches_val, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                preg_match_all('/(\\[[a-zA-Z0-9!#%^&*()+=$@._\\-\\:|\\/?<>~`"\'\\s]+,\\s*fallback=[a-zA-Z0-9!,#%^&*()+=$@._\\-\\:|\\/?<>~`"\'\\s]*\\])/i', $value, $matches_all, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
                $matches_var = $matches_var[1];
                $matches_val = $matches_val[1];
                $matches_all = $matches_all[1];
                for ($i = 0; $i < count($matches_var); $i++) {
                    $field = $matches_var[$i];
                    $fallback = $matches_val[$i];
                    $tag = $matches_all[$i];
                    //for each match, replace tag with fallback
                    $value = str_replace($tag, $fallback, $value);
                $value = str_replace('[Email]', get_saved_data('from_email'), $value);
                //convert date
                if (get_app_info('timezone') != '') {
                $sent = get_saved_data('sent');
                $send_date = get_saved_data('send_date');
                $today = $sent == '' ? time() : $sent;
                $today = $send_date != '' && $send_date != 0 ? $send_date : $today;
                $currentdaynumber = strftime('%d', $today);
                $currentday = strftime('%A', $today);
                $currentmonthnumber = strftime('%m', $today);
                $currentmonth = strftime('%B', $today);
                $currentyear = strftime('%Y', $today);
                $unconverted_date = array('[currentdaynumber]', '[currentday]', '[currentmonthnumber]', '[currentmonth]', '[currentyear]');
                $converted_date = array($currentdaynumber, $currentday, $currentmonthnumber, $currentmonth, $currentyear);
                $value = str_replace($unconverted_date, $converted_date, $value);
            return $value;
Example #3
" title="<?php 
echo _('View the campaign');
" class="iframe-preview"><span class="icon-eye-open"></span></a></h3><br/>
echo _('Sent on');
echo parse_date(get_saved_data('sent'), 'long', false);
echo _('to');
 <span class="label"><?php 
echo number_format(get_saved_data('recipients'));
echo _('subscribers');
echo _('Lists');
: <?php 
echo get_lists();
    	<div class="row-fluid">
    		<div class="span4">
Example #4
	        <label class="control-label" for="reply_to"><?php 
    echo _('Reply to email');
	    	<div class="control-group">
		    	<div class="controls">
	              <input type="text" class="input-xlarge" id="reply_to" name="reply_to" placeholder="<?php 
    echo _('Reply to email');
" value="<?php 
    echo get_saved_data('reply_to');
	        <input type="hidden" name="uid" value="<?php 
echo get_app_info('userID');
	        <input type="hidden" name="redirect" id="redirect" value="<?php 
echo get_app_info('path') . '/settings';
Example #5
        <!-- Reset on day -->
        <label class="control-label" for="reset-on-day" id="limit-reset-label" <?php 
if (get_saved_data('allocated_quota') == '-1') {
echo _('Reset limit on which day of the month?');
    	<div class="control-group">
	    	<div class="controls">
				<select name="reset-on-day" id="reset-on-day" style="width:80px; <?php 
if (get_saved_data('allocated_quota') == '-1') {
					<option value="1">1</option>
					<option value="2">2</option>
					<option value="3">3</option>
					<option value="4">4</option>
					<option value="5">5</option>
					<option value="6">6</option>
					<option value="7">7</option>
					<option value="8">8</option>
					<option value="9">9</option>
					<option value="10">10</option>
Example #6
			            <div class="control-group">
					    	<div class="controls">
				              <textarea class="input-xlarge" id="html" name="html" rows="10" placeholder="<?php 
echo _('Email content');
echo get_saved_data('html_text');
echo _('Use the following tags in your subject, plain text or HTML code and they\'ll automatically be formatted when your campaign is sent. For web version and unsubscribe tags, you can style them with inline CSS.');
				    	<div class="row-fluid">
include 'includes/helpers/personalization.tags.php';
Example #7
echo _('From');
</strong> <span class="label"><?php 
echo get_saved_data('from_name');
echo get_saved_data('from_email');
echo _('Subject');
</strong> <span class="label"><?php 
echo get_saved_data('title');
	    	<iframe src="<?php 
echo get_app_info('path');
echo short($_GET['c']);
echo time();
" id="preview-iframe"></iframe>
Example #8
        <label class="control-label" for="cost_per_recipient"><?php 
echo _('Cost per recipient');
    	<div class="control-group">
	    	<div class="controls">
	    		<div class="input-prepend input-append">
	              <span class="add-on"><?php 
echo $currency_symbol;
</span><input type="text" class="input-xlarge" id="cost_per_recipient" name="cost_per_recipient" placeholder="Eg. .01" value="<?php 
echo get_saved_data('cost_per_recipient');
" style="width: 80px;">
        <button type="submit" class="btn btn-inverse"><i class="icon-ok icon-white"></i> <?php 
echo _('Save');
