function where_to_editable(&$disco) { if( $disco->get_chosen_action() == 'save' ) { $url = get_current_url(); } else { $inline_edit =& get_reason_inline_editing($this->page_id); $url = carl_make_redirect($inline_edit->get_deactivation_params($this)); } return $url; }
function where_to_editable(&$disco) { $inline_edit =& get_reason_inline_editing($this->page_id); $url = carl_make_redirect($inline_edit->get_deactivation_params($this)); return $url; }
function run() { $inline_edit = get_reason_inline_editing($this->page_id); $classes = array('loginLinkModule'); $classes[] = $this->get_user_netid() ? 'authenticated' : 'unauthenticated'; echo '<div class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '">'; if ($this->has_admin_edit_privs()) { if ($inline_edit->is_enabled()) { echo '<div class="editDiv inlineEnabled">' . "\n"; echo '<span class="clarifyingText">In Reason Admin: </span>' . "\n"; } else { echo '<div class="editDiv">' . "\n"; } echo '<a href="' . $this->get_edit_page_link() . '" class="editLink editPageLink">Edit Page</a> <span class="editDivider">·</span> ' . "\n"; echo '<a href="' . $this->get_edit_site_link() . '" class="editLink editSiteLink">Edit Site</a>' . "\n"; echo '</div>'; } if ($inline_edit->reason_allows_inline_editing() && $inline_edit->is_enabled() || $inline_edit->is_available()) { $classes = array('inlineEditDiv'); if ($inline_edit->is_enabled()) { $link = carl_make_link(array('inline_editing_availability' => 'disable')); $link_text = 'Stop Editing'; $classes[] = 'inlineEnabled'; } else { $link = carl_make_link(array('inline_editing_availability' => 'enable')); $link_text = 'Edit in Place'; } $inline_html = '<div class="' . implode(' ', $classes) . '">' . "\n"; $inline_html .= '<a href="' . $link . '" class="inlineEditLink">' . $link_text . '</a>' . "\n"; $inline_html .= '</div>'; echo $inline_html; } echo '<p id="footerLoginLink">'; echo $this->get_user_netid() ? '<span class="username">' . $this->get_user_netid() . '</span>: ' : ''; echo $this->get_user_netid() ? '<a href="' . $this->get_login_url() . '?logout=1" class="logout">Logout</a>' : '<a href="' . $this->get_login_url() . '" class="login">Login</a>'; echo '</p>' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; }
function run() { $inline_editing =& get_reason_inline_editing($this->page_id); $editing_available = $inline_editing->available_for_module($this); $editing_active = $inline_editing->active_for_module($this); $html = '<div id="coursesList" class="courses ' . $this->get_api_class_string() . ' '; if ($editing_available) { $html .= 'editable'; } if ($editing_active) { $html .= 'editing'; } $html .= '"><a name="coursesRegion"></a>' . "\n"; if ($editing_available) { $html .= '<div class="editRegion">'; if ($editing_active) { $html .= $this->get_editing_explanation(); $html .= $this->get_course_picker(); } else { $html .= '<p class="edit"><a class="editThis" href="' . carl_make_link($inline_editing->get_activation_params($this)) . '#coursesRegion">Edit Course List</a></p>' . "\n"; } } if (!$editing_active) { $count = $protected_count = 0; $buckets = array(); foreach ($this->courses as $course) { // Increment only if we got content for this course if ($content = $this->get_course_html($course)) { if (!$this->params['organize_by_subject']) { $html .= $content; $count++; } else { $subject = $course->get_value('org_id'); $buckets[$subject][] = $content; } } // Stop if we've reached our limit if ($this->params['max_shown'] > 0 && $count >= $this->params['max_shown']) { break; } } echo $html; if ($this->params['organize_by_subject']) { ksort($buckets); if ($this->params['show_subject_links']) { echo '<ul class="fieldLinks">'; foreach ($buckets as $subject => $courses) { echo '<li><a href="#' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $subject) . '">' . $subject . '</a></li>'; } echo '</ul>'; } foreach ($buckets as $subject => $courses) { echo '<h3 class="careerField"><a name="' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $subject) . '">' . $subject . '</a></h3>'; foreach ($courses as $html) { echo $html; } } } } else { echo $html; } if ($editing_available) { echo '</div>'; } echo '</div>'; }
function _where_to_policy_metadata(&$disco) { if( $disco->get_chosen_action() == 'save' ) { $url = get_current_url(); $url .= '#metadataEdit'; } else { $inline_edit =& get_reason_inline_editing($this->page_id); $deactivation_params = $inline_edit->get_deactivation_params($this); $deactivation_params['edit_id'] = ''; $url = carl_make_redirect($deactivation_params); } return $url; }
function where_to_callback(&$form) { if ($form->chosen_action == 'save') { return get_current_url(); } else { $inline_editing =& get_reason_inline_editing($this->page_id); $params = array_merge(array('blurb_id' => ''), $inline_editing->get_deactivation_params($this)); return carl_make_redirect($params); } }
/** * Show the detail view of the current event * * @return void */ function show_event_details() { $e =& $this->event; $inline_edit =& get_reason_inline_editing($this->page_id); $editable = $inline_edit->available_for_module($this); $regionclass = $active = ''; if ($editable && $this->user_can_inline_edit_event($this->event->id())) { $active = $inline_edit->active_for_module($this); $class = ($active) ? 'editable editing' : 'editable'; echo '<div class="'.$class.'">'."\n"; if ($active) { $this->edit_handler->disco_item->run(); } else { $regionclass = 'editRegion'; } } echo '<div class="eventDetails '.$regionclass.'">'."\n"; if ($regionclass == 'editRegion') { $activation_params = $inline_edit->get_activation_params($this); $activation_params['edit_id'] = $e->id(); $url = carl_make_link($activation_params); echo ' <a href="'.$url.'" class="editThis">Edit Event</a>'."\n"; } if($active) { $this->show_back_link(); } elseif($markup = $this->get_markup_object('item')) { $bundle = new functionBundle(); $bundle->set_function('current_site_id',array($this, 'get_current_site_id')); $bundle->set_function('back_link',array($this,'construct_link')); $bundle->set_function('request_date',array($this,'get_request_date')); $bundle->set_function('images', array($this, 'get_event_images') ); $bundle->set_function('media_works', array($this, 'get_event_media_works')); $bundle->set_function('owner_site', array($this, 'get_owner_site_info')); $bundle->set_function('ical_link', array($this, 'get_item_ical_link')); $bundle->set_function('contact_info', array($this, 'get_contact_info')); $bundle->set_function('categories', array($this, 'get_event_categories')); $bundle->set_function('audiences', array($this, 'get_event_audiences')); $bundle->set_function('keyword_links', array($this, 'get_event_keyword_links')); $bundle->set_function('is_all_day_event', array($this, 'event_is_all_day_event')); $bundle->set_function('map_zoom_level', array($this, 'get_map_zoom_level')); $bundle->set_function('registration_markup', array($this, 'get_registration_slots_markup')); $bundle->set_function('prettify_duration', array($this, 'prettify_duration')); $bundle->set_function('repetition_explanation', array($this, 'get_repetition_explanation')); $this->modify_item_function_bundle($bundle); $markup->set_bundle($bundle); if($head_items = $this->get_head_items()) $markup->modify_head_items($head_items, $e); echo $markup->get_markup($e); } echo '</div>'."\n"; if ($editable && $this->user_can_inline_edit_event($this->event->id())) echo '</div>'."\n"; }