$pathway_info[] = array('title' => $lang['players_online'], 'link' => 'index.php?n=server&sub=playersonline'); // ==================== // if (!$_GET['realm']) { $realm_list = realm_list(); $count = count($realm_list); if ($count == 1) { $id = $DB->selectCell("SELECT `id` FROM `realmlist` ORDER BY `name`"); $_GET['realm'] = $id; } } if ($_GET['realm']) { $realm_info = get_realm_byid($_GET['realm']); $pathway_info[] = array('title' => $realm_info['name'], ''); $cc = 0; $rid = $realm_info['cloneid'] == -1 ? $realm_info['id'] : $realm_info['cloneid']; $rrealm_info = get_realm_byid($rid); AddMangosFields($rrealm_info['Version']); $charinfo_link = $rrealm_info['WowdCharInfoLink']; $faction_alliance = 0; $faction_horde = 0; $total = 0; if (check_port_status($rrealm_info['address'], $rrealm_info['port']) !== true) { output_message('alert', 'Realm <b>' . $rrealm_info['name'] . '</b> is offline <img src="images/downarrow2.gif" border="0" align="top">'); } else { if (!$rrealm_info['CharacterDatabaseInfo']) { output_message('alert', 'Check field <u>CharacterDatabaseInfo</u> in table `realmlist` for realm id=' . $realm_info['id']); } $wsdb_info = parse_worlddb_info($rrealm_info['CharacterDatabaseInfo']); if ($DB) { $query = $DB->select("SELECT c.*, a.* FROM " . $wsdb_info['db'] . ".`characters` as c, `account` as a \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ((c.`online`='1') AND (c.`account`=a.`id`)) \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY c.`name`"); }
output_message('alert', $strErrorMsg); } unset($WSDB); unset($WDDB); } else { if ($_GET['realm'] and ($_GET['action'] and $_GET['guid'])) { $bResult = true; $strErrorMsg = ""; $realm = $_GET['realm']; $realmid = $DB->selectCell("select `id` from `realmlist` where id=?d", $realm); if (!$realmid) { $strErrorMsg = 'Not realmid'; $bResult = false; } if ($bResult) { $realm_info = get_realm_byid($realmid); if (!$realm_info['CharacterDatabaseInfo']) { $strErrorMsg = 'Check field <u>CharacterDatabaseInfo</u> in table `realmlist` for realm id=' . $realm_info['id']; $bResult = false; } } AddMangosFields($realm_info['Version']); $charinfo_link = $realm_info['WowdCharInfoLink']; if ($bResult) { $wsdb_info = parse_worlddb_info($realm_info['CharacterDatabaseInfo']); $WSDB = DbSimple_Generic::connect("" . $config['db_type'] . "://" . $wsdb_info['user'] . ":" . $wsdb_info['password'] . "@" . $wsdb_info['host'] . ":" . $wsdb_info['port'] . "/" . $wsdb_info['db'] . ""); if (!$WSDB) { $strErrorMsg = 'Not Connect'; $bResult = false; } }
$pathway_info[] = array('title' => $lang['honor'], 'link' => 'index.php?n=server&sub=honor'); // ==================== // // some config // $max_display_chars = 40; // Only top 40 in stats $realm_list = realm_list(); if (!$_GET['realm']) { $realm_list = realm_list(); $count = count($realm_list); if ($count == 1) { $id = $DB->selectCell("SELECT `id` FROM `realmlist` ORDER BY `name`"); $_GET['realm'] = $id; } } if ($_GET['realm']) { $realm_info = get_realm_byid($_GET['realm']); $pathway_info[] = array('title' => $realm_info['name'], ''); if (!$realm_info['CharacterDatabaseInfo']) { output_message('alert', 'Check field <u>CharacterDatabaseInfo</u> in table `realmlist` for realm id=' . $realm_info['id']); } $CHDB_info = parse_worlddb_info($realm_info['CharacterDatabaseInfo']); $CHDB = DbSimple_Generic::connect("" . $config['db_type'] . "://" . $CHDB_info['user'] . ":" . $CHDB_info['password'] . "@" . $CHDB_info['host'] . ":" . $CHDB_info['port'] . "/" . $CHDB_info['db'] . ""); if ($CHDB) { $CHDB->setErrorHandler('databaseErrorHandler'); } if ($CHDB) { $CHDB->query("SET NAMES " . $config['db_encoding']); } AddMangosFields($realm_info['Version']); $qstr = "SELECT * FROM `characters` AS c, `" . $config['db_name'] . "`.`account` as a\n\t\t\t\t\t WHERE ((c.`account`= a.`id`) AND (a.`gmlevel`=0) AND (c.`race` IN (?a))\n AND (c.totalHonorPoints > 0)) ORDER BY c.totalHonorPoints DESC LIMIT " . $max_display_chars . ";"; $allhonor['alliance'] = array();
<?php if (INCLUDED !== true) { exit; } // ==================== // $pathway_info[] = array('title' => 'GM Ticket Manager', 'link' => 'index.php?n=admin&sub=tickets'); // ==================== // ?> <?php $MANG = new Mangos(); $query = array(); $realm_info_new = get_realm_byid($user['cur_selected_realmd']); $cc = 0; if (!check_port_status($realm_info_new['address'], $realm_info_new['port']) === true) { output_message('alert', 'Realm <b>' . $realm_info_new['name'] . '</b> is offline <img src="templates/offlike/images/downarrow2.gif" border="0" align="top">'); } $action = array(); if ($project == "trinity") { $action = $CHDB->select("SELECT `guid`, `playerGuid`, `name`, `message`,`comment`, `assignedto` FROM `gm_tickets` WHERE `closed` = '0' ORDER BY `guid` "); $ticket = array(); $cc1 = 0; $result1 = array(); if (count($action) > 0) { foreach ($action as $result1) { if ($color == 1) { $color = 2; } else { $color = 1; }
<?php //========================// if (INCLUDED !== true) { echo "Not Included!"; exit; } //=======================// // For the search bar if (isset($_POST['action'])) { if ($_POST['action'] == 'sort') { redirect('?p=admin&sub=chartools&sort=' . $_POST['sortby'], 1); } } // Get the realm name $Realm = get_realm_byid($GLOBALS['cur_selected_realm']); $Realms = getRealmlist('0'); // Include the SDL files include 'core/SDL/class.character.php'; include 'core/SDL/class.zone.php'; $Character = new Character(); $Zone = new Zone(); //====== Pagination Code ======/ $limit = 50; // Sets how many results shown per page if (!isset($_GET['page']) || !is_numeric($_GET['page'])) { $page = 1; } else { $page = $_GET['page']; } $limitvalue = $page * $limit - $limit;
define("CACHE_FILE", FALSE); if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $p = $_GET['page']; } else { $p = 1; } //===== Calc pages1 =====// $items_per_pages = 100; $limit_start = ($p - 1) * $items_per_pages; // ==================== // include 'core/SDL/class.zone.php'; include 'core/SDL/class.character.php'; $Zone = new Zone(); $Character = new Character(); $query = array(); $realm_info_new = get_realm_byid($_COOKIE['cur_selected_realm']); $cc = 0; // array´s $query1 = array(); //===== Filter ==========// if ($_GET['char'] && preg_match("/[a-z]/", $_GET['char'])) { $filter = "WHERE `name` LIKE '" . $_GET['char'] . "%'"; } elseif ($_GET['char'] == 1) { $filter = "WHERE `name` REGEXP '^[^A-Za-z]'"; } else { $filter = ''; } //Find total number of characters in database -- used to calculate total number of pages $cc2 = $CDB->count("SELECT count(*) FROM `characters` {$filter}"); $query1 = $CDB->select("SELECT * FROM `characters` {$filter} ORDER BY `name` LIMIT {$limit_start}, {$items_per_pages}"); $cc1 = 0;
function completeOrder() { global $RA, $user, $DB, $WDB, $package, $lang; // Lets check to see if the realm is online before starting $realm = get_realm_byid($GLOBALS['cur_selected_realm']); if (!check_port_status($realm['address'], $realm['port'], 3)) { output_message('error', $lang['shop_realm_offline']); return FALSE; } // Second check to see if the user has enough points if ($package['wp_cost'] > $user['web_points']) { output_message('validation', $lang['not_enough_points']); return FALSE; } // Initiate the command array $command = array(); // If there is an item number for the selected package if ($package['item_number'] != 0) { $item_array = ''; $package_array = explode(',', $package['item_number']); foreach ($package_array as $a) { $item_array .= $a . ":" . $package['quanity'] . " "; } $command[] = "send items " . $_POST['char'] . " \"" . $lang["shop_mail_subject"] . "\" \"" . $lang["shop_mail_message"] . "\" " . $item_array; } // If there is an itemset for this package, we need to make a command for that as well if ($package['itemset'] != 0) { $qray = $WDB->select("SELECT `entry` FROM `item_template` WHERE `itemset`='" . $package['itemset'] . "'"); $items = ''; foreach ($qray as $d) { $items .= $d['entry'] . ":1 "; } $command[] = "send items " . $_POST['char'] . " \"" . $lang["shop_mail_subject"] . "\" \"" . $lang["shop_mail_message"] . "\" " . $items; } // If there is gold in this package, make a command for that if ($package['gold'] != 0) { $command[] = "send money " . $_POST['char'] . " \"" . $lang["shop_mail_subject"] . "\" \"" . $lang["shop_mail_message"] . "\" " . $package['gold']; } // === Send the command to the RA Class === // $send = $RA->send($command, $GLOBALS['cur_selected_realm']); // Catch the result of send. If its a 1 or 2, then the send wasnt successful if ($send == 1 || $send == 2) { output_message('error', $lang['shop_send_error']); return FALSE; } else { // Initiate our counts $success = 0; $total_commands = count($command); // Return will be in an array, so foreach array variable, we need the result foreach ($send as $report) { // If in the string, the characters name is listed, then its a success if (strpos($report, $_POST['char'])) { $success++; } } // If the success count is equal to the total amount of commands sent // Then all was successful if ($success == $total_commands) { output_message('success', 'Items Sent Successfully!'); // Update the DB, subtracting the cost of the package $DB->query("UPDATE `mw_account_extend` SET\r\n\t\t\t\t`web_points`=(`web_points` - " . $package['wp_cost'] . "), \r\n\t\t\t\t`points_spent`=(`points_spent` + " . $package['wp_cost'] . ") \r\n\t\t\t WHERE `account_id` = " . $user['id'] . " LIMIT 1"); } else { output_message('validation', $lang['shop_error']); } } }