Example #1
 function save_news($newsDt, $cat, $insert = false)
     if ($insert == false) {
         $tmp = $this->gen_full_image($newsDt);
         $news_id = $newsDt['news_id'];
         if ($cat['cat_id'] == '') {
             $cat['cat_id'] = $cat['cat_name'];
         $newsDt['news_category'] = json_encode(array($cat['cat_id']));
         $newsDt['news_image_thumbnail'] = $newsDt['news_image_thumbnail'] != '' ? 'square-' . $newsDt['news_image'] : $newsDt['news_image_thumbnail'];
         $newsDt['news_image_potrait'] = $newsDt['news_image_potrait'] != '' ? 'poster-' . $newsDt['news_image'] : $newsDt['news_image_potrait'];
         $this->news_model->updateNews($newsDt, array('news_id' => $news_id));
         if ($newsDt['news_type'] == "1") {
             $photo = $this->photonews_model->get_data_record("photonews_newsid='{$news_id}'");
         ////deleting news keyword data
         //$this->news_keywords_model->delete_records(array('nk_news_id' => $news_id));
         ////delete news tag data
         //$this->tag_news_model->delete_records(array('tag_news_news_id' => $news_id));
         $this->save_temp_img($tmp, $newsDt);
     } else {
         $newsDt['news_url'] = $newsDt['news_url'] . '-' . date("ymd") . get_random_alpanumeric(1);
         $news_id = $this->news_model->saveNewRecord($newsDt);
         // for insert jsview
         //$this->insert_jsview($news_id, $newsDt);
     //$this->update_jsview($news_id, $cat, $newsDt);
     //$this->update_rubric($news_id, $cat, $newsDt);
Example #2
 function index()
     if (file_exists($this->file_log_migrasi)) {
         $this->page = file_get_contents($this->file_log_migrasi);
     } else {
         $this->page = 1;
     $offset = ($this->page - 1) * $this->limit;
     $where = "";
     //" WHERE news_id = '1723'";
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM " . $this->table_migrasi . " {$where} order by news_id DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$this->limit}";
     echo $sql . '<br>';
     $rows = $this->migrasi_model->query($sql)->fetchrow();
     $log_id = "";
     if (isset($rows[0])) {
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             //$type = "0";
             //if($row['type'] == "Image") $type = "1";
             //if($row['type'] == "Video") $type = "2";
             $log_id .= $row['news_id'] . "\t";
             $cat_old = json_decode($row["news_category"]);
             $cat = $this->conversi_cat($cat_old[0]);
             $data = $row;
             $data['external_url'] = $row["news_url"];
             $data['news_category'] = json_encode(array($cat['id_cat']));
             $data['news_url'] = url_title($row["news_title"]) . '-' . date("ymd", strtotime($row['news_entry'])) . get_random_alpanumeric(1);
             $this->save_data($data, $row);
     file_put_contents($this->file_log_migrasi, $this->page + 1);
     file_put_contents($this->file_log_id, $log_id . "\t\n", FILE_APPEND);
Example #3
 function savenews()
     // echoPre ($_POST); die;
     if (isPost() && post('news_title') && post('news_title') != '' && post('news_lead') != '' && post('news_content') != '') {
         $newsDt = array('news_id' => post('news_id'), 'news_entry' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'news_level' => post('news_level'), 'news_top_headline' => '0', 'news_editor_pick' => post('news_editor_pick') ? '1' : '0', 'news_category' => json_encode(array(post('news_category'))), 'news_title' => post('news_title'), 'news_subtitle' => post('news_subtitle'), 'news_synopsis' => post('news_lead'), 'news_content' => post('news_content'), 'news_image_headline' => '0', 'news_imageinfo' => post('news_imageinfo'), 'news_url' => post('news_subtitle') ? url_title(post('news_title') . '-' . post('news_subtitle')) : url_title(post('news_title')), 'news_date_publish' => post('news_date_publish') ? post('news_date_publish') : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'news_invalid' => '0', 'news_user_id' => sess('usr_id'), 'news_type' => '0', 'news_reporter' => $this->processReporter(post('news_contributor')), 'news_editor' => json_encode(array(array('id' => $_SESSION['usr_id'], 'user_fullname' => $_SESSION['usr_fullname']))), 'news_initial' => '', 'news_photographer' => $this->processReporter(post('news_photographer')), 'news_hastag' => post('news_hastag'), 'news_city' => post('news_city') ? post('news_city') : 'Jakarta', 'news_source' => '', 'external_url' => '', 'has_paging' => '0', 'news_top_headline' => post('news_top_headline') ? '1' : '0', 'news_hot' => post('news_hot') ? '1' : '0', 'news_image' => post('news_image'), 'news_top_headtorial' => post('news_top_headtorial') ? '1' : '0', 'news_date_headtorial' => post('news_date_headtorial') ? post('news_date_headtorial') : "");
         $newsDt['news_url'] = post('news_url') ? post('news_url') : $newsDt['news_url'];
         if (post('news_id')) {
             // update json detail to server cluster
             $server_cluster = $this->config['server_cluster'];
             foreach ($server_cluster as $serv) {
                 $cat = $this->get_cat_parent_jsview(post('news_id'), $newsDt['news_category']);
                 $json = @file_get_contents($serv . 'update-json/' . $cat['url'] . '/' . $newsDt['news_url'] . '.html');
                 //echo $json;
             //$newsDt['news_url'] = $newsDt['news_url'] . '-' . date("ymd") . get_random_alpanumeric(1);
             $news_id = post('news_id');
             $this->news_model->updateNews($newsDt, array('news_id' => $news_id));
             //deleting news keyword data
             $this->news_keywords_model->delete_records(array('nk_news_id' => $news_id));
             //delete news tag data
             $this->tag_news_model->delete_records(array('tag_news_news_id' => $news_id));
         } else {
             $news_content = html_entity_decode($newsDt['news_content']);
             // $newsDt['news_content'] = '<p><b>MONEY.id - </b>' . ltrim($news_content, '<p>');
             $newsDt['news_content'] = preg_replace('/^<p>/', '<p><b>MONEY.id - </b>', $news_content);
             $newsDt['news_url'] = htmlentities($newsDt['news_url'] . '-' . date("ymd") . get_random_alpanumeric(1));
             $news_id = $this->news_model->saveNewRecord($newsDt);
             // for insert jsview
             $this->insert_jsview($news_id, $newsDt);
             // for get sort url
             $this->_create_url_client($news_id, $newsDt);
         $this->processNewsTags($news_id, post('news_tags'));
         $this->processNewsKeywords($news_id, post('news_keywords'));
         $this->_prosesQuote($news_id, $_POST);
         //save to mdk_news_rubric
         $this->saveMdkNewsRubric($newsDt, $news_id);
         // proses news related content
         //dfp / dsp interest
         $this->save_dfp_interest(post('category_interest'), $news_id, "news");
         //echo "end interest";
         //news paging
         if (post("news_paging_title") && post("news_paging_title") != '') {
             //$newsDt['has_paging'] = '1';
             $this->prosesNewsPaging($news_id, $newsDt);
             $dt_news_update = array('has_paging' => '1');
             $upd = $this->news_model->updateRecord($dt_news_update, array('news_id' => $news_id));
         # processing news ilustration upload
         # main image
         if ($this->processNewsIlustration($newsDt, $news_id) == false) {
             @header('Location: ' . $this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/edit/&id=' . $news_id . "&t=" . date("s") . '&s=image_error');
         # processing news ilustration upload for thumbnail
         # thumbnail image
         if ($this->processNewsIlustration_thumb($newsDt, $news_id) == false) {
             @header('Location: ' . $this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/edit/&id=' . $news_id . "&t=" . date("s") . '&s=image_error');
         //processing news ilustration upload for potrait
         # potrait image
         if ($this->processNewsIlustration_potrait($newsDt, $news_id) == false) {
             @header('Location: ' . $this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/edit/&id=' . $news_id . "&t=" . date("s") . '&s=image_error');
         @header('Location: ' . $this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/preview/&id=' . $news_id);
         //$url = $this->config['base_url') . $this->ctrler . '/edit/&id=' . $news_id . "&t=" . date("s") . '&s=success';
         //@header('Location: ' . $url);
     } else {
         Output::App()->redirect($this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/addnews/');
Example #4
  * function save new record or update existing one
 function saveRecord()
     //echoPre ($_POST);die;
     if (isPost() && post('news_title') && post('news_title') != '' & post('news_synopsis') != '') {
         //$news_id = $this->photonews_model->addUpdate_photonews($_POST);
         //select previous photonews data if exist
         $tahun = date('Y');
         $prev_row = post('news_id') ? $this->photonews_model->selRow($this->table_prefix . "news_" . $tahun, "news_id=" . post('news_id')) : array();
         $prev_row = count($prev_row) > 0 ? $prev_row[0] : array();
         //get mdk_user in indexed row for field news_contributor and news_editor value
         $mdk_user = $this->photonews_model->get_comboRow($this->table_prefix . "users", "user_id", "user_realname", "", "", "", true);
         #if($post['news_photographer'] && array_key_exists($post['news_photographer'], $mdk_user)){
         if (post('news_photographer') && array_key_exists(post('news_photographer'), $mdk_user)) {
             $news_photographer = array(array('id' => post('news_photographer'), 'name' => $mdk_user[post('news_photographer')]));
         } else {
             $news_photographer = array();
         if (post('news_reporter') && array_key_exists(post('news_reporter'), $mdk_user)) {
             $news_reporter = array(array('id' => post('news_reporter'), 'name' => $mdk_user[post('news_reporter')]));
         } else {
             $news_reporter = array();
         //reCreate rowset for mdk_news
         $mdk_news = array('news_id' => post('news_id'), 'news_entry' => post('news_id') ? $prev_row['news_entry'] : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'news_level' => post('news_level'), 'news_top_headline' => post('news_top_headline') ? post('news_top_headline') ? '1' : '0' : '0', 'news_editor_pick' => post('news_editor_pick') ? post('news_editor_pick') ? '1' : '0' : '0', 'news_mature' => post('news_mature') ? post('news_mature') ? '1' : '0' : '0', 'news_category' => json_encode(array(post('news_category'))), 'news_title' => post('news_title'), 'news_subtitle' => post('news_subtitle') ? post('news_subtitle') : '', 'news_synopsis' => post('news_synopsis'), 'news_content' => post('news_content'), 'news_image_headline' => post('news_image_headline') ? post('news_image_headline') ? '1' : '0' : '0', 'news_imageinfo' => post('news_imageinfo'), 'news_url' => post('news_id') ? $prev_row['news_url'] : url_title(post('news_title')), 'news_date_publish' => post('news_date_publish') ? post('news_date_publish') : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'news_user_id' => $_SESSION['usr_id'], 'news_type' => '1', 'news_reporter' => json_encode($news_reporter), 'news_photographer' => json_encode($news_photographer), 'news_editor' => json_encode(array(array('id' => $_SESSION['usr_id'], 'name' => $_SESSION['usr_fullname']))), 'news_city' => post('news_city'), 'popular_keyword' => post('popular_keyword') ? post('popular_keyword') : 0, 'news_figure' => post('news_figure') ? post('news_figure') : '');
         //ADD or UPDATE mdk_news record
         if ($mdk_news['news_id']) {
             // update json detail to server cluster
             $server_cluster = $this->config['server_cluster'];
             foreach ($server_cluster as $serv) {
                 $cat = $this->get_cat_parent_jsview(post('news_id'), $mdk_news['news_category']);
                 $json = @file_get_contents($serv . 'update-json/photo/' . $cat['url'] . '/' . $mdk_news['news_url'] . '.html');
                 //echo $serv . 'update-json/photo/' . $cat['url'] .'/'. $mdk_news['news_url'] . '.html';
             $this->news_model->updateRecord($mdk_news, "news_id=" . $mdk_news['news_id']);
             $news_id = $mdk_news['news_id'];
         } else {
             $mdk_news['news_url'] = $mdk_news['news_url'] . '-' . date("ymd") . get_random_alpanumeric(1);
             $news_id = $this->news_model->saveNewRecord($mdk_news);
             $this->insert_jsview($news_id, $mdk_news);
         $ret = $news_id;
         //ADD or UPDATE mdk_news_rubrics
         $rubrics_column = $this->photonews_model->get_rowset_idsorted($this->table_prefix . "rubrics", "rubrics_id", "rubrics_invalid='0'");
         $mdk_news_rubrics = array('news_rubrics_news_id' => $news_id, 'news_rubrics_rubrics_id' => post('news_category'), 'news_rubrics_news_title' => $mdk_news['news_title'], 'news_rubrics_rubrics_name' => isset($rubrics_column[post('news_category')]['rubrics_name']) ? $rubrics_column[post('news_category')]['rubrics_name'] : '', 'news_rubrics_news_editor_pick' => $mdk_news['news_editor_pick'], 'news_rubrics_news_url' => $mdk_news['news_url'], 'news_rubrics_news_type' => '1', 'news_rubrics_news_date_publish' => $mdk_news['news_date_publish'], 'news_rubrics_rubrics_common' => isset($rubrics_column[post('news_category')]['rubrics_common']) ? $rubrics_column[post('news_category')]['rubrics_common'] : '', 'news_rubrics_rubrics_common_id' => isset($rubrics_column[post('news_category')]['rubrics_parent']) ? $rubrics_column[post('news_category')]['rubrics_parent'] : '');
         $this->photonews_model->delRow($this->table_prefix . "news_rubrics", "news_rubrics_news_id=" . $news_id);
         $news_rubrics_id = $this->photonews_model->insert($this->table_prefix . "news_rubrics", $mdk_news_rubrics);
         //ADD or UPDATE mdk_tags_news
         if (post('news_tags')) {
             $mdk_tags = $this->photonews_model->get_rowset_idsorted($this->table_prefix . "tags", "id");
             $this->photonews_model->delRow($this->table_prefix . "tag_news", "tag_news_news_id=" . $news_id);
             $ids = explode(",", post('news_tags'));
             foreach ($ids as $id) {
                 if (isset($mdk_tags[$id])) {
                     $tag = array('tag_news_tag_id' => $id, 'tag_news_news_id' => $news_id, 'tag_news_tags' => $mdk_tags[$id]['tag']);
                     $this->photonews_model->insert($this->table_prefix . "tag_news", $tag);
         //ADD or UPDATE mdk_news_keywords
         if (post('news_keywords')) {
             $mdk_keywords = $this->photonews_model->get_rowset_idsorted($this->table_prefix . "keywords", "keyword_name");
             $this->photonews_model->delRow($this->table_prefix . "news_keywords", "nk_news_id=" . $news_id);
             $names = explode(",", post('news_keywords'));
             foreach ($names as $name) {
                 if (!isset($mdk_keywords[trim($name)])) {
                     //insert new keyword and get keyword_id
                     $keywords = array('nk_keyword_name' => strtolower(trim($name)), 'nk_keyword_entry' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));
                     $keyword_id = $this->photonews_model->insert($this->table_prefix . "news_keywords", $keywords);
                 } else {
                     //get keyword_id from selected record in the table
                     $keyword_id = $mdk_keywords[$name]['keyword_id'];
                 $keywords = array('nk_keyword_id' => $keyword_id, 'nk_news_id' => $news_id, 'nk_keyword_name' => $name);
                 $this->photonews_model->insert($this->table_prefix . "news_keywords", $keywords);
         //delete previous photonews_detail record
         //$this->photonews_model->delRow($this->table_prefix . "photonews_detail", "photonews_newsid=" . $news_id);
         if ($mdk_news['news_id']) {
             //Delete directory
             $dirPath = $this->config['klimg_dir'] . 'photonews/' . date('Y/m/d', strtotime($mdk_news['news_entry'])) . '/' . $mdk_news['news_id'] . '/';
         //upload main photonews image from local to image bank
         if (post('tPhoto_id')) {
             $photo_id = post('tPhoto_id');
         } else {
             if ($_FILES['news_img_uploader_thumb']['name']) {
                 $photo_id = $this->_upload_local_image($mdk_news, $_FILES['news_img_uploader_thumb']);
         //processing news ilustration upload for thumbnail
         if ($this->processNewsIlustration_thumb($mdk_news, $news_id) == false) {
             @header('Location: ' . $this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/edit/&id=' . $news_id . "&t=" . date("s") . '&s=image_error');
         //processing news ilustration upload for potrait
         if ($this->processNewsIlustration_potrait($mdk_news, $news_id) == false) {
             @header('Location: ' . $this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/edit/&id=' . $news_id . "&t=" . date("s") . '&s=image_error');
         //upload main photonews image from image bank to photonews image dir
         $update_mainPhoto = false;
         if (isset($photo_id)) {
             #$news_img = $this->upload_photonewsImg($photo_id, $news_id);
             $news_img = $this->_upload_photonewsImg($photo_id, $news_id);
             //Update image path on table mdk_news of the last inserted record
             $dt_mdk_news = array('news_image' => $news_img['nama']);
             $update_mainPhoto = $this->news_model->update($this->table_prefix . "news_" . date('Y'), $dt_mdk_news, "news_id=" . $news_id);
             //$update_mainPhoto = true;
         if (post('tPhoto_hidden') != '') {
             $update_mainPhoto = true;
         //reCreate mdk_photonews_detail
         $mdk_photonews_detail = array();
         $main_Photo = false;
         $photonews_description = post('photonews_description');
         $photonews_keyword = post('photonews_keyword');
         $photonews_copyright = post('photonews_copyright', false);
         $photonews_realpath = post('photonews_realpath');
         $photonews_id = post('photonews_id');
         //            $arrSize = $this->img_conf_model->get_data();
         //            $arrSize = $arrSize['realimage']['name_size']['tumb'];
         foreach (post('photonews_photo_id') as $no => $photo_id) {
             //upload photonews_detail image
             $img = $this->_upload_photonewsImg($photo_id, $news_id, $no + 1, 'photonews');
             #$return = $this->upload->copyAndResize($source_img, $target_imgName, $target_dir, $arrSize);
             //insert into photonews_detail
             $mdk_photonews_detail = array('photonews_newsid' => $news_id, 'photonews_title' => post('news_title'), 'photonews_url' => str_replace(array('.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg', '.gif'), '', $img['nama']), 'photonews_src' => str_replace($this->config['klimg_dir'], '', $img['target_img']), 'photonews_description' => $photonews_description[$no], 'photonews_keyword' => $photonews_keyword[$no], 'photonews_copyright' => $photonews_copyright[$no], 'photonews_realpath' => $photonews_realpath[$no], 'photonews_photo_id' => $photo_id);
             $id_photonews = isset($photonews_id[$no]) ? $photonews_id[$no] : '';
             //$cek_detail_photo = $this->photonews_model->get_data_record("photonews_id='".$id_photonews."'");
             //if(is_array($cek_detail_photo) && count($cek_detail_photo)>0){
             if ($id_photonews != '') {
                 $this->photonews_model->update_data($mdk_photonews_detail, $id_photonews);
             } else {
             //cek if main photo is not set, then take from the first detail photo as the main photo
             if (!$update_mainPhoto && !$main_Photo) {
                 $main_Photo = explode("/", $mdk_photonews_detail['photonews_src']);
                 $main_Photo = end($main_Photo);
         //re Update image path on table mdk_news if its not has ben set yet
         if (!$update_mainPhoto && $main_Photo) {
             $dt_mdk_news = array('news_image' => $main_Photo);
             $update_mainPhoto = $this->photonews_model->update($this->table_prefix . "news_" . date('Y'), $dt_mdk_news, "news_id=" . $news_id);
     //$this->redirect((($news_id) ? '/'.$this->ctrler.'/edit/id='.$news_id.'&t='.date('s') : '/'.$this->ctrler.'/addphotonews/'));
     //$url = ($news_id) ? $this->config['base_url') . $this->ctrler . '/edit/&id=' . $news_id . '&t=' . date('s') : $this->config['base_url') . $this->ctrler . '/addphotonews/';
     $url = $this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/preview/&id=' . $news_id;
     //$url = $this->config['base_url') . $this->ctrler . '/edit/&id=' . $news_id . '&t=' . date('s') . '&s=success?' . time();
     @header('Location: ' . $url);
Example #5
  * function save new record or update existing one
 function saveRecord()
     // echoPre ($_POST);die;
     if (isPost() && post('news_title') && post('news_title') != '' & post('news_synopsis') != '') {
         //select previous photonews data if exist
         $tahun = "2013";
         $prev_row = post('news_id') ? $this->news_model->dt_listData("news_id=" . post('news_id')) : array();
         $prev_row = count($prev_row) > 0 ? $prev_row[0] : array();
         //get mdk_user in indexed row for field news_contributor and news_editor value
         //$mdk_user = $this->photonews_model->get_comboRow($this->table_prefix . "users", "user_id", "user_realname", "", "", "", true);
         $mdk_user = $this->user_model->getUser_combo("user_id", "user_realname", "", "", "", true);
         #if($post['news_photographer'] && array_key_exists($post['news_photographer'], $mdk_user)){
         if (post('news_photographer') && array_key_exists(post('news_photographer'), $mdk_user)) {
             $news_photographer = array(array('id' => post('news_photographer'), 'name' => $mdk_user[post('news_photographer')]));
         } else {
             $news_photographer = array();
         if (post('news_reporter') && array_key_exists(post('news_reporter'), $mdk_user)) {
             $news_reporter = array(array('id' => post('news_reporter'), 'name' => $mdk_user[post('news_reporter')]));
         } else {
             $news_reporter = array();
         //reCreate rowset for mdk_news
         $mdk_news = array('news_id' => post('news_id'), 'news_level' => post('news_level'), 'news_top_headline' => post('news_top_headline') ? post('news_top_headline') ? '1' : '0' : '0', 'news_editor_pick' => post('news_editor_pick') ? post('news_editor_pick') ? '1' : '0' : '0', 'news_category' => json_encode(array(post('news_category'))), 'news_title' => post('news_title'), 'news_subtitle' => post('news_subtitle') ? post('news_subtitle') : '', 'news_synopsis' => post('news_synopsis'), 'news_content' => post('news_content'), 'news_image_headline' => post('news_image_headline') ? post('news_image_headline') ? '1' : '0' : '0', 'news_imageinfo' => post('news_imageinfo'), 'news_url' => url_title(post('news_title')), 'news_date_publish' => post('news_date_publish') ? post('news_date_publish') : date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'news_user_id' => $_SESSION['usr_id'], 'news_type' => '1', 'news_reporter' => json_encode($news_reporter), 'news_photographer' => json_encode($news_photographer), 'news_editor' => json_encode(array(array('id' => $_SESSION['usr_id'], 'user_fullname' => $_SESSION['usr_fullname']))), 'news_city' => post('news_city'), 'news_hot' => post('news_hot') ? '1' : '0');
         //ADD or UPDATE mdk_news record
         if ($mdk_news['news_id']) {
             // update json detail to server cluster
             $server_cluster = $this->config['server_cluster'];
             foreach ($server_cluster as $serv) {
                 $mdk_news['news_url'] = post('news_url') != "" ? post('news_url') : $mdk_news['news_url'];
                 $cat = $this->get_cat_parent_info(post('news_id'), $mdk_news['news_category']);
                 $json = @file_get_contents($serv . 'update-json/photo/' . $cat['url'] . '/' . $mdk_news['news_url'] . '.html');
             //$mdk_news['news_url'] = $mdk_news['news_url'] . '-' . date("ymd") . get_random_alpanumeric(1);
             $this->news_model->updateRecord($mdk_news, "news_id=" . $mdk_news['news_id']);
             $news_id = $mdk_news['news_id'];
         } else {
             $mdk_news['news_url'] = $mdk_news['news_url'] . '-' . date("ymd") . get_random_alpanumeric(1);
             $mdk_news['news_entry'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
             $news_id = $this->news_model->saveNewRecord($mdk_news);
             $this->insert_jsview($news_id, $mdk_news);
             // for get url sorting
             $this->_create_url_client($news_id, $mdk_news);
         $ret = $news_id;
         //ADD or UPDATE mdk_news_rubrics
         $this->_save_news_rubric($mdk_news, $news_id);
         //ADD or UPDATE mdk_tags_news
         //ADD or UPDATE mdk_news_keywords
         // save category interest
         $this->save_dfp_interest(post('category_interest'), $news_id, "photonews");
         //delete previous photonews_detail record
         //$this->photonews_model->delRow($this->table_prefix . "photonews_detail", "photonews_newsid=" . $news_id);
         //if ($mdk_news['news_id'])
         //    //Delete directory
         //    $dirPath = $this->config['klimg_dir'] . 'photonews/' . date('Y/m/d', strtotime($mdk_news['news_entry'])) . '/' . $mdk_news['news_id'] . '/';
         //    $this->upload->deleteDir($dirPath);
         # upload main photonews image from local to image bank
         if (post('tPhoto_id')) {
             $photo_id = post('tPhoto_id');
         } else {
             if ($_FILES['news_img_uploader_thumb']['name']) {
                 $photo_id = $this->_upload_local_image($mdk_news, $_FILES['news_img_uploader_thumb']);
         # processing news ilustration upload for thumbnail
         if ($this->processNewsIlustration_thumb($mdk_news, $news_id) == false) {
             @header('Location: ' . $this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/edit/&id=' . $news_id . "&t=" . date("s") . '&s=image_error');
         # processing news ilustration upload for potrait
         if ($this->processNewsIlustration_potrait($mdk_news, $news_id) == false) {
             @header('Location: ' . $this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/edit/&id=' . $news_id . "&t=" . date("s") . '&s=image_error');
         # upload main photonews image from image bank to photonews image dir
         $update_mainPhoto = false;
         if (isset($photo_id)) {
             // echo "$photo_id $news_id";
             $news_img = $this->_upload_photonewsImg($photo_id, $news_id);
             // echoPre($news_img);
             // die;
             # Update image path on table mdk_news of the last inserted record
             $dt_mdk_news = array('news_image' => $news_img['nama']);
             $update_mainPhoto = $this->news_model->updateRecord($dt_mdk_news, "news_id=" . $news_id);
         // echo "masuk";
         // die;
         if (post('tPhoto_hidden') != '') {
             $update_mainPhoto = true;
         //reCreate mdk_photonews_detail
         $mdk_photonews_detail = array();
         $main_Photo = false;
         $photonews_description = post('photonews_description');
         $photonews_keyword = post('photonews_keyword');
         $photonews_copyright = post('photonews_copyright', false);
         $photonews_realpath = post('photonews_realpath');
         $photonews_id = post('photonews_id');
         $temp = array();
         // $itung =1;
         foreach (post('photonews_photo_id') as $no => $photo_id) {
             $id_photonews = isset($photonews_id[$no]) ? $photonews_id[$no] : '';
             $suffix = $id_photonews != '' ? $id_photonews . '-' : '';
             # upload photonews_detail image
             $img = $this->_upload_photonewsImg($photo_id, $news_id, $no + 1, 'photonews', false, $suffix);
             # insert into photonews_detail
             $mdk_photonews_detail = array('photonews_newsid' => $news_id, 'photonews_title' => post('news_title'), 'photonews_url' => str_replace(array($this->config['klimg_dir'], '.jpg', '.png', '.jpeg', '.gif'), '', basename($img['target_img'])), 'photonews_src' => str_replace($this->config['klimg_dir'], '', $img['target_img']), 'photonews_description' => $photonews_description[$no], 'photonews_keyword' => $photonews_keyword[$no], 'photonews_copyright' => $photonews_copyright[$no], 'photonews_realpath' => $photonews_realpath[$no], 'photonews_photo_id' => $photo_id);
             //$id_photonews = isset($photonews_id[$no])? $photonews_id[$no] : '';
             if ($id_photonews != '') {
                 $this->photonews_model->update_data($mdk_photonews_detail, $id_photonews);
                 $temp[] = $id_photonews;
             } else {
                 $idtmp = $this->photonews_model->insert_data($mdk_photonews_detail);
                 $temp[] = $idtmp;
             # cek if main photo is not set, then take from the first detail photo as the main photo
             if (!$update_mainPhoto && !$main_Photo) {
                 $main_Photo = explode("/", $mdk_photonews_detail['photonews_src']);
                 $main_Photo = end($main_Photo);
         $cek = $this->photonews_model->get_data_record("photonews_newsid=" . $news_id);
         if (isset($cek[0])) {
             foreach ($cek as $c) {
                 $array1[] = $c['photonews_id'];
             $arr_diff = array_diff($array1, $temp);
             if (is_array($arr_diff) && count($arr_diff) > 0) {
                 foreach ($arr_diff as $idtemp) {
         # re Update image path on table mdk_news if its not has ben set yet
         if (!$update_mainPhoto && $main_Photo) {
             $dt_mdk_news = array('news_image' => $main_Photo);
             $update_mainPhoto = $this->news_model->updateRecord($dt_mdk_news, "news_id=" . $news_id);
     // for admin live unremark
     $url = $this->config['base_url'] . $this->ctrler . '/preview/&id=' . $news_id;
     //$url = $this->config['base_url') . $this->ctrler . '/edit/&id=' . $news_id . '&t=' . date('s') . '&s=success?' . time();
     @header('Location: ' . $url);
Example #6
 function index()
     if (file_exists($this->file_log_migrasi)) {
         $this->page = file_get_contents($this->file_log_migrasi);
     } else {
         $this->page = 1;
     $offset = ($this->page - 1) * $this->limit;
     $where = "";
     //" WHERE `id` = '2257'"; //2260 2279 1817
     $sql = "SELECT * FROM `sb_article` {$where} order by id DESC LIMIT {$offset},{$this->limit}";
     echo $sql . '<br>';
     $rows = $this->migrasi_model->query($sql)->fetchrow();
     $rows[0]['body'] = str_replace("\n", "", $rows[0]['body']);
     /* $rows[0]['body'] = preg_replace('#<a.*?>(.*?)</a>#i', '\1', $rows[0]['body']); */
     if (isset($rows[0])) {
         $log_id = "";
         foreach ($rows as $row) {
             $log_id .= $row['id'] . "\t";
             $type = "0";
             //if($row['type'] == "Image") $type = "1";
             if ($row['type'] == "Video") {
                 $type = "2";
             if ($row["category_id"] == "3" && $row['type'] == "Video") {
                 $row["category_id"] = "33";
             } else {
                 if ($row["category_id"] == "3" && $row['type'] == "Image") {
                     $row["category_id"] = "34";
             $news_content = $row["body"];
             $pos = strpos($rows[0]['body'], '<div style="page-break-after: always;">');
             $page = explode('<div style="page-break-after: always;">', $news_content);
             $dtPaging = array();
             //var_dump($pos); echoPre($page);die;
             if ($pos !== false && is_array($page) && count($page) > 1) {
                 foreach ($page as $i => $pg) {
                     $paging = preg_split("/<img[^>]+>/i", $pg);
                     if ($i == 0) {
                         $news_content = $paging[0];
                     preg_match_all('#<strong.*?>(.*?)</strong>#i', $paging[1], $titleTemp);
                     preg_match_all('/<img[^>]+>/i', $pg, $imgPaging);
                     $path = '';
                     if ($imgPaging) {
                         $imgPaging = $imgPaging[0];
                         foreach ($imgPaging as $img_tag) {
                             preg_match_all('/(src)=("[^"]*")/i', $img_tag, $img);
                             if ($img) {
                                 $path = str_replace(array('src="', '"'), '', $img[0][0]);
                     if ($titleTemp) {
                         $pagingConten = str_replace($titleTemp[0][0], "", $paging[1]);
                         $pagingConten = preg_replace('#/<img[^>]+>/i#i', '', $pagingConten);
                         $pagingConten = str_replace(array("</p><p>", "<p>", "</p>"), "<br/>", $pagingConten);
                         $dtPaging[$i] = array("title" => $titleTemp[1][0], "content" => $pagingConten, "image" => $path);
             preg_match_all('/<img[^>]+>/i', $news_content, $result);
             if ($result && count($result) > 0) {
                 $result = $result[0];
                 $img = array();
                 foreach ($result as $img_tag) {
                     preg_match_all('/(src)=("[^"]*")/i', $img_tag, $img[]);
                 $arrPth = array();
                 foreach ($img as $m) {
                     $path = str_replace(array('src="', '"'), '', $m[0][0]);
                     $arrPth[] = $path;
                 foreach ($arrPth as $n => $pth) {
                     $d['title'] = $row["title"];
                     $d['url'] = url_title($row["title"]);
                     $order = $n + 1;
                     $newpth = $this->grahpimageContent($d, $pth, $order . "-inner");
                     if ($newpth) {
                         $news_content = str_replace($pth, $newpth, $news_content);
             $cat = $this->conversi_cat($row["category_id"]);
             $data = array();
             $data['news_entry'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row['created_on']);
             $data['news_level'] = $row["published"];
             $data['news_top_headline'] = $row["highlight"] == "1" ? "1" : "0";
             $data['news_editor_pick'] = "0";
             $data['news_category'] = json_encode(array($cat['id_cat']));
             $data['news_title'] = $row["title"];
             $data['news_synopsis'] = trim(strip_tags($row["intro"]));
             $data['news_content'] = htmlentities($news_content);
             $data['news_imageinfo'] = '';
             $data['news_url'] = url_title($row["title"]) . '-' . date("ymd", $row['created_on']) . get_random_alpanumeric(1);
             $data['news_date_publish'] = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $row['date']);
             $data['news_type'] = $type;
             $data['news_reporter'] = '[{"id":"0","name":"Sooperboy"}]';
             $data['news_editor'] = '[{"email":"","user_fullname":"Sooperboy"}]';
             $data['news_source'] = "sooperboy";
             $data['external_url'] = "http://www.sooperboy.com/articles/view/" . $row["slug"];
             $this->save_data($data, $row, $dtPaging);
     file_put_contents($this->file_log_migrasi, $this->page + 1);
     file_put_contents($this->file_log_id, $log_id . "\t\n", FILE_APPEND);