private function _injuryHistory() { global $lng, $T_INJS; $p = $this; // Copy. Used instead of $this for readability. list($injhist, $stats, $match_objs) = $p->getInjHistory(); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="boxWide"> <div class="boxTitle<?php echo T_HTMLBOX_STATS; ?> "><a href='javascript:void(0);' onClick="slideToggleFast('injhist');"><b>[+/-]</b></a> <?php echo $lng->getTrn('profile/player/injhist'); ?> </div> <div class="boxBody" id="injhist"> <table class="common"> <tr> <td><b><?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/injs'); ?> </b></td> <td><b><?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/tournament'); ?> </b></td> <td><b><?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/opponent'); ?> </b></td> <td><b>MVP</b></td> <td><b>Cp</b></td> <td><b>Td</b></td> <td><b>Int</b></td> <td><b>Cas</b></td> <td><b><?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/score'); ?> </b></td> <td><b><?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/result'); ?> </b></td> <td><b><?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/dateplayed'); ?> </b></td> <td><b><?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/match'); ?> </b></td> </tr> <?php foreach (array_keys($injhist) as $mid) { $m = $match_objs[$mid]; foreach ($injhist[$mid] as $k => $v) { $injhist[$mid][$k] = ucfirst(strtolower($T_INJS[$v])); } ?> <tr> <td><?php echo implode(', ', $injhist[$mid]); ?> </td> <td><?php echo get_parent_name(T_NODE_MATCH, $m->match_id, T_NODE_TOURNAMENT); ?> </td> <td><?php echo $p->owned_by_team_id == $m->team1_id ? $m->team2_name : $m->team1_name; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $stats[$mid]['mvp']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $stats[$mid]['cp']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $stats[$mid]['td']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $stats[$mid]['intcpt']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $stats[$mid]['bh'] + $stats[$mid]['si'] + $stats[$mid]['ki']; ?> </td> <td><?php echo $m->team1_score . ' - ' . $m->team2_score; ?> </td> <td><?php echo matchresult_icon($m->is_draw ? 'D' : ($m->winner == $p->owned_by_team_id ? 'W' : 'L')); ?> </td> <td><?php echo textdate($m->date_played, false, false); ?> </td> <td><a href='javascript:void(0)' onClick="'index.php?section=matches&type=report&mid=<?php echo $m->match_id; ?> ');"><?php echo $lng->getTrn('common/view'); ?> </a></td> </tr> <?php } ?> </table> </div> </div> </div> <?php }
public static function userSched() { global $lng, $coach, $settings, $leagues, $divisions, $tours; if (!is_object($coach)) { status(false, "You must be logged in to schedule games"); return; } if (isset($_POST['creategame'])) { // Test input $trid = (int) $_POST['trid']; $round = (int) $_POST['round']; $own_team = (int) $_POST['own_team']; $errmsg = ''; // Logged in coach has access to the tour? if (!in_array($trid, array_keys($tours))) { $errmsg = 'You do not have access to the tournament ' . $tours[$trid]['tname']; } // Is the team is really owned by the logged in coach? if ($coach->coach_id != get_alt_col('teams', 'team_id', $own_team, 'owned_by_coach_id')) { $errmsg = 'The team ' . get_alt_col('teams', 'team_id', $own_team, 'name') . ' is not owned by you'; } // Create match if (!$errmsg) { list($exitStatus, $mid) = Match::create(array('team1_id' => $own_team, 'team2_id' => get_alt_col('teams', 'name', $_POST['opposing_team_autocomplete'], 'team_id'), 'round' => $round, 'f_tour_id' => $trid)); $backFromMatchLink = Mobile::isMobile() ? "index.php?mobile=1" : "index.php?section=matches&type=report&mid={$mid}"; status(!$exitStatus, $exitStatus ? Match::$T_CREATE_ERROR_MSGS[$exitStatus] : "<a href='{$backFromMatchLink}'>Click here</a> to open the match report"); if (!$exitStatus) { echo "<br>"; } } else { status(false, $errmsg); } } $trid = isset($_GET['trid']) && is_numeric($_GET['trid']) ? (int) $_GET['trid'] : 0; $lid = $trid ? get_parent_id(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_LEAGUE) : false; $lname = $lid ? get_parent_name(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_LEAGUE) : '- N/A -'; $did = $trid && get_alt_col('leagues', 'lid', $lid, 'tie_teams') == 1 ? get_parent_id(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_DIVISION) : false; $dname = $did ? get_parent_name(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, $trid, T_NODE_DIVISION) : false; $_DISABLED = !$trid ? 'DISABLED' : ''; #print_r(array($trid, $lid, $lname, $did)); title($lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/usersched')); $LOCK_FORMS = false; ?> <div class='boxCommon'> <h3 class='boxTitle<?php echo T_HTMLBOX_MATCH; ?> '><?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/usersched'); ?> </h3> <div class='boxBody'> <form method="POST" id="usersched"> <?php echo "In tournament "; echo HTMLOUT::nodeList(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT, 'trid', array(T_NODE_TOURNAMENT => array('locked' => 0, 'type' => TT_FFA, 'allow_sched' => 1)), array(), array('sel_id' => $trid, 'extra_tags' => array('onChange="document.location.href = \'' . getFormAction('?section=matches&type=usersched') . '&trid=\' + $(this).val();"'), 'init_option' => '<option value="0">- ' . $lng->getTrn('matches/usersched/selecttour') . " -</option>\n")); echo ' as '; echo '<select name="round" id="round" ' . $_DISABLED . '>'; $T_ROUNDS = Match::getRounds(); foreach ($T_ROUNDS as $r => $d) { echo "<option value='{$r}' " . ($r == 1 ? 'SELECTED' : '') . ">" . $d . "</option>\n"; } ?> </select> <br><br> Your team <?php $teams = array(); foreach ($coach->getTeams($lid, $did, array('sortby' => 'team_id DESC')) as $t) { if (!$t->rdy || $t->is_retired) { continue; } $teams[] = $t; } ?> <select name='own_team' id='own_team' <?php echo $_DISABLED; ?> > <?php echo "<optgroup class='leagues' label='{$lname}'>\n"; if ($dname) { echo "<optgroup class='divisions' label=' {$dname}'>\n"; } foreach ($teams as $t) { echo "<option style='background-color: white; margin-left: -1em;' value='{$t->team_id}'> {$t->name}</option>\n"; } ?> </select> VS. <input type="text" id='opposing_team_autoselect' name="opposing_team_autocomplete" size="30" maxlength="50" <?php echo $_DISABLED; ?> > <script> $(document).ready(function(){ var options, b; options = { minChars:2, serviceUrl:'handler.php?type=autocomplete&obj=<?php echo T_OBJ_TEAM; ?> &trid=<?php echo $trid; ?> ', }; b = $('#opposing_team_autoselect').autocomplete(options); }); </script> <br><br><br> <input type="submit" name="creategame" value="<?php echo $lng->getTrn('menu/matches_menu/usersched'); ?> " <?php if (empty($teams) || $_DISABLED) { echo 'DISABLED'; } ?> > <?php if (Mobile::isMobile()) { echo '<a href="' . getFormAction('') . '">' . $lng->getTrn('common/back') . '</a>'; } ?> </form> </div> </div> <?php }
<td> <?php $special_column_type = get_special_column_type($special_columns, $column); if ($special_column_type) { switch ($special_column_type) { case 'image': echo "<input type='text' value='{$record}' name='column__{$column}__id__{$id}' class='fileinput' id='file-{$column}-{$id}' />"; break; case 'text_content': echo "<input type='button' class='tiny button' VALUE='[ Upravit textovĂ˝ obsah ]' class='editable-content' onclick='\"{$admin->env->basedir}admin/editor/?id={$id}\", \"window_name\", \"width=500,height=500\")' />"; break; case 'password': echo "***********"; break; case 'reference': echo "<a href='?plugin_id=" . get_reference_id($special_columns, $column) . "&filter_id={$id}&parent=" . get_parent_name($table_name) . "'>edit</a>"; break; case 'select': echo "<select name='column__{$column}__id__{$id}'>"; $select = get_column_by_name($special_columns, $column); foreach ($select->options as $option) { echo "<option value='{$option->id}' "; if ($option->id == $record) { echo "selected='selected'"; } echo ">{$option->val}</option>"; } echo "</select>"; break; default: echo "<input type='{$special_column_type}' name='column__{$column}__id__{$id}' value='{$record}' />";
require_once '../model/parents_db.php'; require_once '../model/students_db.php'; require_once '../model/teachers_db.php'; date_default_timezone_set('America/New_York'); $time_zone = date_default_timezone_get(); $formatting = 'Y'; $current_date_object = new DateTime(); $current_date_f = $current_date_object->format($formatting); if ($_SESSION['type'] == "student") { $userName = get_student_name($user); } else { if ($_SESSION['type'] == "teacher") { $userName = get_teacher_name($user); } else { if ($_SESSION['type'] == "parent") { $userName = get_parent_name($user); } else { if ($_SESSION['type'] == "admin") { $userName = "******"; } } } } ?> <footer> <br/><br/> <div style="text-align: center"> Logged in as <span class="text-error"><?php echo $userName;