<?php require_once '../_includes/connection.php'; require_once '_includes/header_footer_blog.php'; require_once '../_includes/functions.php'; require_once '_includes/blog_functions.php'; require_once '_includes/session.php'; confirm_logged_in(4); if (!$_GET['page']) { redirect_to("index.php?error=4"); } $clean_id = mysql_prep($_GET['page']); if ($page = get_page_by_id($clean_id)) { $query = "DELETE FROM pages WHERE id ={$clean_id} LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($query, $connection); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) { $message = "A single post was deleted.<br />"; if (get_comments($clean_id, ALL) > 0) { $query_comments = "DELETE FROM comments WHERE page_id={$clean_id}"; mysql_affected_rows(); if (mysql_affected_rows() == 1) { $message .= "And a single comment was deleted."; } else { $message .= "And " . mysql_affected_rows() . " comments were deleted."; } } } else { $message = '<p>Subject Deletion Failed</p>'; } } ?>
echo $header_blog2; ?> <body> <header> <a href ="../index.php" title="Home Page";> <img src="../_assets/Big_R.png" width="151" height="200" border=0 alt="Return Home"></a> <h1>Post a Comment</h1> </header> <section> <aside> <?php //Here I will post the original post and then have the comment form below that... $blogs = get_page_by_id($_GET['id'], $_COOKIE['friendly']); //heading echo "<div class=\"content\"><h2>" . $blogs['page_name'] . "</h2>"; //author and date echo author_date($blogs['date'], $blogs['author']); //content echo $blogs['content']; //tag area: the fucntion will get all of the individual strings from the tag field echo '<p><span class="small">Tags: '; echo explode_tags($blogs['tags']); echo '</span></p>'; //comments echo post_comments($blogs['id']); ?> <form id= "add_blog" method= "post">
<?php require '../includes/connection.php'; require '../includes/functions.php'; require 'includes/admin_functions.php'; // make sure the id sent is an integer /*if (intval($_GET['page']) == 0 || intval($_GET['product']) == 0) { redirect_to('index.php'); }*/ // delete from pages page ! if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $id = mysql_prep($_GET['page']); if ($page = get_page_by_id($id)) { $query = "DELETE FROM page_data WHERE id = {$page['id']} LIMIT 1"; $result = mysql_query($query); if (mysql_affected_rows() == true) { $query_pro = "DELETE FROM products WHERE page_id = {$page['id']}"; $run = mysql_query($query_pro); if (mysql_affected_rows() == true) { // Successfully deleted redirect_to("page_index.php?deleted=2"); } redirect_to("page_index.php?deleted=1"); } else { // Deletion failed echo "<p>Page deletion failed.</p>"; echo "<p>" . mysql_error() . "</p>"; echo "<a href=\"index.php\">Return to Admin</a>"; } } else { redirect_to('index.php');
function find_selected_page() { global $sel_subject; global $sel_page; if (isset($_GET['subj'])) { $sel_subject = get_subject_by_id($_GET['subj']); $sel_page = get_default_page($sel_subject['id']); } elseif (isset($_GET['page'])) { $sel_subject = NULL; $sel_page = get_page_by_id($_GET['page']); } else { $sel_subject = NULL; $sel_page = NULL; } }
<?php $sel_page = get_page_by_id($product['page_id']); ?> <div class="col-sm-6 col-lg-4 product "> <div class="thumbnail pro-border "> <div class="container-item"> <div class="item"> <a href="<?php echo site_options('link') . 'content.php?page=' . $product['page_id']; ?> "><img src="<?php echo $product['picture']; ?> " height="100%" width="100%"></a> <div class="item-overlay"> <a class="item-button play" <?php if (logged_in()) { ?> href="#" onclick="addtocart(<?php echo $product['id']; ?> )"</a> <?php } else { echo 'href="' . site_options('link') . '/login.php"'; } ?> > <i class="play"></i>
if (intval($_GET['page']) == 0) { redirect_to("content.php"); } include_once "includes/form_functions.php"; if (isset($_POST['submit'])) { $errors = array(); $obavezna_polja = array('menu_name', 'position', 'visible', 'content'); $errors = array_merge($errors, check_required_fields($obavezna_polja)); $polje_sa_duzinom = array('menu_name' => 30); $errors = array_merge($errors, check_max_fields_length($polje_sa_duzinom)); $id = mysql_prep($_GET['page']); $menu = mysql_prep($_POST['menu_name']); $position = mysql_prep($_POST['position']); $visible = mysql_prep($_POST['visible']); $content = mysql_prep($_POST['content']); $page_get = get_page_by_id($id); $pages_all = get_all_pages_for_subject($page_get['subject_id']); $page_fetch = mysql_fetch_array($pages_all); $count_pages = mysql_num_rows($pages_all); $position_old = $page_get['position']; if (empty($errors)) { if ($position_old != $position) { if ($position_old < $position) { for ($i = $position_old; $i < $position; $i++) { $new = $i + 1; $qry = "UPDATE pages SET"; $qry .= " position={$i}"; $qry .= "\tWHERE position={$new} AND subject_id={$page_get['subject_id']}"; mysql_query($qry, $conn); } } else {
//decided if someone is friendly is_friendly($_GET['friendly'], $_SESSION['user_name'], $_COOKIE['friendly'], $url); $subject_set = get_all_subjects(); //if the get index isn't set I gave it a value of 2 in order to return the //defaul content for example... if (!isset($_GET['index'])) { $sel_index = 2; } else { $sel_index = $_GET['index']; } //this function will obtain the page info if a sub page is selected //use the array function $sel_page to pull out specific info if (!isset($_GET['page']) || $_GET['page'] == 3 || $_GET['page'] == 5) { $sel_page = NULL; } elseif (isset($_GET['page'])) { $sel_page = get_page_by_id($_GET['page']); } //this will get all of the subject info use $sel_subject['value'] to pull out the nessary info $sel_subject = subject_by_id($sel_index); if ($sel_page == NULL) { $sel_content = $sel_subject['default_content']; } else { $sel_content = $sel_page['content']; } ?> <?php echo $fep_header1; ?> <title>RCM Portfolio <?php if ($sel_page != NULL) {
} } else { if (!isset($_GET["page"]) || empty($_GET["page"])) { $a = 1; } else { $a = $_GET["page"]; } if (!isset($_GET["per_page"]) || empty($_GET["per_page"])) { $b = 10; } else { $b = $_GET["per_page"]; } if (isset($_GET["query"]) or isset($_GET["tag"])) { if (isset($_GET["tag"]) and empty($_GET["query"])) { $value = get_page_by_id($a, $b, flase, $val); } elseif (isset($_GET["query"]) and empty($_GET["tag"])) { $value = get_page_by_id($a, $b, $_GET["query"], false); } elseif (isset($_GET["query"]) and isset($_GET["tag"])) { $value = get_page_by_id($a, $b, $_GET["query"], $val); } } else { $value = get_page_by_id($a, $b, false, false); } } break; default: echo "database empty"; } } header('Content-Type: application/json'); exit(json_encode(array("data" => $value)));
<?php require_once '../_includes/connection.php'; require_once '_includes/header_footer_blog.php'; require_once '../_includes/functions.php'; require_once '_includes/blog_functions.php'; require_once '_includes/session.php'; $url = 'ind_blog.php'; if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $url .= '?page=' . $_GET['page']; } //decided if someone is friendly is_friendly($_GET['friendly'], $_SESSION['user_name'], $_COOKIE['friendly'], $url); if (isset($_GET['page'])) { $blogs = get_page_by_id($_GET['page']); } else { redirect_to('index.php?error=2'); } if ($blogs['visible'] == 0 && !isset($_COOKIE['friendly'])) { redirect_to('index.php'); } //this will get all of the subject info use $sel_subject['value'] to pull out the nessary info $sel_subject = subject_by_id(4); echo $header_blog1; ?> <link href='http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Rock+Salt' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'> <title>RCM: <?php echo $sel_subject['title']; ?> </title> <?php
<?php include 'includes/mysqli_connect.php'; include 'includes/functions.php'; if ($pid = validate_id($_GET['pid'])) { // neu ton tai bien pid thi tiep tuc truy van csdl $set = get_page_by_id($pid); $posts = array(); if (mysqli_num_rows($set) > 0) { $pages = mysqli_fetch_array($set, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $title = $pages['page_name']; $posts[] = array('page_name' => $pages['page_name'], 'content' => $pages['content'], 'author' => $pages['name'], 'post-on' => $pages['date'], 'aid' => $pages['user_id']); } } else { redirest_to(); } include 'includes/header.php'; include 'includes/sidebar-a.php'; ?> <div id="content"> <?php foreach ($posts as $post) { echo "\n <div class='post'>\n <h2>" . $post['page_name'] . "</h2>\n <p>" . the_content($post['content']) . "</p>\n <p class='meta'><strong>Posted by: </strong><a href='author.php?aid={$post['aid']}'>" . $post['author'] . "</a> | <strong>On: </strong>" . $post['post-on'] . "</p>\n\n </div>\n "; } ?> <?php include 'includes/comment_form.php'; ?> </div><!--end content--> <?php include 'includes/sidebar-b.php';
<?php $default_content = get_page_by_id($_GET['page']); $cleaned_content = html_entity_decode($default_content['content']); $cleaned_tags = html_entity_decode($default_content['tags']); echo "<h2>" . $default_content['page_name'] . "</h2>"; echo author_date($default_content['date'], $default_content['author']); echo $cleaned_content; echo "<br/><p>Tags: " . $default_content['tags'] . "</p>"; ?> <h3>Edit this post...</h3> <form id= "edit_blog" method= "post"> <fieldset> <label for= "page_name" type= "text" style= "margin-right: 1em;"><strong>Blog Post Title: </strong></label> <input type= "text" name="page_name" tabindex= "10" style= "width: 350px; margin-bottom: 1.5em;" value= "<?php echo $default_content['page_name']; ?> "/> <br /> <label for= "content" type= "text"><strong>Content: </strong></label> <textarea name="content" class="text" tabindex= "20" style= "resize: none; width: 490px; height: 480px; margin-top: 7px;"><?php echo $cleaned_content; ?> </textarea> <br /> <br /> <label for= "tags" type= "text" style= "margin-right: 1em;"><strong>Tags: </strong></label><br> <textarea name= "tags" tabindex= "30" style= "resize: none; width: 490px; height:50px;"><?php echo $default_content['tags'];