Example #1

require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/common.php';
if (isset($_GET['logout'])) {
    $_SESSION = array();
#$rdf->reset(); $rdf->query('BASE <.> LOAD </../brondsema.n3>') or throw new Exception (print_r($rdf->getErrors(),true));
if ($_SESSION['openid'] and !$_SESSION['id']) {
    # TODO: check ?p URI to match the URIs we use, or have a foaf:Group for the family, just in case other foaf:Persons get LOADed in
    $q = $prefixes . "\n        SELECT ?p ?name\n        WHERE { ?p foaf:openid <{$_SESSION['openid']}>\n            OPTIONAL { ?p foaf:name ?name . }\n        }";
    $me = $rdf->query($q, 'row');
    # set up a new account
    if ($_SESSION['openid'] == $admin_openid and !isset($me['p'])) {
        $r = $rdf->query($prefixes . "INSERT INTO <{$rdf_uri_prefix}/graph> {\n            <" . get_next_uri($rdf, 'person') . "> a foaf:Person;\n                foaf:openid <{$admin_openid}>;\n                foaf:name 'New Admin User - Please change to your name' .\n            }");
        if (!$r) {
            throw new Exception(print_r($rdf->getErrors(), true));
        # requery
        $me = $rdf->query($q, 'row');
    if ($me['p']) {
        $_SESSION['id'] = $me['p'];
    if ($me['name']) {
        $_SESSION['name'] = $me['name'];
    } else {
        $_SESSION['name'] = $_SESSION['openid'];
Example #2
 # this deletes all previous occurrences of $s $p _
 function replace($rdf, $s, $p, $o, $old_o)
     global $prefixes;
     $q = $prefixes . "DELETE { <{$s}> {$p} ?o . }";
     #echo $q;
     $rmod = $rdf->query($q);
     if ($rdf->getErrors()) {
         throw new Exception(print_r($rdf->getErrors(), true));
     insert($rdf, $s, $p, $o);
 if ($id == null) {
     # new
     $id = get_next_uri($rdf, 'person');
     # TODO: maybe a way to send 'foaf:Person' without it being inserted as a string
     insert($rdf, $id, 'a', '<http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/Person>');
     if ($_POST['name']) {
         insert($rdf, $id, 'foaf:name', $_POST['name']);
     if ($_POST['email']) {
         insert($rdf, $id, 'foaf:mbox', '<mailto:' . $_POST['email'] . '>');
     if ($_POST['web']) {
         insert($rdf, $id, 'foaf:homepage', '<' . $_POST['web'] . '>');
     if ($_POST['bday']) {
         insert($rdf, $id, 'foaf:bday', $_POST['bday'] . '^^xs:date');
     if ($_POST['gender']) {