function print_plataformas() { $plataformas = get_mysql_model("SELECT name FROM platform "); foreach ($plataformas as $plataforma) { $nombre = $plataforma["name"]; echo "<option value=\"{$nombre}\" >{$nombre}</option>\n"; } }
function print_model_select() { $modelos = get_mysql_model("SELECT modelo_id, nombre FROM modelo order by modelo_id asc "); foreach ($modelos as $modelo) { $modelo_id = $modelo["modelo_id"]; $nombre = $modelo["nombre"]; echo "<option value=\"{$modelo_id}\" >{$nombre}</option>\n"; } echo "<option value=\"99\" selected>None Yet</option>\n"; }
require_once "../inc/"; db_init(); admin_page_head(tra("Simulation Model Creation/Deletion")); echo " <script src=\"\"></script> "; echo "\n <style>\n </style>\n\n<script> \n\n\n</script>"; echo "<form method=get action=emLanzaFormModelo.php>"; start_table(); row1("CREATE / DELETE", '9'); row2(tra("MODEL NUMBER %1 to Create OR Delete %2", "<br><span class=note>", "</span>"), "<input name=modelNumber type=text size=10 >"); row2("", "<input type=submit value='Go!'>"); row1("List of Actual Models ", '9'); echo "<tr><td>Model ID</td>"; echo "<td width=\"15\">" . "Model Name " . "</td>\n"; echo "</tr>"; row1("", '9'); $models = get_mysql_model("SELECT modelo_id, nombre FROM modelo order by modelo_id ASC "); foreach ($models as $model) { $model_id = $model["modelo_id"]; $model_name = $model["nombre"]; echo "<tr><td>" . $model_id . "</td>"; echo "<td>\n\t\t\t<a href=\"emListModeloDetail.php?model=" . $model_id . "\">" . $model_name . "</a>\n\t\t\t</td>\n\t\t\t"; echo " </tr>"; } end_table(); echo "</form>\n"; /* echo "<label for=\"tra\" id=\"tra\">Traza</label>"; echo "<td> <a href=\"emLanzaForm.php\">". "Create Task" ."</a> <a href=\"home.php\">". "Back Home " ."</a> </td>
$salida = shell_exec('ls -l /tmp/newTaskExplain.txt >> /tmp/php.out'); if (flock($fp, LOCK_SH | LOCK_NB)) { // do an exclusive lock ftruncate($fp, 0); // truncate file ftruncate($fpe, 0); // truncate file /////////////////////////////// ////INI CREATE FILE //////// /////////////////////////////// $linea = "#MODEL\n"; fwrite($fp, $linea); fwrite($fpe, $linea); $linea = $model . "\n"; fwrite($fp, $linea); $result = get_mysql_model("select nombre from modelo where modelo_id=" . $model); foreach ($result as $res) { $linea = $res["nombre"]; } fwrite($fpe, $linea . "\n"); $linea = "#PARAMETERS\n"; fwrite($fp, $linea); fwrite($fpe, $linea); $parametrosAFicheroCnt = (string) count($parametros); $parametrosAFicheroNum = ""; $parametrosAFicheroVal = ""; $linea = " "; foreach ($parametros as $id => $val) { $parametrosAFicheroNum = $parametrosAFicheroNum . " " . $id; $parametrosAFicheroVal = $parametrosAFicheroVal . " " . $val; $linea = $linea . " " . dameNombreParametro($model, $id);