Example #1
function scanrange_calculation()
    $time = time();
    $sth = mysql_query("select id from constellations");
    if (!$sth) {
        echo "ERR::GET_CONST\n";
    // mop: da landen alle scanranges drinn
    $scanranges = array();
    while (list($cid) = mysql_fetch_row($sth)) {
        // mop: alle planeten der constellation holen
        $sth1 = mysql_query("select p.id,s.id,p.uid from planets p, systems s where p.sid=s.id and s.cid={$cid} and uid!=0");
        if (!$sth1) {
            echo "ERR::GET_PLANETS\n";
        while (list($pid, $sid, $uid) = mysql_fetch_row($sth1)) {
            // mop: für alle planeten die maximale scanrange raussuchen und schauen ob die grösser als die
            // bisherige scanrange pro system is
            $pid_scanrange = get_max_scan_range_by_pid($pid);
            if ($scanranges[$sid][$uid] < $pid_scanrange) {
                $scanranges[$sid][$uid] = $pid_scanrange;
        // mop: jetzt durchgehen und in db speichern
        foreach ($scanranges as $sid => $uid_scan) {
            foreach ($uid_scan as $uid => $range) {
                $sth1 = mysql_query("replace into __scanranges_" . $cid . " (sid,uid,type,range,last_update) values ('" . $sid . "','" . $uid . "','0','" . $range . "','" . $time . "')");
                if (!$sth1) {
                    echo "ERR::REPLACE SCANRANGES\n";
        // mop: scanranges resetten für fleets
        $scanranges = array();
        $sth1 = mysql_query("select f.fid,f.sid,f.uid from fleet_info f,systems s where s.id=f.sid and s.cid=" . $cid);
        if (!$sth1) {
            echo "ERR::GET_FLEETS_SCAN";
        while (list($fid, $sid, $uid) = mysql_fetch_row($sth1)) {
            // mop: für alle planeten die maximale scanrange raussuchen und schauen ob die grösser als die
            // bisherige scanrange pro system is
            $fid_scanrange = get_max_scanrange_by_fid($fid);
            if ($scanranges[$sid][$uid] < $fid_scanrange) {
                $scanranges[$sid][$uid] = $fid_scanrange;
        // mop: jetzt durchgehen und in db speichern
        foreach ($scanranges as $sid => $uid_scan) {
            foreach ($uid_scan as $uid => $range) {
                $sth1 = mysql_query("replace into __scanranges_" . $cid . " (sid,uid,type,range,last_update) values ('" . $sid . "','" . $uid . "','1','" . $range . "','" . $time . "')");
                if (!$sth1) {
                    echo "ERR::REPLACE SCANRANGES\n";
        // mop: zum schluss alte einträge raushauen
        $sth1 = mysql_query("delete from __scanranges_" . $cid . " where last_update < {$time}");
function get_max_fleet_scanrange_by_sid($sid, $user_id = 0)
    global $uid;
    if (!$user_id) {
        $user_id = $uid;
    $sth = mysql_query("select fid from fleet_info where sid=" . $sid);
    if (!$sth || !mysql_num_rows($sth)) {
        return 0;
    while ($its_fleets = mysql_fetch_array($sth)) {
        $its_user = get_uid_by_fid($its_fleets["fid"]);
        if ($its_user == $user_id || is_allied($its_user, $user_id)) {
            $scanrange[] = get_max_scanrange_by_fid($its_fleets["fid"]);
    if (is_array($scanrange)) {
        $max_scanrange = $scanrange[0];
    } else {
        $max_scanrange = 0;
    return $max_scanrange;