Example #1
        public function getBarcodeFields($lab_config_id=null)
		# Returns a set of checkboxes with existing fields types checked.
		$lab_config = get_lab_config_by_id($lab_config_id);
		if($lab_config == null && $lab_config_id != "")
			<div class='sidetip_nopos'>
			ERROR: Lab configuration not found
		# Fetch all specimen types
		//if($lab_config_id == "")
			//$specimen_list = get_specimen_types_catalog();
			//$specimen_list = get_search_fields($lab_config_id);
                        $brfields = get_lab_config_settings_barcode();
                       //"SELECT pid, p_addl, daily_num, pname, age, sex, dob FROM lab_config WHERE lab_config_id=$lab_config_id";

		//$current_specimen_list = array();
		//if($lab_config_id != "")
		//	$current_specimen_list = get_lab_config_specimen_types($lab_config_id);
		# For each specimen type, create a check box. Check it if specimen already in lab configuration
                        <td>Encoding Format: </td>
                                <?php //$sfields['rpp']= '45';
                                echo "<select id='brfields_type' name='brfields_type'>";
                                $codeTypes = getBarcodeTypes();
                                foreach ($codeTypes as $type)
                                    if($brfields['type'] == $type)
                                    echo "<option selected value='".$type."'>".$type."</option>";
                                    echo "<option value='".$type."'>".$type."</option>";
                                echo "</select>";?></td>
                               <td> Barcode Width: 
                                <?php //$sfields['rpp']= '45';
                                echo "<select id='brfields_width' name='brfields_width'>";
                                $i = 1;
                                while($i < 11) 
                                    if($brfields['width'] == $i)
                                    echo "<option selected value='".$i."'>".$i."</option>";
                                    echo "<option value='".$i."'>".$i."</option>";
                                echo "</select>";?>
                                 <td>Barcode Height:</td>
                                <?php //$sfields['rpp']= '45';
                                echo "<select id='brfields_height' name='brfields_height'>";
                                $i = 5;
                                while($i < 81) 
                                    if($brfields['height'] == $i)
                                    echo "<option selected value='".$i."'>".$i."</option>";
                                    echo "<option value='".$i."'>".$i."</option>";
                                echo "</select>";?>
                              <td>Text Size:</td>
                                <?php //$sfields['rpp']= '45';
                                echo "<select id='brfields_textsize' name='brfields_textsize'>";
                                $i = 5;
                                while($i < 40) 
                                    if($brfields['textsize'] == $i)
                                    echo "<option selected value='".$i."'>".$i."</option>";
                                    echo "<option value='".$i."'>".$i."</option>";
                                echo "</select>";?></td>
$lab_config_id = $_REQUEST['location'];
$patient_id = $_REQUEST['patient_id'];
$lab_config = get_lab_config_by_id($lab_config_id);
$report_id = $REPORT_ID_ARRAY['reports_testhistory.php'];
$report_config = $lab_config->getReportConfig($report_id);
$margin_list = $report_config->margins;
$userrr = get_user_by_id($_SESSION['user_id']);
if (is_country_dir($userrr) || is_super_admin($userrr)) {
    $code_type = 0;
    $bar_width = 0;
    $bar_height = 0;
    $font_size = 0;
    $printPatientBarcode = 0;
} else {
    $barcodeSettings = get_lab_config_settings_barcode();
    //  print_r($barcodeSettings);
    $code_type = $barcodeSettings['type'];
    $bar_width = $barcodeSettings['width'];
    $bar_height = $barcodeSettings['height'];
    $font_size = $barcodeSettings['textsize'];
    $printPatientBarcode = patientReportBarcodeCheck();
for ($i = 0; $i < count($margin_list); $i++) {
    $margin_list[$i] = $SCREEN_WIDTH * $margin_list[$i] / 100;