function osm_apply_menu($menu_ref_arr)
    global $template, $page, $conf;
    $menu =& $menu_ref_arr[0];
    if (($block = $menu->get_block('mbLinks')) != null) {
        include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/functions.php';
        include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/functions_map.php';
        load_language('plugin.lang', OSM_PATH);
        // Comment are used only with this condition index.php l294
        if ($page['start'] == 0 and !isset($page['chronology_field'])) {
            $js_data = osm_get_items($page);
            if ($js_data != array()) {
                $local_conf = array();
                $local_conf['contextmenu'] = 'false';
                $local_conf['control'] = true;
                $local_conf['img_popup'] = false;
                $local_conf['popup'] = 2;
                $local_conf['center_lat'] = 0;
                $local_conf['center_lng'] = 0;
                $local_conf['zoom'] = 2;
                $local_conf['autocenter'] = 1;
                $local_conf['divname'] = 'mapmenu';
                $local_conf['paths'] = osm_get_gps($page);
                $height = isset($conf['osm_conf']['main_menu']['height']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['main_menu']['height'] : '200';
                $js = osm_get_js($conf, $local_conf, $js_data);
                $template->set_template_dir(dirname(__FILE__) . '/template/');
                $template->assign(array('OSM_PATH' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . OSM_PATH), 'OSMJS' => $js, 'HEIGHT' => $height));
                $block->template = 'osm-menu.tpl';
function osm_render_media($content, $picture)
    global $template, $picture, $conf;
    //print_r( $picture['current']);
    // do nothing if the current picture is actually an image !
    if (array_key_exists('src_image', @$picture['current']) && @$picture['current']['src_image']->is_original()) {
        return $content;
    // If not a GPX file
    if (array_key_exists('path', @$picture['current']) && strpos($picture['current']['path'], ".gpx") === false) {
        return $content;
    $filename = embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $picture['current']['element_url']);
    $height = isset($conf['osm_conf']['gpx']['height']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['gpx']['height'] : '500';
    $width = isset($conf['osm_conf']['gpx']['width']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['gpx']['width'] : '320';
    $local_conf = array();
    $local_conf['contextmenu'] = 'false';
    $local_conf['control'] = true;
    $local_conf['img_popup'] = false;
    $local_conf['popup'] = 2;
    $local_conf['center_lat'] = 0;
    $local_conf['center_lng'] = 0;
    $local_conf['zoom'] = '12';
    $local_conf['divname'] = 'mapgpx';
    $js_data = array(array(null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null));
    $js = osm_get_js($conf, $local_conf, $js_data);
    // Select the template
    $template->set_filenames(array('osm_content' => dirname(__FILE__) . "/template/osm-gpx.tpl"));
    // Assign the template variables
    $template->assign(array('HEIGHT' => $height, 'WIDTH' => $width, 'FILENAME' => $filename, 'OSM_PATH' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . OSM_PATH), 'OSMGPX' => $js));
    // Return the rendered html
    $osm_content = $template->parse('osm_content', true);
    return $osm_content;
 * plugin initialization
function oauth_init()
    global $conf, $page, $hybridauth_conf, $template;
    load_language('plugin.lang', OAUTH_PATH);
    $conf['oauth'] = safe_unserialize($conf['oauth']);
    // check config
    if (defined('IN_ADMIN')) {
        if (empty($hybridauth_conf) and strpos(@$_GET['page'], 'plugin-oAuth') === false) {
            $page['warnings'][] = '<a href="' . OAUTH_ADMIN . '">' . l10n('Social Connect: You need to configure the credentials') . '</a>';
        if (!function_exists('curl_init')) {
            $page['warnings'][] = l10n('Social Connect: PHP Curl extension is needed');
    // in case of registration aborded
    if (script_basename() == 'index' and ($oauth_id = pwg_get_session_var('oauth_new_user')) !== null) {
        if ($oauth_id[0] == 'Persona') {
            $template->block_footer_script(null, ';');
        } else {
            require_once OAUTH_PATH . 'include/hybridauth/Hybrid/Auth.php';
            try {
                $hybridauth = new Hybrid_Auth($hybridauth_conf);
                $adapter = $hybridauth->getAdapter($oauth_id[0]);
            } catch (Exception $e) {
Example #4
function gb_section_init()
    global $tokens, $page, $conf;
    if ($tokens[0] == 'guestbook') {
        $page['section'] = 'guestbook';
        $page['body_id'] = 'theGuestBook';
        $page['is_external'] = true;
        $page['is_homepage'] = false;
        $page['title'] = l10n('GuestBook');
        $page['section_title'] = '<a href="' . get_gallery_home_url() . '">' . l10n('Home') . '</a>' . $conf['level_separator'] . l10n('GuestBook');
function osm_render_category()
    global $template, $page, $conf, $filter;
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/functions.php';
    include_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/functions_map.php';
    load_language('plugin.lang', OSM_PATH);
    // TF, 20160102: pass config as parameter
    $js_data = osm_get_items($conf, $page);
    if ($js_data != array()) {
        $local_conf = array();
        $local_conf['contextmenu'] = 'false';
        $local_conf['control'] = true;
        $local_conf['img_popup'] = false;
        $local_conf['popup'] = 1;
        $local_conf['center_lat'] = 0;
        $local_conf['center_lng'] = 0;
        $local_conf['zoom'] = 2;
        $local_conf['auto_center'] = 1;
        // TF, 20160102: pass config as parameter
        $local_conf['paths'] = osm_get_gps($conf, $page);
        $height = isset($conf['osm_conf']['category_description']['height']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['category_description']['height'] : '200';
        $width = isset($conf['osm_conf']['category_description']['width']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['category_description']['width'] : 'auto';
        $js = osm_get_js($conf, $local_conf, $js_data);
        $template->set_filename('map', dirname(__FILE__) . '/template/osm-category.tpl');
        $template->assign(array('CONTENT_ENCODING' => get_pwg_charset(), 'OSM_PATH' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . OSM_PATH), 'HOME' => make_index_url(), 'HOME_PREV' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : get_absolute_root_url(), 'HOME_NAME' => l10n("Home"), 'HOME_PREV_NAME' => l10n("Previous"), 'OSMJS' => $js, 'HEIGHT' => $height, 'WIDTH' => $width));
        $osm_content = $template->parse('map', true);
        //$osm_content = '<div id="osmmap"><div class="map_title">'.l10n('EDIT_MAP').'</div>' . $osm_content . '</div>';
        $index = isset($conf['osm_conf']['category_description']['index']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['category_description']['index'] : 0;
        if ($index <= 1) {
            // From index category comment at L300
            if ($page['start'] == 0 and !isset($page['chronology_field'])) {
                if (empty($page['comment'])) {
                    $page['comment'] = $osm_content;
                } else {
                    if ($index == 0) {
                        $page['comment'] = '<div>' . $osm_content . $page['comment'] . '</div>';
                    } else {
                        $page['comment'] = '<div>' . $page['comment'] . $osm_content . '</div>';
        } else {
            $osm_content = '<div id="osmmap">' . $osm_content . '</div>';
            $template->concat('PLUGIN_INDEX_CONTENT_END', "\n" . $osm_content);
Example #6
 * checks the validity of input parameters, fills $page['errors'] and
 * $page['infos'] and send an email with confirmation link
 * @return bool (true if email was sent, false otherwise)
function process_password_request()
    global $page, $conf;
    if (empty($_POST['username_or_email'])) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('Invalid username or email');
        return false;
    $user_id = get_userid_by_email($_POST['username_or_email']);
    if (!is_numeric($user_id)) {
        $user_id = get_userid($_POST['username_or_email']);
    if (!is_numeric($user_id)) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('Invalid username or email');
        return false;
    $userdata = getuserdata($user_id, false);
    // password request is not possible for guest/generic users
    $status = $userdata['status'];
    if (is_a_guest($status) or is_generic($status)) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('Password reset is not allowed for this user');
        return false;
    if (empty($userdata['email'])) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('User "%s" has no email address, password reset is not possible', $userdata['username']);
        return false;
    $activation_key = generate_key(20);
    list($expire) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT ADDDATE(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 HOUR)'));
    single_update(USER_INFOS_TABLE, array('activation_key' => pwg_password_hash($activation_key), 'activation_key_expire' => $expire), array('user_id' => $user_id));
    $userdata['activation_key'] = $activation_key;
    $message = l10n('Someone requested that the password be reset for the following user account:') . "\r\n\r\n";
    $message .= l10n('Username "%s" on gallery %s', $userdata['username'], get_gallery_home_url());
    $message .= "\r\n\r\n";
    $message .= l10n('To reset your password, visit the following address:') . "\r\n";
    $message .= get_gallery_home_url() . '/password.php?key=' . $activation_key . '-' . urlencode($userdata['email']);
    $message .= "\r\n\r\n";
    $message .= l10n('If this was a mistake, just ignore this email and nothing will happen.') . "\r\n";
    $message = trigger_change('render_lost_password_mail_content', $message);
    $email_params = array('subject' => '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . l10n('Password Reset'), 'content' => $message, 'email_format' => 'text/plain');
    if (pwg_mail($userdata['email'], $email_params)) {
        $page['infos'][] = l10n('Check your email for the confirmation link');
        return true;
    } else {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('Error sending email');
        return false;
function oauth_assign_template_vars($u_redirect = null)
    global $template, $conf, $hybridauth_conf, $user;
    $conf['oauth']['include_common_template'] = true;
    if ($template->get_template_vars('OAUTH') == null) {
        if (!empty($user['oauth_id'])) {
            list($provider, $identifier) = explode('---', $user['oauth_id'], 2);
            if ($provider == 'Persona') {
                $persona_email = $identifier;
        $template->assign('OAUTH', array('conf' => $conf['oauth'], 'u_login' => get_root_url() . OAUTH_PATH . 'auth.php?provider=', 'providers' => $hybridauth_conf['providers'], 'persona_email' => @$persona_email, 'key' => get_ephemeral_key(0)));
        $template->assign(array('OAUTH_PATH' => OAUTH_PATH, 'OAUTH_ABS_PATH' => realpath(OAUTH_PATH) . '/', 'ABS_ROOT_URL' => rtrim(get_gallery_home_url(), '/') . '/'));
    if (isset($u_redirect)) {
        $template->append('OAUTH', compact('u_redirect'), true);
function do_subscribe_unsubscribe_notification_by_mail($is_admin_request, $is_subscribe = false, $check_key_list = array())
    global $conf, $page, $env_nbm, $conf;
    $check_key_treated = array();
    $updated_data_count = 0;
    $error_on_updated_data_count = 0;
    if ($is_subscribe) {
        $msg_info = l10n('User %s [%s] was added to the subscription list.');
        $msg_error = l10n('User %s [%s] was not added to the subscription list.');
    } else {
        $msg_info = l10n('User %s [%s] was removed from the subscription list.');
        $msg_error = l10n('User %s [%s] was not removed from the subscription list.');
    if (count($check_key_list) != 0) {
        $updates = array();
        $enabled_value = boolean_to_string($is_subscribe);
        $data_users = get_user_notifications('subscribe', $check_key_list, !$is_subscribe);
        // Prepare message after change language
        $msg_break_timeout = l10n('Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.');
        // Begin nbm users environment
        foreach ($data_users as $nbm_user) {
            if (check_sendmail_timeout()) {
                // Stop fill list on 'send', if the quota is override
                $page['errors'][] = $msg_break_timeout;
            // Fill return list
            $check_key_treated[] = $nbm_user['check_key'];
            $do_update = true;
            if ($nbm_user['mail_address'] != '') {
                // set env nbm user
                set_user_on_env_nbm($nbm_user, true);
                $subject = '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . ($is_subscribe ? l10n('Subscribe to notification by mail') : l10n('Unsubscribe from notification by mail'));
                // Assign current var for nbm mail
                $section_action_by = $is_subscribe ? 'subscribe_by_' : 'unsubscribe_by_';
                $section_action_by .= $is_admin_request ? 'admin' : 'himself';
                $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign(array($section_action_by => true, 'GOTO_GALLERY_TITLE' => $conf['gallery_title'], 'GOTO_GALLERY_URL' => get_gallery_home_url()));
                $ret = pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), 'email' => $nbm_user['mail_address']), array('from' => $env_nbm['send_as_mail_formated'], 'subject' => $subject, 'email_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'], 'content' => $env_nbm['mail_template']->parse('notification_by_mail', true), 'content_format' => $env_nbm['email_format']));
                if ($ret) {
                } else {
                    $do_update = false;
                // unset env nbm user
            if ($do_update) {
                $updates[] = array('check_key' => $nbm_user['check_key'], 'enabled' => $enabled_value);
                $updated_data_count += 1;
                $page['infos'][] = sprintf($msg_info, stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), $nbm_user['mail_address']);
            } else {
                $error_on_updated_data_count += 1;
                $page['errors'][] = sprintf($msg_error, stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), $nbm_user['mail_address']);
        // Restore nbm environment
        mass_updates(USER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION_TABLE, array('primary' => array('check_key'), 'update' => array('enabled')), $updates);
    $page['infos'][] = l10n_dec('%d user was updated.', '%d users were updated.', $updated_data_count);
    if ($error_on_updated_data_count != 0) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n_dec('%d user was not updated.', '%d users were not updated.', $error_on_updated_data_count);
    return $check_key_treated;
Example #9
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                             chronology                                |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
if (isset($page['chronology_field'])) {
    include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
// title update
if (isset($page['title'])) {
    $page['section_title'] = '<a href="' . get_gallery_home_url() . '">' . l10n('Home') . '</a>';
    if (!empty($page['title'])) {
        $page['section_title'] .= $conf['level_separator'] . $page['title'];
    } else {
        $page['title'] = $page['section_title'];
// add meta robots noindex, nofollow to avoid unnecesary robot crawls
$page['meta_robots'] = array();
if (isset($page['chronology_field']) or isset($page['flat']) and isset($page['category']) or 'list' == $page['section'] or 'recent_pics' == $page['section']) {
    $page['meta_robots'] = array('noindex' => 1, 'nofollow' => 1);
} elseif ('tags' == $page['section']) {
    if (count($page['tag_ids']) > 1) {
        $page['meta_robots'] = array('noindex' => 1, 'nofollow' => 1);
} elseif ('recent_cats' == $page['section']) {
Example #10
if (isset($_GET['page']) and preg_match('/^[a-z_]*$/', $_GET['page']) and is_file(PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/' . $_GET['page'] . '.php')) {
    $page['page'] = $_GET['page'];
} else {
    $page['page'] = 'intro';
$link_start = PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin.php?page=';
$conf_link = $link_start . 'configuration&amp;section=';
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// | Template init                                                         |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
$title = l10n('Piwigo Administration');
// for include/page_header.php
$page['page_banner'] = '<h1>' . l10n('Piwigo Administration') . '</h1>';
$page['body_id'] = 'theAdminPage';
$template->set_filenames(array('admin' => 'admin.tpl'));
$template->assign(array('USERNAME' => $user['username'], 'ENABLE_SYNCHRONIZATION' => $conf['enable_synchronization'], 'U_SITE_MANAGER' => $link_start . 'site_manager', 'U_HISTORY_STAT' => $link_start . 'stats', 'U_FAQ' => $link_start . 'help', 'U_SITES' => $link_start . 'remote_site', 'U_MAINTENANCE' => $link_start . 'maintenance', 'U_NOTIFICATION_BY_MAIL' => $link_start . 'notification_by_mail', 'U_CONFIG_GENERAL' => $link_start . 'configuration', 'U_CONFIG_DISPLAY' => $conf_link . 'default', 'U_CONFIG_EXTENTS' => $link_start . 'extend_for_templates', 'U_CONFIG_MENUBAR' => $link_start . 'menubar', 'U_CONFIG_LANGUAGES' => $link_start . 'languages', 'U_CONFIG_THEMES' => $link_start . 'themes', 'U_CATEGORIES' => $link_start . 'cat_list', 'U_CAT_OPTIONS' => $link_start . 'cat_options', 'U_CAT_UPDATE' => $link_start . 'site_update&amp;site=1', 'U_RATING' => $link_start . 'rating', 'U_RECENT_SET' => $link_start . 'batch_manager&amp;filter=prefilter-last_import', 'U_BATCH' => $link_start . 'batch_manager', 'U_TAGS' => $link_start . 'tags', 'U_USERS' => $link_start . 'user_list', 'U_GROUPS' => $link_start . 'group_list', 'U_RETURN' => get_gallery_home_url(), 'U_ADMIN' => PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin.php', 'U_LOGOUT' => PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'index.php?act=logout', 'U_PLUGINS' => $link_start . 'plugins', 'U_ADD_PHOTOS' => $link_start . 'photos_add', 'U_CHANGE_THEME' => $change_theme_url, 'U_UPDATES' => $link_start . 'updates'));
if ($conf['activate_comments']) {
    $template->assign('U_COMMENTS', $link_start . 'comments');
    // pending comments
    $query = '
  WHERE validated=\'false\'
    list($nb_comments) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query($query));
    if ($nb_comments > 0) {
        $template->assign('NB_PENDING_COMMENTS', $nb_comments);
// any photo in the caddie?
$query = '
Example #11
// | This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but   |
// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            |
// | General Public License for more details.                              |
// |                                                                       |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software           |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
// | USA.                                                                  |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// Start output of page
$template->set_filenames(array('header' => 'header.tpl'));
$template->assign(array('GALLERY_TITLE' => isset($page['gallery_title']) ? $page['gallery_title'] : $conf['gallery_title'], 'PAGE_BANNER' => trigger_change('render_page_banner', str_replace('%gallery_title%', $conf['gallery_title'], isset($page['page_banner']) ? $page['page_banner'] : $conf['page_banner'])), 'BODY_ID' => isset($page['body_id']) ? $page['body_id'] : '', 'CONTENT_ENCODING' => get_pwg_charset(), 'PAGE_TITLE' => strip_tags($title), 'U_HOME' => get_gallery_home_url(), 'LEVEL_SEPARATOR' => $conf['level_separator']));
// Header notes
if (!empty($header_notes)) {
    $template->assign('header_notes', $header_notes);
// No referencing is required
if (!$conf['meta_ref']) {
    $page['meta_robots']['noindex'] = 1;
    $page['meta_robots']['nofollow'] = 1;
if (!empty($page['meta_robots'])) {
    $template->append('head_elements', '<meta name="robots" content="' . implode(',', array_keys($page['meta_robots'])) . '">');
if (!isset($page['meta_robots']['noindex'])) {
    $template->assign('meta_ref', 1);
Example #12
$rss = new UniversalFeedCreator();
$rss->encoding = get_pwg_charset();
$rss->title = $conf['gallery_title'];
$rss->title .= ' (as ' . stripslashes($user['username']) . ')';
$rss->link = get_gallery_home_url();
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// |                            Feed creation                              |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
$news = array();
if (!$image_only) {
    $news = news($feed_row['last_check'], $dbnow, true, true);
    if (count($news) > 0) {
        $item = new FeedItem();
        $item->title = l10n('New on %s', format_date($dbnow));
        $item->link = get_gallery_home_url();
        // content creation
        $item->description = '<ul>';
        foreach ($news as $line) {
            $item->description .= '<li>' . $line . '</li>';
        $item->description .= '</ul>';
        $item->descriptionHtmlSyndicated = true;
        $item->date = ts_to_iso8601(datetime_to_ts($dbnow));
        $item->author = $conf['rss_feed_author'];
        $item->guid = sprintf('%s', $dbnow);
        $query = '
  SET last_check = \'' . $dbnow . '\'
  WHERE id = \'' . $feed_id . '\'
Example #13
function vjs_render_media($content, $picture)
    global $template, $picture, $page, $conf, $user, $refresh;
    //print_r( $picture['current']);
    // do nothing if the current picture is actually an image !
    if (array_key_exists('src_image', @$picture['current']) && @$picture['current']['src_image']->is_original()) {
        return $content;
    // In case it is not an image but not a supported video file by the plugin
    if (vjs_valid_extension(get_extension($picture['current']['path'])) === false) {
        return $content;
    // In case, we handle a large video, we define a MAX_HEIGHT
    // variable to limit the display size.
    $MAX_HEIGHT = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['max_height']) ? $conf['vjs_conf']['max_height'] : '480';
    if (isset($user['maxheight']) and $user['maxheight'] != '') {
        $MAX_HEIGHT = $user['maxwidth'];
    //print "MAX_HEIGHT=" . $MAX_HEIGHT;
    $extension = vjs_get_mimetype_from_ext(get_extension($picture['current']['path']));
    //print "extension\n";
    // Video file -- Guess resolution base on height
    if (isset($picture['current']['width'])) {
        $width = $picture['current']['width'];
    if (isset($picture['current']['height'])) {
        $height = $picture['current']['height'];
    if (!isset($width) || !isset($height) || $width == 0 || $height == 0) {
        // If guess was unsuccessful, fallback to default 16/9 resolution 720x480
        // Mostly happend when video metadata was incorrectly sync into PWG
        // This is the case for ogv video for example.
        $height = 480;
        $width = round(16 * 480 / 9, 0);
    //print "Video height=" . $height . " width=". $width;
    // Resize if video is too height
    //print $height .">". $MAX_HEIGHT;
    if ($height > $MAX_HEIGHT) {
        $height = $MAX_HEIGHT;
        $width = round(16 * $MAX_HEIGHT / 9, 0);
        //print "MAX_HEIGHT height=" . $height . " width=". $width;
    // Upscale if video is too small
    $upscale = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['upscale']) ? strbool($conf['vjs_conf']['upscale']) : false;
    if ($upscale and $height < $MAX_HEIGHT) {
        $height = $MAX_HEIGHT;
        $width = round(16 * $MAX_HEIGHT / 9, 0);
        //print "UPSCALE height=" . $height . " width=". $width;
    // Load parameter, fallback to default if unset
    $skin = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['skin']) ? $conf['vjs_conf']['skin'] : 'vjs-default-skin';
    $customcss = isset($conf['vjs_customcss']) ? $conf['vjs_customcss'] : '';
    $preload = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['preload']) ? $conf['vjs_conf']['preload'] : 'none';
    $loop = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['loop']) ? strbool($conf['vjs_conf']['loop']) : false;
    $controls = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['controls']) ? strbool($conf['vjs_conf']['controls']) : false;
    $volume = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['volume']) ? $conf['vjs_conf']['volume'] : '1';
    $language = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['language']) ? $conf['vjs_conf']['language'] : 'en';
    // Slideshow : The video needs to be launch automatically in
    // slideshow mode. The refresh of the page is set to the
    // duration of the video.
    $autoplay = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['autoplay']) ? strbool($conf['vjs_conf']['autoplay']) : false;
    if ($page['slideshow']) {
        $refresh = 20;
        // TODO move to separate DB to actualy get this details information
        $autoplay = true;
        $loop = false;
    // Assing the CSS file according to the skin
    $available_skins = array('vjs-default-skin' => 'video-js.min.css', 'vjs-bluebox-skin' => 'bluebox-skin.css', 'vjs-redtube-skin' => 'redtube-skin.css');
    $skincss = $available_skins[$skin];
    // Guess the poster extension
    $file_wo_ext = pathinfo($picture['current']['path']);
    $file_dir = dirname($picture['current']['path']);
    $poster = embellish_url($picture['current']['src_image']->get_path());
    //print $poster;
    // Try to find multiple video source
    $vjs_extensions = array('ogg', 'ogv', 'mp4', 'm4v', 'webm', 'webmv');
    $files_ext = array_merge(array(), $vjs_extensions, array_map('strtoupper', $vjs_extensions));
    // Add the current file in array
    $videos[] = array('src' => embellish_url($picture['current']['element_url']), 'ext' => $extension);
    // Add any other video source format
    foreach ($files_ext as $file_ext) {
        $file = $file_dir . "/pwg_representative/" . $file_wo_ext['filename'] . "." . $file_ext;
        if (file_exists($file)) {
            array_push($videos, array('src' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $file_dir . "/pwg_representative/" . $file_wo_ext['filename'] . "." . $file_ext), 'ext' => vjs_get_mimetype_from_ext($file_ext)));
    // Sort array to have MP4 first in the source list for iOS support
    foreach ($videos as $key => $row) {
        $src[$key] = $row['src'];
        $ext[$key] = $row['ext'];
    array_multisort($src, SORT_ASC, $ext, SORT_ASC, $videos);
    /* Try to find WebVTT */
    $file = $file_dir . "/pwg_representative/" . $file_wo_ext['filename'] . ".vtt";
    $subtitles = null;
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        $subtitles = '<track kind="subtitles" src="' . embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $file) . '" srclang="' . $language . '" label="English"></track>';
    /* Thumbnail videojs plugin */
    $thumbnails_plugin = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['plugins']['thumbnails']) ? strbool($conf['vjs_conf']['plugins']['thumbnails']) : false;
    $thumbnails = array();
    if ($thumbnails_plugin) {
        $filematch = $file_dir . "/pwg_representative/" . $file_wo_ext['filename'] . "-th_*";
        $matches = glob($filematch);
        if (is_array($matches) and !empty($matches)) {
            $sort = array();
            // A list of sort columns and their data to pass to array_multisort
            foreach ($matches as $filename) {
                $ext = explode("-th_", $filename);
                $second = explode(".", $ext[1]);
                include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions.php';
                include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/image.class.php';
                $rotate = pwg_image::get_rotation_angle_from_code($picture['current']['rotation']);
                // ./galleries/videos/pwg_representative/trailer_480p-th_0.jpg
                //echo "$filename second " . $second[0]. "\n";
                $thumbnails[] = array('second' => $second[0], 'source' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $filename), 'rotate' => $rotate);
                $sort['second'][$second[0]] = $second[0];
            // Sort thumbnails by second ASC
            !empty($sort['second']) and array_multisort($sort['second'], SORT_ASC, $thumbnails);
        //$thumbnails = array( array('second' => 0, 'source' => $poster), array('second' => 5, 'source' => $poster));
    /* ZoomRotate videojs plugin */
    $zoomrotate_plugin = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['plugins']['zoomrotate']) ? strbool($conf['vjs_conf']['plugins']['zoomrotate']) : false;
    $zoomrotate = array();
    if ($zoomrotate_plugin) {
        // TODO Disable if playing on iOS, as it read the metadata itself
        if ($picture['current']['rotation'] != null) {
            include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/functions.php';
            include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'admin/include/image.class.php';
            // rotation is $picture['current']['rotation']
            // zoom is witdh / height
            $rotate = pwg_image::get_rotation_angle_from_code($picture['current']['rotation']);
            $zoomrotate = array('rotate' => $rotate, 'zoom' => round($width / $height, 1, PHP_ROUND_HALF_DOWN));
            // Change the video player size
            $tmp_width = $width;
            $tmp_height = $height;
            $width = $tmp_height;
            $height = $tmp_width;
    /* Watermark videojs plugin */
    $watermark_plugin = isset($conf['vjs_conf']['plugins']['watermark']) ? strbool($conf['vjs_conf']['plugins']['watermark']) : false;
    $watermark = array();
    if ($watermark_plugin) {
        $derivatives = unserialize($conf['derivatives']);
        if (is_array($derivatives) and !empty($derivatives) and $derivatives['w']->file != null) {
            $watermark = array('file' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $derivatives['w']->file), 'xpos' => $derivatives['w']->xpos, 'ypos' => $derivatives['w']->ypos, 'xrepeat' => $derivatives['w']->xrepeat, 'opacity' => $derivatives['w']->opacity);
    // Generate HTML5 tags
    // Why the data-setup attribute does not work if only one video
    $options = "";
    if ($controls) {
        $options .= "controls";
    if ($autoplay) {
        $options .= " autoplay ";
    if ($loop) {
        $options .= " loop ";
    $options .= ' preload="' . $preload . '"';
    // Select the template
    $template->set_filenames(array('vjs_content' => dirname(__FILE__) . "/template/vjs-player.tpl"));
    // Ensure the ratio is always below 100%, there is for sure a better way!
    $ratio = round($height / $width * 100, 2);
    if ($ratio >= 100) {
        $ratio = round($width / $height * 100, 2);
    // Assign the template variables
    // We use here the piwigo's get_gallery_home_url function to build
    // the full URL as suggested by videojs for flash fallback compatibility
    $template->assign(array('VIDEOJS_POSTER_URL' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $poster), 'VIDEOJS_PATH' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . VIDEOJS_PATH), 'WIDTH' => $width, 'RATIO' => $ratio, 'OPTIONS' => $options, 'VIDEOJS_SKIN' => $skin, 'VIDEOJS_SKINCSS' => $skincss, 'VIDEOJS_CUSTOMCSS' => $customcss, 'volume' => $volume, 'subtitles' => $subtitles, 'thumbnails' => $thumbnails, 'zoomrotate' => $zoomrotate, 'watermark' => $watermark, 'videos' => $videos));
    // Return the rendered html
    $vjs_content = $template->parse('vjs_content', true);
    return $vjs_content;
Example #14
function forecast_render_element_content()
    global $template, $picture, $page, $conf;
    load_language('plugin.lang', FORECAST_PATH);
    if (empty($page['image_id']) and !is_numeric($page['image_id'])) {
    // Load coordinates and date_creation from picture
    $query = "SELECT latitude,longitude,date FROM forecast WHERE id='" . $page['image_id'] . "';";
    //FIXME LIMIT 1 ?
    $result = pwg_query($query);
    $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result);
    if (!isset($row) or !isset($row['latitude']) or empty($row['latitude']) or !isset($row['longitude']) or empty($row['longitude']) or !isset($row['date']) or empty($row['date'])) {
    $lat = $row['latitude'];
    $lon = $row['longitude'];
    $date = $row['date'];
    // Load parameter, fallback to default if unset
    $fc_height = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['height']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['height'] : '200';
    $fc_header = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['link']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['link'] : 'Overcast';
    $fc_header_css = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['linkcss']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['linkcss'] : '';
    $fc_show_link = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['show']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['show'] : 'true';
    $fc_api_key = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['api_key']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['api_key'] : '';
    if (strlen($fc_header_css) != 0) {
        $fc_css = "style='" . $fc_header_css . "'";
    $fc_link = "" . $lat . "," . $lon;
    //  Init lib
    include 'lib/';
    // Can be set to 'us', 'si', 'ca', 'uk' or 'auto' (see API); default is auto
    // Can be set to 'en', 'de', 'pl', 'es', 'fr', 'it', 'tet' or 'x-pig-latin' (see API); default is 'en'
    $fc_unit = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['unit']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['unit'] : 'auto';
    $fc_lang = isset($conf['forecast_conf']['lang']) ? $conf['forecast_conf']['lang'] : 'en';
    /* Do we have a API key */
    if (strlen($fc_api_key) != 0) {
        // Make a request to using the user supply API, proxy set to false
        $forecast = new ForecastIO($fc_api_key, $fc_unit, $fc_lang, false);
    } else {
         * Make a request to
         * to non disclose the API key, proxy set to true
         * Source code at
        $forecast = new ForecastIO($fc_api_key, $fc_unit, $fc_lang, true);
    $condition = $forecast->getHistoricalConditions($lat, $lon, $date);
    if (!isset($condition) or $condition === 'false') {
    // Parse weather condition to human readable
    $condition = parseCondition($condition);
    // Select the template
    $template->set_filenames(array('forecast_content' => dirname(__FILE__) . "/template/picture.tpl"));
    // Assign the template variables
    $template->assign(array('FORECAST_HEIGHT' => $fc_height, 'FORECAST_PATH' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . FORECAST_PATH), 'FORECAST_NAME' => $fc_header, 'FORECAST_NAME_CSS' => $fc_header_css, 'FORECAST_SHOW_LINK' => $fc_show_link, 'FORECAST_LINK' => $fc_link, 'FORECAST_DATA' => $condition));
    // Return the rendered html
    $forecast_content = $template->parse('forecast_content', true);
    return $forecast_content;
Example #15
    if (file_exists($file)) {
        array_push($videos, array('src' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $parts['dirname'] . "/pwg_representative/" . $parts['filename'] . "." . $file_ext), 'ext' => vjs_get_mimetype_from_ext($file_ext)));
/* Try to find WebVTT */
$file = $parts['dirname'] . "/pwg_representative/" . $parts['filename'] . ".vtt";
file_exists($file) ? $subtitle = embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $file) : ($subtitle = null);
/* Thumbnail videojs plugin */
$filematch = $parts['dirname'] . "/pwg_representative/" . $parts['filename'] . "-th_*";
$matches = glob($filematch);
$thumbnails = array();
$sort = array();
// A list of sort columns and their data to pass to array_multisort
if (is_array($matches) and !empty($matches)) {
    foreach ($matches as $filename) {
        $ext = explode("-th_", $filename);
        $second = explode(".", $ext[1]);
        // ./galleries/videos/pwg_representative/trailer_480p-th_0.jpg
        //echo "$filename second " . $second[0]. "\n";
        $thumbnails[] = array('second' => $second[0], 'source' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $filename));
        $sort['second'][$second[0]] = $second[0];
// Sort thumbnails by second
!empty($sort['second']) and array_multisort($sort['second'], SORT_ASC, $thumbnails);
$infos = array_merge(array('Poster' => $poster), array('Videos source' => count($videos)), array('videos' => $videos), array('Thumbnails' => count($thumbnails)), array('thumbnails' => $thumbnails), array('Subtitle' => $subtitle));
$template->assign(array('PWG_TOKEN' => get_pwg_token(), 'F_ACTION' => $self_url, 'SYNC_URL' => $sync_url, 'DELETE_URL' => $delete_url, 'TN_SRC' => DerivativeImage::thumb_url($picture) . '?' . time(), 'TITLE' => render_element_name($picture), 'EXIF' => $exif, 'INFOS' => $infos));
$template->assign_var_from_handle('ADMIN_CONTENT', 'plugin_admin_content');
function osm_render_element_content()
    global $template, $picture, $page, $conf;
    load_language('plugin.lang', OSM_PATH);
    if (empty($page['image_id'])) {
    // Load coordinates from picture
    $query = 'SELECT latitude,longitude FROM ' . IMAGES_TABLE . ' WHERE id = \'' . $page['image_id'] . '\' ;';
    //FIXME LIMIT 1 ?
    $result = pwg_query($query);
    $row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result);
    if (!$row or !$row['latitude'] or empty($row['latitude'])) {
    $lat = $row['latitude'];
    $lon = $row['longitude'];
    // Load parameter, fallback to default if unset
    $height = isset($conf['osm_conf']['right_panel']['height']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['right_panel']['height'] : '200';
    $zoom = isset($conf['osm_conf']['right_panel']['zoom']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['right_panel']['zoom'] : '12';
    $osmname = isset($conf['osm_conf']['right_panel']['link']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['right_panel']['link'] : 'Location';
    $osmnamecss = isset($conf['osm_conf']['right_panel']['linkcss']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['right_panel']['linkcss'] : '';
    $showosm = isset($conf['osm_conf']['right_panel']['showosm']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['right_panel']['showosm'] : 'true';
    if (strlen($osmnamecss) != 0) {
        $osmnamecss = "style='" . $osmnamecss . "'";
    $osmlink = "" . $lat . "&amp;mlon=" . $lon . "&zoom=12&layers=M";
    $local_conf = array();
    $local_conf['contextmenu'] = 'false';
    $local_conf['control'] = false;
    $local_conf['img_popup'] = false;
    $local_conf['popup'] = 2;
    $local_conf['center_lat'] = $lat;
    $local_conf['center_lng'] = $lon;
    $local_conf['zoom'] = $zoom;
    // TF, 20160102: pass config as parameter
    $js_data = osm_get_items($conf, $page);
    $js = osm_get_js($conf, $local_conf, $js_data);
    // Select the template
    $template->set_filenames(array('osm_content' => dirname(__FILE__) . "/template/osm-picture.tpl"));
    // Assign the template variables
    $template->assign(array('HEIGHT' => $height, 'OSMJS' => $js, 'OSM_PATH' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . OSM_PATH), 'OSMNAME' => $osmname, 'OSMNAMECSS' => $osmnamecss, 'SHOWOSM' => $showosm, 'OSMLINK' => $osmlink));
    // Return the rendered html
    $osm_content = $template->parse('osm_content', true);
    return $osm_content;
function osm_gen_template($conf, $js, $js_data, $tmpl, $template)
    $linkname = isset($conf['osm_conf']['left_menu']['link']) ? $conf['osm_conf']['left_menu']['link'] : l10n('OSWorldMap');
    $template->set_filename('map', dirname(__FILE__) . '/../template/' . $tmpl);
    $template->assign(array('CONTENT_ENCODING' => get_pwg_charset(), 'OSM_PATH' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . OSM_PATH), 'GALLERY_TITLE' => $linkname . ' - ' . $conf['gallery_title'], 'HOME' => make_index_url(), 'HOME_PREV' => isset($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : get_absolute_root_url(), 'HOME_NAME' => l10n("Home"), 'HOME_PREV_NAME' => l10n("Previous"), 'TOTAL' => sprintf(l10n('ITEMS'), count($js_data)), 'OSMJS' => $js, 'MYROOT_URL' => get_absolute_root_url(), 'default_baselayer' => $conf['osm_conf']['map']['baselayer']));
    if ($conf['osm_conf']['map']['baselayer'] == 'custom') {
        $iconbaselayer = $conf['osm_conf']['map']['custombaselayerurl'];
        $iconbaselayer = str_replace('{s}', 'a', $iconbaselayer);
        $iconbaselayer = str_replace('{z}', '5', $iconbaselayer);
        $iconbaselayer = str_replace('{x}', '15', $iconbaselayer);
        $iconbaselayer = str_replace('{y}', '11', $iconbaselayer);
        $template->assign(array('custombaselayer' => $conf['osm_conf']['map']['custombaselayer'], 'custombaselayerurl' => $conf['osm_conf']['map']['custombaselayerurl'], 'iconbaselayer' => $iconbaselayer));
Example #18
    $redirect_to = urldecode($_GET['redirect']);
    if (is_a_guest()) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('You are not authorized to access the requested page');
if (isset($_POST['login'])) {
    if (!isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
        $page['errors'][] = l10n('Cookies are blocked or not supported by your browser. You must enable cookies to connect.');
    } else {
        if ($conf['insensitive_case_logon'] == true) {
            $_POST['username'] = search_case_username($_POST['username']);
        $redirect_to = isset($_POST['redirect']) ? urldecode($_POST['redirect']) : '';
        $remember_me = isset($_POST['remember_me']) and $_POST['remember_me'] == 1;
        if (try_log_user($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'], $remember_me)) {
            redirect(empty($redirect_to) ? get_gallery_home_url() : $redirect_to);
        } else {
            $page['errors'][] = l10n('Invalid password!');
//----------------------------------------------------- template initialization
// Start output of page
$title = l10n('Identification');
$page['body_id'] = 'theIdentificationPage';
$template->set_filenames(array('identification' => 'identification.tpl'));
$template->assign(array('U_REDIRECT' => $redirect_to, 'F_LOGIN_ACTION' => get_root_url() . 'identification.php', 'authorize_remembering' => $conf['authorize_remembering']));
if (!$conf['gallery_locked'] && $conf['allow_user_registration']) {
    $template->assign('U_REGISTER', get_root_url() . 'register.php');
Example #19
 * Sends an email, using Piwigo specific informations.
 * @param string|array $to
 * @param array $args
 *       o from: sender [default value webmaster email]
 *       o Cc: array of carbon copy receivers of the mail. [default value empty]
 *       o Bcc: array of blind carbon copy receivers of the mail. [default value empty]
 *       o subject [default value 'Piwigo']
 *       o content: content of mail [default value '']
 *       o content_format: format of mail content [default value 'text/plain']
 *       o email_format: global mail format [default value $conf_mail['default_email_format']]
 *       o theme: theme to use [default value $conf_mail['mail_theme']]
 *       o mail_title: main title of the mail [default value $conf['gallery_title']]
 *       o mail_subtitle: subtitle of the mail [default value subject]
 * @param array $tpl - use these options to define a custom content template file
 *       o filename
 *       o dirname (optional)
 *       o assign (optional)
 * @return boolean
function pwg_mail($to, $args = array(), $tpl = array())
    global $conf, $conf_mail, $lang_info, $page;
    if (empty($to) and empty($args['Cc']) and empty($args['Bcc'])) {
        return true;
    if (!isset($conf_mail)) {
        $conf_mail = get_mail_configuration();
    include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php';
    $mail = new PHPMailer();
    foreach (get_clean_recipients_list($to) as $recipient) {
        $mail->addAddress($recipient['email'], $recipient['name']);
    $mail->WordWrap = 76;
    $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8';
    // Compute root_path in order have complete path
    if (empty($args['from'])) {
        $from = array('email' => $conf_mail['email_webmaster'], 'name' => $conf_mail['name_webmaster']);
    } else {
        $from = unformat_email($args['from']);
    $mail->setFrom($from['email'], $from['name']);
    $mail->addReplyTo($from['email'], $from['name']);
    // Subject
    if (empty($args['subject'])) {
        $args['subject'] = 'Piwigo';
    $args['subject'] = trim(preg_replace('#[\\n\\r]+#s', '', $args['subject']));
    $mail->Subject = $args['subject'];
    // Cc
    if (!empty($args['Cc'])) {
        foreach (get_clean_recipients_list($args['Cc']) as $recipient) {
            $mail->addCC($recipient['email'], $recipient['name']);
    // Bcc
    $Bcc = get_clean_recipients_list(@$args['Bcc']);
    if ($conf_mail['send_bcc_mail_webmaster']) {
        $Bcc[] = array('email' => get_webmaster_mail_address(), 'name' => '');
    if (!empty($Bcc)) {
        foreach ($Bcc as $recipient) {
            $mail->addBCC($recipient['email'], $recipient['name']);
    // theme
    if (empty($args['theme']) or !in_array($args['theme'], array('clear', 'dark'))) {
        $args['theme'] = $conf_mail['mail_theme'];
    // content
    if (!isset($args['content'])) {
        $args['content'] = '';
    // try to decompose subject like "[....] ...."
    if (!isset($args['mail_title']) and !isset($args['mail_subtitle'])) {
        if (preg_match('#^\\[(.*)\\](.*)$#', $args['subject'], $matches)) {
            $args['mail_title'] = $matches[1];
            $args['mail_subtitle'] = $matches[2];
    if (!isset($args['mail_title'])) {
        $args['mail_title'] = $conf['gallery_title'];
    if (!isset($args['mail_subtitle'])) {
        $args['mail_subtitle'] = $args['subject'];
    // content type
    if (empty($args['content_format'])) {
        $args['content_format'] = 'text/plain';
    $content_type_list = array();
    if ($conf_mail['mail_allow_html'] and @$args['email_format'] != 'text/plain') {
        $content_type_list[] = 'text/html';
    $content_type_list[] = 'text/plain';
    $contents = array();
    foreach ($content_type_list as $content_type) {
        // key compose of indexes witch allow to cache mail data
        $cache_key = $content_type . '-' . $lang_info['code'];
        if (!isset($conf_mail[$cache_key])) {
            // instanciate a new Template
            if (!isset($conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme'])) {
                $conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme'] = get_mail_template($content_type);
                trigger_notify('before_parse_mail_template', $cache_key, $content_type);
            $template =& $conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme'];
            $template->set_filename('mail_header', 'header.tpl');
            $template->set_filename('mail_footer', 'footer.tpl');
            $template->assign(array('GALLERY_URL' => get_gallery_home_url(), 'GALLERY_TITLE' => isset($page['gallery_title']) ? $page['gallery_title'] : $conf['gallery_title'], 'VERSION' => $conf['show_version'] ? PHPWG_VERSION : '', 'PHPWG_URL' => defined('PHPWG_URL') ? PHPWG_URL : '', 'CONTENT_ENCODING' => get_pwg_charset(), 'CONTACT_MAIL' => $conf_mail['email_webmaster']));
            if ($content_type == 'text/html') {
                if ($template->smarty->templateExists('global-mail-css.tpl')) {
                    $template->set_filename('global-css', 'global-mail-css.tpl');
                    $template->assign_var_from_handle('GLOBAL_MAIL_CSS', 'global-css');
                if ($template->smarty->templateExists('mail-css-' . $args['theme'] . '.tpl')) {
                    $template->set_filename('css', 'mail-css-' . $args['theme'] . '.tpl');
                    $template->assign_var_from_handle('MAIL_CSS', 'css');
        $template =& $conf_mail[$cache_key]['theme'];
        $template->assign(array('MAIL_TITLE' => $args['mail_title'], 'MAIL_SUBTITLE' => $args['mail_subtitle']));
        // Header
        $contents[$content_type] = $template->parse('mail_header', true);
        // Content
        // Stored in a temp variable, if a content template is used it will be assigned
        // to the $CONTENT template variable, otherwise it will be appened to the mail
        if ($args['content_format'] == 'text/plain' and $content_type == 'text/html') {
            // convert plain text to html
            $mail_content = '<p>' . nl2br(preg_replace('/(https?:\\/\\/([-\\w\\.]+[-\\w])+(:\\d+)?(\\/([\\w\\/_\\.\\#-]*(\\?\\S+)?[^\\.\\s])?)?)/i', '<a href="$1">$1</a>', htmlspecialchars($args['content']))) . '</p>';
        } else {
            if ($args['content_format'] == 'text/html' and $content_type == 'text/plain') {
                // convert html text to plain text
                $mail_content = strip_tags($args['content']);
            } else {
                $mail_content = $args['content'];
        // Runtime template
        if (isset($tpl['filename'])) {
            if (isset($tpl['dirname'])) {
                $template->set_template_dir($tpl['dirname'] . '/' . $content_type);
            if ($template->smarty->templateExists($tpl['filename'] . '.tpl')) {
                $template->set_filename($tpl['filename'], $tpl['filename'] . '.tpl');
                if (!empty($tpl['assign'])) {
                $template->assign('CONTENT', $mail_content);
                $contents[$content_type] .= $template->parse($tpl['filename'], true);
            } else {
                $contents[$content_type] .= $mail_content;
        } else {
            $contents[$content_type] .= $mail_content;
        // Footer
        $contents[$content_type] .= $template->parse('mail_footer', true);
    // Undo Compute root_path in order have complete path
    // Send content to PHPMailer
    if (isset($contents['text/html'])) {
        $mail->Body = move_css_to_body($contents['text/html']);
        if (isset($contents['text/plain'])) {
            $mail->AltBody = $contents['text/plain'];
    } else {
        $mail->Body = $contents['text/plain'];
    if ($conf_mail['use_smtp']) {
        // now we need to split port number
        if (strpos($conf_mail['smtp_host'], ':') !== false) {
            list($smtp_host, $smtp_port) = explode(':', $conf_mail['smtp_host']);
        } else {
            $smtp_host = $conf_mail['smtp_host'];
            $smtp_port = 25;
        // enables SMTP debug information (for testing) 2 - debug, 0 - no message
        $mail->SMTPDebug = 0;
        $mail->Host = $smtp_host;
        $mail->Port = $smtp_port;
        if (!empty($conf_mail['smtp_secure']) and in_array($conf_mail['smtp_secure'], array('ssl', 'tls'))) {
            $mail->SMTPSecure = $conf_mail['smtp_secure'];
        if (!empty($conf_mail['smtp_user'])) {
            $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
            $mail->Username = $conf_mail['smtp_user'];
            $mail->Password = $conf_mail['smtp_password'];
    $ret = true;
    $pre_result = trigger_change('before_send_mail', true, $to, $args, $mail);
    if ($pre_result) {
        $ret = $mail->send();
        if (!$ret and (!ini_get('display_errors') or is_admin())) {
            trigger_error('Mailer Error: ' . $mail->ErrorInfo, E_USER_WARNING);
        if ($conf['debug_mail']) {
            pwg_send_mail_test($ret, $mail, $args);
    return $ret;
Example #20
function render_media($content, $picture)
    global $template, $picture, $page, $conf, $user, $refresh;
    // do nothing if the current picture is actually an image !
    if (@$picture['current']['is_picture'] || array_key_exists('src_image', @$picture['current']) && @$picture['current']['src_image']->is_original()) {
        return $content;
    // In case, the we handle a large video, we define a MAX_WIDTH
    // variable to limit the display size.
    if (isset($user['maxwidth']) and $user['maxwidth'] != '') {
        $MAX_WIDTH = $user['maxwidth'];
    } else {
        $MAX_WIDTH = '720';
    // Get video infos with getID3 lib
    require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/include/getid3/getid3.php';
    $getID3 = new getID3();
    $fileinfo = $getID3->analyze($picture['current']['path']);
    $extension = strtolower(get_extension($picture['current']['path']));
    $basename = strtolower(get_filename_wo_extension($picture['current']['path']));
    $is_video = False;
    // if not a media extension, do nothing
    if (!in_array($extension, $conf['media_ext'])) {
        return $content;
    } else {
        if (isset($fileinfo['video'])) {
            // -- video file --
            $is_video = True;
            if ($extension == 'webm') {
                $extension = 'webmv';
            if ($extension == 'mp4') {
                $extension = 'm4v';
            // guess resolution
            if (isset($fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'])) {
                $width = $fileinfo['video']['resolution_x'];
            if (isset($fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'])) {
                $height = $fileinfo['video']['resolution_y'];
            if (!isset($width) || !isset($height)) {
                // If guess was unsuccessful, fallback to default 16/9 resolution
                // This is the case for ogv video for example.
                $width = $MAX_WIDTH;
                $height = intval(9 * ($width / 16));
        } else {
            // -- audio only file --
            if ($extension == 'webm') {
                $extension = 'webma';
            if ($extension == 'mp4') {
                $extension = 'm4a';
            if ($extension == 'ogg') {
                $extension = 'oga';
            $width = '0';
            $height = '0';
    // Resize if video is too large
    if ($width > $MAX_WIDTH) {
        $height = intval($height * ($MAX_WIDTH / $width));
        $width = $MAX_WIDTH;
    // Slideshow : The video needs to be launch automatically in
    // slideshow mode. The refresh of the page is set to the
    // duration of the video.
    if (isset($conf['jplayer_autoplay']) && $conf['jplayer_autoplay']) {
        $AUTOPLAY = 'play';
    } else {
        $AUTOPLAY = '';
    if ($page['slideshow']) {
        $refresh = $fileinfo['playtime_seconds'];
        $AUTOPLAY = 'play';
    // Picture representative to be used as poster image in the player
    $poster_url = NULL;
    if (isset($picture['current']['src_image']) && isset($conf['jplayer_representative_as_poster']) && $conf['jplayer_representative_as_poster']) {
        $poster_url = $picture['current']['src_image']->get_url();
        $poster_url = embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $poster_url);
        if (strpos($poster_url, "mimetype")) {
            // Ignore mimetype representatives because they're too small
            $poster_url = NULL;
    // Load parameter, fallback to blue monday if unset
    $skin = isset($conf['jplayer_skin']) ? $conf['jplayer_skin'] : 'bm';
    // Select the template
    $template->set_filenames(array('jp_content' => dirname(__FILE__) . "/template/jp-" . $skin . ".tpl"));
    $alternate_media_url = '';
    $alternate_type = '';
    if ($extension == 'webmv') {
        if (file_exists($basename . '.m4v')) {
            $alternate_media_url = str_replace('webm', 'm4v', $picture['current']['element_url']);
            $alternate_type = 'm4v';
    } else {
        if ($extension == 'm4v') {
            if (file_exists($basename . '.webm')) {
                $alternate_media_url = str_replace('m4v', 'webm', $picture['current']['element_url']);
                $alternate_type = 'webmv';
    // Assign the template variables
    // We use here the piwigo's get_gallery_home_url function to build
    // the full URL as suggested by jplayer for flash fallback compatibility
    $template->assign(array('JP_MEDIA_URL' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $picture['current']['element_url']), 'ALT_JP_MEDIA_URL' => embellish_url(get_gallery_home_url() . $alternate_media_url), 'JP_POSTER' => $poster_url, 'JPLAYER_PATH' => JPLAYER_PATH, 'JPLAYER_FULLPATH' => realpath(dirname(__FILE__)), 'WIDTH' => $width . 'px', 'HEIGHT' => $height . 'px', 'TYPE' => $extension, 'ALT_TYPE' => $alternate_type, 'AUTOPLAY' => $AUTOPLAY, 'IS_VIDEO' => $is_video));
    // Return the rendered html
    $jp_content = $template->parse('jp_content', true);
    return $jp_content;
 * Function called from UAM_admin.php to send notification email when user registration have been manually validated by admin
 * @param : user id
function validation_mail($id)
    global $conf;
    $conf_UAM = unserialize($conf['UserAdvManager']);
    include_once PHPWG_ROOT_PATH . 'include/';
    $custom_txt = "";
    $subject = "";
    // We have to get the user's language in database
    // ----------------------------------------------
    $query = '
SELECT user_id, language
WHERE user_id = ' . $id . '
    $data = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query));
    // Check if user is already registered (profile changing) - If not (new registration), language is set to current gallery language
    // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    if (empty($data)) {
        // And switch gallery to this language before using personalized and multilangual contents
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        $language = pwg_get_session_var('lang_switch', $user['language']);
    } else {
        // And switch gallery to this language before using personalized and multilangual contents
        // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
        $language = $data['language'];
        // Usefull for debugging
        load_language('plugin.lang', UAM_PATH);
    // Retreive users email and user name from id
    // ------------------------------------------
    $query = '
SELECT id, username, mail_address
WHERE id = ' . $id . '
    $result = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query));
        // Management of Extension flags ([username], [mygallery])
        // -------------------------------------------------------
        $patterns[] = '#\\[username\\]#i';
        $replacements[] = stripslashes($result['username']);
        $patterns[] = '#\\[mygallery\\]#i';
        $replacements[] = $conf['gallery_title'];
        if (function_exists('get_user_language_desc')) {
            $subject = get_user_language_desc(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL_SUBJECT'])) . "\n\n";
        } else {
            $subject = l10n(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL_SUBJECT'])) . "\n\n";
    if (isset($conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL']) and !empty($conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL'])) {
        // Management of Extension flags ([username], [mygallery], [myurl])
        // ----------------------------------------------------------------
        $patterns[] = '#\\[username\\]#i';
        $replacements[] = stripslashes($result['username']);
        $patterns[] = '#\\[mygallery\\]#i';
        $replacements[] = $conf['gallery_title'];
        $patterns[] = '#\\[myurl\\]#i';
        $replacements[] = get_gallery_home_url();
        if (function_exists('get_user_language_desc')) {
            $custom_txt = get_user_language_desc(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL'])) . "\n\n";
        } else {
            $custom_txt = l10n(preg_replace($patterns, $replacements, $conf_UAM['ADMINVALIDATIONMAIL'])) . "\n\n";
    $infos = array(get_l10n_args('UAM_User: %s', stripslashes($result['username'])), get_l10n_args('Email: %s', $result['mail_address']), get_l10n_args('', ''));
    // Sending the email with subject and contents
    // -------------------------------------------
    // Adding gallery URL at the end of the email
    if (isset($conf_UAM['ADD_GALLERY_URL_TO_EMAILS']) and $conf_UAM['ADD_GALLERY_URL_TO_EMAILS'] == 'true') {
        $content = l10n_args($infos) . "\n\n" . $custom_txt . get_absolute_root_url();
        pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($result['username']), 'email' => $result['mail_address']), array('content' => $content, 'content_format' => 'text/plain', 'subject' => $subject));
        // Send a copy to admins
        if (isset($conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS']) and $conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS'] == 'true') {
            UAM_Copy2Admins($subject, $content);
    } elseif (isset($conf_UAM['ADD_GALLERY_URL_TO_EMAILS']) and $conf_UAM['ADD_GALLERY_URL_TO_EMAILS'] == 'false') {
        $content = l10n_args($infos) . "\n\n" . $custom_txt;
        pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($result['username']), 'email' => $result['mail_address']), array('content' => $content, 'content_format' => 'text/plain', 'subject' => $subject));
        // Send a copy to admins
        if (isset($conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS']) and $conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS'] == 'true') {
            UAM_Copy2Admins($subject, $content);
    } else {
        $content = l10n_args($infos) . "\n\n" . $custom_txt;
        pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($result['username']), 'email' => $result['mail_address']), array('content' => $content, 'content_format' => 'text/plain', 'subject' => $subject));
        // Send a copy to admins
        if (isset($conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS']) and $conf_UAM['EMAILS_COPY_TO_ADMINS'] == 'true') {
            UAM_Copy2Admins($subject, $content);
    // Switching back to default language
    // ----------------------------------
Example #22
function do_action_send_mail_notification($action = 'list_to_send', $check_key_list = array(), $customize_mail_content = '')
    global $conf, $page, $user, $lang_info, $lang, $env_nbm;
    $return_list = array();
    if (in_array($action, array('list_to_send', 'send'))) {
        list($dbnow) = pwg_db_fetch_row(pwg_query('SELECT NOW();'));
        $is_action_send = $action == 'send';
        // disabled and null mail_address are not selected in the list
        $data_users = get_user_notifications('send', $check_key_list);
        // List all if it's define on options or on timeout
        $is_list_all_without_test = ($env_nbm['is_sendmail_timeout'] or $conf['nbm_list_all_enabled_users_to_send']);
        // Check if exist news to list user or send mails
        if (!$is_list_all_without_test or $is_action_send) {
            if (count($data_users) > 0) {
                $datas = array();
                if (!isset($customize_mail_content)) {
                    $customize_mail_content = $conf['nbm_complementary_mail_content'];
                $customize_mail_content = trigger_change('nbm_render_global_customize_mail_content', $customize_mail_content);
                // Prepare message after change language
                if ($is_action_send) {
                    $msg_break_timeout = l10n('Time to send mail is limited. Others mails are skipped.');
                } else {
                    $msg_break_timeout = l10n('Prepared time for list of users to send mail is limited. Others users are not listed.');
                // Begin nbm users environment
                foreach ($data_users as $nbm_user) {
                    if (!$is_action_send and check_sendmail_timeout()) {
                        // Stop fill list on 'list_to_send', if the quota is override
                        $page['infos'][] = $msg_break_timeout;
                    if ($is_action_send and check_sendmail_timeout()) {
                        // Stop fill list on 'send', if the quota is override
                        $page['errors'][] = $msg_break_timeout;
                    // set env nbm user
                    set_user_on_env_nbm($nbm_user, $is_action_send);
                    if ($is_action_send) {
                        $auth = null;
                        $add_url_params = array();
                        $auth_key = create_user_auth_key($nbm_user['user_id'], $nbm_user['status']);
                        if ($auth_key !== false) {
                            $auth = $auth_key['auth_key'];
                            $add_url_params['auth'] = $auth;
                        // Fill return list of "treated" check_key for 'send'
                        $return_list[] = $nbm_user['check_key'];
                        if ($conf['nbm_send_detailed_content']) {
                            $news = news($nbm_user['last_send'], $dbnow, false, $conf['nbm_send_html_mail'], $auth);
                            $exist_data = count($news) > 0;
                        } else {
                            $exist_data = news_exists($nbm_user['last_send'], $dbnow);
                        if ($exist_data) {
                            $subject = '[' . $conf['gallery_title'] . '] ' . l10n('New photos added');
                            // Assign current var for nbm mail
                            if (!is_null($nbm_user['last_send'])) {
                                $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('content_new_elements_between', array('DATE_BETWEEN_1' => $nbm_user['last_send'], 'DATE_BETWEEN_2' => $dbnow));
                            } else {
                                $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('content_new_elements_single', array('DATE_SINGLE' => $dbnow));
                            if ($conf['nbm_send_detailed_content']) {
                                $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('global_new_lines', $news);
                            $nbm_user_customize_mail_content = trigger_change('nbm_render_user_customize_mail_content', $customize_mail_content, $nbm_user);
                            if (!empty($nbm_user_customize_mail_content)) {
                                $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign('custom_mail_content', $nbm_user_customize_mail_content);
                            if ($conf['nbm_send_html_mail'] and $conf['nbm_send_recent_post_dates']) {
                                $recent_post_dates = get_recent_post_dates_array($conf['recent_post_dates']['NBM']);
                                foreach ($recent_post_dates as $date_detail) {
                                    $env_nbm['mail_template']->append('recent_posts', array('TITLE' => get_title_recent_post_date($date_detail), 'HTML_DATA' => get_html_description_recent_post_date($date_detail, $auth)));
                            $env_nbm['mail_template']->assign(array('GOTO_GALLERY_TITLE' => $conf['gallery_title'], 'GOTO_GALLERY_URL' => add_url_params(get_gallery_home_url(), $add_url_params), 'SEND_AS_NAME' => $env_nbm['send_as_name']));
                            $ret = pwg_mail(array('name' => stripslashes($nbm_user['username']), 'email' => $nbm_user['mail_address']), array('from' => $env_nbm['send_as_mail_formated'], 'subject' => $subject, 'email_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'], 'content' => $env_nbm['mail_template']->parse('notification_by_mail', true), 'content_format' => $env_nbm['email_format'], 'auth_key' => $auth));
                            if ($ret) {
                                $datas[] = array('user_id' => $nbm_user['user_id'], 'last_send' => $dbnow);
                            } else {
                    } else {
                        if (news_exists($nbm_user['last_send'], $dbnow)) {
                            // Fill return list of "selected" users for 'list_to_send'
                            $return_list[] = $nbm_user;
                    // unset env nbm user
                // Restore nbm environment
                if ($is_action_send) {
                    mass_updates(USER_MAIL_NOTIFICATION_TABLE, array('primary' => array('user_id'), 'update' => array('last_send')), $datas);
            } else {
                if ($is_action_send) {
                    $page['errors'][] = l10n('No user to send notifications by mail.');
        } else {
            // Quick List, don't check news
            // Fill return list of "selected" users for 'list_to_send'
            $return_list = $data_users;
    // Return list of "selected" users for 'list_to_send'
    // Return list of "treated" check_key for 'send'
    return $return_list;
 * identification menu block
function oauth_blockmanager($menu_ref_arr)
    global $template, $conf, $hybridauth_conf;
    $menu =& $menu_ref_arr[0];
    if ($hybridauth_conf['enabled'] == 0 or !$conf['oauth']['display_menubar'] or $menu->get_block('mbIdentification') == null) {
    $u_redirect = !empty($_GET['redirect']) ? urldecode($_GET['redirect']) : get_gallery_home_url();
    $template->set_prefilter('menubar', 'oauth_add_menubar_buttons_prefilter');
Example #24
    } else {
        if (isset($_GET['init_auth'])) {
            $params = array();
            if ($provider == 'OpenID') {
                $params['openid_identifier'] = $_GET['openid_identifier'];
            // try to authenticate
            $adapter = $hybridauth->authenticate($provider, $params);
        } else {
            if (!verify_ephemeral_key(@$_GET['key'])) {
                throw new Exception('Forbidden', 403);
            $template->assign('LOADING', '&openid_identifier=' . @$_GET['openid_identifier'] . '&init_auth=1');
} catch (Exception $e) {
    switch ($e->getCode()) {
        case 5:
            $template->assign('ERROR', l10n('Authentication canceled'));
        case 404:
            $template->assign('ERROR', l10n('User not found'));
            $template->assign('ERROR', l10n('An error occured, please contact the gallery owner. <i>Error code : %s</i>', '<span title="' . $e->getMessage() . '">' . $e->getCode() . '</span>'));
$template->assign(array('GALLERY_TITLE' => $conf['gallery_title'], 'CONTENT_ENCODING' => get_pwg_charset(), 'U_HOME' => get_gallery_home_url(), 'OAUTH_PATH' => OAUTH_PATH, 'PROVIDER' => $hybridauth_conf['providers'][$provider]['name'], 'SELF_URL' => OAUTH_PATH . 'auth.php?provider=' . $provider));
$template->set_filename('index', realpath(OAUTH_PATH . 'template/auth.tpl'));
Example #25
// | WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            |
// | General Public License for more details.                              |
// |                                                                       |
// | You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License     |
// | along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software           |
// | Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, |
// | USA.                                                                  |
// +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+
// by default we start with guest
$user['id'] = $conf['guest_id'];
if (isset($_COOKIE[session_name()])) {
    if (isset($_GET['act']) and $_GET['act'] == 'logout') {
        // logout
    } elseif (!empty($_SESSION['pwg_uid'])) {
        $user['id'] = $_SESSION['pwg_uid'];
// Now check the auto-login
if ($user['id'] == $conf['guest_id']) {
// using Apache authentication override the above user search
if ($conf['apache_authentication']) {
    $remote_user = null;
    foreach (array('REMOTE_USER', 'REDIRECT_REMOTE_USER') as $server_key) {
        if (isset($_SERVER[$server_key])) {
            $remote_user = $_SERVER[$server_key];
Example #26
//-------------------------------------------------------------- initialization
// navigation bar
$page['navigation_bar'] = array();
if (count($page['items']) > $page['nb_image_page']) {
    $page['navigation_bar'] = create_navigation_bar(duplicate_index_url(array(), array('start')), count($page['items']), $page['start'], $page['nb_image_page'], true, 'start');
$template->assign('thumb_navbar', $page['navigation_bar']);
// caddie filling :-)
if (isset($_GET['caddie'])) {
if (isset($page['is_homepage']) and $page['is_homepage']) {
    $canonical_url = get_gallery_home_url();
} else {
    $start = $page['nb_image_page'] * round($page['start'] / $page['nb_image_page']);
    if ($start > 0 && $start >= count($page['items'])) {
        $start -= $page['nb_image_page'];
    $canonical_url = duplicate_index_url(array('start' => $start));
$template->assign('U_CANONICAL', $canonical_url);
//-------------------------------------------------------------- page title
$title = $page['title'];
$template_title = $page['section_title'];
if (count($page['items']) > 0) {
    $template_title .= ' [' . count($page['items']) . ']';
$template->assign('TITLE', $template_title);