function local_obu_forms_extend_navigation($navigation) { global $CFG, $USER, $PAGE; if (!isloggedin() || isguestuser()) { return; } $context = context_system::instance(); $staff_manager = has_capability('local/obu_forms:manage_pg', $context) || has_capability('local/obu_forms:manage_ump_staff', $context); $students_manager = has_capability('local/obu_forms:manage_pg', $context) || has_capability('local/obu_forms:manage_ump_students', $context); $manager = $staff_manager || $students_manager; $staff = is_staff($USER->username); // Has a 'p' number? $student = is_student($USER->id); // Enrolled on a PIP-based course (programme)? // Add the 'My Forms' option if ($manager || $staff || $student || !empty(get_form_data($USER->id))) { // Find the 'myprofile' node $nodeParent = $navigation->find('myprofile', navigation_node::TYPE_UNKNOWN); // Add the option to list their completed forms if ($nodeParent) { $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('myforms', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/index.php?userid=' . $USER->id); } } if (!$manager && !$staff && !$student) { // Move on now please, nothing more to see here... return; } // Find the 'forms' node $nodeParent = $navigation->find(get_string('forms', 'local_obu_forms'), navigation_node::TYPE_SYSTEM); // If necessary, add the 'forms' node to 'home' if (!$nodeParent) { $nodeHome = $navigation->children->get('1')->parent; if ($nodeHome) { $nodeParent = $nodeHome->add(get_string('forms', 'local_obu_forms'), null, navigation_node::TYPE_SYSTEM); } } if ($nodeParent) { // For form managers, add the privileged maintenance and enquiry options if ($manager) { $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('settings_nav', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/forms.php'); $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('template_nav', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/template.php'); $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('auths_nav', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/auths.php'); $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('sc_auths', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/auths.php?authoriser=csa'); $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('list_users_forms', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/list.php'); $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('formslist', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/formslist.php'); } else { // For other users, add the option(s) to list all the relevant forms if ($staff) { $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('staff_forms', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/formslist.php?type=staff'); } $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('student_forms', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/formslist.php?type=student'); // Both staff and students can view student forms if ($staff) { $node = $nodeParent->add(get_string('list_users_forms', 'local_obu_forms'), '/local/obu_forms/list.php'); } } } }
function smarty_block_select($params, $content, $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { // Skip the first time return; } $attr = get_attr($params, $template); $field = get_field($params, $template); $CI =& get_instance(); if (isset($field->model)) { $CI->load->model($field->model); $parent_vars = $template->parent->tpl_vars; $form_data = get_form_data($parent_vars); $options = widget_select_get_options(get_default($params, 'options', array()), $form_data, $field, $CI->{$field->model}); } else { $options = get_default($params, 'options', array()); } $attr['url'] = current_url(); if (isset($field->filters)) { $hasfield = false; $rel = array(); foreach ($field->filters as $key => $filter) { if (isset($filter->field)) { $rel[] = $filter->field; $hasfield = true; } } if ($hasfield) { $attr['data-rel'] = implode(',', $rel); } } if (isset($params['noselectboxit']) && $params['noselectboxit'] != '') { $attr["data-no-selectBoxIt"] = true; } $parent_vars = $template->parent->tpl_vars; $form_data = get_form_data($parent_vars); $selected = get_default($params, 'selected', array()); $extra = _parse_form_attributes($attr, array()); if (count($selected) == 0) { $selected = $attr['value']; } return form_dropdown($attr['name'], $options, $selected, $extra); }
{ $persona_array = array(); if (isset($_POST)) { $persona_array['nombre'] = $_POST['nombre']; $persona_array['ap_pa'] = $_POST['ap_pa']; $persona_array['ap_ma'] = $_POST['ap_ma']; $persona_array['f_nacimiento'] = $_POST['f_nacimiento']; $persona_array['l_nacimiento'] = $_POST['l_nacimiento']; $persona_array['vio_sw'] = $_POST['star_wars']; $persona_array['prog_lang'] = $_POST['prog_lang']; $persona_array['star_wars'] = $_POST['star_wars']; return $persona_array; } return false; } $p_arr = get_form_data(); // var_dump($p_arr); $p->set_nombre($p_arr['nombre']); $p->set_ap_pa($p_arr['ap_pa']); $p->set_ap_ma($p_arr['ap_ma']); $p->set_l_nacimiento($p_arr['l_nacimiento']); $p->set_f_nacimiento($p_arr['f_nacimiento']); $p->set_vio_sw($p_arr['vio_sw']); // var_dump($p); exit; if ($p_errors = $p->get_errors()) { var_dump($p_errors); exit; foreach ($p_errors as $e) { echo $e; } } else {
function get_attr($params, $template) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->helper('form'); $parent_vars = $template->parent->tpl_vars; $f = get_field($params, $template); $field = $f->name; $state = get_default($params, 'state', null); if ($state != null) { $f->state = $state; } $classes = array(); $value = get_default($params, 'value'); $classes[] = get_default($params, 'class'); $classes[] = 'form-control'; $attr = get_default($params, 'attr', array()); $class = implode(' ', $classes); $type = get_default($params, 'type', 'text'); if ($f->defaultValue != '') { $value = $f->defaultValue; } // Added the support for CI Form Validation $setValue = set_value($f->name); if ($value == '' && $setValue != '') { $value = $setValue; } // Now for form object rendering $form_data = get_form_data($parent_vars); if (isset($f->mask)) { $json = new stdclass(); if (is_string($f->mask)) { $json->mask = $f->mask; } else { $json = ''; $jsonarray = (array) $f->mask; foreach ($jsonarray as $key => $value) { $json .= "'" . $key . "':'" . $value . "'"; } } $json = str_replace('"', "'", json_encode($json)); $attr['data-inputmask'] = substr($json, 1, strlen($json) - 2); } if (isset($form_data) && isset($form_data->{$field})) { $value = $form_data->{$field}; } $attr['class'] = $class; $attr['name'] = $f->name; $attr['id'] = $f->getId(); $attr['type'] = $type; $attr['value'] = $value; if ($f->state == 'disabled') { $attr['disabled'] = 'true'; } $rules = $f->getJQValidationRules(); foreach ($rules as $k => $v) { $attr[$k] = $v; } if (isset($f->placeholder) && $f->placeholder != '') { $attr['placeholder'] = lang($f->placeholder); } else { $attr['placeholder'] = get_default($params, 'placeholder', ''); } if (isset($params['type']) && $params['type'] != '') { $attr['data-type'] = $params['type']; } return $attr; }
if (empty($_POST[$field_name])) { $err = "Field is required"; } else { $val = process_input($_POST[$field_name]); } } } get_form_data("title", $title, $titleErr); get_form_data("lecturer_name", $lecturer, $lecturerErr); get_form_data("description", $description, $descriptionErr); get_form_data("program", $program, $programErr); get_form_data("course", $course, $courseErr); get_form_data("type", $type, $typeErr); get_form_data("name", $name, $nameErr); get_form_data("lecturer_email", $lecturerEmail, $lecturerEmailErr); get_form_data("materials", $materials, $materialsErr); if (!empty($lecturerEmail)) { if (!ereg("^[A-Za-z0-9\\.|-|_]*[@]{1}[A-Za-z0-9\\.|-|_]*[.]{1}[a-z]{2,5}\$", $lecturerEmail)) { $lecturerEmailErr = "Invalid email format"; } } if (!empty($materials)) { if (!ereg("^*.zip\$", $materials)) { $materialsErr = "File not zip."; } } ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]); ?>
echo "\n <form action=help_vol_edit.php>\n <input type=hidden name=old_email_addr value=\"{$email_addr}\">\n <input type=hidden name=old_password value=\"{$password}\">\n "; print_form($vol, 'edit_action'); echo "</form>\n"; page_tail(); } else { if ($edit_action) { $old_email_addr = stripslashes($_GET['old_email_addr']); $old_password = stripslashes($_GET['old_password']); $vol = vol_lookup_email($old_email_addr); if (!$vol) { boinc_error_page("Bad email address {$old_email_addr}"); } if ($old_password != $vol->password) { boinc_error_page("Bad password"); } $vol2 = get_form_data(); $vol2->timezone = $vol->timezone; $vol2->id = $vol->id; $retval = vol_update($vol2); if (!$retval) { echo mysql_error(); page_head("database error"); page_tail(); } else { page_head("Update completed"); echo "Your Help Volunteer account information has been updated."; page_tail(); } } else { page_head("Register as a BOINC Help Volunteer"); $vol = null;
if ($user->id == $USER->id) { $currentuser = true; $heading = get_string('myforms', 'local_obu_forms'); } else { $currentuser = false; // If we're looking at someone else's forms we may need to lock/remove some UI elements $PAGE->navigation->extend_for_user($user); $heading = get_string('forms', 'local_obu_forms') . ': ' . $user->firstname . ' ' . $user->lastname; } $PAGE->set_context(context_user::instance($user->id)); $PAGE->set_title($heading); $PAGE->set_heading($heading); // The page contents echo $OUTPUT->header(); echo $OUTPUT->heading($heading); $forms_data = get_form_data(); // get all forms data [*** NEEDS ATTENTION IN FUTURE ***] foreach ($forms_data as $data) { $template = read_form_template_by_id($data->template_id); $form = read_form_settings($template->form_id); // If a staff form, allow a forms manager to extract any given student number $student = ''; $student_number = ''; if (!$form->student && is_manager($form)) { load_form_fields($data, $fields); if (array_key_exists('student_number', $fields)) { $student = $fields['student_number']; $student_number = ' [' . $student . ']'; } } if ($data->author == $user->id || $student == $user->username) {