function whitepaper_template() { remove_action('thesis_hook_header', 'thesis_default_header'); add_action('thesis_hook_header', 'thesis_whitepaper_header'); get_header(apply_filters('thesis_get_header', $name)); echo '<div id="container">' . "\n"; echo '<div id="page">' . "\n"; thesis_header_area(); echo ' <div id="content_box">' . "\n"; thesis_content_column(); echo ' <div id="sidebars">' . "\n"; echo ' <div id="sidebar_5 class="sidebar">' . "\n"; echo ' <ul class="sidebar_list">' . "\n"; dynamic_sidebar(5); echo ' </ul>' . "\n"; echo ' </div>' . "\n"; // sidebar_5 echo ' </div>' . "\n"; // //sidebars echo ' </div>' . "\n"; // content_box thesis_footer_area(); echo '</div>' . "\n"; //page echo '</div>' . "\n"; //container get_footer(apply_filters('thesis_get_footer', $name)); }
function show_page($page) { $template = "view/templates/default_template.php"; if (file_exists($template) && is_file($template)) { require_once $template; } else { require_once "view/templates/default_template.php"; } echo get_document_head(); echo get_header_start(); if (is_logged_in()) { echo get_logout(); } else { } echo get_header_end(); if (is_logged_in()) { echo get_menu(); } else { echo get_guest_menu(); } if (is_logged_in()) { if ($page == "startpage") { echo "startpage"; } else { if ($page == "fileupload") { echo get_fileupload(); } else { if ($page == "nyheter") { echo get_news(); } else { if ($page == "flowing") { echo get_flowing(); } else { if ($page == "event") { echo get_event(); } else { if ($page == "profile") { $user_id = 1; echo get_profile($user_id); } else { echo get_default(""); } } } } } } } else { echo get_login(); } echo get_footer(); echo get_document_end(); }
function mtm_load_wrap_footer() { if (mtm_load_wrap()) { echo '</main>'; get_footer(); } }
function showErrorPage() { get_header(); ?> <div class="row"> <div class="col-lg-12"> <div class="page-header"> <h1><?php echo __('Create building', 'idp-theme'); ?> <small><?php echo __('Step 3: Images', 'idp-theme'); ?> </small> </h1> </div> </div> </div> <?php idp_showAlertMessage('buildingNotFound'); ?> <?php get_footer(); exit; }
/** * Get footer for builder templates */ function spyropress_get_builder_footer() { global $wp_query; $template_id = $wp_query->queried_template_id; $canvas_footer = get_post_meta($template_id, 'canvas_footer', true); // if left blank or theme default if ($canvas_footer == '' || $canvas_footer == -2) { get_footer(); return; } elseif ($canvas_footer == -1) { get_footer('blank'); return; } spyropress_before_footer(); printf(' <!-- footer --> <footer id="footer"> <div class="container"> %s </div> </footer> <!-- /footer -->', builder_render_frontend_rows($canvas_footer)); spyropress_after_footer(); // custom footer get_footer('builder'); return; }
function CancellaEmail() { global $_GET; global $wpdb; $table_email = $wpdb->prefix . "nl_email"; if ($_GET['action'] == "delete") { $user_count = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$table_email} where magic_string ='{$_GET['c']}';"); if ($user_count < 1) { echo "<div class=\"error\">" . __('email addresso not present or something is going wrong?!', 'sendit') . "</div>"; } else { $wpdb->query("UPDATE {$table_email} set accepted='d' where magic_string = '{$_GET['c']}'"); $table_liste = $wpdb->prefix . "nl_liste"; $templaterow = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * from {$table_liste} where id_lista = '{$_GET['lista']}' "); //utile anzi fondamentale $plugindir = "sendit/"; $sendit_root = get_option('siteurl') . '/wp-content/plugins/' . $plugindir; /* * QUI potete ridisegnare il vs TEMA */ get_header(); echo '<div id=\\"content\\">'; echo '<div id="message" class="updated fade"><p><strong>' . __("Your email address was deleted suffesfully from our mailing list!", "sendit") . '</strong></p></div>'; echo '</div>'; echo '</div>'; get_footer(); } } }
static function get_footer($use_main_template = false, $name = '') { if ($use_main_template) { get_footer($name); return; } $footer = 'footer-snapjobs'; if ($name) { $footer .= '-' . $name; } $footer .= '.php'; if (file_exists($template_footer = _NP_TEMPLATE_PATH . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $footer)) { if ($name) { $template_footer = str_replace('.php', '', $template_footer) . '-' . $name . '.php'; } require $template_footer; } else { if ($name) { $template_footer = 'templates/footer-' . $name . '.php'; } else { $template_footer = 'templates/footer.php'; } require $template_footer; } }
function function_totalcoin($seperator, $sessionid) { global $wpdb, $wpsc_cart; $purchase_log = $wpdb->get_row("SELECT * FROM `" . WPSC_TABLE_PURCHASE_LOGS . "` WHERE `sessionid`= " . $sessionid . " LIMIT 1", ARRAY_A); $usersql = "SELECT `" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "`.value,\n `" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "`.`name`,\n `" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "`.`unique_name` FROM\n `" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "` LEFT JOIN\n `" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "` ON\n `" . WPSC_TABLE_CHECKOUT_FORMS . "`.id =\n `" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "`.`form_id` WHERE\n `" . WPSC_TABLE_SUBMITED_FORM_DATA . "`.`log_id`=" . $purchase_log['id']; $userinfo = $wpdb->get_results($usersql, ARRAY_A); $data = array(); $data['sucess'] = get_option('totalcoin_url_sucess'); $data['pending'] = get_option('totalcoin_url_pending'); $data['before_step'] = get_option('totalcoin_url_before_step'); $data['Email'] = get_option('totalcoin_email'); $data['ApiKey'] = get_option('totalcoin_apikey'); $data['Currency'] = get_option('totalcoin_currency'); $data['Country'] = get_option('totalcoin_country'); $data['MerchantId'] = get_option('totalcoin_merchantid'); $data['Reference'] = $purchase_log['id']; $data['Site'] = 'Wordpress'; $data['PaymentMethods'] = get_option('totalcoin_methods'); $data['Quantity'] = 1; $data['Amount'] = number_format($wpsc_cart->total_price, 2, '.', ''); $description = ''; foreach ($wpsc_cart->cart_items as $item) { $description .= $item->product_name . ' - Precio por Unidad: ' . number_format($item->unit_price, 2, '.', ''); $description .= ' - Cantidad: ' . $item->quantity . ' | '; } $description = rtrim($description, ' | '); $data['Description'] = $description; $tc = new TotalCoinAPI($data['Email'], $data['ApiKey']); $results = $tc->perform_checkout($data); if ($results['IsOk']) { $url = $results['Response']['URL']; $type_checkout = get_option('totalcoin_typecheckout'); switch ($type_checkout) { case "Redirect": header("location: " . $url); break; case "Iframe": $content = '<iframe src="' . $url . '" name="TC-Checkout" width="953" height="600" frameborder="0" style="overflow:hidden"></iframe>'; break; default: $content = '<TOTALCOIN SIMPLE BUTTON>'; break; } } else { $content = 'Se ha producido un Error Interno'; } $title = 'TotalCoin Checkout'; get_header(); $html = '<div style="position: relative; margin: 20px 0;" >'; $html .= '<div style="margin: 0 auto; width: 80%; ">'; $html .= '<h3>' . $title . '</h3>'; $html .= $content; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; echo $html; get_footer(); exit; }
if (isset($_GET['mls'])) { session_start(); $mlsNo = $_GET['mls']; $_SESSION['mlsnum'] = $mlsNo; //$location = get_site_url()."/propertyview/"; wp_redirect($location); } } add_action('get_header', 'get_property_view_item'); /**
public function parse_footer() { ob_start(); get_footer(); // wp_footer(); // wp_print_scripts(); $raw = ob_get_clean(); return array('raw' => $raw); }
function senviet_demo_template() { get_head(); get_nav(); if (isset($_GET['page'])) { get_template_part("content-" . $_GET['page']); } else { get_template_part("content"); } get_footer(); }
function check_posttype($type) { // THIS FUNCTIONS CHECK IF A POSTTYPE IS ACTIVE OR NOT. THIS REDUCE ERRORS WHILE USING AN INACTIVE POSTTYPE if (load_option("posttype_" . $type) == "on") { return; } else { echo "<div class='error'><p>This Posttype is not active. Please go to the adminpanel and actived this posttype for using.</p></div>"; get_footer(); die; } }
function q21() { if (defined('Q21_SHORT') && Q21_SHORT === true) { return; } /*this is where the magic happens, leaving it in functins for now till I find a better place for q21 to live - a class perhaps? */ get_header(); do_action('q21_content_start'); do_action('q21_content_end'); get_footer(); }
/** * * This is the theme.php file for the CRM Press theme. * DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE! IT WILL BE OVERRIDEN WITH FUTURE UPDATES. * If you wish to make customizations, please make a child theme instead. * */ function crmpress() { global $prefix; // Add our global variable here so we don't have to call it anywhere else in our theme :) get_header(); do_action('crmpress_top_section'); do_action('crmpress_before_main_content'); // Adds a hook before the #main-content div do_action('crmpress_content'); do_action('crmpress_after_main_content'); get_footer(); }
/** * Renders the views * * @access public * @param String $template * @param Array $viewData * @return void */ public function render($template) { foreach ($this->data as $key => $val) { ${$key} = $val; } $path = ABSPATH . Constants::DIR_VIEWS . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; get_header(); require_once $path . 'header.php'; require_once $path . $template . '.php'; get_footer(); require_once $path . 'footer.php'; }
/** * Render TWIG component. * * @param string $template Twig template to display * @param array $vars Contains all field options * * @since 3.2.4 */ public static function render($template, $vars) { //Define Twig loaders $loader = new Twig_Loader_Filesystem(array(TTO_PATH . '/Resources/views')); //Build Twig renderer $twig = new Twig_Environment($loader, array('cache' => TTO_PATH . '/../_cache')); //Get footer and header from WordPress $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('getFooter', function ($file = '') { get_footer($file); })); $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('getHeader', function ($file = '') { get_header($file); })); //Get permalink from WordPress $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('get_permalink', function ($id) { get_permalink($id); })); $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('get_term_link', function ($id, $type) { get_term_link($id, $type); })); //Get terms $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('get_the_term_list', function ($id, $type, $before, $inside, $after) { get_the_term_list($id, $type, $before, $inside, $after); })); //Get author from WordPress $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('get_the_author_meta', function ($display, $id) { get_the_author_meta($display, $id); })); $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('get_author_posts_url', function ($id) { get_author_posts_url($id); })); //Image $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('has_post_thumbnail', function ($id) { has_post_thumbnail($id); })); $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('get_post_thumbnail_id', function ($id) { get_post_thumbnail_id($id); })); $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('wp_get_attachment_image_src', function ($id, $format) { wp_get_attachment_image_src($id, $format); })); //Make Include function $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('includeFile', function ($file) { include $file; })); //Make wpEditor function $twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction('wpEditor', function ($content, $editor_id, $settings = array()) { wp_editor($content, $editor_id, $settings); })); //Display template echo $twig->render($template, $vars); }
/** * 客服中心显示 */ function show_user_center() { $best_goods = get_recommend_goods('best'); if (count($best_goods) > 0) { foreach ($best_goods as $key => $best_data) { $best_goods[$key]['shop_price'] = encode_output($best_data['shop_price']); $best_goods[$key]['name'] = encode_output($best_data['name']); } } $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('best_goods', $best_goods); $GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('footer', get_footer()); $GLOBALS['smarty']->display('favorites.html'); }
function wptouch_core_header_check_use() { if (false && function_exists('bnc_is_iphone') && !bnc_is_iphone()) { echo '<div class="content post">'; echo sprintf(__("%sWarning%s", "wptouch"), '<a href="#" class="h2">', '</a>'); echo '<div class="mainentry">'; echo __("Sorry, this theme is only meant for use with WordPress on certain smartphones.", "wptouch"); echo '</div></div>'; echo '' . get_footer() . ''; echo '</body>'; die; } }
/** * Used to initialize the framework in the various template files. * * It pulls in all the necessary components like header and footer, the basic * markup structure, and hooks. * * @since 1.3.0 */ function genesis() { get_header(); do_action('genesis_before_content_sidebar_wrap'); genesis_markup(array('open' => '<div %s>', 'context' => 'content-sidebar-wrap')); do_action('genesis_before_content'); genesis_markup(array('open' => '<main %s>', 'context' => 'content')); do_action('genesis_before_loop'); do_action('genesis_loop'); do_action('genesis_after_loop'); genesis_markup(array('close' => '</main>', 'context' => 'content')); do_action('genesis_after_content'); genesis_markup(array('close' => '</div>', 'context' => 'content-sidebar-wrap')); do_action('genesis_after_content_sidebar_wrap'); get_footer(); }
function thesis_html_framework() { global $thesis; global $thesis_design; if (is_single() || is_page() && !$thesis['display']['comments']['disable_pages']) { wp_enqueue_script('comment-reply'); } get_header(apply_filters('thesis_get_header', $name)); if ($thesis_design['layout']['framework'] == 'page') { thesis_framework_page(); } elseif ($thesis_design['layout']['framework'] == 'full-width') { thesis_framework_full_width(); } else { thesis_framework_page(); } get_footer(apply_filters('thesis_get_footer', $name)); }
public static function atoz_catch_form() { if( get_query_var('letter') && get_query_var('term') ) { get_header(); include(CPT_PLUGIN_DIR . '/views/' . 'atoz-terms-posts.php'); get_footer(); exit(); } else if( get_query_var( 'letter' ) ) { get_header(); include(CPT_PLUGIN_DIR . '/views/' . 'atoz-terms.php'); get_footer(); exit(); } }
/** * Initialization */ function init() { $action = isset($_REQUEST['action']) ? $_REQUEST['action'] : 'login'; $errors = new WP_Error(); if (isset($_GET['key'])) { $action = 'resetpass'; } // validate action so as to default to the login screen if (!in_array($action, array('postpass', 'logout', 'lostpassword', 'retrievepassword', 'resetpass', 'rp', 'register', 'login'), true) && false === has_filter('login_form_' . $action)) { $action = 'login'; } // Only change login, register page if (in_array($action, array('login', 'lostpassword', 'retrievepassword', 'resetpass', 'rp', 'register'))) { add_action('colabs_title', array($this, 'colabs_login_title')); add_action('wp_title', array($this, 'colabs_login_title')); add_action('wp_head', array($this, 'custom_login_header')); add_action('wp_head', '_custom_background_cb'); ob_start(); get_header(); $this->container_open($action); // Check action switch ($action) { case 'lostpassword': case 'retrievepassword': $this->action_lostpassword(); break; case 'resetpass': case 'rp': $this->action_reset_pass(); break; case 'register': $this->action_register(); break; case 'login': default: $this->action_login(); break; } $this->container_close(); get_footer(); $output = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); echo $output; exit; } }
/** * Used to initialize the framework in the various template files. * * It pulls in all the necessary components like header and footer, the basic * markup structure, and hooks. * * @since 1.3.0 */ function genesis() { get_header(); do_action('genesis_before_content_sidebar_wrap'); genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<div %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="content-sidebar-wrap">', 'context' => 'content-sidebar-wrap')); do_action('genesis_before_content'); genesis_markup(array('html5' => '<main %s>', 'xhtml' => '<div id="content" class="hfeed">', 'context' => 'content')); do_action('genesis_before_loop'); do_action('genesis_loop'); do_action('genesis_after_loop'); genesis_markup(array('html5' => '</main>', 'xhtml' => '</div>')); do_action('genesis_after_content'); echo '</div>'; //* end .content-sidebar-wrap or #content-sidebar-wrap do_action('genesis_after_content_sidebar_wrap'); get_footer(); }
function show_page($page) { $template = ''; $posts_per_page = 5; $page_nr = isset($_GET['page_nr']) ? $_GET['page_nr'] : '0'; $limit = $page_nr * $posts_per_page . ", {$posts_per_page}"; // $template_file = select_from_db(array('blogs.template'), array('blogs'), array("'$page'")); // $template = "view/templates/" . $template_file[0]['template']; $template = "view/templates/default_template.php"; if (file_exists($template) && is_file($template)) { require_once $template; } else { require_once "view/templates/default_template.php"; } echo get_document_head(); echo get_header(); echo get_menu(); if ($page == "startpage") { echo "startpage"; } else { if ($page == "search") { echo get_searchbar(); echo get_search_results(); echo get_thechosen(); } else { if ($page == "fileupload") { echo get_fileupload(); } else { if ($page == "nyheter") { echo get_news(); } else { if ($page == "receipes") { $recipe = "Hallonmums"; echo get_recipes($recipe); } else { echo get_default("Välkommen"); } } } } } echo get_footer(); echo get_document_end(); }
public function bolos_for_edit($result){ echo '<style>'; echo 'th, td { padding: 10px; max-height: 10px; }'; echo 'a img { display:none; }'; echo 'a:hover img { display:block; position: absolute; max-width: 250px; max-height: 300px; }'; echo '</style>'; echo '<div class="container">'; echo '<table style="width:60%">'; echo '<tr>'; echo '<th>BOLO ID</th>'; echo '<th>Category</th>'; echo '<th>Date</th>'; echo '<th>Pic</th>'; echo '<th></th>'; echo '<th></th>'; echo '</tr>'; while($row = $result->fetch_assoc()){ echo '<tr>'; $img = '/bolofliercreator/wp-content/themes/inkness/'.$row['image']; echo '<td>' . $row['bolo_id'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row['selectcat'] . '</td>'; echo '<td>' . $row['datecreated'] . '</td>'; echo '<td><a href="#">View Image<img src="'.$img.'" /></a></td>'; echo '<td> <a href="?page_id=1502&idBolo=' . $row['bolo_id'] . '">Edit</a></td>'; echo '<td> <a href="?page_id=1532&idBolo=' . $row['bolo_id'] . '">Archive</a></td>'; echo '</tr>'; } echo "</table>"; echo '</div>'; get_footer(); }//end bolos_for_edit
/** * Actions Framework. * * WARNING: This file is part of the core Actions Framework. DO NOT edit this file under any circumstances. * Please do all modifications in the form of a child theme. * * @package Actions * @author WPDevHQ * @license GPL-2.0+ * @link */ function actions() { get_header(); do_action('actions_before_content_wrapper'); do_action('actions_before_index'); if (have_posts()) { do_action('actions_before_index_elements'); do_action('actions_index_elements'); do_action('actions_after_index_elements'); // If no content, include the "No posts found" template. } else { do_action('actions_before_content_none'); do_action('actions_index_content_none'); do_action('actions_after_content_none'); } do_action('actions_after_content_wrapper'); do_action('actions_sidebar'); get_footer(); }
function template_out($template_name, $from_modulname) { global $tpl, $lang_suffix; $ret = is_modul_name_aktive($from_modulname); if ($ret == 0) { error_msg("Dieses Modul wurde vom Administrator deaktiviert.<br>Module has been disabled by the administrator."); exit; } $lang_file = LITO_LANG_PATH . $from_modulname . '/lang_' . $lang_suffix . '.php'; $tpl->config_load($lang_file); $tpl->assign('LITO_NAVIGATION', get_navigation()); $tpl->assign('LITO_GLOBAL_IMAGE_URL', LITO_GLOBAL_IMAGE_URL); $tpl->assign('LITO_IMG_PATH', LITO_IMG_PATH_URL . $from_modulname . "/"); $tpl->assign('LITO_MAIN_CSS', LITO_MAIN_CSS); $tpl->assign('GAME_FOOTER_MSG', get_footer()); $tpl->assign('LITO_ROOT_PATH_URL', LITO_ROOT_PATH_URL); $tpl->assign('LITO_MODUL_PATH_URL', LITO_MODUL_PATH_URL); $tpl->assign('LITO_BASE_MODUL_URL', LITO_MODUL_PATH_URL); $tpl->display($from_modulname . "/" . $template_name); }
function thesis_faux_admin() { global $thesis_design; get_header(apply_filters('thesis_get_header', $name)); if ($thesis_design['layout']['framework'] == 'page' || !$thesis_design['layout']['framework']) { echo '<div id="container">' . "\n"; echo '<div id="page">' . "\n"; thesis_header_area(); thesis_faux_admin_content_area(); thesis_footer_area(); echo '</div>' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; } elseif ($thesis_design['layout']['framework'] == 'full-width') { thesis_wrap_header(); echo '<div id="content_area" class="full_width">' . "\n"; echo '<div class="page">' . "\n"; thesis_faux_admin_content_area(); echo '</div>' . "\n"; echo '</div>' . "\n"; thesis_wrap_footer(); } get_footer(apply_filters('thesis_get_footer', $name)); }
/** * Used to initialize the framework in the various template files. * * It pulls in all the necessary components like header and footer, the basic * markup structure, and hooks. * * @since 1.3.0 */ function genesis() { get_header(); do_action('genesis_before_content_sidebar_wrap'); ?> <div id="content-sidebar-wrap"> <?php do_action('genesis_before_content'); ?> <div id="content" class="hfeed"> <?php do_action('genesis_before_loop'); do_action('genesis_loop'); do_action('genesis_after_loop'); ?> </div><!-- end #content --> <?php do_action('genesis_after_content'); ?> </div><!-- end #content-sidebar-wrap --> <?php do_action('genesis_after_content_sidebar_wrap'); get_footer(); }
function doForm() { get_header(); ?> <section class="page-header"> <div class="container"> <?php while (have_posts()) { the_post(); ?> <h1><?php the_title(); ?> </h1> </div> </section> <section class="page-content"> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-6 content"> <?php the_content(); ?> <?php } // end of the loop. ?> </div> </div> </div> <?php get_footer(); }