Example #1
  * Define the form - called by parent constructor
 public function definition()
     global $DB;
     $mform = $this->_form;
     $params = $this->_customdata;
     // Instance variable is used by the form validation function.
     $instance = $params['instance'];
     $this->instance = $instance;
     // Get the assignment class.
     $assign = $params['assign'];
     $userlist = $params['userlist'];
     $usercount = 0;
     $usershtml = '';
     $extrauserfields = get_extra_user_fields($assign->get_context());
     foreach ($userlist as $userid) {
         if ($usercount >= 5) {
             $usershtml .= get_string('moreusers', 'assign', count($userlist) - 5);
         $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
         $usershtml .= $assign->get_renderer()->render(new assign_user_summary($user, $assign->get_course()->id, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $assign->get_course_context()), $assign->is_blind_marking(), $assign->get_uniqueid_for_user($user->id), $extrauserfields, !$assign->is_active_user($userid)));
         $usercount += 1;
     $userscount = count($userlist);
     $listusersmessage = get_string('grantextensionforusers', 'assign', $userscount);
     $mform->addElement('header', 'general', $listusersmessage);
     $mform->addElement('static', 'userslist', get_string('selectedusers', 'assign'), $usershtml);
     if ($instance->allowsubmissionsfromdate) {
         $mform->addElement('static', 'allowsubmissionsfromdate', get_string('allowsubmissionsfromdate', 'assign'), userdate($instance->allowsubmissionsfromdate));
     $finaldate = 0;
     if ($instance->duedate) {
         $mform->addElement('static', 'duedate', get_string('duedate', 'assign'), userdate($instance->duedate));
         $finaldate = $instance->duedate;
     if ($instance->cutoffdate) {
         $mform->addElement('static', 'cutoffdate', get_string('cutoffdate', 'assign'), userdate($instance->cutoffdate));
         $finaldate = $instance->cutoffdate;
     $mform->addElement('date_time_selector', 'extensionduedate', get_string('extensionduedate', 'assign'), array('optional' => true));
     $mform->setDefault('extensionduedate', $finaldate);
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'id');
     $mform->setType('id', PARAM_INT);
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'userid');
     $mform->setType('userid', PARAM_INT);
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'selectedusers');
     $mform->setType('selectedusers', PARAM_SEQUENCE);
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'action', 'saveextension');
     $mform->setType('action', PARAM_ALPHA);
     $this->add_action_buttons(true, get_string('savechanges', 'assign'));
Example #2
  * Initialises table
 protected function init()
     $tablecolumns = array('userpic', 'fullname');
     $tableheaders = array(get_string('userpic'), get_string('fullnameuser'));
     $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($this->get_context());
     $ufields = user_picture::fields('u', $extrafields, $this->useridfield);
     $fields = 'c.id, c.timemodified as completed_timemodified, c.courseid, ' . $ufields;
     $from = '{feedback_completed} c ' . 'JOIN {user} u ON u.id = c.userid AND u.deleted = :notdeleted';
     $where = 'c.anonymous_response = :anon
             AND c.feedback = :instance';
     if ($this->feedbackstructure->get_courseid()) {
         $where .= ' AND c.courseid = :courseid';
     if ($this->is_downloading()) {
         // When downloading data:
         // Remove 'userpic' from downloaded data.
         // Add all identity fields as separate columns.
         foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
             $fields .= ", u.{$field}";
             $tablecolumns[] = $field;
             $tableheaders[] = get_user_field_name($field);
     if ($this->feedbackstructure->get_feedback()->course == SITEID && !$this->feedbackstructure->get_courseid()) {
         $tablecolumns[] = 'courseid';
         $tableheaders[] = get_string('course');
     $tablecolumns[] = 'completed_timemodified';
     $tableheaders[] = get_string('date');
     $this->sortable(true, 'lastname', SORT_ASC);
     $this->set_attribute('id', 'showentrytable');
     $params = array();
     $params['anon'] = FEEDBACK_ANONYMOUS_NO;
     $params['instance'] = $this->feedbackstructure->get_feedback()->id;
     $params['notdeleted'] = 0;
     $params['courseid'] = $this->feedbackstructure->get_courseid();
     $group = groups_get_activity_group($this->feedbackstructure->get_cm(), true);
     if ($group) {
         $where .= ' AND c.userid IN (SELECT g.userid FROM {groups_members} g WHERE g.groupid = :group)';
         $params['group'] = $group;
     $this->set_sql($fields, $from, $where, $params);
     $this->set_count_sql("SELECT COUNT(c.id) FROM {$from} WHERE {$where}", $params);
Example #3
  * Set the display options for the user-related columns in the table.
  * @param table_sql $table the table being constructed.
 protected function configure_user_columns($table)
     $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($this->context);
     foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
     $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
     $table->column_class('lastname', 'bold');
     $table->column_class('firstname', 'bold');
     $table->column_class('fullname', 'bold');
  * overridden constructor keeps a reference to the assignment class that is displaying this table
  * @param assign $assignment The assignment class
  * @param int $perpage how many per page
  * @param string $filter The current filter
  * @param int $rowoffset For showing a subsequent page of results
  * @param bool $quickgrading Is this table wrapped in a quickgrading form?
  * @param string $downloadfilename
 public function __construct(assign $assignment, $perpage, $filter, $rowoffset, $quickgrading, $downloadfilename = null)
     global $CFG, $PAGE, $DB, $USER;
     $this->assignment = $assignment;
     // Check permissions up front.
     $this->hasgrantextension = has_capability('mod/assign:grantextension', $this->assignment->get_context());
     $this->hasgrade = $this->assignment->can_grade();
     // Check if we have the elevated view capablities to see the blind details.
     $this->hasviewblind = has_capability('mod/assign:viewblinddetails', $this->assignment->get_context());
     foreach ($assignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) {
         if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled()) {
             foreach ($plugin->get_grading_batch_operations() as $action => $description) {
                 if (empty($this->plugingradingbatchoperations)) {
                     $this->plugingradingbatchoperations[$plugin->get_type()] = array();
                 $this->plugingradingbatchoperations[$plugin->get_type()][$action] = $description;
     $this->perpage = $perpage;
     $this->quickgrading = $quickgrading && $this->hasgrade;
     $this->output = $PAGE->get_renderer('mod_assign');
     $urlparams = array('action' => 'grading', 'id' => $assignment->get_course_module()->id);
     $url = new moodle_url($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/assign/view.php', $urlparams);
     // Do some business - then set the sql.
     $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($assignment->get_course_module(), true);
     if ($rowoffset) {
         $this->rownum = $rowoffset - 1;
     $users = array_keys($assignment->list_participants($currentgroup, true));
     if (count($users) == 0) {
         // Insert a record that will never match to the sql is still valid.
         $users[] = -1;
     $params = array();
     $params['assignmentid1'] = (int) $this->assignment->get_instance()->id;
     $params['assignmentid2'] = (int) $this->assignment->get_instance()->id;
     $params['assignmentid3'] = (int) $this->assignment->get_instance()->id;
     $extrauserfields = get_extra_user_fields($this->assignment->get_context());
     $fields = user_picture::fields('u', $extrauserfields) . ', ';
     $fields .= 'u.id as userid, ';
     $fields .= 's.status as status, ';
     $fields .= 's.id as submissionid, ';
     $fields .= 's.timecreated as firstsubmission, ';
     $fields .= 's.timemodified as timesubmitted, ';
     $fields .= 's.attemptnumber as attemptnumber, ';
     $fields .= 'g.id as gradeid, ';
     $fields .= 'g.grade as grade, ';
     $fields .= 'g.timemodified as timemarked, ';
     $fields .= 'g.timecreated as firstmarked, ';
     $fields .= 'uf.mailed as mailed, ';
     $fields .= 'uf.locked as locked, ';
     $fields .= 'uf.extensionduedate as extensionduedate, ';
     $fields .= 'uf.workflowstate as workflowstate, ';
     $fields .= 'uf.allocatedmarker as allocatedmarker ';
     $from = '{user} u
                      LEFT JOIN {assign_submission} s
                             ON u.id = s.userid
                            AND s.assignment = :assignmentid1
                            AND s.latest = 1
                      LEFT JOIN {assign_grades} g
                             ON u.id = g.userid
                            AND g.assignment = :assignmentid2 ';
     // For group submissions we don't immediately create an entry in the assign_submission table for each user,
     // instead the userid is set to 0. In this case we use a different query to retrieve the grade for the user.
     if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->teamsubmission) {
         $params['assignmentid4'] = (int) $this->assignment->get_instance()->id;
         $grademaxattempt = 'SELECT mxg.userid, MAX(mxg.attemptnumber) AS maxattempt
                               FROM {assign_grades} mxg
                              WHERE mxg.assignment = :assignmentid4
                           GROUP BY mxg.userid';
         $from .= 'LEFT JOIN (' . $grademaxattempt . ') gmx
                          ON u.id = gmx.userid
                         AND g.attemptnumber = gmx.maxattempt ';
     } else {
         $from .= 'AND g.attemptnumber = s.attemptnumber ';
     $from .= 'LEFT JOIN {assign_user_flags} uf
                      ON u.id = uf.userid
                     AND uf.assignment = :assignmentid3';
     $userparams = array();
     $userindex = 0;
     list($userwhere, $userparams) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($users, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'user');
     $where = 'u.id ' . $userwhere;
     $params = array_merge($params, $userparams);
     // The filters do not make sense when there are no submissions, so do not apply them.
     if ($this->assignment->is_any_submission_plugin_enabled()) {
         if ($filter == ASSIGN_FILTER_SUBMITTED) {
             $where .= ' AND (s.timemodified IS NOT NULL AND
                              s.status = :submitted) ';
             $params['submitted'] = ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED;
         } else {
             if ($filter == ASSIGN_FILTER_NOT_SUBMITTED) {
                 $where .= ' AND (s.timemodified IS NULL OR s.status != :submitted) ';
                 $params['submitted'] = ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED;
             } else {
                 if ($filter == ASSIGN_FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING) {
                     $where .= ' AND (s.timemodified IS NOT NULL AND
                              s.status = :submitted AND
                              (s.timemodified >= g.timemodified OR g.timemodified IS NULL OR g.grade IS NULL))';
                     $params['submitted'] = ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED;
                 } else {
                     if (strpos($filter, ASSIGN_FILTER_SINGLE_USER) === 0) {
                         $userfilter = (int) array_pop(explode('=', $filter));
                         $where .= ' AND (u.id = :userid)';
                         $params['userid'] = $userfilter;
     if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->markingworkflow && $this->assignment->get_instance()->markingallocation) {
         if (has_capability('mod/assign:manageallocations', $this->assignment->get_context())) {
             // Check to see if marker filter is set.
             $markerfilter = (int) get_user_preferences('assign_markerfilter', '');
             if (!empty($markerfilter)) {
                 if ($markerfilter == ASSIGN_MARKER_FILTER_NO_MARKER) {
                     $where .= ' AND (uf.allocatedmarker IS NULL OR uf.allocatedmarker = 0)';
                 } else {
                     $where .= ' AND uf.allocatedmarker = :markerid';
                     $params['markerid'] = $markerfilter;
         } else {
             // Only show users allocated to this marker.
             $where .= ' AND uf.allocatedmarker = :markerid';
             $params['markerid'] = $USER->id;
     if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->markingworkflow) {
         $workflowstates = $this->assignment->get_marking_workflow_states_for_current_user();
         if (!empty($workflowstates)) {
             $workflowfilter = get_user_preferences('assign_workflowfilter', '');
             if ($workflowfilter == ASSIGN_MARKING_WORKFLOW_STATE_NOTMARKED) {
                 $where .= ' AND (uf.workflowstate = :workflowstate OR uf.workflowstate IS NULL OR ' . $DB->sql_isempty('assign_user_flags', 'workflowstate', true, true) . ')';
                 $params['workflowstate'] = $workflowfilter;
             } else {
                 if (array_key_exists($workflowfilter, $workflowstates)) {
                     $where .= ' AND uf.workflowstate = :workflowstate';
                     $params['workflowstate'] = $workflowfilter;
     $this->set_sql($fields, $from, $where, $params);
     if ($downloadfilename) {
         $this->is_downloading('csv', $downloadfilename);
     $columns = array();
     $headers = array();
     // Select.
     if (!$this->is_downloading() && $this->hasgrade) {
         $columns[] = 'select';
         $headers[] = get_string('select') . '<div class="selectall"><label class="accesshide" for="selectall">' . get_string('selectall') . '</label>
                 <input type="checkbox" id="selectall" name="selectall" title="' . get_string('selectall') . '"/></div>';
     // User picture.
     if ($this->hasviewblind || !$this->assignment->is_blind_marking()) {
         if (!$this->is_downloading()) {
             $columns[] = 'picture';
             $headers[] = get_string('pictureofuser');
         } else {
             $columns[] = 'recordid';
             $headers[] = get_string('recordid', 'assign');
         // Fullname.
         $columns[] = 'fullname';
         $headers[] = get_string('fullname');
         foreach ($extrauserfields as $extrafield) {
             $columns[] = $extrafield;
             $headers[] = get_user_field_name($extrafield);
     } else {
         // Record ID.
         $columns[] = 'recordid';
         $headers[] = get_string('recordid', 'assign');
     // Submission status.
     $columns[] = 'status';
     $headers[] = get_string('status', 'assign');
     // Team submission columns.
     if ($assignment->get_instance()->teamsubmission) {
         $columns[] = 'team';
         $headers[] = get_string('submissionteam', 'assign');
     // Allocated marker.
     if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->markingworkflow && $this->assignment->get_instance()->markingallocation && has_capability('mod/assign:manageallocations', $this->assignment->get_context())) {
         // Add a column for the allocated marker.
         $columns[] = 'allocatedmarker';
         $headers[] = get_string('marker', 'assign');
     // Grade.
     $columns[] = 'grade';
     $headers[] = get_string('grade');
     if ($this->is_downloading()) {
         if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->grade >= 0) {
             $columns[] = 'grademax';
             $headers[] = get_string('maxgrade', 'assign');
         } else {
             // This is a custom scale.
             $columns[] = 'scale';
             $headers[] = get_string('scale', 'assign');
         if ($this->assignment->get_instance()->markingworkflow) {
             // Add a column for the marking workflow state.
             $columns[] = 'workflowstate';
             $headers[] = get_string('markingworkflowstate', 'assign');
         // Add a column for the list of valid marking workflow states.
         $columns[] = 'gradecanbechanged';
         $headers[] = get_string('gradecanbechanged', 'assign');
     if (!$this->is_downloading() && $this->hasgrade) {
         // We have to call this column userid so we can use userid as a default sortable column.
         $columns[] = 'userid';
         $headers[] = get_string('edit');
     // Submission plugins.
     if ($assignment->is_any_submission_plugin_enabled()) {
         $columns[] = 'timesubmitted';
         $headers[] = get_string('lastmodifiedsubmission', 'assign');
         foreach ($this->assignment->get_submission_plugins() as $plugin) {
             if ($this->is_downloading()) {
                 if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled()) {
                     foreach ($plugin->get_editor_fields() as $field => $description) {
                         $index = 'plugin' . count($this->plugincache);
                         $this->plugincache[$index] = array($plugin, $field);
                         $columns[] = $index;
                         $headers[] = $plugin->get_name();
             } else {
                 if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->has_user_summary()) {
                     $index = 'plugin' . count($this->plugincache);
                     $this->plugincache[$index] = array($plugin);
                     $columns[] = $index;
                     $headers[] = $plugin->get_name();
     // Time marked.
     $columns[] = 'timemarked';
     $headers[] = get_string('lastmodifiedgrade', 'assign');
     // Feedback plugins.
     foreach ($this->assignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) {
         if ($this->is_downloading()) {
             if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled()) {
                 foreach ($plugin->get_editor_fields() as $field => $description) {
                     $index = 'plugin' . count($this->plugincache);
                     $this->plugincache[$index] = array($plugin, $field);
                     $columns[] = $index;
                     $headers[] = $description;
         } else {
             if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->has_user_summary()) {
                 $index = 'plugin' . count($this->plugincache);
                 $this->plugincache[$index] = array($plugin);
                 $columns[] = $index;
                 $headers[] = $plugin->get_name();
     // Exclude 'Final grade' column in downloaded grading worksheets.
     if (!$this->is_downloading()) {
         // Final grade.
         $columns[] = 'finalgrade';
         $headers[] = get_string('finalgrade', 'grades');
     // Load the grading info for all users.
     $this->gradinginfo = grade_get_grades($this->assignment->get_course()->id, 'mod', 'assign', $this->assignment->get_instance()->id, $users);
     if (!empty($CFG->enableoutcomes) && !empty($this->gradinginfo->outcomes)) {
         $columns[] = 'outcomes';
         $headers[] = get_string('outcomes', 'grades');
     // Set the columns.
     foreach ($extrauserfields as $extrafield) {
         $this->column_class($extrafield, $extrafield);
     if ($assignment->get_instance()->teamsubmission) {
     $plugincolumnindex = 0;
     foreach ($this->assignment->get_submission_plugins() as $plugin) {
         if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->has_user_summary()) {
             $submissionpluginindex = 'plugin' . $plugincolumnindex++;
     foreach ($this->assignment->get_feedback_plugins() as $plugin) {
         if ($plugin->is_visible() && $plugin->is_enabled() && $plugin->has_user_summary()) {
             $feedbackpluginindex = 'plugin' . $plugincolumnindex++;
     // When there is no data we still want the column headers printed in the csv file.
     if ($this->is_downloading()) {
Example #5
  * Shows a form that allows the allocated marker for selected submissions to be changed.
  * @param moodleform $mform Set to a grading batch operations form
  * @return string - the page to view after processing these actions
 private function view_batch_markingallocation($mform)
     global $CFG, $DB;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/batchsetallocatedmarkerform.php';
     $o = '';
     $submitteddata = $mform->get_data();
     $users = $submitteddata->selectedusers;
     $userlist = explode(',', $users);
     $formparams = array('cm' => $this->get_course_module()->id, 'users' => $userlist, 'context' => $this->get_context());
     $usershtml = '';
     $usercount = 0;
     $extrauserfields = get_extra_user_fields($this->get_context());
     foreach ($userlist as $userid) {
         if ($usercount >= 5) {
             $usershtml .= get_string('moreusers', 'assign', count($userlist) - 5);
         $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
         $usershtml .= $this->get_renderer()->render(new assign_user_summary($user, $this->get_course()->id, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->get_course_context()), $this->is_blind_marking(), $this->get_uniqueid_for_user($user->id), $extrauserfields, !$this->is_active_user($userid)));
         $usercount += 1;
     $formparams['usershtml'] = $usershtml;
     $markers = get_users_by_capability($this->get_context(), 'mod/assign:grade');
     $markerlist = array();
     foreach ($markers as $marker) {
         $markerlist[$marker->id] = fullname($marker);
     $formparams['markers'] = $markerlist;
     $mform = new mod_assign_batch_set_allocatedmarker_form(null, $formparams);
     $o .= $this->get_renderer()->header();
     $o .= $this->get_renderer()->render(new assign_form('setworkflowstate', $mform));
     $o .= $this->view_footer();
     $this->add_to_log('view batch set marker allocation', get_string('viewbatchmarkingallocation', 'assign'));
     return $o;
Example #6
 * Give user record from mdl_user, build an array conntains
 * all user details
 * Warning: description file urls are 'webservice/pluginfile.php' is use.
 *          it can be changed with $CFG->moodlewstextformatlinkstoimagesfile
 * @param stdClass $user user record from mdl_user
 * @param stdClass $context context object
 * @param stdClass $course moodle course
 * @param array $userfields required fields
 * @return array|null
function user_get_user_details($user, $course = null, array $userfields = array())
    global $USER, $DB, $CFG;
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/user/profile/lib.php";
    //custom field library
    require_once $CFG->dirroot . "/lib/filelib.php";
    // file handling on description and friends
    $defaultfields = user_get_default_fields();
    if (empty($userfields)) {
        $userfields = $defaultfields;
    foreach ($userfields as $thefield) {
        if (!in_array($thefield, $defaultfields)) {
            throw new moodle_exception('invaliduserfield', 'error', '', $thefield);
    // Make sure id and fullname are included
    if (!in_array('id', $userfields)) {
        $userfields[] = 'id';
    if (!in_array('fullname', $userfields)) {
        $userfields[] = 'fullname';
    if (!empty($course)) {
        $context = context_course::instance($course->id);
        $usercontext = context_user::instance($user->id);
        $canviewdetailscap = has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $context) || has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext);
    } else {
        $context = context_user::instance($user->id);
        $usercontext = $context;
        $canviewdetailscap = has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', $usercontext);
    $currentuser = $user->id == $USER->id;
    $isadmin = is_siteadmin($USER);
    $showuseridentityfields = get_extra_user_fields($context);
    if (!empty($course)) {
        $canviewhiddenuserfields = has_capability('moodle/course:viewhiddenuserfields', $context);
    } else {
        $canviewhiddenuserfields = has_capability('moodle/user:viewhiddendetails', $context);
    $canviewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $context);
    if (!empty($course)) {
        $canviewuseremail = has_capability('moodle/course:useremail', $context);
    } else {
        $canviewuseremail = false;
    $cannotviewdescription = !empty($CFG->profilesforenrolledusersonly) && !$currentuser && !$DB->record_exists('role_assignments', array('userid' => $user->id));
    if (!empty($course)) {
        $canaccessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context);
    } else {
        $canaccessallgroups = false;
    if (!$currentuser && !$canviewdetailscap && !has_coursecontact_role($user->id)) {
        // skip this user details
        return null;
    $userdetails = array();
    $userdetails['id'] = $user->id;
    if (($isadmin or $currentuser) and in_array('username', $userfields)) {
        $userdetails['username'] = $user->username;
    if ($isadmin or $canviewfullnames) {
        if (in_array('firstname', $userfields)) {
            $userdetails['firstname'] = $user->firstname;
        if (in_array('lastname', $userfields)) {
            $userdetails['lastname'] = $user->lastname;
    $userdetails['fullname'] = fullname($user);
    if (in_array('customfields', $userfields)) {
        $fields = $DB->get_recordset_sql("SELECT f.*\n                                            FROM {user_info_field} f\n                                            JOIN {user_info_category} c\n                                                 ON f.categoryid=c.id\n                                        ORDER BY c.sortorder ASC, f.sortorder ASC");
        $userdetails['customfields'] = array();
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/user/profile/field/' . $field->datatype . '/field.class.php';
            $newfield = 'profile_field_' . $field->datatype;
            $formfield = new $newfield($field->id, $user->id);
            if ($formfield->is_visible() and !$formfield->is_empty()) {
                $userdetails['customfields'][] = array('name' => $formfield->field->name, 'value' => $formfield->data, 'type' => $field->datatype, 'shortname' => $formfield->field->shortname);
        // unset customfields if it's empty
        if (empty($userdetails['customfields'])) {
    // profile image
    if (in_array('profileimageurl', $userfields)) {
        $profileimageurl = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($usercontext->id, 'user', 'icon', NULL, '/', 'f1');
        $userdetails['profileimageurl'] = $profileimageurl->out(false);
    if (in_array('profileimageurlsmall', $userfields)) {
        $profileimageurlsmall = moodle_url::make_pluginfile_url($usercontext->id, 'user', 'icon', NULL, '/', 'f2');
        $userdetails['profileimageurlsmall'] = $profileimageurlsmall->out(false);
    //hidden user field
    if ($canviewhiddenuserfields) {
        $hiddenfields = array();
        // address, phone1 and phone2 not appears in hidden fields list
        // but require viewhiddenfields capability
        // according to user/profile.php
        if ($user->address && in_array('address', $userfields)) {
            $userdetails['address'] = $user->address;
    } else {
        $hiddenfields = array_flip(explode(',', $CFG->hiddenuserfields));
    if ($user->phone1 && in_array('phone1', $userfields) && (in_array('phone1', $showuseridentityfields) or $canviewhiddenuserfields)) {
        $userdetails['phone1'] = $user->phone1;
    if ($user->phone2 && in_array('phone2', $userfields) && (in_array('phone2', $showuseridentityfields) or $canviewhiddenuserfields)) {
        $userdetails['phone2'] = $user->phone2;
    if (isset($user->description) && (!isset($hiddenfields['description']) && !$cannotviewdescription or $isadmin)) {
        if (in_array('description', $userfields)) {
            // Always return the descriptionformat if description is requested.
            list($userdetails['description'], $userdetails['descriptionformat']) = external_format_text($user->description, $user->descriptionformat, $usercontext->id, 'user', 'profile', null);
    if (in_array('country', $userfields) && (!isset($hiddenfields['country']) or $isadmin) && $user->country) {
        $userdetails['country'] = $user->country;
    if (in_array('city', $userfields) && (!isset($hiddenfields['city']) or $isadmin) && $user->city) {
        $userdetails['city'] = $user->city;
    if (in_array('url', $userfields) && $user->url && (!isset($hiddenfields['webpage']) or $isadmin)) {
        $url = $user->url;
        if (strpos($user->url, '://') === false) {
            $url = 'http://' . $url;
        $user->url = clean_param($user->url, PARAM_URL);
        $userdetails['url'] = $user->url;
    if (in_array('icq', $userfields) && $user->icq && (!isset($hiddenfields['icqnumber']) or $isadmin)) {
        $userdetails['icq'] = $user->icq;
    if (in_array('skype', $userfields) && $user->skype && (!isset($hiddenfields['skypeid']) or $isadmin)) {
        $userdetails['skype'] = $user->skype;
    if (in_array('yahoo', $userfields) && $user->yahoo && (!isset($hiddenfields['yahooid']) or $isadmin)) {
        $userdetails['yahoo'] = $user->yahoo;
    if (in_array('aim', $userfields) && $user->aim && (!isset($hiddenfields['aimid']) or $isadmin)) {
        $userdetails['aim'] = $user->aim;
    if (in_array('msn', $userfields) && $user->msn && (!isset($hiddenfields['msnid']) or $isadmin)) {
        $userdetails['msn'] = $user->msn;
    if (in_array('firstaccess', $userfields) && (!isset($hiddenfields['firstaccess']) or $isadmin)) {
        if ($user->firstaccess) {
            $userdetails['firstaccess'] = $user->firstaccess;
        } else {
            $userdetails['firstaccess'] = 0;
    if (in_array('lastaccess', $userfields) && (!isset($hiddenfields['lastaccess']) or $isadmin)) {
        if ($user->lastaccess) {
            $userdetails['lastaccess'] = $user->lastaccess;
        } else {
            $userdetails['lastaccess'] = 0;
    if (in_array('email', $userfields) && ($isadmin or $currentuser or $canviewuseremail or in_array('email', $showuseridentityfields) or $user->maildisplay == 1 or $user->maildisplay == 2 and enrol_sharing_course($user, $USER))) {
        $userdetails['email'] = $user->email;
    if (in_array('interests', $userfields) && !empty($CFG->usetags)) {
        require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/tag/lib.php';
        if ($interests = tag_get_tags_csv('user', $user->id, TAG_RETURN_TEXT)) {
            $userdetails['interests'] = $interests;
    //Departement/Institution/Idnumber are not displayed on any profile, however you can get them from editing profile.
    if ($isadmin or $currentuser or in_array('idnumber', $showuseridentityfields)) {
        if (in_array('idnumber', $userfields) && $user->idnumber) {
            $userdetails['idnumber'] = $user->idnumber;
    if ($isadmin or $currentuser or in_array('institution', $showuseridentityfields)) {
        if (in_array('institution', $userfields) && $user->institution) {
            $userdetails['institution'] = $user->institution;
    if ($isadmin or $currentuser or in_array('department', $showuseridentityfields)) {
        if (in_array('department', $userfields) && isset($user->department)) {
            //isset because it's ok to have department 0
            $userdetails['department'] = $user->department;
    if (in_array('roles', $userfields) && !empty($course)) {
        // not a big secret
        $roles = get_user_roles($context, $user->id, false);
        $userdetails['roles'] = array();
        foreach ($roles as $role) {
            $userdetails['roles'][] = array('roleid' => $role->roleid, 'name' => $role->name, 'shortname' => $role->shortname, 'sortorder' => $role->sortorder);
    // If groups are in use and enforced throughout the course, then make sure we can meet in at least one course level group
    if (in_array('groups', $userfields) && !empty($course) && $canaccessallgroups) {
        $usergroups = groups_get_all_groups($course->id, $user->id, $course->defaultgroupingid, 'g.id, g.name,g.description,g.descriptionformat');
        $userdetails['groups'] = array();
        foreach ($usergroups as $group) {
            list($group->description, $group->descriptionformat) = external_format_text($group->description, $group->descriptionformat, $context->id, 'group', 'description', $group->id);
            $userdetails['groups'][] = array('id' => $group->id, 'name' => $group->name, 'description' => $group->description, 'descriptionformat' => $group->descriptionformat);
    //list of courses where the user is enrolled
    if (in_array('enrolledcourses', $userfields) && !isset($hiddenfields['mycourses'])) {
        $enrolledcourses = array();
        if ($mycourses = enrol_get_users_courses($user->id, true)) {
            foreach ($mycourses as $mycourse) {
                if ($mycourse->category) {
                    $coursecontext = context_course::instance($mycourse->id);
                    $enrolledcourse = array();
                    $enrolledcourse['id'] = $mycourse->id;
                    $enrolledcourse['fullname'] = format_string($mycourse->fullname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext));
                    $enrolledcourse['shortname'] = format_string($mycourse->shortname, true, array('context' => $coursecontext));
                    $enrolledcourses[] = $enrolledcourse;
            $userdetails['enrolledcourses'] = $enrolledcourses;
    //user preferences
    if (in_array('preferences', $userfields) && $currentuser) {
        $preferences = array();
        $userpreferences = get_user_preferences();
        foreach ($userpreferences as $prefname => $prefvalue) {
            $preferences[] = array('name' => $prefname, 'value' => $prefvalue);
        $userdetails['preferences'] = $preferences;
    return $userdetails;
Example #7
  * Shows a form that allows the allocated marker for selected submissions to be changed.
  * @param moodleform $mform Set to a grading batch operations form
  * @return string - the page to view after processing these actions
 public function view_batch_markingallocation($mform)
     global $CFG, $DB;
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/batchsetallocatedmarkerform.php';
     $o = '';
     $submitteddata = $mform->get_data();
     $users = $submitteddata->selectedusers;
     $userlist = explode(',', $users);
     $formdata = array('id' => $this->get_course_module()->id, 'selectedusers' => $users);
     $usershtml = '';
     $usercount = 0;
     $extrauserfields = get_extra_user_fields($this->get_context());
     foreach ($userlist as $userid) {
         if ($usercount >= 5) {
             $usershtml .= get_string('moreusers', 'assign', count($userlist) - 5);
         $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
         $usershtml .= $this->get_renderer()->render(new assign_user_summary($user, $this->get_course()->id, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->get_course_context()), $this->is_blind_marking(), $this->get_uniqueid_for_user($user->id), $extrauserfields, !$this->is_active_user($userid)));
         $usercount += 1;
     $formparams = array('userscount' => count($userlist), 'usershtml' => $usershtml);
     list($sort, $params) = users_order_by_sql();
     $markers = get_users_by_capability($this->get_context(), 'mod/assign:grade', '', $sort);
     $markerlist = array();
     foreach ($markers as $marker) {
         $markerlist[$marker->id] = fullname($marker);
     $formparams['markers'] = $markerlist;
     $mform = new mod_assign_batch_set_allocatedmarker_form(null, $formparams);
     // Initialises the hidden elements.
     $header = new assign_header($this->get_instance(), $this->get_context(), $this->show_intro(), $this->get_course_module()->id, get_string('setmarkingallocation', 'assign'));
     $o .= $this->get_renderer()->render($header);
     $o .= $this->get_renderer()->render(new assign_form('setworkflowstate', $mform));
     $o .= $this->view_footer();
     return $o;
Example #8
  * Get sql and params to use to get list of users.
  * @param \context $context Context of the page where the results would be shown.
  * @param string $search the text to search for (empty string = find all).
  * @param bool $count setting this to true, returns an sql to get count only instead of the complete data records.
  * @return array sql and params list
 protected static function get_users_sql_and_params($context, $search = '', $count = false)
     // Fields we need from the user table.
     $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($context);
     $params = array();
     if (!empty($search)) {
         list($filtersql, $params) = users_search_sql($search, 'u', true, $extrafields);
         $filtersql .= ' AND ';
     } else {
         $filtersql = '';
     $ufields = \user_picture::fields('u', $extrafields) . ',u.username';
     if ($count) {
         $select = "SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT u.id) ";
         $orderby = "";
     } else {
         $select = "SELECT DISTINCT {$ufields} ";
         $orderby = " ORDER BY u.lastname ASC, u.firstname ASC";
     $sql = "{$select}\n                 FROM {user} u\n                 JOIN {grade_grades_history} ggh ON u.id = ggh.userid\n                 JOIN {grade_items} gi ON gi.id = ggh.itemid\n                WHERE {$filtersql} gi.courseid = :courseid";
     $sql .= $orderby;
     $params['courseid'] = $context->instanceid;
     return array($sql, $params);
Example #9
  * Gets an array of users for display, this includes minimal user information
  * as well as minimal information on the users roles, groups, and enrolments.
  * @param core_enrol_renderer $renderer
  * @param moodle_url $pageurl
  * @param int $sort
  * @param string $direction ASC or DESC
  * @param int $page
  * @param int $perpage
  * @return array
 public function get_users_for_display(course_enrolment_manager $manager, $sort, $direction, $page, $perpage)
     $pageurl = $manager->get_moodlepage()->url;
     $users = $this->get_users($sort, $direction, $page, $perpage);
     $now = time();
     $straddgroup = get_string('addgroup', 'group');
     $strunenrol = get_string('unenrol', 'enrol');
     $stredit = get_string('edit');
     $allroles = $this->get_all_roles();
     $assignable = $this->get_assignable_roles();
     $allgroups = $this->get_all_groups();
     $context = $this->get_context();
     $canmanagegroups = has_capability('moodle/course:managegroups', $context);
     $url = new moodle_url($pageurl, $this->get_url_params());
     $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($context);
     $enabledplugins = $this->get_enrolment_plugins(true);
     $userdetails = array();
     foreach ($users as $user) {
         $details = $this->prepare_user_for_display($user, $extrafields, $now);
         // Roles
         $details['roles'] = array();
         foreach ($this->get_user_roles($user->id) as $rid => $rassignable) {
             $unchangeable = !$rassignable;
             if (!is_siteadmin() and !isset($assignable[$rid])) {
                 $unchangeable = true;
             $details['roles'][$rid] = array('text' => $allroles[$rid]->localname, 'unchangeable' => $unchangeable);
         // Users
         $usergroups = $this->get_user_groups($user->id);
         $details['groups'] = array();
         foreach ($usergroups as $gid => $unused) {
             $details['groups'][$gid] = $allgroups[$gid]->name;
         // Enrolments
         $details['enrolments'] = array();
         foreach ($this->get_user_enrolments($user->id) as $ue) {
             if (!isset($enabledplugins[$ue->enrolmentinstance->enrol])) {
                 $details['enrolments'][$ue->id] = array('text' => $ue->enrolmentinstancename, 'period' => null, 'dimmed' => true, 'actions' => array());
             } else {
                 if ($ue->timestart and $ue->timeend) {
                     $period = get_string('periodstartend', 'enrol', array('start' => userdate($ue->timestart), 'end' => userdate($ue->timeend)));
                     $periodoutside = $ue->timestart && $ue->timeend && ($now < $ue->timestart || $now > $ue->timeend);
                 } else {
                     if ($ue->timestart) {
                         $period = get_string('periodstart', 'enrol', userdate($ue->timestart));
                         $periodoutside = $ue->timestart && $now < $ue->timestart;
                     } else {
                         if ($ue->timeend) {
                             $period = get_string('periodend', 'enrol', userdate($ue->timeend));
                             $periodoutside = $ue->timeend && $now > $ue->timeend;
                         } else {
                             // If there is no start or end show when user was enrolled.
                             $period = get_string('periodnone', 'enrol', userdate($ue->timecreated));
                             $periodoutside = false;
             $details['enrolments'][$ue->id] = array('text' => $ue->enrolmentinstancename, 'period' => $period, 'dimmed' => $periodoutside or $ue->status != ENROL_USER_ACTIVE or $ue->enrolmentinstance->status != ENROL_INSTANCE_ENABLED, 'actions' => $ue->enrolmentplugin->get_user_enrolment_actions($manager, $ue));
         $userdetails[$user->id] = $details;
     return $userdetails;
Example #10
  * Builds and returns the rows that will make up the left part of the grader report
  * This consists of student names and icons, links to user reports and id numbers, as well
  * as header cells for these columns. It also includes the fillers required for the
  * categories displayed on the right side of the report.
  * @param boolean $displayaverages whether to display average rows in the table
  * @return array Array of html_table_row objects
 public function get_left_rows($displayaverages)
     global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT;
     $rows = array();
     $showuserimage = $this->get_pref('showuserimage');
     $strfeedback = $this->get_lang_string("feedback");
     $strgrade = $this->get_lang_string('grade');
     $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($this->context);
     $arrows = $this->get_sort_arrows($extrafields);
     $colspan = 1;
     if (has_capability('gradereport/' . $CFG->grade_profilereport . ':view', $this->context)) {
     $colspan += count($extrafields);
     $levels = count($this->gtree->levels) - 1;
     for ($i = 0; $i < $levels; $i++) {
         $fillercell = new html_table_cell();
         $fillercell->attributes['class'] = 'fixedcolumn cell topleft';
         $fillercell->text = ' ';
         $fillercell->colspan = $colspan;
         $row = new html_table_row(array($fillercell));
         $rows[] = $row;
     $headerrow = new html_table_row();
     $headerrow->attributes['class'] = 'heading';
     $studentheader = new html_table_cell();
     $studentheader->attributes['class'] = 'header';
     $studentheader->scope = 'col';
     $studentheader->header = true;
     $studentheader->id = 'studentheader';
     if (has_capability('gradereport/' . $CFG->grade_profilereport . ':view', $this->context)) {
         $studentheader->colspan = 2;
     $studentheader->text = $arrows['studentname'];
     $headerrow->cells[] = $studentheader;
     foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
         $fieldheader = new html_table_cell();
         $fieldheader->attributes['class'] = 'header userfield user' . $field;
         $fieldheader->scope = 'col';
         $fieldheader->header = true;
         $fieldheader->text = $arrows[$field];
         $headerrow->cells[] = $fieldheader;
     $rows[] = $headerrow;
     $rows = $this->get_left_icons_row($rows, $colspan);
     $rowclasses = array('even', 'odd');
     $suspendedstring = null;
     foreach ($this->users as $userid => $user) {
         $userrow = new html_table_row();
         $userrow->id = 'fixed_user_' . $userid;
         $userrow->attributes['class'] = 'r' . $this->rowcount++ . ' ' . $rowclasses[$this->rowcount % 2];
         $usercell = new html_table_cell();
         $usercell->attributes['class'] = 'user';
         $usercell->header = true;
         $usercell->scope = 'row';
         if ($showuserimage) {
             $usercell->text = $OUTPUT->user_picture($user);
         $usercell->text .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $this->course->id)), fullname($user));
         if (!empty($user->suspendedenrolment)) {
             $usercell->attributes['class'] .= ' usersuspended';
             //may be lots of suspended users so only get the string once
             if (empty($suspendedstring)) {
                 $suspendedstring = get_string('userenrolmentsuspended', 'grades');
             $usercell->text .= html_writer::empty_tag('img', array('src' => $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/enrolmentsuspended'), 'title' => $suspendedstring, 'alt' => $suspendedstring, 'class' => 'usersuspendedicon'));
         $userrow->cells[] = $usercell;
         if (has_capability('gradereport/' . $CFG->grade_profilereport . ':view', $this->context)) {
             $userreportcell = new html_table_cell();
             $userreportcell->attributes['class'] = 'userreport';
             $userreportcell->header = true;
             $a = new stdClass();
             $a->user = fullname($user);
             $strgradesforuser = get_string('gradesforuser', 'grades', $a);
             $url = new moodle_url('/grade/report/' . $CFG->grade_profilereport . '/index.php', array('userid' => $user->id, 'id' => $this->course->id));
             $userreportcell->text = $OUTPUT->action_icon($url, new pix_icon('t/grades', $strgradesforuser));
             $userrow->cells[] = $userreportcell;
         foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
             $fieldcell = new html_table_cell();
             $fieldcell->attributes['class'] = 'header userfield user' . $field;
             $fieldcell->header = true;
             $fieldcell->scope = 'row';
             $fieldcell->text = $user->{$field};
             $userrow->cells[] = $fieldcell;
         $rows[] = $userrow;
     $rows = $this->get_left_range_row($rows, $colspan);
     if ($displayaverages) {
         $rows = $this->get_left_avg_row($rows, $colspan, true);
         $rows = $this->get_left_avg_row($rows, $colspan);
     return $rows;
 * Returns list of user objects that are subscribed to this forum
 * @global object
 * @global object
 * @param object $course the course
 * @param forum $forum the forum
 * @param integer $groupid group id, or 0 for all.
 * @param object $context the forum context, to save re-fetching it where possible.
 * @param string $fields requested user fields (with "u." table prefix)
 * @return array list of users.
function booking_subscribed_teachers($course, $optionid, $id, $groupid = 0, $context = null, $fields = null)
    global $CFG, $DB;
    if (empty($context)) {
        $cm = get_coursemodule_from_id('booking', $id);
        $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
    $extrauserfields = get_extra_user_fields($context);
    $allnames = user_picture::fields('u', $extrauserfields);
    if (empty($fields)) {
        $fields = "u.id,\n        u.username,\n        {$allnames},\n        u.maildisplay,\n        u.mailformat,\n        u.maildigest,\n        u.imagealt,\n        u.email,\n        u.emailstop,\n        u.city,\n        u.country,\n        u.lastaccess,\n        u.lastlogin,\n        u.picture,\n        u.timezone,\n        u.theme,\n        u.lang,\n        u.trackforums,\n        u.mnethostid";
    // only active enrolled users or everybody on the frontpage
    list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context, '', $groupid, true);
    $params['optionid'] = $optionid;
    $results = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT {$fields}\n\t\tFROM {user} u\n\t\tJOIN ({$esql}) je ON je.id = u.id\n\t\tJOIN {booking_teachers} s ON s.userid = u.id\n\t\tWHERE s.optionid = :optionid\n\t\tORDER BY u.email ASC", $params);
    // Guest user should never be subscribed to a forum.
    return $results;
    public function test_get_extra_user_fields() {
        global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
        $oldshowuseridentity = $CFG->showuseridentity;

        $olduser = $USER;
        $USER = $DB->get_record('user', array('id'=>2)); //admin

        // It would be really nice if there were a way to 'mock' has_capability
        // checks (either to return true or false) but as there is not, this
        // test doesn't test the capability check. Presumably, anyone running
        // unit tests will have the capability.
        $context = context_system::instance();

        // No fields
        $CFG->showuseridentity = '';
        $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields($context));

        // One field
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
        $this->assertEquals(array('frog'), get_extra_user_fields($context));

        // Two fields
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
        $this->assertEquals(array('frog', 'zombie'), get_extra_user_fields($context));

        // No fields, except
        $CFG->showuseridentity = '';
        $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields($context, array('frog')));

        // One field
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
        $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields($context, array('frog')));

        // Two fields
        $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
        $this->assertEquals(array('zombie'), get_extra_user_fields($context, array('frog')));

        // As long as this test passes, the value will be set back. This is only
        // in-memory anyhow
        $CFG->showuseridentity = $oldshowuseridentity;

        $USER = $olduser;
     * Generate treeview markup
     * @access  public
     * @return  string  $html Markup for treeview
    public function generate_treeview() {
        global $CFG;

        // Maximum number of items to load (at any one level)
        // before giving up and suggesting search instead
        $maxitems = DIALOG_MAXITEMS;

        // Check if user has capability to view emails.
        $canviewemail = in_array('email', get_extra_user_fields(context_system::instance()));

        $html = '';

        //$html .= !$this->show_treeview_only ? '<div class="treeview-wrapper dialog-nobind" id="d" style="height:auto;">' : '';
        $show_root = $this->_show_treeview_root();
        $html .= $show_root ? '<ul class="treeview filetree picker">' : '';

        if (is_array($this->items) && !empty($this->items)) {

            $total = count($this->items);
            $count = 0;

            if ($total > $maxitems) {
                $html .= '<li class="last"><span class="empty">';
                $html .= get_string('error:morethanxitemsatthislevel', 'local_core', $maxitems);
                $html .= ' <a href="#search-tab" onclick="$(\'#dialog-tabs\').tabs(\'select\', 1);return false;">';
                $html .= get_string('trysearchinginstead', 'local_core');
                $html .= '</a>';
                $html .= '</span></li>'.PHP_EOL;
            else {
                // Loop through elements
                foreach ($this->items as $element) {

                    // Initialise class vars
                    $li_class = '';
                    $div_class = '';
                    $span_class = '';

                    // If last element
                    if ($count == $total) {
                        $li_class .= ' last';

                    // If element has children
                    if (array_key_exists($element->id, $this->parent_items)) {
                        $li_class .= ' expandable';
                        $div_class .= ' hitarea expandable-hitarea';
                        $span_class .= ' folder';

                        if ($count == $total) {
                            $li_class .= ' lastExpandable';
                            $div_class .= ' lastExpandable-hitarea';

                    // Make disabled elements non-draggable and greyed out
                    if (array_key_exists($element->id, $this->disabled_items)){
                        $span_class .= ' unclickable';
                    } else {
                        $span_class .= ' clickable';

                    $html .= '<li class="'.trim($li_class).'" id="item_list_'.$element->id.'">';
                    $html .= '<div class="'.trim($div_class).'"></div>';
                    $html .= '<span id="item_'.$element->id.'" class="'.trim($span_class).'">';

                    // Grab item display name
                    if (isset($element->fullname)) {
                        if (isset($element->email) && $canviewemail) {
                            $displayname = get_string('assignindividual', 'local_program', $element);
                        } else {
                            $displayname = $element->fullname;
                    } elseif (isset($element->name)) {
                        $displayname = $element->name;
                    } else {
                        $displayname = '';

                    $html .= '<a href="#"';
                    if (!empty($element->hover)) {
                        $html .= ' title="'.format_string($element->hover).'"';
                    $html .= '>';
                    $html .= format_string($displayname);
                    $html .= '</a>';
                    //$html .= '<span class="deletebutton">delete</span>';

                    $html .= '</span>';

                    if ($div_class !== '') {
                        $html .= '<ul style="display: none;"></ul>';
                    $html .= '</li>'.PHP_EOL;
        else {
            $html .= '<li class="last"><span class="empty">';
            $html .= get_string($this->string_nothingtodisplay, $this->lang_file);
            $html .= '</span></li>'.PHP_EOL;

        $html .= $show_root ? '</ul>' : '';
        //$html .= !$this->show_treeview_only ? '</div>' : '';
        return $html;
  * Upload files and send them to multiple users.
  * @param array $users - An array of user ids
  * @return string - The response html
 public function view_batch_upload_files($users)
     global $CFG, $DB, $USER;
     require_capability('mod/sepl:grade', $this->seplment->get_context());
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/sepl/feedback/file/batchuploadfilesform.php';
     require_once $CFG->dirroot . '/mod/sepl/renderable.php';
     $formparams = array('cm' => $this->seplment->get_course_module()->id, 'users' => $users, 'context' => $this->seplment->get_context());
     $usershtml = '';
     $usercount = 0;
     foreach ($users as $userid) {
             $moreuserscount = count($users) - ASSIGNFEEDBACK_FILE_MAXSUMMARYUSERS;
             $usershtml .= get_string('moreusers', 'seplfeedback_file', $moreuserscount);
         $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid), '*', MUST_EXIST);
         $usersummary = new sepl_user_summary($user, $this->seplment->get_course()->id, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->seplment->get_course_context()), $this->seplment->is_blind_marking(), $this->seplment->get_uniqueid_for_user($user->id), get_extra_user_fields($this->seplment->get_context()));
         $usershtml .= $this->seplment->get_renderer()->render($usersummary);
         $usercount += 1;
     $formparams['usershtml'] = $usershtml;
     $mform = new seplfeedback_file_batch_upload_files_form(null, $formparams);
     if ($mform->is_cancelled()) {
         redirect(new moodle_url('view.php', array('id' => $this->seplment->get_course_module()->id, 'action' => 'grading')));
     } else {
         if ($data = $mform->get_data()) {
             // Copy the files from the draft area to a temporary import area.
             $data = file_postupdate_standard_filemanager($data, 'files', $this->get_file_options(), $this->seplment->get_context(), 'seplfeedback_file', ASSIGNFEEDBACK_FILE_BATCH_FILEAREA, $USER->id);
             $fs = get_file_storage();
             // Now copy each of these files to the users feedback file area.
             foreach ($users as $userid) {
                 $grade = $this->seplment->get_user_grade($userid, true);
                 $this->copy_area_files($fs, $this->seplment->get_context()->id, 'seplfeedback_file', ASSIGNFEEDBACK_FILE_BATCH_FILEAREA, $USER->id, $this->seplment->get_context()->id, 'seplfeedback_file', ASSIGNFEEDBACK_FILE_FILEAREA, $grade->id);
                 $filefeedback = $this->get_file_feedback($grade->id);
                 if ($filefeedback) {
                     $filefeedback->numfiles = $this->count_files($grade->id, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_FILE_FILEAREA);
                     $DB->update_record('seplfeedback_file', $filefeedback);
                 } else {
                     $filefeedback = new stdClass();
                     $filefeedback->numfiles = $this->count_files($grade->id, ASSIGNFEEDBACK_FILE_FILEAREA);
                     $filefeedback->grade = $grade->id;
                     $filefeedback->seplment = $this->seplment->get_instance()->id;
                     $DB->insert_record('seplfeedback_file', $filefeedback);
             // Now delete the temporary import area.
             $fs->delete_area_files($this->seplment->get_context()->id, 'seplfeedback_file', ASSIGNFEEDBACK_FILE_BATCH_FILEAREA, $USER->id);
             redirect(new moodle_url('view.php', array('id' => $this->seplment->get_course_module()->id, 'action' => 'grading')));
         } else {
             $header = new sepl_header($this->seplment->get_instance(), $this->seplment->get_context(), false, $this->seplment->get_course_module()->id, get_string('batchuploadfiles', 'seplfeedback_file'));
             $o = '';
             $o .= $this->seplment->get_renderer()->render($header);
             $o .= $this->seplment->get_renderer()->render(new sepl_form('batchuploadfiles', $mform));
             $o .= $this->seplment->get_renderer()->render_footer();
     return $o;
function mod_stopwatch_get_all_users(cm_info $cm, $stopwatch)
    global $DB;
    $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
    list($sql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context, 'mod/stopwatch:submit');
    $extrauserfields = get_extra_user_fields($context);
    $fields = user_picture::fields('u', $extrauserfields, 'userid');
    $sql = "SELECT {$fields}, s.id, s.duration, s.timecreated, s.grade, s.timegraded\n        FROM ({$sql}) e\n        JOIN {user} u ON e.id = u.id\n        LEFT JOIN {stopwatch_user} s ON e.id = s.userid AND\n            s.courseid = :courseid AND s.stopwatchid = :stopwatchid";
    $params['courseid'] = $cm->course;
    $params['stopwatchid'] = $stopwatch->id;
    return $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
Example #16
     * displays the full report
     * @param stdClass $scorm full SCORM object
     * @param stdClass $cm - full course_module object
     * @param stdClass $course - full course object
     * @param string $download - type of download being requested
    function display($scorm, $cm, $course, $download) {
        global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
        $contextmodule = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
        $action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
        $attemptids = optional_param_array('attemptid', array(), PARAM_RAW);
        $attemptsmode = optional_param('attemptsmode', SCORM_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL_STUDENTS, PARAM_INT);
        $PAGE->set_url(new moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('attemptsmode' => $attemptsmode)));

        if ($action == 'delete' && has_capability('mod/scorm:deleteresponses', $contextmodule) && confirm_sesskey()) {
            if (scorm_delete_responses($attemptids, $scorm)) { //delete responses.
                add_to_log($course->id, 'scorm', 'delete attempts', 'report.php?id=' . $cm->id, implode(",", $attemptids), $cm->id);
                echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('scormresponsedeleted', 'scorm'), 'notifysuccess');
        // find out current groups mode
        $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);

        // detailed report
        $mform = new mod_scorm_report_interactions_settings($PAGE->url, compact('currentgroup'));
        if ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) {
            $pagesize = $fromform->pagesize;
            $includeqtext = $fromform->qtext;
            $includeresp = $fromform->resp;
            $includeright = $fromform->right;
            set_user_preference('scorm_report_pagesize', $pagesize);
            set_user_preference('scorm_report_interactions_qtext', $includeqtext);
            set_user_preference('scorm_report_interactions_resp', $includeresp);
            set_user_preference('scorm_report_interactions_right', $includeright);
        } else {
            $pagesize = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_pagesize', 0);
            $includeqtext = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_interactions_qtext', 0);
            $includeresp = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_interactions_resp', 1);
            $includeright = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_interactions_right', 0);
        if ($pagesize < 1) {
            $pagesize = SCORM_REPORT_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;

        // select group menu
        $displayoptions = array();
        $displayoptions['attemptsmode'] = $attemptsmode;
        $displayoptions['qtext'] = $includeqtext;
        $displayoptions['resp'] = $includeresp;
        $displayoptions['right'] = $includeright;

        $mform->set_data($displayoptions + array('pagesize' => $pagesize));
        if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) {   // Groups are being used
            if (!$download) {
                groups_print_activity_menu($cm, new moodle_url($PAGE->url, $displayoptions));
        $formattextoptions = array('context' => get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id));

        // We only want to show the checkbox to delete attempts
        // if the user has permissions and if the report mode is showing attempts.
        $candelete = has_capability('mod/scorm:deleteresponses', $contextmodule)
                && ($attemptsmode != SCORM_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_STUDENTS_WITH_NO);
        // select the students
        $nostudents = false;

        if (empty($currentgroup)) {
            // all users who can attempt scoes
            if (!$students = get_users_by_capability($contextmodule, 'mod/scorm:savetrack', '', '', '', '', '', '', false)) {
                echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsyet'));
                $nostudents = true;
                $allowedlist = '';
            } else {
                $allowedlist = array_keys($students);
        } else {
            // all users who can attempt scoes and who are in the currently selected group
            if (!$groupstudents = get_users_by_capability($contextmodule, 'mod/scorm:savetrack', '', '', '', '', $currentgroup, '', false)) {
                echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsingroup'));
                $nostudents = true;
                $groupstudents = array();
            $allowedlist = array_keys($groupstudents);
        if ( !$nostudents ) {
            // Now check if asked download of data
            $coursecontext = context_course::instance($course->id);
            if ($download) {
                $filename = clean_filename("$course->shortname ".format_string($scorm->name, true,$formattextoptions));

            // Define table columns
            $columns = array();
            $headers = array();
            if (!$download && $candelete) {
                $columns[] = 'checkbox';
                $headers[] = null;
            if (!$download && $CFG->grade_report_showuserimage) {
                $columns[] = 'picture';
                $headers[] = '';
            $columns[] = 'fullname';
            $headers[] = get_string('name');

            $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($coursecontext);
            foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
                $columns[] = $field;
                $headers[] = get_user_field_name($field);
            $columns[] = 'attempt';
            $headers[] = get_string('attempt', 'scorm');
            $columns[] = 'start';
            $headers[] = get_string('started', 'scorm');
            $columns[] = 'finish';
            $headers[] = get_string('last', 'scorm');
            $columns[] = 'score';
            $headers[] = get_string('score', 'scorm');
            $scoes = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes', array("scorm"=>$scorm->id), 'id');
            foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
                if ($sco->launch != '') {
                    $columns[] = 'scograde'.$sco->id;
                    $headers[] = format_string($sco->title,'',$formattextoptions);

            $params = array();
            list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowedlist, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
                                    // Construct the SQL
            $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT '.$DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'COALESCE(st.attempt, 0)').' AS uniqueid, ';
            $select .= 'st.scormid AS scormid, st.attempt AS attempt, ' .
                    'u.id AS userid, u.idnumber, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.picture, u.imagealt, u.email'.
                    get_extra_user_fields_sql($coursecontext, 'u', '', array('idnumber')) . ' ';

            // This part is the same for all cases - join users and scorm_scoes_track tables
            $from = 'FROM {user} u ';
            $from .= 'LEFT JOIN {scorm_scoes_track} st ON st.userid = u.id AND st.scormid = '.$scorm->id;
            switch ($attemptsmode) {
                    // Show only students with attempts
                    $where = ' WHERE u.id ' .$usql. ' AND st.userid IS NOT NULL';
                    // Show only students without attempts
                    $where = ' WHERE u.id ' .$usql. ' AND st.userid IS NULL';
                    // Show all students with or without attempts
                    $where = ' WHERE u.id ' .$usql. ' AND (st.userid IS NOT NULL OR st.userid IS NULL)';

            $countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT('.$DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'COALESCE(st.attempt, 0)').')) AS nbresults, ';
            $countsql .= 'COUNT(DISTINCT('.$DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'st.attempt').')) AS nbattempts, ';
            $countsql .= 'COUNT(DISTINCT(u.id)) AS nbusers ';
            $countsql .= $from.$where;
            $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select.$from.$where, $params);
            $questioncount = get_scorm_question_count($scorm->id);
            for($id = 0; $id < $questioncount; $id++) {
                if ($displayoptions['qtext']) {
                    $columns[] = 'question' . $id;
                    $headers[] = get_string('questionx', 'scormreport_interactions', $id);
                if ($displayoptions['resp']) {
                    $columns[] = 'response' . $id;
                    $headers[] = get_string('responsex', 'scormreport_interactions', $id);
                if ($displayoptions['right']) {
                    $columns[] = 'right' . $id;
                    $headers[] = get_string('rightanswerx', 'scormreport_interactions', $id);

            if (!$download) {
                $table = new flexible_table('mod-scorm-report');



                // This is done to prevent redundant data, when a user has multiple attempts
                foreach ($extrafields as $field) {


                foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
                    if ($sco->launch != '') {

                $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
                $table->column_class('fullname', 'bold');
                $table->column_class('score', 'bold');

                $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
                $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
                $table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox');

                // Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over
            } else if ($download == 'ODS') {

                $filename .= ".ods";
                // Creating a workbook
                $workbook = new MoodleODSWorkbook("-");
                // Sending HTTP headers
                // Creating the first worksheet
                $sheettitle = get_string('report', 'scorm');
                $myxls =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                // format types
                $format =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatbc =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatb =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formaty =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatc =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatr =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatg =& $workbook->add_format();
                // Here starts workshhet headers

                $colnum = 0;
                foreach ($headers as $item) {
                    $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                $rownum = 1;
            } else if ($download =='Excel') {

                $filename .= ".xls";
                // Creating a workbook
                $workbook = new MoodleExcelWorkbook("-");
                // Sending HTTP headers
                // Creating the first worksheet
                $sheettitle = get_string('report', 'scorm');
                $myxls =& $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                // format types
                $format =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatbc =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatb =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formaty =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatc =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatr =& $workbook->add_format();
                $formatg =& $workbook->add_format();

                $colnum = 0;
                foreach ($headers as $item) {
                    $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                $rownum = 1;
            } else if ($download == 'CSV') {
                $filename .= ".txt";
                header("Content-Type: application/download\n");
                header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"$filename\"");
                header("Expires: 0");
                header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate,post-check=0,pre-check=0");
                header("Pragma: public");
                echo implode("\t", $headers)." \n";

            if (!$download) {
                $sort = $table->get_sql_sort();
            } else {
                $sort = '';
            // Fix some wired sorting
            if (empty($sort)) {
                $sort = ' ORDER BY uniqueid';
            } else {
                $sort = ' ORDER BY '.$sort;

            if (!$download) {
                // Add extra limits due to initials bar
                list($twhere, $tparams) = $table->get_sql_where();
                if ($twhere) {
                    $where .= ' AND '.$twhere; //initial bar
                    $params = array_merge($params, $tparams);

                if (!empty($countsql)) {
                    $count = $DB->get_record_sql($countsql,$params);
                    $totalinitials = $count->nbresults;
                    if ($twhere) {
                        $countsql .= ' AND '.$twhere;
                    $count = $DB->get_record_sql($countsql, $params);
                    $total  = $count->nbresults;

                $table->pagesize($pagesize, $total);

                echo '<div class="quizattemptcounts">';
                if ( $count->nbresults == $count->nbattempts ) {
                    echo get_string('reportcountattempts', 'scorm', $count);
                } else if ( $count->nbattempts>0 ) {
                    echo get_string('reportcountallattempts', 'scorm', $count);
                } else {
                    echo $count->nbusers.' '.get_string('users');
                echo '</div>';

            // Fetch the attempts
            if (!$download) {
                $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select.$from.$where.$sort, $params,
                $table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size());
                echo '<div id="scormtablecontainer">';
                if ($candelete) {
                    // Start form
                    $strreallydel  = addslashes_js(get_string('deleteattemptcheck', 'scorm'));
                    echo '<form id="attemptsform" method="post" action="' . $PAGE->url->out(false) .
                         '" onsubmit="return confirm(\''.$strreallydel.'\');">';
                    echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="delete"/>';
                    echo '<input type="hidden" name="sesskey" value="'.sesskey().'" />';
                    echo '<div style="display: none;">';
                    echo html_writer::input_hidden_params($PAGE->url);
                    echo '</div>';
                    echo '<div>';
                $table->initialbars($totalinitials>20); // Build table rows
            } else {
                $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select.$from.$where.$sort, $params);
            if ($attempts) {
                foreach ($attempts as $scouser) {
                    $row = array();
                    if (!empty($scouser->attempt)) {
                        $timetracks = scorm_get_sco_runtime($scorm->id, false, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt);
                    } else {
                        $timetracks = '';
                    if (in_array('checkbox', $columns)) {
                        if ($candelete && !empty($timetracks->start)) {
                            $row[] = '<input type="checkbox" name="attemptid[]" value="'. $scouser->userid . ':' . $scouser->attempt . '" />';
                        } else if ($candelete) {
                            $row[] = '';
                    if (in_array('picture', $columns)) {
                        $user = (object)array(
                        $row[] = $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, array('courseid'=>$course->id));
                    if (!$download) {
                        $row[] = '<a href="'.$CFG->wwwroot.'/user/view.php?id='.$scouser->userid.'&amp;course='.$course->id.'">'.fullname($scouser).'</a>';
                    } else {
                        $row[] = fullname($scouser);
                    foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
                        $row[] = s($scouser->{$field});
                    if (empty($timetracks->start)) {
                        $row[] = '-';
                        $row[] = '-';
                        $row[] = '-';
                        $row[] = '-';
                    } else {
                        if (!$download) {
                            $row[] = '<a href="userreport.php?a='.$scorm->id.'&amp;user='******'&amp;attempt='.$scouser->attempt.'">'.$scouser->attempt.'</a>';
                        } else {
                            $row[] = $scouser->attempt;
                        if ($download =='ODS' || $download =='Excel' ) {
                            $row[] = userdate($timetracks->start, get_string("strftimedatetime", "langconfig"));
                        } else {
                            $row[] = userdate($timetracks->start);
                        if ($download =='ODS' || $download =='Excel' ) {
                            $row[] = userdate($timetracks->finish, get_string('strftimedatetime', 'langconfig'));
                        } else {
                            $row[] = userdate($timetracks->finish);
                        $row[] = scorm_grade_user_attempt($scorm, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt);
                    // print out all scores of attempt
                    foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
                        if ($sco->launch != '') {
                            if ($trackdata = scorm_get_tracks($sco->id, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt)) {
                                if ($trackdata->status == '') {
                                    $trackdata->status = 'notattempted';
                                $strstatus = get_string($trackdata->status, 'scorm');
                                // if raw score exists, print it
                                if ($trackdata->score_raw != '') {
                                    $score = $trackdata->score_raw;
                                    // add max score if it exists
                                    if ($scorm->version == 'SCORM_1.3') {
                                        $maxkey = 'cmi.score.max';
                                    } else {
                                        $maxkey = 'cmi.core.score.max';
                                    if (isset($trackdata->$maxkey)) {
                                        $score .= '/'.$trackdata->$maxkey;
                                // else print out status
                                } else {
                                    $score = $strstatus;
                                if (!$download) {
                                    $row[] = '<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url($trackdata->status, 'scorm').'" alt="'.$strstatus.'" title="'.$strstatus.'" /><br/>
                                            <a href="userreport.php?b='.$sco->id.'&amp;user='******'&amp;attempt='.$scouser->attempt.
                                            '" title="'.get_string('details', 'scorm').'">'.$score.'</a>';
                                } else {
                                    $row[] = $score;
                                // interaction data
                                while(isset($trackdata->$element)) {
                                    if ($displayoptions['qtext']) {
                                        if (isset($trackdata->$element)) {
                                            $row[] = s($trackdata->$element);
                                        } else {
                                            $row[] = '&nbsp;';
                                    if ($displayoptions['resp']) {
                                        if (isset($trackdata->$element)) {
                                            $row[] = s($trackdata->$element);
                                        } else {
                                            $row[] = '&nbsp;';
                                    if ($displayoptions['right']) {
                                        $element = 'cmi.interactions_'.$i.'.correct_responses_'.$j.'.pattern';
                                        $rightans = '';
                                        if (isset($trackdata->$element)) {
                                            while(isset($trackdata->$element)) {
                                                if($j>0) {
                                                    $rightans .= ',';
                                                $rightans .= s($trackdata->$element);
                                                $element = 'cmi.interactions_'.$i.'.correct_responses_'.$j.'.pattern';
                                            $row[] = $rightans;
                                        } else {
                                            $row[] = '&nbsp;';
                                    $element = 'cmi.interactions_'.$i.'.id';
                            //---end of interaction data*/
                            } else {
                                // if we don't have track data, we haven't attempted yet
                                $strstatus = get_string('notattempted', 'scorm');
                                if (!$download) {
                                    $row[] = '<img src="'.$OUTPUT->pix_url('notattempted', 'scorm').'" alt="'.$strstatus.'" title="'.$strstatus.'" /><br/>'.$strstatus;
                                } else {
                                    $row[] = $strstatus;

                    if (!$download) {
                    } else if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
                        $colnum = 0;
                        foreach ($row as $item) {
                            $myxls->write($rownum, $colnum, $item, $format);
                    } else if ($download == 'CSV') {
                        $text = implode("\t", $row);
                        echo $text." \n";
                if (!$download) {
                    if ($candelete) {
                        echo '<table id="commands">';
                        echo '<tr><td>';
                        echo '<a href="javascript:select_all_in(\'DIV\', null, \'scormtablecontainer\');">'.
                             get_string('selectall', 'scorm').'</a> / ';
                        echo '<a href="javascript:deselect_all_in(\'DIV\', null, \'scormtablecontainer\');">'.
                             get_string('selectnone', 'scorm').'</a> ';
                        echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                        echo '<input type="submit" value="'.get_string('deleteselected', 'quiz_overview').'"/>';
                        echo '</td></tr></table>';
                        // Close form
                        echo '</div>';
                        echo '</form>';
                    echo '</div>';
                    if (!empty($attempts)) {
                        echo '<table class="boxaligncenter"><tr>';
                        echo '<td>';
                        echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new moodle_url($PAGE->url,
                                                                   array('download'=>'ODS') + $displayoptions),
                        echo "</td>\n";
                        echo '<td>';
                        echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new moodle_url($PAGE->url,
                                                                   array('download'=>'Excel') + $displayoptions),
                        echo "</td>\n";
                        echo '<td>';
                        echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new moodle_url($PAGE->url,
                                                                   array('download'=>'CSV') + $displayoptions),
                        echo "</td>\n";
                        echo "<td>";
                        echo "</td>\n";
                        echo '</tr></table>';
            } else {
                if ($candelete && !$download) {
                    echo '</div>';
                    echo '</form>';
                echo '</div>';
            // Show preferences form irrespective of attempts are there to report or not
            if (!$download) {
                $mform->set_data(compact('detailedrep', 'pagesize', 'attemptsmode'));
            if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
            } else if ($download == 'CSV') {
        } else {
            echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('noactivity', 'scorm'));
    }// function ends
Example #17
  *  Display all the submissions ready for grading
  * @global object
  * @global object
  * @global object
  * @global object
  * @param string $message
  * @return bool|void
 function display_submissions($message = '')
     global $CFG, $DB, $USER, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/gradelib.php';
     /* first we check to see if the form has just been submitted
      * to request user_preference updates
     $filters = array(self::FILTER_ALL => get_string('all'), self::FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING => get_string('requiregrading', 'assignment'));
     $updatepref = optional_param('updatepref', 0, PARAM_BOOL);
     if ($updatepref) {
         $perpage = optional_param('perpage', 10, PARAM_INT);
         $perpage = $perpage <= 0 ? 10 : $perpage;
         $filter = optional_param('filter', 0, PARAM_INT);
         set_user_preference('assignment_perpage', $perpage);
         set_user_preference('assignment_quickgrade', optional_param('quickgrade', 0, PARAM_BOOL));
         set_user_preference('assignment_filter', $filter);
     /* next we get perpage and quickgrade (allow quick grade) params
      * from database
     $perpage = get_user_preferences('assignment_perpage', 10);
     $quickgrade = get_user_preferences('assignment_quickgrade', 0) && $this->quickgrade_mode_allowed();
     $filter = get_user_preferences('assignment_filter', 0);
     $grading_info = grade_get_grades($this->course->id, 'mod', 'assignment', $this->assignment->id);
     if (!empty($CFG->enableoutcomes) and !empty($grading_info->outcomes)) {
         $uses_outcomes = true;
     } else {
         $uses_outcomes = false;
     $page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
     $strsaveallfeedback = get_string('saveallfeedback', 'assignment');
     /// Some shortcuts to make the code read better
     $course = $this->course;
     $assignment = $this->assignment;
     $cm = $this->cm;
     $hassubmission = false;
     // reset filter to all for offline assignment only.
     if ($assignment->assignmenttype == 'offline') {
         if ($filter == self::FILTER_SUBMITTED) {
             $filter = self::FILTER_ALL;
     } else {
         $filters[self::FILTER_SUBMITTED] = get_string('submitted', 'assignment');
     $tabindex = 1;
     //tabindex for quick grading tabbing; Not working for dropdowns yet
     add_to_log($course->id, 'assignment', 'view submission', 'submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id, $this->assignment->id, $this->cm->id);
     $PAGE->set_title(format_string($this->assignment->name, true));
     echo $OUTPUT->header();
     echo '<div class="usersubmissions">';
     //hook to allow plagiarism plugins to update status/print links.
     echo plagiarism_update_status($this->course, $this->cm);
     $course_context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_COURSE, $course->id);
     if (has_capability('gradereport/grader:view', $course_context) && has_capability('moodle/grade:viewall', $course_context)) {
         echo '<div class="allcoursegrades"><a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/grade/report/grader/index.php?id=' . $course->id . '">' . get_string('seeallcoursegrades', 'grades') . '</a></div>';
     if (!empty($message)) {
         echo $message;
         // display messages here if any
     $context = get_context_instance(CONTEXT_MODULE, $cm->id);
     /// Check to see if groups are being used in this assignment
     /// find out current groups mode
     $groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm);
     $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
     groups_print_activity_menu($cm, $CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id);
     /// Print quickgrade form around the table
     if ($quickgrade) {
         $formattrs = array();
         $formattrs['action'] = new moodle_url('/mod/assignment/submissions.php');
         $formattrs['id'] = 'fastg';
         $formattrs['method'] = 'post';
         echo html_writer::start_tag('form', $formattrs);
         echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'id', 'value' => $this->cm->id));
         echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'mode', 'value' => 'fastgrade'));
         echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'page', 'value' => $page));
         echo html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'sesskey', 'value' => sesskey()));
     /// Get all ppl that are allowed to submit assignments
     list($esql, $params) = get_enrolled_sql($context, 'mod/assignment:submit', $currentgroup);
     if ($filter == self::FILTER_ALL) {
         $sql = "SELECT u.id FROM {user} u " . "LEFT JOIN ({$esql}) eu ON eu.id=u.id " . "WHERE u.deleted = 0 AND eu.id=u.id ";
     } else {
         $wherefilter = ' AND s.assignment = ' . $this->assignment->id;
         $assignmentsubmission = "LEFT JOIN {assignment_submissions} s ON (u.id = s.userid) ";
         if ($filter == self::FILTER_SUBMITTED) {
             $wherefilter .= ' AND s.timemodified > 0 ';
         } else {
             if ($filter == self::FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING && $assignment->assignmenttype != 'offline') {
                 $wherefilter .= ' AND s.timemarked < s.timemodified ';
             } else {
                 // require grading for offline assignment
                 $assignmentsubmission = "";
                 $wherefilter = "";
         $sql = "SELECT u.id FROM {user} u " . "LEFT JOIN ({$esql}) eu ON eu.id=u.id " . $assignmentsubmission . "WHERE u.deleted = 0 AND eu.id=u.id " . $wherefilter;
     $users = $DB->get_records_sql($sql, $params);
     if (!empty($users)) {
         if ($assignment->assignmenttype == 'offline' && $filter == self::FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING) {
             //remove users who has submitted their assignment
             foreach ($this->get_submissions() as $submission) {
                 if (array_key_exists($submission->userid, $users)) {
         $users = array_keys($users);
     // if groupmembersonly used, remove users who are not in any group
     if ($users and !empty($CFG->enablegroupmembersonly) and $cm->groupmembersonly) {
         if ($groupingusers = groups_get_grouping_members($cm->groupingid, 'u.id', 'u.id')) {
             $users = array_intersect($users, array_keys($groupingusers));
     $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($context);
     $tablecolumns = array_merge(array('picture', 'fullname'), $extrafields, array('grade', 'submissioncomment', 'timemodified', 'timemarked', 'status', 'finalgrade'));
     if ($uses_outcomes) {
         $tablecolumns[] = 'outcome';
         // no sorting based on outcomes column
     $extrafieldnames = array();
     foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
         $extrafieldnames[] = get_user_field_name($field);
     $tableheaders = array_merge(array('', get_string('fullnameuser')), $extrafieldnames, array(get_string('grade'), get_string('comment', 'assignment'), get_string('lastmodified') . ' (' . get_string('submission', 'assignment') . ')', get_string('lastmodified') . ' (' . get_string('grade') . ')', get_string('status'), get_string('finalgrade', 'grades')));
     if ($uses_outcomes) {
         $tableheaders[] = get_string('outcome', 'grades');
     require_once $CFG->libdir . '/tablelib.php';
     $table = new flexible_table('mod-assignment-submissions');
     $table->define_baseurl($CFG->wwwroot . '/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id . '&amp;currentgroup=' . $currentgroup);
     $table->sortable(true, 'lastname');
     //sorted by lastname by default
     $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
     $table->column_class('fullname', 'fullname');
     foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
         $table->column_class($field, $field);
     $table->column_class('grade', 'grade');
     $table->column_class('submissioncomment', 'comment');
     $table->column_class('timemodified', 'timemodified');
     $table->column_class('timemarked', 'timemarked');
     $table->column_class('status', 'status');
     $table->column_class('finalgrade', 'finalgrade');
     if ($uses_outcomes) {
         $table->column_class('outcome', 'outcome');
     $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
     $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
     $table->set_attribute('class', 'submissions');
     $table->set_attribute('width', '100%');
     // Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over
     /// Construct the SQL
     list($where, $params) = $table->get_sql_where();
     if ($where) {
         $where .= ' AND ';
     if ($filter == self::FILTER_SUBMITTED) {
         $where .= 's.timemodified > 0 AND ';
     } else {
         if ($filter == self::FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING) {
             $where = '';
             if ($assignment->assignmenttype != 'offline') {
                 $where .= 's.timemarked < s.timemodified AND ';
     if ($sort = $table->get_sql_sort()) {
         $sort = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort;
     $ufields = user_picture::fields('u', $extrafields);
     if (!empty($users)) {
         $select = "SELECT {$ufields},\n                              s.id AS submissionid, s.grade, s.submissioncomment,\n                              s.timemodified, s.timemarked,\n                              CASE WHEN s.timemarked > 0 AND s.timemarked >= s.timemodified THEN 1\n                                   ELSE 0 END AS status ";
         $sql = 'FROM {user} u ' . 'LEFT JOIN {assignment_submissions} s ON u.id = s.userid
                 AND s.assignment = ' . $this->assignment->id . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $where . 'u.id IN (' . implode(',', $users) . ') ';
         $ausers = $DB->get_records_sql($select . $sql . $sort, $params, $table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size());
         $table->pagesize($perpage, count($users));
         ///offset used to calculate index of student in that particular query, needed for the pop up to know who's next
         $offset = $page * $perpage;
         $strupdate = get_string('update');
         $strgrade = get_string('grade');
         $strview = get_string('view');
         $grademenu = make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade);
         if ($ausers !== false) {
             $grading_info = grade_get_grades($this->course->id, 'mod', 'assignment', $this->assignment->id, array_keys($ausers));
             $endposition = $offset + $perpage;
             $currentposition = 0;
             foreach ($ausers as $auser) {
                 if ($currentposition == $offset && $offset < $endposition) {
                     $rowclass = null;
                     $final_grade = $grading_info->items[0]->grades[$auser->id];
                     $grademax = $grading_info->items[0]->grademax;
                     $final_grade->formatted_grade = round($final_grade->grade, 2) . ' / ' . round($grademax, 2);
                     $locked_overridden = 'locked';
                     if ($final_grade->overridden) {
                         $locked_overridden = 'overridden';
                     // TODO add here code if advanced grading grade must be reviewed => $auser->status=0
                     $picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($auser);
                     if (empty($auser->submissionid)) {
                         $auser->grade = -1;
                         //no submission yet
                     if (!empty($auser->submissionid)) {
                         $hassubmission = true;
                         ///Prints student answer and student modified date
                         ///attach file or print link to student answer, depending on the type of the assignment.
                         ///Refer to print_student_answer in inherited classes.
                         if ($auser->timemodified > 0) {
                             $studentmodifiedcontent = $this->print_student_answer($auser->id) . userdate($auser->timemodified);
                             if ($assignment->timedue && $auser->timemodified > $assignment->timedue && $this->supports_lateness()) {
                                 $studentmodifiedcontent .= $this->display_lateness($auser->timemodified);
                                 $rowclass = 'late';
                         } else {
                             $studentmodifiedcontent = '&nbsp;';
                         $studentmodified = html_writer::tag('div', $studentmodifiedcontent, array('id' => 'ts' . $auser->id));
                         ///Print grade, dropdown or text
                         if ($auser->timemarked > 0) {
                             $teachermodified = '<div id="tt' . $auser->id . '">' . userdate($auser->timemarked) . '</div>';
                             if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                                 $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '" class="' . $locked_overridden . '">' . $final_grade->formatted_grade . '</div>';
                             } else {
                                 if ($quickgrade) {
                                     $attributes = array();
                                     $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++;
                                     $menu = html_writer::label(get_string('assignment:grade', 'assignment'), 'menumenu' . $auser->id, false, array('class' => 'accesshide'));
                                     $menu .= html_writer::select(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu[' . $auser->id . ']', $auser->grade, array(-1 => get_string('nograde')), $attributes);
                                     $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $menu . '</div>';
                                 } else {
                                     $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $this->display_grade($auser->grade) . '</div>';
                         } else {
                             $teachermodified = '<div id="tt' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                             if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                                 $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '" class="' . $locked_overridden . '">' . $final_grade->formatted_grade . '</div>';
                             } else {
                                 if ($quickgrade) {
                                     $attributes = array();
                                     $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++;
                                     $menu = html_writer::label(get_string('assignment:grade', 'assignment'), 'menumenu' . $auser->id, false, array('class' => 'accesshide'));
                                     $menu .= html_writer::select(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu[' . $auser->id . ']', $auser->grade, array(-1 => get_string('nograde')), $attributes);
                                     $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $menu . '</div>';
                                 } else {
                                     $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $this->display_grade($auser->grade) . '</div>';
                         ///Print Comment
                         if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                             $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . shorten_text(strip_tags($final_grade->str_feedback), 15) . '</div>';
                         } else {
                             if ($quickgrade) {
                                 $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . '<textarea tabindex="' . $tabindex++ . '" name="submissioncomment[' . $auser->id . ']" id="submissioncomment' . $auser->id . '" rows="2" cols="20">' . $auser->submissioncomment . '</textarea></div>';
                             } else {
                                 $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . shorten_text(strip_tags($auser->submissioncomment), 15) . '</div>';
                     } else {
                         $studentmodified = '<div id="ts' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                         $teachermodified = '<div id="tt' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                         $status = '<div id="st' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                         if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                             $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $final_grade->formatted_grade . '</div>';
                             $hassubmission = true;
                         } else {
                             if ($quickgrade) {
                                 // allow editing
                                 $attributes = array();
                                 $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++;
                                 $menu = html_writer::label(get_string('assignment:grade', 'assignment'), 'menumenu' . $auser->id, false, array('class' => 'accesshide'));
                                 $menu .= html_writer::select(make_grades_menu($this->assignment->grade), 'menu[' . $auser->id . ']', $auser->grade, array(-1 => get_string('nograde')), $attributes);
                                 $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">' . $menu . '</div>';
                                 $hassubmission = true;
                             } else {
                                 $grade = '<div id="g' . $auser->id . '">-</div>';
                         if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                             $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . $final_grade->str_feedback . '</div>';
                         } else {
                             if ($quickgrade) {
                                 $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">' . '<textarea tabindex="' . $tabindex++ . '" name="submissioncomment[' . $auser->id . ']" id="submissioncomment' . $auser->id . '" rows="2" cols="20">' . $auser->submissioncomment . '</textarea></div>';
                             } else {
                                 $comment = '<div id="com' . $auser->id . '">&nbsp;</div>';
                     if (empty($auser->status)) {
                         /// Confirm we have exclusively 0 or 1
                         $auser->status = 0;
                     } else {
                         $auser->status = 1;
                     $buttontext = $auser->status == 1 ? $strupdate : $strgrade;
                     if ($final_grade->locked or $final_grade->overridden) {
                         $buttontext = $strview;
                     ///No more buttons, we use popups ;-).
                     $popup_url = '/mod/assignment/submissions.php?id=' . $this->cm->id . '&amp;userid=' . $auser->id . '&amp;mode=single' . '&amp;filter=' . $filter . '&amp;offset=' . $offset++;
                     $button = $OUTPUT->action_link($popup_url, $buttontext);
                     $status = '<div id="up' . $auser->id . '" class="s' . $auser->status . '">' . $button . '</div>';
                     $finalgrade = '<span id="finalgrade_' . $auser->id . '">' . $final_grade->str_grade . '</span>';
                     $outcomes = '';
                     if ($uses_outcomes) {
                         foreach ($grading_info->outcomes as $n => $outcome) {
                             $outcomes .= '<div class="outcome"><label for="' . 'outcome_' . $n . '_' . $auser->id . '">' . $outcome->name . '</label>';
                             $options = make_grades_menu(-$outcome->scaleid);
                             if ($outcome->grades[$auser->id]->locked or !$quickgrade) {
                                 $options[0] = get_string('nooutcome', 'grades');
                                 $outcomes .= ': <span id="outcome_' . $n . '_' . $auser->id . '">' . $options[$outcome->grades[$auser->id]->grade] . '</span>';
                             } else {
                                 $attributes = array();
                                 $attributes['tabindex'] = $tabindex++;
                                 $attributes['id'] = 'outcome_' . $n . '_' . $auser->id;
                                 $outcomes .= ' ' . html_writer::select($options, 'outcome_' . $n . '[' . $auser->id . ']', $outcome->grades[$auser->id]->grade, array(0 => get_string('nooutcome', 'grades')), $attributes);
                             $outcomes .= '</div>';
                     $userlink = '<a href="' . $CFG->wwwroot . '/user/view.php?id=' . $auser->id . '&amp;course=' . $course->id . '">' . fullname($auser, has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->context)) . '</a>';
                     $extradata = array();
                     foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
                         $extradata[] = $auser->{$field};
                     $row = array_merge(array($picture, $userlink), $extradata, array($grade, $comment, $studentmodified, $teachermodified, $status, $finalgrade));
                     if ($uses_outcomes) {
                         $row[] = $outcomes;
                     $table->add_data($row, $rowclass);
             if ($hassubmission && method_exists($this, 'download_submissions')) {
                 echo html_writer::start_tag('div', array('class' => 'mod-assignment-download-link'));
                 echo html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/mod/assignment/submissions.php', array('id' => $this->cm->id, 'download' => 'zip')), get_string('downloadall', 'assignment'));
                 echo html_writer::end_tag('div');
             /// Print the whole table
         } else {
             if ($filter == self::FILTER_SUBMITTED) {
                 echo html_writer::tag('div', get_string('nosubmisson', 'assignment'), array('class' => 'nosubmisson'));
             } else {
                 if ($filter == self::FILTER_REQUIRE_GRADING) {
                     echo html_writer::tag('div', get_string('norequiregrading', 'assignment'), array('class' => 'norequiregrading'));
     /// Print quickgrade form around the table
     if ($quickgrade && $table->started_output && !empty($users)) {
         $mailinfopref = false;
         if (get_user_preferences('assignment_mailinfo', 1)) {
             $mailinfopref = true;
         $emailnotification = html_writer::checkbox('mailinfo', 1, $mailinfopref, get_string('enablenotification', 'assignment'));
         $emailnotification .= $OUTPUT->help_icon('enablenotification', 'assignment');
         echo html_writer::tag('div', $emailnotification, array('class' => 'emailnotification'));
         $savefeedback = html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'name' => 'fastg', 'value' => get_string('saveallfeedback', 'assignment')));
         echo html_writer::tag('div', $savefeedback, array('class' => 'fastgbutton'));
         echo html_writer::end_tag('form');
     } else {
         if ($quickgrade) {
             echo html_writer::end_tag('form');
     echo '</div>';
     /// End of fast grading form
     /// Mini form for setting user preference
     $formaction = new moodle_url('/mod/assignment/submissions.php', array('id' => $this->cm->id));
     $mform = new MoodleQuickForm('optionspref', 'post', $formaction, '', array('class' => 'optionspref'));
     $mform->addElement('hidden', 'updatepref');
     $mform->setDefault('updatepref', 1);
     $mform->addElement('header', 'qgprefs', get_string('optionalsettings', 'assignment'));
     $mform->addElement('select', 'filter', get_string('show'), $filters);
     $mform->setDefault('filter', $filter);
     $mform->addElement('text', 'perpage', get_string('pagesize', 'assignment'), array('size' => 1));
     $mform->setDefault('perpage', $perpage);
     if ($this->quickgrade_mode_allowed()) {
         $mform->addElement('checkbox', 'quickgrade', get_string('quickgrade', 'assignment'));
         $mform->setDefault('quickgrade', $quickgrade);
         $mform->addHelpButton('quickgrade', 'quickgrade', 'assignment');
     $mform->addElement('submit', 'savepreferences', get_string('savepreferences'));
     echo $OUTPUT->footer();
Example #18
  * Add all the user-related columns to the $columns and $headers arrays.
  * @param table_sql $table the table being constructed.
  * @param array $columns the list of columns. Added to.
  * @param array $headers the columns headings. Added to.
 protected function add_user_columns($table, &$columns, &$headers)
     global $CFG;
     if (!$table->is_downloading() && $CFG->grade_report_showuserimage) {
         $columns[] = 'picture';
         $headers[] = '';
     if (!$table->is_downloading()) {
         $columns[] = 'fullname';
         $headers[] = get_string('name');
     } else {
         $columns[] = 'lastname';
         $headers[] = get_string('lastname');
         $columns[] = 'firstname';
         $headers[] = get_string('firstname');
     // When downloading, some extra fields are always displayed (because
     // there's no space constraint) so do not include in extra-field list.
     $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($this->context, $table->is_downloading() ? array('institution', 'department', 'email') : array());
     foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
         $columns[] = $field;
         $headers[] = get_user_field_name($field);
     if ($table->is_downloading()) {
         $columns[] = 'institution';
         $headers[] = get_string('institution');
         $columns[] = 'department';
         $headers[] = get_string('department');
         $columns[] = 'email';
         $headers[] = get_string('email');
Example #19
 * This function generates the standard ORDER BY clause for use when generating
 * lists of users. If you don't have a reason to use a different order, then
 * you should use this method to generate the order when displaying lists of users.
 * If the optional $search parameter is passed, then exact matches to the search
 * will be sorted first. For example, suppose you have two users 'Al Zebra' and
 * 'Alan Aardvark'. The default sort is Alan, then Al. If, however, you search for
 * 'Al', then Al will be listed first. (With two users, this is not a big deal,
 * but with thousands of users, it is essential.)
 * The list of fields scanned for exact matches are:
 *  - firstname
 *  - lastname
 *  - $DB->sql_fullname
 *  - those returned by get_extra_user_fields
 * If named parameters are used (which is the default, and highly recommended),
 * then the parameter names are like :usersortexactN, where N is an int.
 * The simplest possible example use is:
 * list($sort, $params) = users_order_by_sql();
 * $sql = 'SELECT * FROM {users} ORDER BY ' . $sort;
 * A more complex example, showing that this sort can be combined with other sorts:
 * list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('u');
 * $sql = "SELECT g.id AS groupid, gg.groupingid, u.id AS userid, u.firstname, u.lastname, u.idnumber, u.username
 *           FROM {groups} g
 *      LEFT JOIN {groupings_groups} gg ON g.id = gg.groupid
 *      LEFT JOIN {groups_members} gm ON g.id = gm.groupid
 *      LEFT JOIN {user} u ON gm.userid = u.id
 *          WHERE g.courseid = :courseid $groupwhere $groupingwhere
 *       ORDER BY g.name, $sort";
 * $params += $sortparams;
 * An example showing the use of $search:
 * list($sort, $sortparams) = users_order_by_sql('u', $search, $this->get_context());
 * $order = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort;
 * $params += $sortparams;
 * $availableusers = $DB->get_records_sql($fields . $sql . $order, $params, $page*$perpage, $perpage);
 * @param string $usertablealias (optional) any table prefix for the {users} table. E.g. 'u'.
 * @param string $search (optional) a current search string. If given,
 *      any exact matches to this string will be sorted first.
 * @param context $context the context we are in. Use by get_extra_user_fields.
 *      Defaults to $PAGE->context.
 * @return array with two elements:
 *      string SQL fragment to use in the ORDER BY clause. For example, "firstname, lastname".
 *      array of parameters used in the SQL fragment.
function users_order_by_sql($usertablealias = '', $search = null, context $context = null)
    global $DB, $PAGE;
    if ($usertablealias) {
        $tableprefix = $usertablealias . '.';
    } else {
        $tableprefix = '';
    $sort = "{$tableprefix}lastname, {$tableprefix}firstname, {$tableprefix}id";
    $params = array();
    if (!$search) {
        return array($sort, $params);
    if (!$context) {
        $context = $PAGE->context;
    $exactconditions = array();
    $paramkey = 'usersortexact1';
    $exactconditions[] = $DB->sql_fullname($tableprefix . 'firstname', $tableprefix . 'lastname') . ' = :' . $paramkey;
    $params[$paramkey] = $search;
    $fieldstocheck = array_merge(array('firstname', 'lastname'), get_extra_user_fields($context));
    foreach ($fieldstocheck as $key => $field) {
        $exactconditions[] = 'LOWER(' . $tableprefix . $field . ') = LOWER(:' . $paramkey . ')';
        $params[$paramkey] = $search;
    $sort = 'CASE WHEN ' . implode(' OR ', $exactconditions) . ' THEN 0 ELSE 1 END, ' . $sort;
    return array($sort, $params);
Example #20
     * Print the grading page for a single user submission.
     * @param moodleform $mform
     * @return string
    protected function view_single_grade_page($mform) {
        global $DB, $CFG;

        $o = '';
        $instance = $this->get_instance();

        require_once($CFG->dirroot . '/mod/assign/gradeform.php');

        // Need submit permission to submit an assignment.
        require_capability('mod/assign:grade', $this->context);

        $header = new assign_header($instance,
                                    get_string('grading', 'assign'));
        $o .= $this->get_renderer()->render($header);

        // If userid is passed - we are only grading a single student.
        $rownum = required_param('rownum', PARAM_INT);
        $useridlistid = optional_param('useridlistid', time(), PARAM_INT);
        $userid = optional_param('userid', 0, PARAM_INT);
        $attemptnumber = optional_param('attemptnumber', -1, PARAM_INT);

        $cache = cache::make_from_params(cache_store::MODE_SESSION, 'mod_assign', 'useridlist');
        if (!$userid) {
            if (!$useridlist = $cache->get($this->get_course_module()->id . '_' . $useridlistid)) {
                $useridlist = $this->get_grading_userid_list();
            $cache->set($this->get_course_module()->id . '_' . $useridlistid, $useridlist);
        } else {
            $rownum = 0;
            $useridlist = array($userid);

        if ($rownum < 0 || $rownum > count($useridlist)) {
            throw new coding_exception('Row is out of bounds for the current grading table: ' . $rownum);

        $last = false;
        $userid = $useridlist[$rownum];
        if ($rownum == count($useridlist) - 1) {
            $last = true;
        $user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $userid));
        if ($user) {
            $viewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->get_course_context());
            $usersummary = new assign_user_summary($user,
            $o .= $this->get_renderer()->render($usersummary);
        $submission = $this->get_user_submission($userid, false, $attemptnumber);
        $submissiongroup = null;
        $submissiongroupmemberswhohavenotsubmitted = array();
        $teamsubmission = null;
        $notsubmitted = array();
        if ($instance->teamsubmission) {
            $teamsubmission = $this->get_group_submission($userid, 0, false, $attemptnumber);
            $submissiongroup = $this->get_submission_group($userid);
            $groupid = 0;
            if ($submissiongroup) {
                $groupid = $submissiongroup->id;
            $notsubmitted = $this->get_submission_group_members_who_have_not_submitted($groupid, false);


        // Get the requested grade.
        $grade = $this->get_user_grade($userid, false, $attemptnumber);
        $flags = $this->get_user_flags($userid, false);
        if ($this->can_view_submission($userid)) {
            $gradelocked = ($flags && $flags->locked) || $this->grading_disabled($userid);
            $extensionduedate = null;
            if ($flags) {
                $extensionduedate = $flags->extensionduedate;
            $showedit = $this->submissions_open($userid) && ($this->is_any_submission_plugin_enabled());

            if ($teamsubmission) {
                $showsubmit = $showedit &&
                              $teamsubmission &&
                              ($teamsubmission->status != ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED) &&
            } else {
                $showsubmit = $showedit &&
                              $submission &&
                              ($submission->status != ASSIGN_SUBMISSION_STATUS_SUBMITTED) &&
            if (!$this->get_instance()->submissiondrafts) {
                $showsubmit = false;
            $viewfullnames = has_capability('moodle/site:viewfullnames', $this->get_course_context());

            $submissionstatus = new assign_submission_status($instance->allowsubmissionsfromdate,
            $o .= $this->get_renderer()->render($submissionstatus);

        if ($grade) {
            $data = new stdClass();
            if ($grade->grade !== null && $grade->grade >= 0) {
                $data->grade = format_float($grade->grade, 2);
        } else {
            $data = new stdClass();
            $data->grade = '';
        // Warning if required.
        $allsubmissions = $this->get_all_submissions($userid);

        if ($attemptnumber != -1) {
            $params = array('attemptnumber'=>$attemptnumber + 1,
            $message = get_string('editingpreviousfeedbackwarning', 'assign', $params);
            $o .= $this->get_renderer()->notification($message);

        // Now show the grading form.
        if (!$mform) {
            $pagination = array('rownum'=>$rownum,
                                'userid'=>optional_param('userid', 0, PARAM_INT),
            $formparams = array($this, $data, $pagination);
            $mform = new mod_assign_grade_form(null,
        $o .= $this->get_renderer()->heading(get_string('grade'), 3);
        $o .= $this->get_renderer()->render(new assign_form('gradingform', $mform));

        if (count($allsubmissions) > 1 && $attemptnumber == -1) {
            $allgrades = $this->get_all_grades($userid);
            $history = new assign_attempt_history($allsubmissions,

            $o .= $this->get_renderer()->render($history);

        $msg = get_string('viewgradingformforstudent',
                          array('id'=>$user->id, 'fullname'=>fullname($user)));
        $this->add_to_log('view grading form', $msg);

        $o .= $this->view_footer();
        return $o;
Example #21
 * If the current user is to be shown extra user fields when listing or
 * selecting users, returns a string suitable for including in an SQL select
 * clause to retrieve those fields.
 * @param context $context Context
 * @param string $alias Alias of user table, e.g. 'u' (default none)
 * @param string $prefix Prefix for field names using AS, e.g. 'u_' (default none)
 * @param array $already Array of fields that we're going to include anyway so don't list them (default none)
 * @return string Partial SQL select clause, beginning with comma, for example ',u.idnumber,u.department' unless it is blank
function get_extra_user_fields_sql($context, $alias = '', $prefix = '', $already = array())
    $fields = get_extra_user_fields($context, $already);
    $result = '';
    // Add punctuation for alias.
    if ($alias !== '') {
        $alias .= '.';
    foreach ($fields as $field) {
        $result .= ', ' . $alias . $field;
        if ($prefix) {
            $result .= ' AS ' . $prefix . $field;
    return $result;
Example #22
  * Builds and returns the rows that will make up the left part of the grader report
  * This consists of student names and icons, links to user reports and id numbers, as well
  * as header cells for these columns. It also includes the fillers required for the
  * categories displayed on the right side of the report.
  * @param boolean $displayaverages whether to display average rows in the table
  * @return array Array of html_table_row objects
 public function get_left_rows($displayaverages)
     global $CFG, $USER, $OUTPUT;
     $rows = array();
     $showuserimage = $this->get_pref('showuserimage');
     $canseeuserreport = has_capability('gradereport/' . $CFG->grade_profilereport . ':view', $this->context);
     $canseesingleview = has_all_capabilities(array('gradereport/singleview:view', 'moodle/grade:viewall', 'moodle/grade:edit'), $this->context);
     $hasuserreportcell = $canseeuserreport || $canseesingleview;
     $strfeedback = $this->get_lang_string("feedback");
     $strgrade = $this->get_lang_string('grade');
     $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($this->context);
     $arrows = $this->get_sort_arrows($extrafields);
     $colspan = 1 + $hasuserreportcell + count($extrafields);
     $levels = count($this->gtree->levels) - 1;
     $fillercell = new html_table_cell();
     $fillercell->header = true;
     $fillercell->attributes['scope'] = 'col';
     $fillercell->attributes['class'] = 'cell topleft';
     $fillercell->text = html_writer::span(get_string('participants'), 'accesshide');
     $fillercell->colspan = $colspan;
     $fillercell->rowspan = $levels;
     $row = new html_table_row(array($fillercell));
     $rows[] = $row;
     for ($i = 1; $i < $levels; $i++) {
         $row = new html_table_row();
         $rows[] = $row;
     $headerrow = new html_table_row();
     $headerrow->attributes['class'] = 'heading';
     $studentheader = new html_table_cell();
     $studentheader->attributes['class'] = 'header';
     $studentheader->scope = 'col';
     $studentheader->header = true;
     $studentheader->id = 'studentheader';
     if ($hasuserreportcell) {
         $studentheader->colspan = 2;
     $studentheader->text = $arrows['studentname'];
     $headerrow->cells[] = $studentheader;
     foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
         $fieldheader = new html_table_cell();
         $fieldheader->attributes['class'] = 'header userfield user' . $field;
         $fieldheader->scope = 'col';
         $fieldheader->header = true;
         $fieldheader->text = $arrows[$field];
         $headerrow->cells[] = $fieldheader;
     $rows[] = $headerrow;
     $rows = $this->get_left_icons_row($rows, $colspan);
     $suspendedstring = null;
     foreach ($this->users as $userid => $user) {
         $userrow = new html_table_row();
         $userrow->id = 'fixed_user_' . $userid;
         $usercell = new html_table_cell();
         $usercell->attributes['class'] = 'header user';
         $usercell->header = true;
         $usercell->scope = 'row';
         if ($showuserimage) {
             $usercell->text = $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, array('visibletoscreenreaders' => false));
         $fullname = fullname($user);
         $usercell->text .= html_writer::link(new moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $user->id, 'course' => $this->course->id)), $fullname, array('class' => 'username'));
         if (!empty($user->suspendedenrolment)) {
             $usercell->attributes['class'] .= ' usersuspended';
             //may be lots of suspended users so only get the string once
             if (empty($suspendedstring)) {
                 $suspendedstring = get_string('userenrolmentsuspended', 'grades');
             $usercell->text .= html_writer::empty_tag('img', array('src' => $OUTPUT->pix_url('i/enrolmentsuspended'), 'title' => $suspendedstring, 'alt' => $suspendedstring, 'class' => 'usersuspendedicon'));
         $userrow->cells[] = $usercell;
         $userreportcell = new html_table_cell();
         $userreportcell->attributes['class'] = 'userreport';
         $userreportcell->header = false;
         if ($canseeuserreport) {
             $a = new stdClass();
             $a->user = $fullname;
             $strgradesforuser = get_string('gradesforuser', 'grades', $a);
             $url = new moodle_url('/grade/report/' . $CFG->grade_profilereport . '/index.php', array('userid' => $user->id, 'id' => $this->course->id));
             $userreportcell->text .= $OUTPUT->action_icon($url, new pix_icon('t/grades', $strgradesforuser));
         if ($canseesingleview) {
             $url = new moodle_url('/grade/report/singleview/index.php', array('id' => $this->course->id, 'itemid' => $user->id, 'item' => 'user'));
             $singleview = $OUTPUT->action_icon($url, new pix_icon('t/editstring', get_string('singleview', 'grades', $fullname)));
             $userreportcell->text .= $singleview;
         if ($userreportcell->text) {
             $userrow->cells[] = $userreportcell;
         foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
             $fieldcell = new html_table_cell();
             $fieldcell->attributes['class'] = 'userfield user' . $field;
             $fieldcell->header = false;
             $fieldcell->text = $user->{$field};
             $userrow->cells[] = $fieldcell;
         $userrow->attributes['data-uid'] = $userid;
         $rows[] = $userrow;
     $rows = $this->get_left_range_row($rows, $colspan);
     if ($displayaverages) {
         $rows = $this->get_left_avg_row($rows, $colspan, true);
         $rows = $this->get_left_avg_row($rows, $colspan);
     return $rows;
Example #23
                        if ($user = $DB->get_record('user', array('id' => $unlock, 'mnethostid' => $CFG->mnet_localhost_id, 'deleted' => 0))) {
// create the user filter form
$ufiltering = new user_filtering();
echo $OUTPUT->header();
// Carry on with the user listing
$context = context_system::instance();
$extracolumns = get_extra_user_fields($context);
$columns = array_merge(array('firstname', 'lastname'), $extracolumns, array('city', 'country', 'lastaccess'));
foreach ($columns as $column) {
    $string[$column] = get_user_field_name($column);
    if ($sort != $column) {
        $columnicon = "";
        if ($column == "lastaccess") {
            $columndir = "DESC";
        } else {
            $columndir = "ASC";
    } else {
        $columndir = $dir == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC";
        if ($column == "lastaccess") {
            $columnicon = $dir == "ASC" ? "sort_desc" : "sort_asc";
        } else {
Example #24
  * displays the full report
  * @param \stdClass $scorm full SCORM object
  * @param \stdClass $cm - full course_module object
  * @param \stdClass $course - full course object
  * @param string $download - type of download being requested
 public function display($scorm, $cm, $course, $download)
     global $CFG, $DB, $OUTPUT, $PAGE;
     $contextmodule = \context_module::instance($cm->id);
     $action = optional_param('action', '', PARAM_ALPHA);
     $attemptids = optional_param_array('attemptid', array(), PARAM_RAW);
     $attemptsmode = optional_param('attemptsmode', SCORM_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_ALL_STUDENTS, PARAM_INT);
     $PAGE->set_url(new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('attemptsmode' => $attemptsmode)));
     if ($action == 'delete' && has_capability('mod/scorm:deleteresponses', $contextmodule) && confirm_sesskey()) {
         if (scorm_delete_responses($attemptids, $scorm)) {
             // Delete responses.
             echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('scormresponsedeleted', 'scorm'), 'notifysuccess');
     // Find out current groups mode.
     $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm, true);
     // Detailed report.
     $mform = new \mod_scorm_report_objectives_settings($PAGE->url, compact('currentgroup'));
     if ($fromform = $mform->get_data()) {
         $pagesize = $fromform->pagesize;
         $showobjectivescore = $fromform->objectivescore;
         set_user_preference('scorm_report_pagesize', $pagesize);
         set_user_preference('scorm_report_objectives_score', $showobjectivescore);
     } else {
         $pagesize = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_pagesize', 0);
         $showobjectivescore = get_user_preferences('scorm_report_objectives_score', 0);
     if ($pagesize < 1) {
         $pagesize = SCORM_REPORT_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE;
     // Select group menu.
     $displayoptions = array();
     $displayoptions['attemptsmode'] = $attemptsmode;
     $displayoptions['objectivescore'] = $showobjectivescore;
     $mform->set_data($displayoptions + array('pagesize' => $pagesize));
     if ($groupmode = groups_get_activity_groupmode($cm)) {
         // Groups are being used.
         if (!$download) {
             groups_print_activity_menu($cm, new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, $displayoptions));
     $formattextoptions = array('context' => \context_course::instance($course->id));
     // We only want to show the checkbox to delete attempts
     // if the user has permissions and if the report mode is showing attempts.
     $candelete = has_capability('mod/scorm:deleteresponses', $contextmodule) && $attemptsmode != SCORM_REPORT_ATTEMPTS_STUDENTS_WITH_NO;
     // Select the students.
     $nostudents = false;
     if (empty($currentgroup)) {
         // All users who can attempt scoes.
         if (!($students = get_users_by_capability($contextmodule, 'mod/scorm:savetrack', 'u.id', '', '', '', '', '', false))) {
             echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsyet'));
             $nostudents = true;
             $allowedlist = '';
         } else {
             $allowedlist = array_keys($students);
     } else {
         // All users who can attempt scoes and who are in the currently selected group.
         $groupstudents = get_users_by_capability($contextmodule, 'mod/scorm:savetrack', 'u.id', '', '', '', $currentgroup, '', false);
         if (!$groupstudents) {
             echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('nostudentsingroup'));
             $nostudents = true;
             $groupstudents = array();
         $allowedlist = array_keys($groupstudents);
     if (!$nostudents) {
         // Now check if asked download of data.
         $coursecontext = \context_course::instance($course->id);
         if ($download) {
             $filename = clean_filename("{$course->shortname} " . format_string($scorm->name, true, $formattextoptions));
         // Define table columns.
         $columns = array();
         $headers = array();
         if (!$download && $candelete) {
             $columns[] = 'checkbox';
             $headers[] = null;
         if (!$download && $CFG->grade_report_showuserimage) {
             $columns[] = 'picture';
             $headers[] = '';
         $columns[] = 'fullname';
         $headers[] = get_string('name');
         $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($coursecontext);
         foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
             $columns[] = $field;
             $headers[] = get_user_field_name($field);
         $columns[] = 'attempt';
         $headers[] = get_string('attempt', 'scorm');
         $columns[] = 'start';
         $headers[] = get_string('started', 'scorm');
         $columns[] = 'finish';
         $headers[] = get_string('last', 'scorm');
         $columns[] = 'score';
         $headers[] = get_string('score', 'scorm');
         $scoes = $DB->get_records('scorm_scoes', array("scorm" => $scorm->id), 'sortorder, id');
         foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
             if ($sco->launch != '') {
                 $columns[] = 'scograde' . $sco->id;
                 $headers[] = format_string($sco->title, '', $formattextoptions);
         $params = array();
         list($usql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($allowedlist, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED);
         // Construct the SQL.
         $select = 'SELECT DISTINCT ' . $DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'COALESCE(st.attempt, 0)') . ' AS uniqueid, ';
         $select .= 'st.scormid AS scormid, st.attempt AS attempt, ' . \user_picture::fields('u', array('idnumber'), 'userid') . get_extra_user_fields_sql($coursecontext, 'u', '', array('email', 'idnumber')) . ' ';
         // This part is the same for all cases - join users and scorm_scoes_track tables.
         $from = 'FROM {user} u ';
         $from .= 'LEFT JOIN {scorm_scoes_track} st ON st.userid = u.id AND st.scormid = ' . $scorm->id;
         switch ($attemptsmode) {
                 // Show only students with attempts.
                 $where = ' WHERE u.id ' . $usql . ' AND st.userid IS NOT NULL';
                 // Show only students without attempts.
                 $where = ' WHERE u.id ' . $usql . ' AND st.userid IS NULL';
                 // Show all students with or without attempts.
                 $where = ' WHERE u.id ' . $usql . ' AND (st.userid IS NOT NULL OR st.userid IS NULL)';
         $countsql = 'SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT(' . $DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'COALESCE(st.attempt, 0)') . ')) AS nbresults, ';
         $countsql .= 'COUNT(DISTINCT(' . $DB->sql_concat('u.id', '\'#\'', 'st.attempt') . ')) AS nbattempts, ';
         $countsql .= 'COUNT(DISTINCT(u.id)) AS nbusers ';
         $countsql .= $from . $where;
         $nbmaincolumns = count($columns);
         // Get number of main columns used.
         $objectives = get_scorm_objectives($scorm->id);
         $nosort = array();
         foreach ($objectives as $scoid => $sco) {
             foreach ($sco as $id => $objectivename) {
                 $colid = $scoid . 'objectivestatus' . $id;
                 $columns[] = $colid;
                 $nosort[] = $colid;
                 if (!$displayoptions['objectivescore']) {
                     // Display the objective name only.
                     $headers[] = $objectivename;
                 } else {
                     // Display the objective status header with a "status" suffix to avoid confusion.
                     $headers[] = $objectivename . ' ' . get_string('status', 'scormreport_objectives');
                     // Now print objective score headers.
                     $colid = $scoid . 'objectivescore' . $id;
                     $columns[] = $colid;
                     $nosort[] = $colid;
                     $headers[] = $objectivename . ' ' . get_string('score', 'scormreport_objectives');
         $emptycell = '';
         // Used when an empty cell is being printed - in html we add a space.
         if (!$download) {
             $emptycell = '&nbsp;';
             $table = new \flexible_table('mod-scorm-report');
             // This is done to prevent redundant data, when a user has multiple attempts.
             foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
             foreach ($nosort as $field) {
             foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
                 if ($sco->launch != '') {
                     $table->no_sorting('scograde' . $sco->id);
             $table->column_class('picture', 'picture');
             $table->column_class('fullname', 'bold');
             $table->column_class('score', 'bold');
             $table->set_attribute('cellspacing', '0');
             $table->set_attribute('id', 'attempts');
             $table->set_attribute('class', 'generaltable generalbox');
             // Start working -- this is necessary as soon as the niceties are over.
         } else {
             if ($download == 'ODS') {
                 require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/odslib.class.php";
                 $filename .= ".ods";
                 // Creating a workbook.
                 $workbook = new \MoodleODSWorkbook("-");
                 // Sending HTTP headers.
                 // Creating the first worksheet.
                 $sheettitle = get_string('report', 'scorm');
                 $myxls = $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                 // Format types.
                 $format = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatbc = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatb = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formaty = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatc = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatr = $workbook->add_format();
                 $formatg = $workbook->add_format();
                 // Here starts workshhet headers.
                 $colnum = 0;
                 foreach ($headers as $item) {
                     $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                 $rownum = 1;
             } else {
                 if ($download == 'Excel') {
                     require_once "{$CFG->libdir}/excellib.class.php";
                     $filename .= ".xls";
                     // Creating a workbook.
                     $workbook = new \MoodleExcelWorkbook("-");
                     // Sending HTTP headers.
                     // Creating the first worksheet.
                     $sheettitle = get_string('report', 'scorm');
                     $myxls = $workbook->add_worksheet($sheettitle);
                     // Format types.
                     $format = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatbc = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatb = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formaty = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatc = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatr = $workbook->add_format();
                     $formatg = $workbook->add_format();
                     $colnum = 0;
                     foreach ($headers as $item) {
                         $myxls->write(0, $colnum, $item, $formatbc);
                     $rownum = 1;
                 } else {
                     if ($download == 'CSV') {
                         $csvexport = new \csv_export_writer("tab");
                         $csvexport->set_filename($filename, ".txt");
         if (!$download) {
             $sort = $table->get_sql_sort();
         } else {
             $sort = '';
         // Fix some wired sorting.
         if (empty($sort)) {
             $sort = ' ORDER BY uniqueid';
         } else {
             $sort = ' ORDER BY ' . $sort;
         if (!$download) {
             // Add extra limits due to initials bar.
             list($twhere, $tparams) = $table->get_sql_where();
             if ($twhere) {
                 $where .= ' AND ' . $twhere;
                 // Initial bar.
                 $params = array_merge($params, $tparams);
             if (!empty($countsql)) {
                 $count = $DB->get_record_sql($countsql, $params);
                 $totalinitials = $count->nbresults;
                 if ($twhere) {
                     $countsql .= ' AND ' . $twhere;
                 $count = $DB->get_record_sql($countsql, $params);
                 $total = $count->nbresults;
             $table->pagesize($pagesize, $total);
             echo \html_writer::start_div('scormattemptcounts');
             if ($count->nbresults == $count->nbattempts) {
                 echo get_string('reportcountattempts', 'scorm', $count);
             } else {
                 if ($count->nbattempts > 0) {
                     echo get_string('reportcountallattempts', 'scorm', $count);
                 } else {
                     echo $count->nbusers . ' ' . get_string('users');
             echo \html_writer::end_div();
         // Fetch the attempts.
         if (!$download) {
             $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort, $params, $table->get_page_start(), $table->get_page_size());
             echo \html_writer::start_div('', array('id' => 'scormtablecontainer'));
             if ($candelete) {
                 // Start form.
                 $strreallydel = addslashes_js(get_string('deleteattemptcheck', 'scorm'));
                 echo \html_writer::start_tag('form', array('id' => 'attemptsform', 'method' => 'post', 'action' => $PAGE->url->out(false), 'onsubmit' => 'return confirm("' . $strreallydel . '");'));
                 echo \html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'action', 'value' => 'delete'));
                 echo \html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'hidden', 'name' => 'sesskey', 'value' => sesskey()));
                 echo \html_writer::start_div('', array('style' => 'display: none;'));
                 echo \html_writer::input_hidden_params($PAGE->url);
                 echo \html_writer::end_div();
                 echo \html_writer::start_div();
             $table->initialbars($totalinitials > 20);
             // Build table rows.
         } else {
             $attempts = $DB->get_records_sql($select . $from . $where . $sort, $params);
         if ($attempts) {
             foreach ($attempts as $scouser) {
                 $row = array();
                 if (!empty($scouser->attempt)) {
                     $timetracks = scorm_get_sco_runtime($scorm->id, false, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt);
                 } else {
                     $timetracks = '';
                 if (in_array('checkbox', $columns)) {
                     if ($candelete && !empty($timetracks->start)) {
                         $row[] = \html_writer::checkbox('attemptid[]', $scouser->userid . ':' . $scouser->attempt, false);
                     } else {
                         if ($candelete) {
                             $row[] = '';
                 if (in_array('picture', $columns)) {
                     $user = new \stdClass();
                     $additionalfields = explode(',', \user_picture::fields());
                     $user = username_load_fields_from_object($user, $scouser, null, $additionalfields);
                     $user->id = $scouser->userid;
                     $row[] = $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, array('courseid' => $course->id));
                 if (!$download) {
                     $url = new \moodle_url('/user/view.php', array('id' => $scouser->userid, 'course' => $course->id));
                     $row[] = \html_writer::link($url, fullname($scouser));
                 } else {
                     $row[] = fullname($scouser);
                 foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
                     $row[] = s($scouser->{$field});
                 if (empty($timetracks->start)) {
                     $row[] = '-';
                     $row[] = '-';
                     $row[] = '-';
                     $row[] = '-';
                 } else {
                     if (!$download) {
                         $url = new \moodle_url('/mod/scorm/report/userreport.php', array('id' => $cm->id, 'user' => $scouser->userid, 'attempt' => $scouser->attempt));
                         $row[] = \html_writer::link($url, $scouser->attempt);
                     } else {
                         $row[] = $scouser->attempt;
                     if ($download == 'ODS' || $download == 'Excel') {
                         $row[] = userdate($timetracks->start, get_string("strftimedatetime", "langconfig"));
                     } else {
                         $row[] = userdate($timetracks->start);
                     if ($download == 'ODS' || $download == 'Excel') {
                         $row[] = userdate($timetracks->finish, get_string('strftimedatetime', 'langconfig'));
                     } else {
                         $row[] = userdate($timetracks->finish);
                     $row[] = scorm_grade_user_attempt($scorm, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt);
                 // Print out all scores of attempt.
                 foreach ($scoes as $sco) {
                     if ($sco->launch != '') {
                         if ($trackdata = scorm_get_tracks($sco->id, $scouser->userid, $scouser->attempt)) {
                             if ($trackdata->status == '') {
                                 $trackdata->status = 'notattempted';
                             $strstatus = get_string($trackdata->status, 'scorm');
                             if ($trackdata->score_raw != '') {
                                 // If raw score exists, print it.
                                 $score = $trackdata->score_raw;
                                 // Add max score if it exists.
                                 if (isset($trackdata->score_max)) {
                                     $score .= '/' . $trackdata->score_max;
                             } else {
                                 // ...else print out status.
                                 $score = $strstatus;
                             if (!$download) {
                                 $url = new \moodle_url('/mod/scorm/report/userreporttracks.php', array('id' => $cm->id, 'scoid' => $sco->id, 'user' => $scouser->userid, 'attempt' => $scouser->attempt));
                                 $row[] = \html_writer::img($OUTPUT->pix_url($trackdata->status, 'scorm'), $strstatus, array('title' => $strstatus)) . \html_writer::empty_tag('br') . \html_writer::link($url, $score, array('title' => get_string('details', 'scorm')));
                             } else {
                                 $row[] = $score;
                             // Iterate over tracks and match objective id against values.
                             $scorm2004 = false;
                             if (scorm_version_check($scorm->version, SCORM_13)) {
                                 $scorm2004 = true;
                                 $objectiveprefix = "cmi.objectives.";
                             } else {
                                 $objectiveprefix = "cmi.objectives_";
                             $keywords = array(".id", $objectiveprefix);
                             $objectivestatus = array();
                             $objectivescore = array();
                             foreach ($trackdata as $name => $value) {
                                 if (strpos($name, $objectiveprefix) === 0 && strrpos($name, '.id') !== false) {
                                     $num = trim(str_ireplace($keywords, '', $name));
                                     if (is_numeric($num)) {
                                         if ($scorm2004) {
                                             $element = $objectiveprefix . $num . '.completion_status';
                                         } else {
                                             $element = $objectiveprefix . $num . '.status';
                                         if (isset($trackdata->{$element})) {
                                             $objectivestatus[$value] = $trackdata->{$element};
                                         } else {
                                             $objectivestatus[$value] = '';
                                         if ($displayoptions['objectivescore']) {
                                             $element = $objectiveprefix . $num . '.score.raw';
                                             if (isset($trackdata->{$element})) {
                                                 $objectivescore[$value] = $trackdata->{$element};
                                             } else {
                                                 $objectivescore[$value] = '';
                             // Interaction data.
                             if (!empty($objectives[$trackdata->scoid])) {
                                 foreach ($objectives[$trackdata->scoid] as $name) {
                                     if (isset($objectivestatus[$name])) {
                                         $row[] = s($objectivestatus[$name]);
                                     } else {
                                         $row[] = $emptycell;
                                     if ($displayoptions['objectivescore']) {
                                         if (isset($objectivescore[$name])) {
                                             $row[] = s($objectivescore[$name]);
                                         } else {
                                             $row[] = $emptycell;
                             // End of interaction data.
                         } else {
                             // If we don't have track data, we haven't attempted yet.
                             $strstatus = get_string('notattempted', 'scorm');
                             if (!$download) {
                                 $row[] = \html_writer::img($OUTPUT->pix_url('notattempted', 'scorm'), $strstatus, array('title' => $strstatus)) . \html_writer::empty_tag('br') . $strstatus;
                             } else {
                                 $row[] = $strstatus;
                             // Complete the empty cells.
                             for ($i = 0; $i < count($columns) - $nbmaincolumns; $i++) {
                                 $row[] = $emptycell;
                 if (!$download) {
                 } else {
                     if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
                         $colnum = 0;
                         foreach ($row as $item) {
                             $myxls->write($rownum, $colnum, $item, $format);
                     } else {
                         if ($download == 'CSV') {
             if (!$download) {
                 if ($candelete) {
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('table', array('id' => 'commands'));
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('tr') . \html_writer::start_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::link('javascript:select_all_in(\'DIV\', null, \'scormtablecontainer\');', get_string('selectall', 'scorm')) . ' / ';
                     echo \html_writer::link('javascript:deselect_all_in(\'DIV\', null, \'scormtablecontainer\');', get_string('selectnone', 'scorm'));
                     echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;';
                     echo \html_writer::empty_tag('input', array('type' => 'submit', 'value' => get_string('deleteselected', 'scorm'), 'class' => 'btn btn-secondary'));
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('td') . \html_writer::end_tag('tr') . \html_writer::end_tag('table');
                     // Close form.
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('div');
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('form');
                 echo \html_writer::end_div();
                 if (!empty($attempts)) {
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('table', array('class' => 'boxaligncenter')) . \html_writer::start_tag('tr');
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('td');
                     echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('download' => 'ODS') + $displayoptions), get_string('downloadods'), 'post', ['class' => 'm-t-1']);
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('td');
                     echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('download' => 'Excel') + $displayoptions), get_string('downloadexcel'), 'post', ['class' => 'm-t-1']);
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('td');
                     echo $OUTPUT->single_button(new \moodle_url($PAGE->url, array('download' => 'CSV') + $displayoptions), get_string('downloadtext'), 'post', ['class' => 'm-t-1']);
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::start_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('td');
                     echo \html_writer::end_tag('tr') . \html_writer::end_tag('table');
         } else {
             if ($candelete && !$download) {
                 echo \html_writer::end_div();
                 echo \html_writer::end_tag('form');
             echo \html_writer::end_div();
         // Show preferences form irrespective of attempts are there to report or not.
         if (!$download) {
             $mform->set_data(compact('detailedrep', 'pagesize', 'attemptsmode'));
         if ($download == 'Excel' or $download == 'ODS') {
         } else {
             if ($download == 'CSV') {
     } else {
         echo $OUTPUT->notification(get_string('noactivity', 'scorm'));
 public function test_get_extra_user_fields()
     global $CFG, $USER, $DB;
     // It would be really nice if there were a way to 'mock' has_capability
     // checks (either to return true or false) but as there is not, this
     // test doesn't test the capability check. Presumably, anyone running
     // unit tests will have the capability.
     $context = context_system::instance();
     // No fields.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = '';
     $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields($context));
     // One field.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
     $this->assertEquals(array('frog'), get_extra_user_fields($context));
     // Two fields.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
     $this->assertEquals(array('frog', 'zombie'), get_extra_user_fields($context));
     // No fields, except.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = '';
     $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields($context, array('frog')));
     // One field.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog';
     $this->assertEquals(array(), get_extra_user_fields($context, array('frog')));
     // Two fields.
     $CFG->showuseridentity = 'frog,zombie';
     $this->assertEquals(array('zombie'), get_extra_user_fields($context, array('frog')));
Example #26
  * This function generates HTML to display a subscriber overview, primarily used on
  * the subscribers page if editing was turned off
  * @param array $users
  * @param object $forum
  * @param object $course
  * @return string
 public function subscriber_overview($users, $forum, $course)
     $output = '';
     $modinfo = get_fast_modinfo($course);
     if (!$users || !is_array($users) || count($users) === 0) {
         $output .= $this->output->heading(get_string("nosubscribers", "forum"));
     } else {
         if (!isset($modinfo->instances['forum'][$forum->id])) {
             $output .= $this->output->heading(get_string("invalidmodule", "error"));
         } else {
             $cm = $modinfo->instances['forum'][$forum->id];
             $canviewemail = in_array('email', get_extra_user_fields(context_module::instance($cm->id)));
             $output .= $this->output->heading(get_string("subscribersto", "forum", "'" . format_string($forum->name) . "'"));
             $table = new html_table();
             $table->cellpadding = 5;
             $table->cellspacing = 5;
             $table->tablealign = 'center';
             $table->data = array();
             foreach ($users as $user) {
                 $info = array($this->output->user_picture($user, array('courseid' => $course->id)), fullname($user));
                 if ($canviewemail) {
                     array_push($info, $user->email);
                 $table->data[] = $info;
             $output .= html_writer::table($table);
     return $output;
Example #27
$PAGE->set_title(get_string('pluginname', 'local_help_desk'));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('pluginname', 'local_help_desk'));
$PAGE->navbar->add(get_string('accounts', 'local_help_desk'));
$renderer = $PAGE->get_renderer('local_help_desk');
$lib_help_desk = new help_desk();
$hierarchy = new hierarchy();
$ufiltering = new user_filtering_accounts();
//Tab tree (current tab)
$tab = 'accounts';
$serialkey_form = new accounts_serialkey_form(NULL, array('skid' => $skid));
echo $OUTPUT->header();
//Tab tree
$extracolumns = get_extra_user_fields($systemcontext);
$ufiltering = new user_filtering_accounts();
$allusernamefields = get_all_user_name_fields(false, null, null, null, true);
$columns = array_merge($allusernamefields, $extracolumns, array('city', 'country', 'lastaccess'));
foreach ($columns as $column) {
    $string[$column] = get_user_field_name($column);
    if ($sort != $column) {
        $columnicon = "";
        if ($column == "lastaccess") {
            $columndir = "DESC";
        } else {
            $columndir = "ASC";
    } else {
        $columndir = $dir == "ASC" ? "DESC" : "ASC";
        if ($column == "lastaccess") {
Example #28
 * Returns a list of issued certificates - sorted for report.
 * @param int $certificateid
 * @param string $sort the sort order
 * @param bool $groupmode are we in group mode ?
 * @param stdClass $cm the course module
 * @param int $page offset
 * @param int $perpage total per page
 * @return stdClass the users
function certificate_get_issues($certificateid, $sort = "ci.timecreated ASC", $groupmode, $cm, $page = 0, $perpage = 0)
    global $DB, $USER;
    $context = context_module::instance($cm->id);
    $conditionssql = '';
    $conditionsparams = array();
    // Get all users that can manage this certificate to exclude them from the report.
    $certmanagers = array_keys(get_users_by_capability($context, 'mod/certificate:manage', 'u.id'));
    $certmanagers = array_merge($certmanagers, array_keys(get_admins()));
    list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($certmanagers, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'cert');
    $conditionssql .= "AND NOT u.id {$sql} \n";
    $conditionsparams += $params;
    if ($groupmode) {
        $canaccessallgroups = has_capability('moodle/site:accessallgroups', $context);
        $currentgroup = groups_get_activity_group($cm);
        // If we are viewing all participants and the user does not have access to all groups then return nothing.
        if (!$currentgroup && !$canaccessallgroups) {
            return array();
        if ($currentgroup) {
            if (!$canaccessallgroups) {
                // Guest users do not belong to any groups.
                if (isguestuser()) {
                    return array();
                // Check that the user belongs to the group we are viewing.
                $usersgroups = groups_get_all_groups($cm->course, $USER->id, $cm->groupingid);
                if ($usersgroups) {
                    if (!isset($usersgroups[$currentgroup])) {
                        return array();
                } else {
                    // They belong to no group, so return an empty array.
                    return array();
            $groupusers = array_keys(groups_get_members($currentgroup, 'u.*'));
            if (empty($groupusers)) {
                return array();
            list($sql, $params) = $DB->get_in_or_equal($groupusers, SQL_PARAMS_NAMED, 'grp');
            $conditionssql .= "AND u.id {$sql} ";
            $conditionsparams += $params;
    $page = (int) $page;
    $perpage = (int) $perpage;
    // Get all the users that have certificates issued, should only be one issue per user for a certificate
    $allparams = $conditionsparams + array('certificateid' => $certificateid);
    // The picture fields also include the name fields for the user.
    $picturefields = user_picture::fields('u', get_extra_user_fields($context));
    $users = $DB->get_records_sql("SELECT {$picturefields}, u.idnumber, ci.code, ci.timecreated\n                                     FROM {user} u\n                               INNER JOIN {certificate_issues} ci\n                                       ON u.id = ci.userid\n                                    WHERE u.deleted = 0\n                                      AND ci.certificateid = :certificateid {$conditionssql}\n                                 ORDER BY {$sort}", $allparams, $page * $perpage, $perpage);
    return $users;
Example #29
         throw new enrol_ajax_exception('invalidrole');
     if (!has_capability('moodle/role:assign', $manager->get_context()) || !$manager->assign_role_to_user($roleid, $user->id)) {
         throw new enrol_ajax_exception('assignnotpermitted');
     $outcome->response->roleid = $roleid;
 case 'getassignable':
     $otheruserroles = optional_param('otherusers', false, PARAM_BOOL);
     $outcome->response = $manager->get_assignable_roles_for_json($otheruserroles);
 case 'searchotherusers':
     $search = optional_param('search', '', PARAM_RAW);
     $page = optional_param('page', 0, PARAM_INT);
     $outcome->response = $manager->search_other_users($search, $searchanywhere, $page);
     $extrafields = get_extra_user_fields($context);
     $useroptions = array();
     // User is not enrolled, either link to site profile or do not link at all.
     if (has_capability('moodle/user:viewdetails', context_system::instance())) {
         $useroptions['courseid'] = SITEID;
     } else {
         $useroptions['link'] = false;
     foreach ($outcome->response['users'] as &$user) {
         $user->userId = $user->id;
         $user->picture = $OUTPUT->user_picture($user, $useroptions);
         $user->fullname = fullname($user);
         $fieldvalues = array();
         foreach ($extrafields as $field) {
             $fieldvalues[] = s($user->{$field});
Example #30
    'hidden'        => $this->urlparams,
    'query'         => $query,
    'searchtype'    => $searchtype

// Generate SQL
// Search SQL information
$search_info = new stdClass();
$search_info->id = 'id';
$search_info->fullname = 'fullname';
$search_info->sql = null;
$search_info->params = null;

// Check if user has capability to view emails.
$canviewemail = in_array('email', get_extra_user_fields(context_system::instance()));

 * Use whitelist for table to prevent people messing with the query
 * Required variables from each case statement:
 *  + $search_info->id: Title of id field (defaults to 'id')
 *  + $search_info->fullname: Title of fullname field (defaults to 'fullname')
 *  + $search_info->sql: SQL after "SELECT .." fragment (e,g, 'FROM ... etc'), without the ORDER BY
 *  + $search_info->order: The "ORDER BY" SQL fragment (should contain the ORDER BY text also)
 *  Remember to generate and include the query SQL in your WHERE clause with:
 *     dialog_get_search_clause()
switch ($searchtype) {
     * User search