Example #1
function single_event_detail($databse, $eventId)
    $json = new \lib\Json(JSON_STATUS_ERROR, "Invalid page provided");
    $eventDtl = get_event_detail($eventId, $databse);
    $eventDetail = $json->result_to_array($eventDtl);
    $json->add_data("event_detail", $eventDetail);
    $json->setMessage("Fetched Event Detail Successfully");
    return $json->getJson();
Example #2
/** set or update the user's subscription
 * @param $uid: user's id
 * @param $eid: event's id
 * @param $subs: user's new subscription
function subscribe($uid, $eid, $subs = array())
    global $globals;
    // get items
    $items = get_event_items($eid);
    // get previous subscription
    $old_subs = get_event_subscription($eid, $uid);
    $participate = false;
    $updated = false;
    // TODO : change the way to deal with manual payment
    $paid = 0;
    foreach ($old_subs as $item_id => $s) {
        $paid += $s['paid'];
    $paid_updated = false;
    // for each item of the event
    foreach ($items as $item_id => $details) {
        // check if there is an old subscription
        if (array_key_exists($item_id, $old_subs)) {
            // compares new and old subscription
            if ($old_subs[$item_id]['nb'] != $subs[$item_id]) {
                if ($subs[$item_id] != 0) {
                    XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_event_participants (eid, uid, item_id, nb, flags, paid)
                                       VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})
                      ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE nb = VALUES(nb), flags = VALUES(flags), paid = VALUES(paid)', $eid, $uid, $item_id, $subs[$item_id], Env::has('notify_payment') ? 'notify_payment' : 0, !$paid_updated ? $paid : 0);
                    $participate = true;
                    $paid_updated = true;
                } else {
                    // we do not store non-subscription to event items
                    XDB::execute('DELETE FROM group_event_participants
                                        WHERE eid = {?} AND uid = {?} AND item_id = {?}', $eid, $uid, $item_id);
                $updated = true;
        } else {
            // if no old subscription
            if ($subs[$item_id] != 0) {
                XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_event_participants (eid, uid, item_id, nb, flags, paid)
                                   VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $eid, $uid, $item_id, $subs[$item_id], '', 0);
                $participate = true;
                $updated = true;
    // item 0 stores whether the user participates globally or not, if he has to be notified when payment is created and his manual payment
    if (array_key_exists(0, $old_subs)) {
        XDB::execute('UPDATE group_event_participants
                         SET nb = {?}
                       WHERE eid = {?}, uid = {?}, item_id = 0',
                             ($participate ? 1 : 0), $eid, $uid);
    } else {
        XDB::execute('INSERT INTO group_event_participants (eid, uid, item_id, nb, flags, paid)
                           VALUES ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})',
                                  $eid, $uid, 0, ($participate ? 1 : 0), (Env::has('notify_payment') ? 'notify_payment' : ''), 0);
    // if subscription is updated, we have to update the event aliases
    if ($updated) {
        $short_name = get_event_detail($eid)['short_name'];
        subscribe_lists_event($uid, $short_name, $participate ? 1 : -1, 0);
    return $updated;
Example #3
 public function commit()
     $res = XDB::query("SELECT MAX(id) FROM payments");
     $id = $res->fetchOneCell() + 1;
     $ret = XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  payments (id, text, url, amount_def, amount_min, amount_max, mail, confirmation, asso_id, flags, rib_id)
                               VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})', $id, $this->titre, $this->site, $this->montant, $this->montant_min, $this->montant_max, $this->user->bestEmail(), $this->msg_reponse, $this->asso_id, $this->public ? 'public' : '', $this->rib_id);
     if ($this->asso_id && $this->evt) {
         XDB::execute("UPDATE  group_events\n                             SET  paiement_id = {?}\n                           WHERE  asso_id = {?} AND eid = {?}", $id, $this->asso_id, $this->evt);
         $res = XDB::query("SELECT  a.nom, a.diminutif, e.intitule\n                                 FROM  groups AS a\n                           INNER JOIN  group_events AS e ON (a.id = e.asso_id)\n                                WHERE  e.eid = {?}", $this->evt);
         list($nom, $diminutif, $evt) = $res->fetchOneRow();
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../modules/xnetevents/xnetevents.inc.php';
         $participants = get_event_participants(get_event_detail($this->evt, false, $this->asso_id), null);
         foreach ($participants as $u) {
             if (!$u['notify_payment']) {
             $topay = $u['montant'] - $u['paid'];
             if ($topay > 0) {
                 $mailer = new PlMailer('xnetevents/newpayment.mail.tpl');
                 $mailer->assign('asso', $nom);
                 $mailer->assign('diminutif', $diminutif);
                 $mailer->assign('evt', $evt);
                 $mailer->assign('eid', $this->evt);
                 $mailer->assign('prenom', $u['user']->firstName());
     return $ret;
Example #4
 function handler_paypal_return($page, $uid = null)
     /* reference banque (numero de transaction) */
     $no_transaction = Env::s('tx');
     /* token a renvoyer pour avoir plus d'information */
     $clef = Env::s('sig');
     /* code retour */
     $status = Env::s('st');
     /* raison */
     $reason = $status == 'Pending' ? Env::s('pending_reason') : Env::s('reason_code');
     /* reference complete de la commande */
     $fullref = str_replace('%2d', '-', Env::s('cm'));
     /* montant de la transaction */
     $montant = Env::s('amt');
     /* devise */
     if (Env::s('cc') != 'EUR') {
         cb_erreur("monnaie autre que l'euro");
     /* on extrait le code de retour */
     if ($status != "Completed") {
         if ($status) {
             paypal_erreur("erreur lors du paiement : {$status} - {$reason}");
         } else {
             paypal_erreur("Paiement annulé", false);
     /* on extrait les informations sur l'utilisateur */
     $user = User::get($uid);
     if (!$user) {
         paypal_erreur("uid invalide");
     /* on extrait la reference de la commande */
     if (!preg_match('/-xorg-([0-9]+)$/', $fullref, $matches)) {
         paypal_erreur("référence de commande invalide");
     $ref = $matches[1];
     $res = XDB::query('SELECT  mail, text, confirmation
                          FROM  payments
                         WHERE  id = {?}', $ref);
     if (!(list($conf_mail, $conf_title, $conf_text) = $res->fetchOneRow())) {
         paypal_erreur('référence de commande inconnue');
     /* on fait l'insertion en base de donnees */
     XDB::execute("INSERT INTO  payment_transactions (id, method_id, uid, ref, fullref, ts_confirmed, amount, pkey, comment, status, display)\n                           VALUES  ({?}, 1, {?}, {?}, {?}, NOW(), {?}, {?}, {?}, 'confirmed', {?})", $no_transaction, $user->id(), $ref, $fullref, $montant, $clef, Env::v('comment'), Get::i('display'));
     // We check if it is an Xnet payment and then update the related ML.
     $res = XDB::query('SELECT  eid, asso_id
                          FROM  group_events
                         WHERE  paiement_id = {?}', $ref);
     if ($res->numRows() == 1) {
         list($eid, $asso_id) = $res->fetchOneRow();
         require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/xnetevents/xnetevents.inc.php';
         $evt = get_event_detail($eid, false, $asso_id);
         subscribe_lists_event($user->id(), $evt['short_name'], 1, $montant, true);
     /* on genere le mail de confirmation */
     $conf_text = str_replace(array('<prenom>', '<nom>', '<promo>', '<montant>', '<salutation>', '<cher>', '<comment>'), array($user->firstName(), $user->lastName(), $user->promo(), $montant, $user->isFemale() ? 'Chère' : 'Cher', $user->isFemale() ? 'Chère' : 'Cher', Env::v('comment')), $conf_text);
     global $globals;
     $mymail = new PlMailer();
     /* on envoie les details de la transaction à telepaiement@ */
     $mymail = new PlMailer();
     $mymail->setFrom("webmaster@" . $globals->mail->domain);
     $msg = 'utilisateur : ' . $user->login() . ' (' . $user->id() . ')' . "\n" . 'mail : ' . $user->forlifeEmail() . "\n\n" . "paiement : {$conf_title} ({$conf_mail})\n" . "reference : {$champ200}\n" . "montant : {$montant}\n\n" . "dump de REQUEST:\n" . var_export($_REQUEST, true);
     $page->assign('texte', $conf_text);
     $page->assign('erreur', $erreur);
Example #5
 function handler_admin($page, $eid = null, $item_id = null)
     global $globals;
     $evt = get_event_detail($eid, $item_id);
     if (!$evt) {
         return PL_NOT_FOUND;
     if (!$evt['show_participants'] && !may_update()) {
         return PL_FORBIDDEN;
     if (may_update() && Post::v('adm')) {
         $member = User::getSilent(Post::v('mail'));
         if (!$member) {
             $page->trigError("Membre introuvable");
         // change the price paid by a participant
         if (Env::v('adm') == 'prix' && $member) {
             $amount = strtr(Env::v('montant'), ',', '.');
             XDB::execute("UPDATE group_event_participants\n                                 SET paid = paid + {?}\n                               WHERE uid = {?} AND eid = {?} AND nb > 0\n                            ORDER BY item_id ASC\n                               LIMIT 1", $amount, $member->uid, $evt['eid']);
             subscribe_lists_event($member->uid, $evt['short_name'], 1, $amount);
         // change the number of personns coming with a participant
         if (Env::v('adm') == 'nbs' && $member) {
             $res = XDB::query("SELECT SUM(paid)\n                                     FROM group_event_participants\n                                    WHERE uid = {?} AND eid = {?}", $member->uid, $evt['eid']);
             $paid = $res->fetchOneCell();
             // Ensure we have an integer
             if ($paid == null) {
                 $paid = 0;
             $nbs = Post::v('nb', array());
             $paid_inserted = false;
             foreach ($nbs as $id => $nb) {
                 $nb = max(intval($nb), 0);
                 if (!$paid_inserted && $nb > 0) {
                     $item_paid = $paid;
                     $paid_inserted = true;
                 } else {
                     $item_paid = 0;
                 XDB::execute('INSERT INTO  group_event_participants (eid, uid, item_id, nb, flags, paid)
                                    VALUES  ({?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?}, {?})
                   ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE  nb = VALUES(nb), flags = VALUES(flags), paid = VALUES(paid)', $evt['eid'], $member->uid, $id, $nb, '', $item_paid);
             $res = XDB::query('SELECT  COUNT(uid) AS cnt, SUM(nb) AS nb
                                  FROM  group_event_participants
                                 WHERE  uid = {?} AND eid = {?}
                              GROUP BY  uid', $member->uid, $evt['eid']);
             $u = $res->fetchOneAssoc();
             if ($paid == 0 && Post::v('cancel')) {
                 XDB::execute("DELETE FROM group_event_participants\n                                        WHERE uid = {?} AND eid = {?}", $member->uid, $evt['eid']);
                 $u = 0;
                 subscribe_lists_event($member->uid, $evt['short_name'], -1, $paid);
             } else {
                 $u = $u['cnt'] ? $u['nb'] : null;
                 subscribe_lists_event($member->uid, $evt['short_name'], $u > 0 ? 1 : 0, $paid);
         $evt = get_event_detail($eid, $item_id);
     $page->assign_by_ref('evt', $evt);
     $page->assign('tout', is_null($item_id));
     if (count($evt['moments'])) {
         $page->assign('moments', $evt['moments']);
     if ($evt['paiement_id']) {
         $infos = User::getBulkUsersWithUIDs(XDB::fetchAllAssoc('SELECT  t.uid, t.amount
                                               FROM  payment_transactions AS t
                                          LEFT JOIN  group_event_participants AS ep ON(ep.uid = t.uid AND ep.eid = {?})
                                              WHERE  t.status = "confirmed" AND t.ref = {?} AND ep.uid IS NULL', $evt['eid'], $evt['paiement_id']), 'uid', 'user');
         $page->assign('oublis', count($infos));
         $page->assign('oubliinscription', $infos);
     $absents = User::getBulkUsersFromDB('SELECT  p.uid
                                            FROM  group_event_participants AS p
                                       LEFT JOIN  group_event_participants AS p2 ON (p2.uid = p.uid
                                                                                            AND p2.eid = p.eid
                                                                                            AND p2.nb != 0)
                                           WHERE  p.eid = {?} AND p2.eid IS NULL
                                        GROUP BY  p.uid', $evt['eid']);
     $ofs = Env::i('offset');
     $part = get_event_participants($evt, $item_id, UserFilter::sortByName(), NB_PER_PAGE, $ofs * NB_PER_PAGE);
     $nbp = ceil($evt['user_count'] / NB_PER_PAGE);
     if ($nbp > 1) {
         $links = array();
         if ($ofs) {
             $links['précédent'] = $ofs - 1;
         for ($i = 1; $i <= $nbp; $i++) {
             $links[(string) $i] = $i - 1;
         if ($ofs < $nbp - 1) {
             $links['suivant'] = $ofs + 1;
         $page->assign('links', $links);
     $page->assign('absents', $absents);
     $page->assign('participants', $part);