/** * This is v1.3 of the config except the password is now MD5 * */ function Set_Configuration($prefix) { global $data, $lang_populated, $lang_create_populate; $site_url = get_env('/'); $images_path = "../images/"; $admin = addslashes($data['admin_username']); $password = addslashes(decode($data['admin_password1'])); $query = mysql_query("INSERT INTO `{$prefix}config`\n\t\n\t(`admin` , `password` , `email` , `commentemail` , `template` , `imagepath` , `siteurl` , `sitetitle` , `langfile` , `calendar` , `crop` , `thumbwidth` , `thumbheight` , `thumbnumber` , `compression` , `dateformat` )VALUES\n\t('{$admin}', MD5('{$password}') , '' , 'no' , 'simple' , '{$images_path}' , '{$site_url}' , 'Pixelpost' , 'english' , 'No Calendar' , 'yes' , '100' , '75' , '5' , '75' , 'Y-m-d H:i:s' )\n\t\n\t") or die("MySQL Error: " . mysql_error()); $create_status[$lang_create_populate] = $lang_populated; return $create_status; }
/** * Get real IP. * @return string|null */ function ip() : string { $ip = ''; if (null != ($ip = get_env('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'))) { if (strpos($ip, ',') !== false) { $ip = trim(end(explode(',', $ip))); } } elseif (null != ($ip = get_env('HTTP_CLIENT_IP'))) { // ok.. } elseif (null != ($ip = get_env('HTTP_X_REAL_IP'))) { // ok.. } elseif (null != ($ip = get_env('REMOTE_ADDR'))) { // ok.. } return $ip; }
function curl_get($url) { //open connection $url = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $url; $ch = curl_init(); if (get_env() == "DEV") { curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, ''); } //set the url, number of POST vars, POST data curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,count($fields)); //curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$fields_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //execute post $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $result; }
/** * Check to see if current working progress in development mode or production mode * @author Faisal <*****@*****.**> * @return bool */ function env_is_production_mode() { return 'production' == get_env(); }
<?php !defined('DEBUG') and exit('Access Denied.'); // 初始状态为通过 $succeed = 1; $env = $write = array(); get_env($env, $write); include './install/view/step1.htm'; function get_env(&$env, &$write) { $env['os']['name'] = '操作系统'; $env['os']['must'] = TRUE; $env['os']['current'] = PHP_OS; $env['os']['need'] = '类UNIX'; $env['os']['status'] = 1; $env['php_version']['name'] = 'PHP版本'; $env['php_version']['must'] = TRUE; $env['php_version']['current'] = PHP_VERSION; $env['php_version']['need'] = '5.0'; $env['php_version']['status'] = version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5') > 0; $env['gd_version']['name'] = 'GD图像处理库'; $env['gd_version']['must'] = FALSE; $env['gd_version']['need'] = '1.0'; // 头像缩略需要,没有也可以。 if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $gd_info = gd_info(); preg_match('/\\d(?:.\\d)+/', $gd_info['GD Version'], $arr); $gd_version = $arr[0]; $env['gd_version']['current'] = $gd_version; $env['gd_version']['status'] = version_compare($gd_version, '1') > 0 ? 1 : 2; } else {
if ($_GET) { $_GET = daddslashes($_GET); } if ($_COOKIE) { $_COOKIE = daddslashes($_COOKIE); } } if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) { date_default_timezone_set($CFG['timezone']); } $DT_PRE = $CFG['tb_pre']; $DT_QST = addslashes($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $DT_TIME = time() + $CFG['timediff']; $DT_IP = get_env('ip'); $DT_URL = get_env('url'); $DT_REF = get_env('referer'); $DT_BOT = is_robot(); header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=" . DT_CHARSET); require DT_ROOT . '/include/db_' . $CFG['database'] . '.class.php'; require DT_ROOT . '/include/cache_' . $CFG['cache'] . '.class.php'; require DT_ROOT . '/include/session_' . $CFG['session'] . '.class.php'; require DT_ROOT . '/include/file.func.php'; if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { strip_uri($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } if ($_POST) { $_POST = strip_sql($_POST); strip_key($_POST); } if ($_GET) { $_GET = strip_sql($_GET);
} ?> <tr> <td></td> <td><input type="submit" name="submit" value="登 录" class="btn" tabindex="4" id="submit"/> <input type="button" value="退 出" class="btn" onclick="top.Go('<?php echo DT_PATH; ?> ');"/> </td> </tr> </table> </form> </div> </div> <?php if (strpos(get_env('self'), '/admin.php') !== false || is_file(DT_ROOT . '/admin.php')) { ?> <div style="margin:10px 40px 0 40px;border:#FF8D21 1px solid;background:#FFFFDD;padding:8px;"><img src="admin/image/notice.gif" align="absmiddle"/> 提示:为了系统安全,请立即修改后台文件名 <a href="http://help.destoon.com/use/34.html" target="_blank" style="color:#006699;">帮助»</a></div> <script type="text/javascript"> try{Dd('username').disabled=true;Dd('password').disabled=true;Dd('submit').disabled=true;$('.c_p').hide();<?php if ($DT['captcha_admin']) { ?> Dd('captcha').disabled=true;<?php } ?> }catch(e){} </script> <?php } ?> </td>
function log_write($message, $type = 'php', $force = 0) { global $DT_IP, $DT_TIME, $_username; if (!DT_DEBUG && !$force) { return; } $DT_IP or $DT_IP = get_env('ip'); $DT_TIME or $DT_TIME = time(); $user = $_username ? $_username : '******'; $log = "<?php exit;?>\n<{$type}>\n"; $log .= "\t<time>" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $DT_TIME) . "</time>\n"; $log .= "\t<ip>" . $DT_IP . "</ip>\n"; $log .= "\t<user>" . $user . "</user>\n"; $log .= "\t<php>" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "</php>\n"; $log .= "\t<querystring>" . str_replace('&', '&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . "</querystring>\n"; $log .= "\t<message>" . (is_array($message) ? var_export($message, true) : $message) . "</message>\n"; $log .= "</{$type}>"; file_put(DT_ROOT . '/file/log/' . date('Ym', $DT_TIME) . '/' . date('Y.m.d H.i.s', $DT_TIME) . '-' . mt_rand(10, 99) . '-' . $type . '.php', $log); }
function queue_sms( $application_id,$billing_id,$phone,$message_text,$schedule,$callback_page,$secret_key){ $user = $this->user_model->get_user_from_secret_key($secret_key); $retval = array('result'=>'fail','error_message'=>''); $sms_server_url = $this->config->item("smss_sms_server_url"); $url = $sms_server_url . "queue/queue_sms/"; $fields = array( 'application_id'=>urlencode($application_id), 'billing_id'=>urlencode($billing_id), 'phone'=>urlencode($phone), 'message_text'=>urlencode($message_text), 'schedule'=>urlencode($schedule), 'callback_page'=>urlencode($callback_page) ); //url-ify the data for the POST $fields_string = ""; foreach($fields as $key=>$value) { $fields_string .= $key.'='.$value.'&'; } rtrim($fields_string,'&'); //open connection $ch = curl_init(); if(get_env() == "DEV"){ curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_PROXY, ''); } //set the url, number of POST vars, POST data curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_URL,$url); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POST,count($fields)); curl_setopt($ch,CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS,$fields_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); //execute post $result = curl_exec($ch); $return_object = json_decode($result); log_message('debug', "Queue URL: $url"); log_message('debug', "Queue data: $fields_string"); log_message('debug', "Return Object: $result"); if($return_object && $return_object->result == "success") { //sms was queued successfully - add it to transaction log. $insert = array( 'id'=>$return_object->sms_id, 'phone'=>$phone, 'message_text'=>$message_text, 'schedule'=>$schedule, 'secret_key'=>$secret_key, 'owner_id'=>$user['id'], 'time_queued'=>date ("Y-m-d H:i:s",now()), 'company_id'=>''); $this->db->insert('sms',$insert); $this->billing_model->use_credit($user['id'],1,$return_object->sms_id); $retval['result'] = "success"; $retval['error_message'] = ""; } else { //something went wrong? echo a fail object. if($return_object) { $retval['error_message'] = $return_object->error->message; } else { $retval['error_message'] = "An internal error occurred."; } } //close connection curl_close($ch); if($retval['result'] == "success"){ $this->session->set_flashdata("flash","Message to ".$this->input->post('phone') ." queued successfully"); } return $retval; }
<?php /* [Destoon B2B System] Copyright (c) 2008-2013 Destoon.COM This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license.txt */ defined('IN_DESTOON') or exit('Access Denied'); $AREA = cache_read('area.php'); $c = array(); $city = get_cookie('city'); $http_host = get_env('host'); if ($city) { list($cityid, $city_domain) = explode('|', $city); $cityid = intval($cityid); if (strpos(DT_PATH, $http_host) === false && strpos($city_domain, $http_host) === false) { $c = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}city WHERE domain='http://" . $http_host . "/'"); if ($c) { set_cookie('city', $c['areaid'] . '|' . $c['domain'], $DT_TIME + 365 * 86400); $cityid = $c['areaid']; } } #if($city_domain && !defined('DT_ADMIN') && strpos($DT_URL, DT_PATH) !== false) dheader(str_replace(DT_PATH, $city_domain, $DT_URL)); } else { if (strpos(DT_PATH, $http_host) === false) { $c = $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}city WHERE domain='http://" . $http_host . "/'"); if ($c) { set_cookie('city', $c['areaid'] . '|' . $c['domain'], $DT_TIME + 365 * 86400); $cityid = $c['areaid']; } } else { if ($DT['city_ip'] && !defined('DT_ADMIN') && !$DT_BOT) {
function log_write($message, $type = 'php', $force = 0) { global $DT_IP, $_username, $log_id; if (!DT_DEBUG && !$force) { return; } if ($log_id) { $log_id++; } else { $log_id = 1; } $DT_IP or $DT_IP = get_env('ip'); $user = $_username ? $_username : '******'; check_name($type) or $type = 'php'; $log = "<?php exit;?>\n<{$type}>\n"; $log .= "\t<time>" . timetodate() . "</time>\n"; $log .= "\t<ip>" . $DT_IP . "</ip>\n"; $log .= "\t<user>" . $user . "</user>\n"; $log .= "\t<php>" . $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] . "</php>\n"; $log .= "\t<querystring>" . str_replace('&', '&', $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']) . "</querystring>\n"; $log .= "\t<message>" . (is_array($message) ? var_export($message, true) : $message) . "</message>\n"; $log .= "</{$type}>"; file_put(DT_ROOT . '/file/log/' . timetodate(0, 'Ym/d') . '/' . $type . '-' . timetodate(0, 'Y.m.d H.i.s') . '-' . $log_id . '.php', $log); }
function get_client_address() { $val = server('HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'); if (!empty($val)) { $val = $val = explode(' ', $val); $val = $val[0]; } else { $val = server('REMOTE_ADDR'); if (empty($val)) { $val = get_env('SSH_CLIENT'); if (empty($val)) { $val = get_env('SSH_CONNECTION'); } if (!empty($val)) { $val = $val = explode(' ', $val); $val = $val[0]; } } } return $val; }
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../../lib/php/env_helper.inc.php'; ?> driver_class=org.postgresql.Driver url=jdbc:postgresql://<?php echo $host; ?> :<?php echo $_ENV['PGPORT']; ?> /<?php echo $_ENV['PGDATABASE'], "\n"; ?> biomart_username=biomart biomart_password=<?php echo get_env('BIOMART_PWD', 'biomart'), "\n"; ?> deapp_username=deapp deapp_password=<?php echo get_env('DEAPP_PWD', 'deapp'), "\n"; ?> searchapp_username=searchapp searchapp_password=<?php echo get_env('SEARCHAPP_PWD', 'searchapp'), "\n";
foreach ($pay as $k => $v) { update_setting('pay-' . $k, $v); } $oauth = (include DT_ROOT . '/file/setting/oauth.php'); foreach ($oauth as $k => $v) { update_setting('oauth-' . $k, $v); } for ($i = 1; $i <= 7; $i++) { $setting = (include DT_ROOT . '/file/setting/group-' . $i . '.php'); if ($setting) { unset($setting['groupid'], $setting['groupname'], $setting['vip']); update_setting('group-' . $i, $setting); } } $DT_TIME = time(); $DT_IP = get_env('ip'); //模块安装时间 $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}module SET installtime='{$DT_TIME}'"); //设置管理员 $md5_password = md5(md5($password)); $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}member SET username='******',passport='{$username}',password='******',payword='{$md5_password}',email='{$email}',regip='{$DT_IP}',regtime='{$DT_TIME}',loginip='{$DT_IP}',logintime='{$DT_TIME}' WHERE userid=1"); $userurl = $CFG['url'] . 'index.php?homepage=' . $username; $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}company SET username='******',linkurl='{$userurl}' WHERE userid=1"); //替换广告位 单网页路径 $content = cache_read('ad_14_0.htm', 'htm', 1); $content = str_replace('http://demo.destoon.com/v' . DT_VERSION . '/', $CFG['url'], $content); cache_write('ad_14_0.htm', $content, 'htm'); $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}ad_place SET addtime='{$DT_TIME}',edittime='{$DT_TIME}',editor='{$username}'"); $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}ad SET addtime='{$DT_TIME}',edittime='{$DT_TIME}',username='******',editor='{$username}'"); $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}link SET addtime='{$DT_TIME}',edittime='{$DT_TIME}',editor='{$username}'"); $db->query("UPDATE {$DT_PRE}style SET addtime='{$DT_TIME}',edittime='{$DT_TIME}',editor='{$username}'");
function send_email($recipient) { global $data; global $lang_email_subject, $lang_email_message_0, $lang_email_message_1, $lang_email_message_2, $lang_install_admin, $lang_admin_user; global $lang_admin_pass1, $lang_install_db, $lang_db_host, $lang_db_name, $lang_db_user; global $lang_db_pass, $lang_db_prefix, $lang_email_footer, $lang_email_signature; $server_name = !empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ? $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] : getenv('SERVER_NAME'); $server_name = preg_replace('#^www\\.#', '', strtolower($server_name)); $admin_username = stripslashes($data['admin_username']); $admin_password = stripslashes(decode($data['admin_password1'])); $db_host = stripslashes($data['db_host']); $db_name = stripslashes($data['db_name']); $db_user = stripslashes($data['db_user']); $db_pass = stripslashes(decode($data['db_pass'])); $db_prefix = stripslashes($data['tbl_prefix']); $recipient = strtolower($recipient); $subject = $lang_email_subject; $body = "{$lang_email_message_0}\r\n"; $body .= "{$lang_email_message_1}\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "{$lang_email_message_2}\r\n"; $body .= get_env('/', false) . "\r\n\r\n"; $body .= $lang_install_admin . ":\r\n"; $body .= "------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "{$lang_admin_user} {$admin_username}\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "{$lang_admin_pass1} {$admin_password}\r\n\r\n\r\n"; $body .= $lang_install_db . ":\r\n"; $body .= "------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "{$lang_db_host} {$db_host}\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "{$lang_db_name} {$db_name}\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "{$lang_db_user} {$db_user}\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "{$lang_db_pass} {$db_pass}\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "{$lang_db_prefix} {$db_prefix}\r\n\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "{$lang_email_footer}\r\n\r\n"; $body .= "--\r\n"; $body .= "{$lang_email_signature}\r\n"; $headers = "Content-type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\r\n"; $headers .= "From: Pixelpost Installer <pixelpost@{$server_name}>\r\n"; if (mail($recipient, $subject, $body, $headers)) { return true; } return false; }
?> <style type="text/css"> .t1 {width:200px;padding:3px 10px 3px 10px;color:#006699;} .t2 {width:100px;padding:3px 10px 3px 10px;color:green;text-align:center;} .t2 span {color:red;} .t3 {padding:5px 10px 5px 10px;line-height:180%;} </style> <div class="tt">系统体检</div> <table cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" class="tb" style="line-height:200%;"> <tr> <th>项目</th> <th>值</th> <th>说明</th> </tr> <?php if (strpos(get_env('self'), '/admin.php') !== false) { ?> <tr> <td class="t1">后台登录地址</td> <td class="t2"><span>admin.php</span></td> <td class="t3"> 如果管理帐号泄漏,后台容易遭受攻击,为了系统安全,请修改根目录admin.php的文件名 </td> </tr> <?php } $D = is_write(DT_ROOT . '/file/') && is_write(DT_ROOT . '/file/cache/') && is_write(DT_ROOT . '/file/cache/tpl/') && is_write(DT_ROOT . '/file/upload/'); ?> <tr> <td class="t1">file目录是否可写</td> <td class="t2"><?php
echo $CFG['charset']; ?> " /></head><body><div style="width:650px;font-size:10pt;line-height:19px;font-family:Verdana,Arial;">'+$('license').value+'</div></body></html>'); w.window.print(); } var i = 9; var interval=window.setInterval( function() { if(i == 0) { $('read').value = '我同意(I)'; $('read').disabled = false; } else { $('read').value = '我同意('+i+')'; i--; } }, 1000); </script> <?php include IN_ROOT . '/footer.tpl.php'; ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.destoon.com/install.php?release=<?php echo DT_RELEASE; ?> &charset=<?php echo $CFG['charset']; ?> &domain=<?php echo urlencode(get_env('url')); ?> "></script>
<?php require __DIR__ . '/../lib/php/env_helper.inc.php'; ?> batch.jdbc.driver=oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver batch.jdbc.url=jdbc:oracle:thin:@<?php echo $_ENV['ORAHOST']; ?> :<?php echo $_ENV['ORAPORT']; ?> :<?php echo $_ENV['ORASID'], "\n"; ?> batch.jdbc.user=tm_cz batch.jdbc.password=<?php echo get_env('TM_CZ_PWD', 'tm_cz'), "\n";
<?php /* [Destoon B2B System] Copyright (c) 2008-2015 www.destoon.com This is NOT a freeware, use is subject to license.txt */ require 'common.inc.php'; $username = $domain = ''; if (isset($homepage) && check_name($homepage)) { $username = $homepage; } else { if (!$cityid) { $host = get_env('host'); if (substr($host, 0, 4) == 'www.') { $whost = $host; $host = substr($host, 4); } else { $whost = $host; } if ($host && strpos(DT_PATH, $host) === false) { if (substr($host, -strlen($CFG['com_domain'])) == $CFG['com_domain']) { $www = substr($host, 0, -strlen($CFG['com_domain'])); if (check_name($www)) { $username = $homepage = $www; } else { include load('company.lang'); $head_title = $L['not_company']; dhttp(404, $DT_BOT); include template('com-notfound', 'message'); exit; }
$_GET = daddslashes($_GET); } if ($_COOKIE) { $_COOKIE = daddslashes($_COOKIE); } } if (function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')) { date_default_timezone_set($CFG['timezone']); } $DT_PRE = $CFG['tb_pre']; $DT_QST = addslashes($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']); $DT_TIME = time() + $CFG['timediff']; $DT_IP = get_env('ip'); $DT_URL = get_env('url'); $DT_REF = get_env('referer'); $DT_MOB = get_env('mobile'); $DT_BOT = is_robot(); $DT_TOUCH = is_touch(); header("Content-Type:text/html;charset=" . DT_CHARSET); require DT_ROOT . '/include/db_' . $CFG['database'] . '.class.php'; require DT_ROOT . '/include/cache_' . $CFG['cache'] . '.class.php'; require DT_ROOT . '/include/session_' . $CFG['session'] . '.class.php'; require DT_ROOT . '/include/file.func.php'; if (!empty($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { strip_uri($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); } if ($_POST) { $_POST = strip_sql($_POST); strip_key($_POST); } if ($_GET) {
if ($DT['admin_week'] && !check_period(',' . $DT['admin_week']) || $DT['admin_hour'] && !check_period($DT['admin_hour'])) { set_cookie('auth', ''); dalert('未被允许的管理时间', $MODULE[2]['linkurl'] . 'logout.php?forward=' . urlencode(DT_PATH)); } } if ($CFG['authadmin'] == 'cookie') { set_cookie($secretkey, $user['userid']); } else { $_SESSION[$secretkey] = $user['userid']; } require DT_ROOT . '/admin/admin.class.php'; $admin = new admin(); $admin->cache_right($user['userid']); $admin->cache_menu($user['userid']); if ($DT['login_log']) { $do->login_log($username, $password, $user['passsalt'], 1); } dheader($forward); } else { if ($DT['login_log']) { $do->login_log($username, $password, $user['passsalt'], 1, $do->errmsg); } msg($do->errmsg); } } else { if (strpos($DT_URL, DT_PATH) === false) { dheader(DT_PATH . basename(get_env('self'))); } $username = isset($username) ? $username : $_username; include tpl('login'); }
/** * Fetch a number of URLs as a string * * @return string containing the (concatenated) HTML documents * @param array $urls array of fully qualified URLs */ function _curl_get($urls) { $html_str = ''; foreach ($urls as $url) { $curl_handle = curl_init(); if (get_env() == "DEV") { curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_PROXY, ''); } curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($curl_handle, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); $html_str .= curl_exec($curl_handle); curl_close($curl_handle); } return $html_str; }