$smarty->display('header.tpl'); $smarty->display('edit_record.tpl'); $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); exit; } else { // Update record if ($_REQUEST['type'] == 'AAAA' || $_REQUEST['type'] == 'AAAA+PTR') { $address = uncompress_ipv6($_REQUEST['address']); } else { $address = $_REQUEST['address']; } if (strlen($_REQUEST['weight'])) { $weightstring = "weight=" . $_REQUEST['weight'] . ","; } else { $weightstring = null; } if (strlen($_REQUEST['port'])) { $portstring = "port=" . $_REQUEST['port'] . ","; } else { $portstring = null; } $q = "update records set " . "host='{$name}'," . "val='" . $address . "'," . "distance='" . $_REQUEST['distance'] . "'," . $weightstring . $portstring . "ttl='" . $_REQUEST['ttl'] . "' " . "where record_id='" . $_REQUEST['record_id'] . "' and domain_id='" . get_dom_id($domain) . "'"; $pdo->query($q) or die(print_r($pdo->errorInfo())); set_msg("Record updated successfully!"); header("Location: {$base_url}&mode=records&domain=" . urlencode($domain)); exit; } } else { die("Error: illegal records_mode"); } }
set_msg_err("Error: could not do axfr-get for " . htmlentities($domain, ENT_QUOTES) . ":<br>" . htmlentities($out_array[0], ENT_QUOTES)); $smarty->display('header.tpl'); require 'src/import_form.php'; $smarty->display('footer.tpl'); exit; } } // ADD TO SQL while (list($key, $line) = each($domains_array)) { $domain = $line['domain']; // add domain first and get the id $params = array(':domain' => $domain); $q = "insert into domains (domain,status) values(:domain, 'active')"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($q); $stmt->execute($params) or die(print_r($stmt->errorInfo())); $domain_id = get_dom_id($domain); $skip_ns = 'FALSE'; if (isset($_REQUEST['default_ns']) && $_REQUEST['default_ns'] == 'on') { $skip_ns = 'TRUE'; if (is_array($def_ns)) { foreach ($def_ns as $ns) { $host = preg_replace('/DOMAIN/', $domain, $ns['host']); $params = array(':host' => $host, ':val' => $ns['val']); $q = "insert into records\n (domain_id,host,type,val,distance,ttl)\n values(\n {$domain_id},\n :host,\n 'N',\n :val,\n '" . $ns['distance'] . "',\n '" . $ns['ttl'] . "')"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($q); $stmt->execute($params) or die(print_r($stmt->errorInfo())); $counter++; } } } while (list($line_key, $value) = each($line)) {