function display_results($token) { $rank = retrieve_results($token); $total_step = get_steps(); $first = key($rank); $desc = get_description($first); echo '<p>Tu es donc <strong> ' . $first . '<strong><p><p class="hero_desc">' . $desc . '</p>'; echo '<p>Plus de détails : </p>'; foreach ($rank as $key => $profile) { $percent = round($profile / $total_step * 100); echo 'Tu es à ' . $percent . ' % ' . $key . '<br/>'; } }
public function index($slug) { $this->load->library('user_agent'); $this->load->helper('meta'); $data = $this->mongo_db->page->findOne(array('slug' => $slug)); if (!isset($data['slug'])) { $this->redirect($slug, NULL, NULL, 'page/index/'); show_404(uri_string(), FALSE); } if (!$this->agent->is_robot()) { $this->mongo_db->page->update(array('_id' => new MongoId($data['_id'])), array('$set' => array('counter' => ++$data['counter']))); } $this->template->set_keyword(get_keyword($data))->set_description(get_description($data))->set_title(get_title($data))->view('index', $data)->render(); }
function createOldHeaderData() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; global $gdata; $homedesc = $login->getKeywordUc('home'); $deskdesc = $login->getKeywordUc('desktop'); $aboutdesc = $login->getKeywordUc('about'); $domaindesc = get_plural(get_description('domain')); $clientdesc = get_plural(get_description('client')); $slavedesc = get_description('pserver'); $ticketdesc = get_plural(get_description('ticket')); $ssessiondesc = get_description('ssession'); $systemdesc = $login->getKeywordUc('system'); $logoutdesc = $login->getKeywordUc('logout'); $helpdesc = $login->getKeywordUc('help'); $ffiledesc = get_plural(get_description("ffile")); $alldesc = $login->getKeywordUc('all'); if ($login->isAdmin()) { $doctype = "admin"; $domainclass = "domain"; } else { $doctype = "client"; $domainclass = "domain"; } if (check_if_many_server()) { $serverurl = $ghtml->getFullUrl('a=list&c=pserver'); $slavedesc = get_plural($slavedesc); } else { $serverurl = $ghtml->getFullUrl('k[class]=pserver&k[nname]=localhost&a=show'); } if ($login->is__table('client')) { $ffileurl = $ghtml->getFullUrl('k[class]=ffile&k[nname]=/&a=show'); } else { $ffileurl = $ghtml->getFullUrl('n=web&k[class]=ffile&k[nname]=/&a=show'); } $gob = $login->getObject('general')->generalmisc_b; if (isset($gob->ticket_url) && $gob->ticket_url) { $url = $gob->ticket_url; $url = add_http_if_not_exist($url); $ticket_url = "'{$url}')"; } else { $ticket_url = "/display.php?frm_action=list&frm_o_cname=ticket"; } $helpurl = ""; $gdata = array("desktop" => array($deskdesc, "/display.php?frm_action=desktop", "client_list.gif"), "home" => array($homedesc, "/display.php?frm_action=show", "client_list.gif"), "all" => array($alldesc, "/display.php?frm_action=list&frm_o_cname=all_domain", "client_list.gif"), "domain" => array($domaindesc, "/display.php?frm_action=list&frm_o_cname={$domainclass}", "domain_list.gif"), "system" => array($systemdesc, "/display.php?frm_action=show&frm_o_o[0][class]=pserver&frm_o_o[0][nname]=localhost", "pserver_list.gif"), "client" => array($clientdesc, "/display.php?frm_action=list&frm_o_cname=client", "client_list.gif"), "ffile" => array($ffiledesc, $ffileurl, "client_list.gif"), "pserver" => array($slavedesc, $serverurl, "pserver_list.gif"), "ticket" => array($ticketdesc, $ticket_url, "ticket_list.gif"), "ssession" => array($ssessiondesc, "/display.php?frm_action=list&frm_o_cname=ssessionlist", "ssession_list.gif"), "about" => array($aboutdesc, "/display.php?frm_action=about", "ssession_list.gif"), "help" => array($helpdesc, "'{$helpurl}/')", "ssession_list.gif"), "logout" => array("<font color=red>{$logoutdesc}<font >", "javascript:top.mainframe.logOut();", "delete.gif")); }
public function index() { $this->load->library('user_agent'); $this->load->helper('meta'); $slug = $this->uri->uri_string(); $data = $this->mongo_db->post->findOne(array('slug' => $slug, 'status' => 'publish')); if (!isset($data['slug'])) { $this->redirect($slug, NULL, NULL, 'post/index/'); $this->show_404(); return; } if (!$this->agent->is_robot()) { $this->mongo_db->post->update(array('_id' => new MongoId($data['_id'])), array('$set' => array('counter' => ++$data['counter']))); } $related = $this->mongo_db->post->find(array('_id' => array('$ne' => $data['_id']), 'tags' => array('$in' => $data['tags'])))->limit(3); $data['related'] = iterator_to_array($related); $this->template->set_keyword(get_keyword($data))->set_description(get_description($data))->set_title(get_title($data))->view('index', $data)->render(); }
function display_image($filename) { // I need to know which picture this is, for navigation links $picture_files = list_picture_files(); $current_picture_index = array_search($filename, $picture_files); // Actual image $img_tag = '<img src="' . $filename . '" alt="' . pretty_print_name(get_name_part($filename)) . '" />'; // Overlay navigation $overlay_navigation_previous = ''; $overlay_navigation_next = ''; if ($current_picture_index !== count($picture_files) - 1) { $overlay_navigation_next .= link_to_picture($picture_files[$current_picture_index + 1]); } if ($current_picture_index !== 0) { $overlay_navigation_previous .= link_to_picture($picture_files[$current_picture_index - 1]); } $image_display = "<div id=\"image_display\">\n\t" . $overlay_navigation_previous . "\n" . $img_tag . "\n" . $overlay_navigation_next . "</div>\n"; // Image title $title = pretty_print_name(get_name_part($filename)); $image_display .= "<div id=\"image_name\">" . $title . "</div>\n"; // Image date $date = pretty_print_timestamp(get_timestamp_part($filename)); $image_display .= "<div id=\"image_date\">" . $date . "</div>\n"; // Image description $description = get_description($filename); if (!is_null($description)) { $image_display .= "<div id=\"image_description\">" . $description . "</div>\n"; } // links to previous, index and next image $links = "<div id=\"image_links\">\n\t"; // Link to previous image if ($current_picture_index !== 0) { $link_to_previous = link_to_picture($picture_files[$current_picture_index - 1], false); $links .= "<span id=\"image_link_previous\" class=\"image_link\">" . $link_to_previous . "</span>\n\t"; } else { $links .= "<span class=\"image_link\"> </span>"; } // Link to the image index $link_to_index = '<a href="?p=index">Images index</a>'; $links .= "<span id=\"image_link_index\">" . $link_to_index . "</span>\n"; // Links to next image if ($current_picture_index !== count($picture_files) - 1) { $link_to_next = link_to_picture($picture_files[$current_picture_index + 1], false); $links .= "<span id=\"image_link_next\" class=\"image_link\">" . $link_to_next . "</span>\n\t"; } else { $links .= "<span class=\"image_link\"> </span>"; } $links .= "</div>\n"; $image_display .= $links; return $image_display; }
function display_grid($prefix, $courseid, $students, $criteria) { //print_r($criteria); $ok = array(); if (count($criteria['P'])) { $ok['P'] = true; } if (count($criteria['M'])) { $ok['M'] = true; } if (count($criteria['D'])) { $ok['D'] = true; } //print_r($ok); $padding = array('P' => 0, 'M' => 0, 'D' => 0); $count['P'] = count($criteria['P']); $count['M'] = count($criteria['M']); $count['D'] = count($criteria['D']); if ($count['D'] < 6) { $padding['D'] = 6 - $count['D']; $count['D'] = 6; } $data = '<table id="grades" border="1">' . "\n"; if (array_key_exists('P', $ok) && array_key_exists('M', $ok)) { $data .= '<tr><th colspan="3"> </th>'; if ($ok['P']) { $data .= '<th class="divider"> </th><th class="left small" colspan="' . $count['P'] . '">' . get_string('pass', 'block_progress') . '</th>'; } if ($ok['M']) { $data .= '<th class="divider"> </th><th class="left small" colspan="' . $count['M'] . '">' . get_string('merit', 'block_progress') . '</th>'; } if ($ok['D']) { $data .= '<th class="divider"> </th><th class="left small" colspan="' . $count['D'] . '">' . get_string('distinction', 'block_progress') . '</th>'; } $data .= '</tr>' . "\n"; } $data .= '<tr><th colspan="3"> </th>'; foreach ($criteria as $l => $crit) { if (array_key_exists($l, $ok)) { $data .= '<th class="divider"> </th>'; foreach ($crit as $a => $c) { $data .= '<th class="centre small">' . $c . '</th>'; } } } $data .= '<th> </th><th> </th><th> </th><th> </th></tr>'; foreach ($students as $student) { $data .= '<tr><td>' . strtoupper($student->lastname) . '</td><td>' . ucfirst(strtolower($student->firstname)) . '</td></td><td> </td>'; foreach ($criteria as $letter => $crit) { if (array_key_exists($letter, $ok)) { $data .= '<td class="divider"> </td>'; foreach ($crit as $a => $c) { $class = 'partial hide'; $title = ''; $desc = get_description($prefix, $courseid, $letter . $c); if ($desc) { $title = ' title="' . $desc . '"'; } if (outcome_achieved($prefix, $courseid, $student->id, $letter . $c)) { $class = 'achieved'; } $data .= '<td' . $title . ' class="' . $class . '">' . $letter . $c . '</td>'; } } } $data .= '</tr>'; } $data .= '</table>' . "\n"; return $data; }
$voteid = explode(' ', $voteid); } if ($fromurl) { $fromurl = fix_link($fromurl); } $fileurl = $linkurl; $linkurl = $MOD['linkurl'] . $linkurl; $titles = array(); if ($subtitle) { $titles = explode("\n", $subtitle); $titles = array_map('trim', $titles); } $keytags = $tag ? explode(' ', $tag) : array(); $fee = get_fee($item['fee'], $MOD['fee_view']); if ($fee) { $description = get_description($content, $MOD['pre_view']); $user_status = 4; } else { $user_status = 3; } $pages = ''; $total = 1; $subtitles = count($titles); if (strpos($content, '[pagebreak]') !== false) { $contents = explode('[pagebreak]', $content); $total = count($contents); if ($total < $subtitles) { $subtitles = $total; } } $seo_file = 'show';
echo $curr_page; ?> " /> <h2><img src="inc/images/loading.gif" id="loading" alt="loading" style="display: none;" />Planet</h2> <a name="settings"></a> <h3>Planet settings</h3> <p class="settings"> <label for="title">Planet title:</label> <input type="text" name="title" id="title" value="<?php echo get_title(); ?> " /> <label for="description">Planet description:</label> <textarea name="description" id="description"><?php echo get_description(); ?> </textarea> <?php $allow_reg = get_setting_value('show_reg_button'); $notify = get_setting_value('reg_notify'); if ($allow_reg == 'on') { $allow_reg = "checked=\"true\""; } else { $allow_reg = ""; } if ($notify == 'on') { $notify = "checked=\"true\""; } else { $notify = ""; }
function __ajax_desc_tree() { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $object = $gbl->__c_object; $icondir = get_image_path('/button/'); $rclist = $object->getResourceChildList(); $cid = $ghtml->node; if ($object->hasFileResource()) { $u = "a=show&k[class]=ffile&k[nname]=/"; $u = $ghtml->getFullUrl($u); $v = createClName('ffile', '/'); $ret[] = array('text' => "File", 'icon' => "{$icondir}/ffile_show.gif", 'hrefTarget' => 'mainframe', 'href' => $u, 'id' => "{$cid}&{$v}"); } if ($ghtml->__resource_class) { $c = strfrom($ghtml->__resource_class, "__resource_"); if (cse($c, "_l")) { $clname = $object->getChildNameFromDes($c); $list = $object->getList($clname, $totalcount); foreach ($list as $o) { $u = "a=show&k[class]={$o->getClass()}&k[nname]={$o->nname}"; $u = $ghtml->getFullUrl($u); $ret[] = array('text' => basename($o->nname), 'icon' => "{$icondir}/{$o->getClass()}_list.gif", 'hrefTarget' => 'mainframe', 'href' => $u, 'id' => "{$cid}&{$o->getClName()}"); } } else { if (cse($c, "_o")) { $clname = $object->getChildNameFromDes($c); $o = $object->getObject($clname); $u = "a=show&o={$o->getClass()}"; $u = $ghtml->getFullUrl($u); $ret[] = array('text' => $o->getClass(), 'icon' => "{$icondir}/{$o->getClass()}_show.gif", 'hrefTarget' => 'mainframe', 'href' => $u, 'id' => "{$cid}&{$o->getClass()}"); } } return $ret; } if ($ghtml->__title_function) { $t = $ghtml->__title_function; $alist = $object->createShowAlist($alist); foreach ($alist as $k => $v) { if (csb($k, "__title")) { if ($k !== $t) { if ($insidetitle) { $insidetitle = false; break; } continue; } $insidetitle = true; continue; } if ($insidetitle) { $url = $ghtml->getFullUrl($v); if ($ghtml->is_special_url($url)) { continue; } $urlinfo = $ghtml->getUrlInfo($url); $ret[] = array('text' => $urlinfo['description']['desc'], 'icon' => $urlinfo['image'], 'hrefTarget' => 'mainframe', 'leaf' => true, 'href' => $url, 'id' => "&end"); } } return $ret; } if ($object->hasFunctions()) { $alist = $object->createShowAlist($alist); foreach ($alist as $k => $v) { if (!csb($k, "__title")) { continue; } $title = strfrom($k, "__title_"); if ($title === 'mailaccount') { continue; } if ($title === 'custom') { continue; } $icon = "{$icondir}/__title_{$title}.gif"; if (!lxfile_exists("__path_program_htmlbase/{$icon}")) { //lfile_put_contents("title.img", "$title.gif\n", FILE_APPEND); $icon = null; } $ret[] = array('text' => $v, 'icon' => $icon, 'hrefTarget' => '', 'href' => null, 'id' => "{$cid}&{$k}"); } } foreach ($rclist as $c) { $clname = $object->getChildNameFromDes($c); $desc = get_description($clname); $desc = get_plural($desc); $url = $ghtml->getFullUrl("a=list&c={$clname}"); $ret[] = array('text' => $desc, 'icon' => "{$icondir}/{$clname}_list.gif", 'hrefTarget' => 'mainframe', 'href' => $url, 'id' => "{$cid}&__resource_{$c}"); } return $ret; }
} } else { $user_status = 3; } } else { $inner = true; $user_status = $_userid ? 1 : 0; } if ($_username && $_username == $item['username']) { $user_status = 3; } if ($inner) { if ($user_status == 3 || $user_status == 2) { $best = $aid ? $db->get_one("SELECT * FROM {$DT_PRE}know_answer WHERE itemid={$aid}") : array(); if ($user_status == 2 && $best) { $description = get_description($best['content'], $MOD['pre_view']); } } $content = strip_nr(ob_template('content', 'chip'), true); echo 'Inner("content", \'' . $content . '\');'; } $update = ''; include DT_ROOT . '/include/'; echo 'Inner("hits", \'' . $item['hits'] . '\');'; if ($MOD['show_html'] && $edittime > @filemtime(DT_ROOT . '/' . $MOD['moduledir'] . '/' . $item['linkurl'])) { tohtml('show', $module); } } else { if ($html == 'list') { $catid or exit; if ($MOD['list_html'] && $task_list && $CAT) {
function fleet_info() { global $pid; global $uid; global $skin; $sth = mysql_query("select uid from planets where id={$pid} and uid={$uid}"); if (!$sth) { show_error("Database failure!"); return 0; } if (mysql_num_rows($sth) == 0) { show_error("Databaser failure!"); return 0; } $fids = get_fids_by_pid($pid, $uid); if (!$fids) { show_message("You have no fleet on this planet"); } else { table_start("center", "500"); table_head_text(array("Ships in orbit"), "3"); table_text_open("head"); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($fids); $i++) { $fleet = new fleet($fids[$i]); table_text_open("head"); table_text_design($fleet->name, "80", "", "", "head"); table_text_design("Name", "300", "center", "", "smallhead"); table_text_design("Count", "100", "center", "", "smallhead"); table_text_close(); while (list($prod_id, $ships_arr) = each($fleet->ships)) { $sth = mysql_query("select manual from production where prod_id={$prod_id}"); if (!$sth) { show_error("Database failure!"); return 0; } $manual = mysql_fetch_array($sth); table_text_open("text", "center"); table_text_design("<a href='" . $manual["manual"] . "' target=\"_blank\"><img src='arts/" . get_pic($prod_id) . "' border='0' alt='" . get_description($prod_id) . "' align='center'></a><br><a href=\"" . $PHP_SELF . "?act=print_ship_info&prod_id=" . $prod_id . "\">Info</a>", "80", "", "", "text"); table_text_design(get_name_by_prod_id($prod_id), "300", "", "", "text"); table_text_design($ships_arr[0], "100", "", "", "text"); table_text_close(); } } table_end(); } $sth3 = mysql_query("select * from s_production as sp,production as p where sp.planet_id='" . $pid . "' and p.prod_id=sp.prod_id order by sp.time,sp.prod_id"); table_start("center", "500"); fleet($sth3); table_end(); }
function getTitleWithSync($class = null) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if ($class) { $obj = $this->getObject($class); } else { $obj = $this; $class = $this->get__table(); } $switch = null; if (isset($obj->olddeleteflag) && $obj->olddeleteflag === 'on') { $switch = "(Switching)"; } $desc = get_description($class); $descr = null; $str = null; if (check_if_many_server()) { $descr = "on {$obj->syncserver}"; } return "{$desc} <span title=\"{$desc} is Configured {$descr}\">{$str} {$switch}</span>"; }
} ?> </tr> <?php foreach ($criteria as $letter => $detail) { foreach ($detail as $num => $desc) { $n = $desc['shortname']; echo '<tr><td>' . $letter . $n . '</td><td>' . shorten_text($desc['description'], 40) . '</td>'; foreach ($assignments as $key => $assignment) { $desc = ''; $class = 'notenrolled'; $content = ' '; if ($possible[$letter . $n][$key]) { $class = 'partial nobox'; $content = $letter . $n; $d = get_description($_GET['course'], $letter . $n); if ($d) { $desc = ' title="' . $d . '"'; } } if ($achieved[$letter . $n][$key]) { $class = 'achieved'; } //if ($achieved[$letter.$n][$key] == 'yes') $class = 'yes'; echo '<td' . $desc . ' class="' . $class . '">' . $content . '</td>'; } echo '</tr>'; } } ?> </table>
function getTitleWithSync($class = null) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; if ($class) { $obj = $this->getObject($class); } else { $obj = $this; $class = $this->get__table(); } $switch = null; if (isset($obj->olddeleteflag) && $obj->olddeleteflag === 'on') { $switch = "(Switching)"; } $desc = get_description($class); $path = get_image_path(); $img = $ghtml->get_image($path, null, $obj->__driverappclass, '.gif'); $descr = null; $str = null; if (check_if_many_server()) { $descr = "on {$obj->syncserver}"; //$str = ":{$obj->syncserver}"; } //<img src={$img} width=14 height=14> // Don't need this. Ruins the appearance <b> [</b>{$obj->getShowInfo()}<b>] </b> return "{$desc} <span title=\"{$desc} is Configured {$descr} on {$obj->__driverappclass}\"> {$str} {$switch}: {$obj->__driverappclass} </span>"; }
function do_addform($object, $class, $dttype = null, $notitleflag = false) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $gbl->setSessionV("lx_add_return_url", "/display.php?" . $ghtml->get_get_from_current_post(null)); $cdesc = get_description($class); $cdesc = $dttype ? $dttype['val'] : $cdesc; if ($notitleflag) { $title = null; } else { $title = "Add {$cdesc}"; } $string[] = $ghtml->object_variable_startblock($object, $class, $title); $string[] = $ghtml->object_inherit_classpath(); $string[] = $ghtml->object_variable_hidden("frm_o_cname", $class); $string[] = $ghtml->object_variable_hidden("frm_dttype", $dttype); $ret = exec_class_method($class, 'addform', $object, $class, $dttype); if ($dttype) { $ret['variable'][$dttype['var']] = array('h', $dttype['val']); } $string[] = create_xml($object, $class, $ret); $vlist = $ret['variable']; $pre = $post = null; if (isset($vlist['__m_message_pre'])) { $pre = $vlist['__m_message_pre']; } if (isset($vlist['__m_message_post'])) { $post = $vlist['__m_message_post']; } $ghtml->print_information('pre', 'addform', $class, $dttype['val'], $pre); $ghtml->xml_print_page($string); $ghtml->print_information('post', 'addform', $class, $dttype['val'], $post); }
function display_key($prefix, $courseid, $criteria) { $data = '<div id="key" class="printonly">'; $data .= '<h2>Criteria</h2>'; $data .= '<dl>'; foreach ($criteria as $letter => $crit) { foreach ($crit as $c) { $data .= '<dt>' . $letter . $c . '</td>' . "\n"; $data .= '<dd>' . get_description($prefix, $courseid, $letter . $c) . '</dd>' . "\n"; } } $data .= '</dl></div>'; return $data; }
<?php include_once "/db/db_search.php"; include_once "search-item.php"; $search_results = \search\get_search_results($_GET['q']); echo '<div id="search-results-number">' . count($search_results) . ' Results Found</div>'; foreach ($search_results as $search_item) { $search_item['description'] = get_description($search_item['id'], $search_item['type']); output_search_item($search_item['id'], $search_item['type'], $search_item['name'], $search_item['image'], $search_item['description']); }
function printListAddForm($parent, $class) { global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $vlist = exec_class_method($class, "addListForm", $parent, $class); if (!$vlist) { return; } $unique_name = "{$parent->getClName()}_{$class}"; $showstring = "Show/Hide"; $show_all_string = null; if ($login->getSpecialObject('sp_specialplay')->isOn('close_add_form')) { $visiblity = "visibility:hidden;display:none"; } else { $visiblity = "visibility:visible;display:block"; } $cdesc = get_description($class); $cdesc .= " for {$parent->nname}"; $backgroundstring = "background:#fff;"; $fontcolor = "black"; $bordertop = "#d0d0d0"; if ($sgbl->isBlackBackground()) { $backgroundstring = "background:#000;"; $fontcolor = "#333333"; $bordertop = "#444444"; } ?> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" background="img/skin/kloxo/default/default/expand.gif"> <tr> <td> <font align=left style='color:<?php echo $fontcolor; ?> ;font-weight:bold'> <a style='color:<?php echo $fontcolor; ?> ;font-weight:bold' href="javascript:toggleVisibility('listaddform_<?php echo $unique_name; ?> ');"> Click Here to Add <?php echo $cdesc; ?> (<?php echo $showstring; ?> ) </a> <?php echo $show_all_string; ?> </font> </td> </tr> </table> <div id="listaddform_<?php echo $unique_name; ?> " style="<?php echo $visiblity; ?> "> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding=0 style=' border: 0px solid '> <tr> <td width="10"></td> <td> <table cellpadding=0 align=center cellspacing=0 width=90%> <tr> <td> <?php do_addform($parent, $class, null, true); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </div> <?php }
function send_header($header = "", $options = array()) { global $DBInfo; $plain = 0; $media = 'media="screen"'; if (isset($options['action'][0]) and $options['action'] == 'print') { $media = ''; } if (empty($options['is_robot']) && isset($this->pi['#redirect'][0]) && !empty($options['pi'])) { $options['value'] = $this->pi['#redirect']; $options['redirect'] = 1; $this->pi['#redirect'] = ''; do_goto($this, $options); return true; } $header = !empty($header) ? $header : (!empty($options['header']) ? $options['header'] : null); if (!empty($header)) { foreach ((array) $header as $head) { $this->header($head); if (preg_match("/^content\\-type: text\\//i", $head)) { $plain = 1; } } } $mtime = isset($options['mtime']) ? $options['mtime'] : $this->page->mtime(); if ($mtime > 0) { $modified = $mtime > 0 ? gmdate('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s', $mtime) . '+00:00' : null; $lastmod = gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s', $mtime) . ' GMT'; $meta_lastmod = '<meta http-equiv="last-modified" content="' . $lastmod . '" />' . "\n"; } if (is_static_action($options) or !empty($DBInfo->use_conditional_get) and !empty($mtime) and empty($options['nolastmod']) and $this->page->is_static) { $this->header('Last-Modified: ' . $lastmod); $etag = $this->page->etag($options); if (!empty($options['etag'])) { $this->header('ETag: "' . $options['etag'] . '"'); } else { $this->header('ETag: "' . $etag . 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"\" />\n"; echo <<<JSHEAD <script type="text/javascript"> /*<![CDATA[*/ _url_prefix="{$DBInfo->url_prefix}"; /*]]>*/ </script> JSHEAD; echo $metatags, $js, "\n"; echo $this->get_javascripts(); echo $keywords; if (!empty($meta_lastmod)) { echo $meta_lastmod; } $sitename = !empty($DBInfo->title_sitename) ? $DBInfo->title_sitename : $DBInfo->sitename; if (!empty($DBInfo->title_msgstr)) { $site_title = sprintf($DBInfo->title_msgstr, $sitename, $options['title']); } else { $site_title = $options['title'] . ' - ' . $sitename; } // set OpenGraph information $act = !empty($options['action']) ? strtolower($options['action']) : 'show'; $is_show = $act == 'show'; $is_frontpage = $this->page->name == get_frontpage($DBInfo->lang); if (!$is_frontpage && !empty($DBInfo->frontpages) && in_array($this->page->name, $DBInfo->frontpages)) { $is_frontpage = true; } if (!empty($DBInfo->canonical_url)) { if (($p = strpos($DBInfo->canonical_url, '%s')) !== false) { $page_url = sprintf($DBInfo->canonical_url, $this->page->urlname); } else { $page_url = $DBInfo->canonical_url . $this->page->urlname; } } else { $page_url = qualifiedUrl($this->link_url($this->page->urlname)); } if ($is_show && $this->page->exists()) { $oc = new Cache_text('opengraph'); if ($this->refresh || ($val = $oc->fetch($this->page->name, $this->page->mtime())) === false) { $val = array('description' => '', 'image' => ''); if (!empty($this->pi['#redirect'])) { $desc = '#redirect ' . $this->pi['#redirect']; } else { $raw = $this->page->_get_raw_body(); if (!empty($this->pi['#description'])) { $desc = $this->pi['#description']; } else { $cut_size = 2000; if (!empty($DBInfo->get_description_cut_size)) { $cut_size = $DBInfo->get_description_cut_size; } $cut = mb_strcut($raw, 0, $cut_size, $DBInfo->charset); $desc = get_description($cut); if ($desc !== false) { $desc = mb_strcut($desc, 0, 200, $DBInfo->charset) . 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']+)\\.(?:png|jpe?g|gif)))@', $raw, $m)) { foreach ($m[1] as $img) { if ($img[0] == 'a') { $img = substr($img, 11); // strip attachment: $image = $this->macro_repl('attachment', $img, array('link_url' => 1)); if ($image[0] != 'a' && preg_match('@\\.(png|jpe?g|gif)$@i', $image)) { $page_image = $image; break; } } else { $page_image = $img; break; } } } } if (empty($page_image) && $is_frontpage) { $val['image'] = qualifiedUrl($DBInfo->logo_img); } else { if (!empty($page_image)) { $val['image'] = $page_image; } } $oc->update($this->page->name, $val, time()); } if (empty($this->no_ogp)) { // for OpenGraph echo '<meta property="og:url" content="' . $page_url . '" />', "\n"; echo '<meta property="og:site_name" content="' . $sitename . '" />', "\n"; echo '<meta property="og:title" content="' . $options['title'] . '" />', "\n"; if ($is_frontpage) { echo '<meta property="og:type" content="website" />', "\n"; } else { echo '<meta property="og:type" content="article" />', "\n"; } if (!empty($val['image'])) { echo '<meta property="og:image" content="', $val['image'], '" />', "\n"; } if (!empty($val['description'])) { echo '<meta property="og:description" content="' . $val['description'] . '" />', "\n"; } } // twitter card echo '<meta name="twitter:card" content="summary" />', "\n"; if (!empty($DBInfo->twitter_id)) { echo '<meta name="twitter:site" content="', $DBInfo->twitter_id, '">', "\n"; } echo '<meta name="twitter:domain" content="', $sitename, '" />', "\n"; echo '<meta name="twitter:title" content="', $options['title'], '">', "\n"; echo '<meta name="twitter:url" content="', $page_url, '">', "\n"; if (!empty($val['description'])) { echo '<meta name="twitter:description" content="' . $val['description'] . '" />', "\n"; } if (!empty($val['image'])) { echo '<meta name="twitter:image:src" content="', $val['image'], '" />', "\n"; } // support google sitelinks serachbox if (!empty($DBInfo->use_google_sitelinks)) { if ($is_frontpage) { if (!empty($DBInfo->canonical_url)) { $site_url = $DBInfo->canonical_url; } else { $site_url = qualifiedUrl($this->link_url('')); } echo <<<SITELINK <script type='application/ld+json'> {"@context":"", "@type":"WebSite", "url":"{$site_url}", "name":"{$sitename}", "potentialAction":{ "@type":"SearchAction", "target":"{$site_url}?goto={search_term}", "query-input":"required name=search_term" } } </script> SITELINK; } } echo <<<SCHEMA <script type='application/ld+json'> {"@context":"", "@type":"WebPage", "url":"{$page_url}", "dateModified":"{$modified}", "name":"{$options['title']}" } </script> SCHEMA; if (!empty($val['description'])) { echo '<meta name="description" content="' . $val['description'] . '" />', "\n"; } } echo ' <title>', $site_title, "</title>\n"; echo ' <link rel="canonical" href="', $page_url, '" />', "\n"; # echo '<meta property="og:title" content="'.$options['title'].'" />',"\n"; if (!empty($upper)) { echo ' <link rel="Up" href="', $this->link_url($upper), "\" />\n"; } $raw_url = $this->link_url($this->page->urlname, "?action=raw"); $print_url = $this->link_url($this->page->urlname, "?action=print"); echo ' <link rel="Alternate" title="Wiki Markup" href="', $raw_url, "\" />\n"; echo ' <link rel="Alternate" media="print" title="Print View" href="', $print_url, "\" />\n"; $css_html = ''; if ($options['css_url']) { $stamp = '?' . filemtime(__FILE__); $css_url = _html_escape($options['css_url']); $css_html = ' <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" ' . $media . ' href="' . $css_url . "\" />\n"; if (!empty($DBInfo->custom_css) && file_exists($DBInfo->custom_css)) { $css_html .= ' <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="' . $DBInfo->url_prefix . '/' . $DBInfo->custom_css . "{$stamp}\" />\n"; } else { if (file_exists('./css/_user.css')) { $css_html .= ' <link rel="stylesheet" media="screen" type="text/css" href="' . $DBInfo->url_prefix . "/css/_user.css{$stamp}\" />\n"; } } } echo kbd_handler(!empty($options['prefix']) ? $options['prefix'] : ''); if (isset($this->_newtheme) and $this->_newtheme == 2 or isset($options['retstr'])) { $ret = ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); if (isset($options['retstr'])) { $options['retstr'] = $ret; } $this->header_html = $ret; $this->css_html = $css_html; } else { echo $css_html; echo "</head>\n"; } } return true; }
function createShowAlist(&$alist, $subaction = null) { //$alist[] = "a=show"; global $gbl, $sgbl, $login, $ghtml; $alist['__title_main'] = $login->getKeywordUc('config'); if ($this->isLocalhost('nname')) { $alist[] = "a=show&o=lxupdate"; } $alist['property'][] = "a=updateform&sa=password"; //$this->getCPToggleUrl($alist); $alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=showused"; //$alist[] = "a=list&c=component"; $cnl = array('ipaddress', 'dbadmin'); foreach ($cnl as $cn) { $alist = $this->getListActions($alist, $cn); } $alist['__title_next'] = get_plural(get_description('service')); $cnl = array('service', 'cron', 'process', 'uuser'); foreach ($cnl as $cn) { $alist = $this->getListActions($alist, $cn); } $this->driverApp->createShowAlist($alist); //$alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=phpsmtp"; $alist[] = "a=show&l[class]=ffile&l[nname]="; //$alist[] = "a=list&c=firewall"; //$alist[] = "a=show&o=proxy"; //$alist[] = "a=updateform&sa=update&c=serverspam"; $alist['__title_nnn'] = 'Machine'; $alist[] = "a=show&o=driver"; //$alist[] = "a=update&sa=loaddriverinfo"; $alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=reboot"; $alist[] = "a=updateForm&sa=poweroff"; return $alist; }
<!-- Top Content Section --> <div class="wrapper top"> <div class="subwrapper"> <div class="inner start"> <?php get_title('h1', false); ?> <?php get_image_main('220x', false, false, '660x', 'divImgRight'); ?> <?php get_description('', false); ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div> <!-- Content Section --> <div class="wrapper content"> <div class="subwrapper"> <div class="inner start"> <?php get_pages_overview(); ?> <div class="clear"></div> </div> </div> </div> <?php
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if (quiz_outcome_achieved($CFG->prefix, $course['course']->id, $student->id, 'M' . $c)) { $class = 'achieved'; } //echo "\n".'<td class="'.$class.'">'.$c.'</td>'; echo "\n" . '<td' . $title . ' class="' . $class . '">' . $c . '</td>'; } $padding_p = $max['M'] - $course['possible']['summary']['M']; for ($i = 0; $i < $padding_p; $i++) { echo "\n" . '<td class="notenrolled"> </td>'; } // DISTINCTION echo "\n" . '<td class="divider"> </td>'; foreach ($course['possible']['detail']['D'] as $c) { $class = 'partial nobox'; $title = ''; $desc = get_description($CFG->prefix, $course['course']->id, 'D' . $c); if ($desc) { $title = ' title="' . $desc . '"'; } if (outcome_achieved($CFG->prefix, $course['course']->id, $student->id, 'D' . $c)) { $class = 'achieved'; } // if (quiz_outcome_achieved($CFG->prefix, $course['course']->id, $student->id, 'D'.$c)) $class = 'achieved'; //echo "\n".'<td class="'.$class.'">'.$c.'</td>'; echo "\n" . '<td' . $title . ' class="' . $class . '">' . $c . '</td>'; } $padding_p = $max['D'] - $course['possible']['summary']['D']; for ($i = 0; $i < $padding_p; $i++) { echo "\n" . '<td class="notenrolled"> </td>'; } echo "\n" . '</tr>';
function get_static_sub_post($static, $sub_static) { $posts = get_static_sub_pages($static); $tmp = array(); if (!empty($posts)) { foreach ($posts as $index => $v) { if (stripos($v, $sub_static . '.md') !== false) { $post = new stdClass(); // Replaced string $replaced = substr($v, 0, strrpos($v, '/')) . '/'; // The static page URL $url = str_replace($replaced, '', $v); $post->url = site_url() . $static . "/" . str_replace('.md', '', $url); $post->file = $v; // Get the contents and convert it to HTML $content = file_get_contents($v); // Extract the title and body $post->title = get_content_tag('t', $content, $sub_static); $post->body = MarkdownExtra::defaultTransform(remove_html_comments($content)); $post->views = get_views($post->file); $post->description = get_content_tag("d", $content, get_description($post->body)); $tmp[] = $post; } } } return $tmp; }
function process_data($skus, $avail = 1) { global $allowed_tags; if (!empty($skus) && is_array($skus)) { foreach ($skus as $sku) { // Get the description. $description = strip_tags(get_description($sku), $allowed_tags); // Add it to an array. $record = array('sku' => $sku, 'avail' => $avail, 'desc' => $description); // Add it to the table. scraperwiki::save_sqlite(array('sku'), array($record), "techmanual", 2); } } }