function show_page($page) { $template = "view/templates/default_template.php"; if (file_exists($template) && is_file($template)) { require_once $template; } else { require_once "view/templates/default_template.php"; } echo get_document_head(); echo get_header_start(); if (is_logged_in()) { echo get_logout(); } else { } echo get_header_end(); if (is_logged_in()) { echo get_menu(); } else { echo get_guest_menu(); } if (is_logged_in()) { if ($page == "startpage") { echo "startpage"; } else { if ($page == "fileupload") { echo get_fileupload(); } else { if ($page == "nyheter") { echo get_news(); } else { if ($page == "flowing") { echo get_flowing(); } else { if ($page == "event") { echo get_event(); } else { if ($page == "profile") { $user_id = 1; echo get_profile($user_id); } else { echo get_default(""); } } } } } } } else { echo get_login(); } echo get_footer(); echo get_document_end(); }
function pinet_smarty_create_button($params, $content = '') { $tag = get_default($params, 'tag', 'button'); if (isset($params['tag'])) { unset($params['tag']); } $show = get_default($params, 'show', 'default'); if (isset($params['show'])) { unset($params['show']); } if ($tag == 'input' && !isset($params['type'])) { $params['type'] = 'button'; } $params['class'] = make_classes('btn', 'pinet-btn', 'btn-' . $show, get_default($params, 'class', null)); if ($tag == 'input' && !isset($params['value'])) { $params['value'] = $content; } $params['role'] = 'button'; if (!isset($params['title'])) { $params['title'] = trim(strip_tags($content)); } if (isset($params['icon']) && $params['icon'] != '') { $iconName = $params['icon']; unset($params['icon']); $iconParams = array(); $iconParams['class'] = make_classes('glyphicon', 'glyphicon-' . $iconName); $iconParams['aria-hidden'] = 'true'; $icon = create_tag('span', $iconParams, array(), ''); $content = $icon . $content; } if ($tag == 'input') { return create_tag('input', $params, array()); } return create_tag($tag, $params, array(), $content); }
function smarty_block_faq($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { return; } $tag = get_default($params, 'tag', 'span'); if (isset($params['tag'])) { unset($params['tag']); } $placement = get_default($params, 'placement', 'bottom'); $params["data-placement"] = $placement; if (isset($params['placement'])) { unset($params['placement']); } $auto = get_default($params, 'auto', true); if ($auto) { $params['data-toggle'] = 'tooltip'; } if (isset($params['auto'])) { unset($params['auto']); } $show = get_default($params, 'show', 'default'); $params['class'] = make_classes('faq', 'faq-' . $show, get_default($params, 'class', null)); if (!isset($params['title'])) { $params['title'] = trim(strip_tags($content)); } return create_tag($tag, $params, array(), $content); }
function smarty_block_slink($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { return; } $href = get_default($params, 'href', null); if (isset($params['uri']) && $params['uri'] != '') { $uri = $params['uri']; $params['href'] = site_url($uri); } else { if (isset($params['uri']) && $params['uri'] == '') { $uri = $params['uri']; $params['href'] = ''; } else { if ($href == '') { trigger_error('must need href attribute'); } else { $params['href'] = $href; } } } unset($params['uri']); $params['href'] = lang($href); return create_tag('a', $params, array(), $content); }
function smarty_function_alert($params, $template) { $CI =& get_instance(); $ret = array(); ci_log('The alerts is ', $CI->getAlerts()); $origin_class = get_default($params, 'class'); foreach ($CI->getAlerts() as $alert) { $classes = make_classes($origin_class, 'alert'); $classes[] = 'pinet-alert-' . $alert->type; $classes[] = 'alert-map-item'; $params['class'] = $classes; $yes_btn = create_tag('button', array('class' => array('btn', 'pinet-alert-btn-default', 'yes')), array(), 'YES'); $no_btn = create_tag('button', array('class' => array('btn', 'pinet-alert-btn-default', 'no')), array(), 'NO'); $content = $yes_btn . $no_btn; $menu = create_tag('div', array('class' => array('menu')), array(), $content); $info = create_tag('div', array('class' => 'info'), array(), $alert->message); $alert_inner = $menu . $info; $ret[] = create_tag('div', $params, array('role' => 'alert'), $alert_inner); } $CI->clearAlerts(); $alerts = ''; if ($ret) { $alerts = create_tag('div', array('class' => 'pinet-alert-map'), array(), implode("\n", $ret)); } return $alerts; }
function smarty_function_a($params, $template) { $uri = get_default($params, 'uri', ''); $title = lang(get_default($params, 'title', '')); unset($params['uri']); return anchor($uri, $title, $params); }
function smarty_function_img($params, $template) { $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->helper('html'); $attr = array(); $src = get_default($params, 'src'); $class = get_default($params, 'class'); $alt = get_default($params, 'alt'); $title = get_default($params, 'title'); $width = get_default($params, 'width'); $height = get_default($params, 'height'); if ($src != '') { $attr['src'] = $src; } if ($class != '') { $attr['class'] = $class; } if ($alt != '') { $attr['alt'] = $alt; } if ($title != '') { $attr['title'] = $title; } if ($width != '') { $attr['width'] = $width; } if ($height != '') { $attr['height'] = $height; } return img($attr); }
function smarty_block_input_group($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { return; } $params['class'] = make_classes('input-group', get_default($params, 'class', null)); return create_tag('div', $params, array(), $content); }
function get_default_array($defaults) { $f_get = array(); foreach ($defaults as $n => $d) { $f_get[strtolower($n)] = get_default($n, $d); } return $f_get; }
function smarty_block_pinet_statebar($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { return; } $params['class'] = make_classes(array('pinet-statebar'), get_default($params, 'class', array())); return create_tag('div', $params, array(), $content); }
function smarty_block_listview($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { return; } $attr = array('id' => 'listview', 'class' => make_classes(array('listview', 'display'), get_default($params, 'class', array()))); return create_tag('ul', $attr, array(), $content); }
function smarty_block_table_row($params, $content, $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { // Skip the first time return; } $params['class'] = make_classes('table-row', get_default($params, 'class', null)); return create_tag('div', $params, array(), $content); }
function smarty_block_button_group($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { return; } $params['data-toggle'] = 'buttons'; $params['class'] = make_classes('btn-group', get_default($params, 'class', '')); return create_tag('div', $params, array(), $content); }
function smarty_block_link($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { return; } $uri = get_default($params, 'uri', ''); unset($params['uri']); return anchor($uri, $content, $params); }
function smarty_function_js($params, $template) { $position = get_default($params, 'position', 'foot'); $CI =& get_instance(); foreach ($CI->jsFiles as $js) { if ($position == $js->position) { echo $js->render(); } } }
function smarty_block_col($params, $content, $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { // Skip the first time return; } $col = create_tag('div', array('class' => 'scroll'), array(), $content); $params['class'] = make_classes('col', get_default($params, 'class', null)); return create_tag('div', $params, array(), $col); }
function smarty_function_label($params, $template) { if (isset($template->block_data)) { $f = $template->block_data; $field = $f->name; $params['for'] = $f->getId(); $params['class'] = make_classes(get_default($params, 'class'), 'control-label'); return create_tag('label', $params, array(), $f->label); } return create_tag('label', $params); }
function smarty_function_icon($params, $template) { $type = get_default($params, 'type'); $tag = get_default($params, 'tag', 'i'); if (isset($params['tag'])) { unset($params['tag']); } $params['class'] = make_classes('glyphicon', 'glyphicon-' . $type, get_default($params, 'class', null)); $params['aria-hidden'] = 'true'; return create_tag($tag, $params, array(), ''); }
function smarty_function_banner($params, $template) { $src = get_default($params, 'src', null); if ($src == null) { return ''; } $height = get_default($params, 'height', null); if ($height != null) { $params['style'] .= 'height:' . $height . ';'; } return Clips\create_tag('div', $params, array('class' => 'pinet_banner'), ''); }
function smarty_block_radio_group($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { return; } $params['data-toggle'] = 'buttons'; $show = get_default($params, 'show', 'default'); if (isset($params['show'])) { unset($params['show']); } $params['class'] = make_classes('btn-group pinet-radio-group btn-group-' . $show, get_default($params, 'class', '')); return create_tag('div', $params, array(), $content); }
function smarty_function_banner($params, $template) { $src = get_default($params, 'src', null); if ($src == null) { ci_error(lang_f('The banner\'s attribute src must be set!')); return ''; } $params['class'] = make_classes('pinet_banner', get_default($params, 'class', null)); $height = get_default($params, 'height', null); if ($height != null) { $params['style'] .= 'height:' . $height . ';'; } return create_tag('div', $params, array(), ''); }
function smarty_block_select($params, $content, $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { // Skip the first time return; } $attr = get_attr($params, $template); $options = get_default($params, 'options', array()); $selected = get_default($params, 'selected', array()); $extra = _parse_form_attributes($attr, array()); if (count($selected) == 0) { $selected = $attr['value']; } return form_dropdown($attr['name'], $options, $selected, $extra); }
function smarty_block_report($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { return; } $CI =& get_instance(); $CI->load->library(array('report')); $name = get_default($params, 'name'); $begin = get_default($params, 'begin'); $end = get_default($params, 'end'); $args = get_default($params, 'args'); $args = count($args) ? $args : array(); $mode = get_default($params, 'mode'); $mode = $mode ? $mode : 'day'; return "var {$name} = new Highcharts.Chart(" . $CI->report->show($name, $begin, $end, $args, $mode) . ");"; }
function smarty_block_tag($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { return; } $tag = get_default($params, 'tag', 'span'); if (isset($params['tag'])) { unset($params['tag']); } $show = get_default($params, 'show', 'default'); $params['class'] = make_classes('label', 'label-' . $show, get_default($params, 'class', null)); if (!isset($params['title'])) { $params['title'] = trim(strip_tags($content)); } return create_tag($tag, $params, array(), $content); }
public function __construct($hash, $name, $value, array &$args, array $targs) { $global = get_default($args, 'global', false); if ($global) { $nameParts = LibraryManager::SplitNamespace($value); $value = $nameParts[\count($nameParts) - 1]; } parent::__construct(InfoKind::T_FUNC, $hash, $name, $value, $args, $targs); grokit_assert(array_key_exists('input', $args), 'Malformed return value from function generator ' . $name . ': No input defined.'); $this->args = $args['input']; grokit_assert(array_key_exists('result', $args), 'Malformed return value from function generator ' . $name . ': No result type defined.'); $this->resultType = $args['result']; if (array_key_exists('deterministic', $args)) { $this->deterministic = $args['deterministic']; } }
function smarty_block_bs_container($params, $content, $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { // Skip the first time return; } $containerClass = 'container'; if (isset($params['display']) && $params['display'] != '') { $display = $params['display']; unset($params['display']); $containerClass .= ' container-' . $display; } $params['class'] = make_classes($containerClass, get_default($params, 'class', null)); $template->block_data = array('sdsds'); return create_tag('div', $params, array(), $content); }
protected function initDepends() { $depends = get_default($this->config, 'depends'); if ($depends) { if (!is_array($depends)) { $depends = array($depends); } foreach ($depends as $d) { $w = $this->tool->widget($d); if (valid_obj($w, 'Clips\\WidgetV2')) { // Call the init function to force init the widget $w->init_v2(); } } } }
function smarty_block_toolbar($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { // This is the start part add_container($params, $template, 'toolbar'); return; } $params['id'] = get_default($params, 'id', 'toolbar'); $classes = get_default($params, 'class', array()); if (is_string($classes)) { $classes = explode(' ', $classes); } $classes[] = 'toolbar'; $classes[] = 'pinet-toolbar'; $params['class'] = implode(' ', $classes); return build_tag('div', $params, $content); }
function smarty_block_container($params, $content = '', $template, &$repeat) { if ($repeat) { add_container($params, $template); return; } $layout = get_default($params, 'layout', false); if (isset($template->block_data->parent) && is_object($template->block_data->parent) && get_class($template->block_data->parent) == 'Pinet_Container') { $template->block_data = $template->block_data->parent; } else { $template->block_data = null; } if ($layout) { return create_tag('div', array('class' => make_classes(get_default($params, 'class'))), array(), $content); } return $content; }
function smarty_function_iframe($params, $template) { $src = get_default($params, 'src', null); if (!$src) { ci_error('The src attribute must be set for iframe.'); return ''; } $src = site_url($src); $lazy = get_default($params, 'lazy', false); $class = $lazy ? 'iframe-lazy' : 'iframe'; $params['class'] = make_classes($class, get_default($params, 'class')); if ($lazy) { $params['data-src'] = $src; unset($params['src']); } return create_tag('iframe', $params, array(), ''); }