function getSubmissionInfo($pid, $sid)
    $con = get_database_object();
    $tidQuery = "SELECT * FROM problem_testcase WHERE problem_id = '{$pid}'";
    $tidRs = mysql_query($tidQuery) or die(mysql_error());
    $j = 0;
    while ($tidRow = mysql_fetch_array($tidRs)) {
        $tid[] = $tidRow['id'];
        $timeLimit[] = $tidRow['time_limit'];
        $memoryLimit[] = $tidRow['memory_limit'];
        echo "tid:" . $tid[$j] . "\n";
        echo "timeLimit:" . $timeLimit[$j] . "\n";
        echo "memoryLimit:" . $memoryLimit[$j] . "\n";
    $pidQuery = "SELECT * FROM problem_problem WHERE id = '{$pid}'";
    $pidRs = mysql_query($pidQuery) or die(mysql_error());
    $pidRow = mysql_fetch_array($pidRs);
    $judge_type = $pidRow['judge_type'];
    $judge_language = $pidRow['judge_language'];
    echo "judge_type " . $judge_type . "\n";
    echo "judge_language " . $judge_language . "\n";
    $result = array("tid" => $tid, "timeLimit" => $timeLimit, "memoryLimit" => $memoryLimit, "judge_type" => $judge_type, "judge_language" => $judge_language);
    return $result;
Example #2
         $con = get_database_object();
         $updQuery = "UPDATE problem_submission SET status = 'JUDGING' WHERE id = " . $sid;
         echo $updQuery . "   " . $sid . "\n";
         mysql_query($updQuery) or die(mysql_error());
         $judgeIP = $destMachine['machineIP'];
         $judgePage = "interface.php";
         $judgeURL = $judgeIP . "/" . $judgePage;
         echo "judgeURL=" . $judgeURL . "\n";
         echo "send!\n";
         writeLog("send info to judge " . $destMachine['machineName'] . ":" . $destMachine['machineIP']);
         $arg = $sid . " " . $pid . " " . $codeLanType . " " . $destMachine['machineName'] . " " . $judgeURL;
         $handle = popen("/usr/bin/php submit_curl.php " . $arg . " & >> output.html", "w");
         echo "after popen\n";
     } else {
         $con = get_database_object();
         $updQuery = "UPDATE problem_submission SET status = 'JUDGING' WHERE id = " . $sid;
         echo $updQuery . "   " . $sid . "\n";
         mysql_query($updQuery) or die(mysql_error());
         writeLog("send info to other judge");
         $arg = $codeLanType . " " . $pid . " " . $outside_web . " " . $sid;
         if (file_exists("/var/nthuoj/outsideConnection/")) {
             $handle = popen("/var/nthuoj/outsideConnection/ " . $arg . " & >> output.html", "w");
         } else {
             writeLog("send info to other judge error(no judge)");