Example #1
 * 根据内容或列表页第一个关键词获取内容,不存在关键词随机获取
 * @access  public
 * @param   $is_rand:1为随机;$filter:过滤标示(如推荐等);$order_type:排序类型;$pic:是否有图片;$limit:数量
 * @return  array
function get_rand_content($key = '', $limit = '0,5', $order_type = 'id', $filter = '', $pic = 'no', $order = 'desc', $lang = '')
    $sql_key = '';
    $sql_rand = '';
    if ($key) {
        $key_arr = explode(',', $key);
        $sql_key = " and (";
        $key_num = count($key_arr);
        $sql_or = '';
        foreach ($key_arr as $k => $v) {
            if ($k != $key_num - 1) {
                $sql_key .= " m.keywords like '%" . $v . "%' or";
            } else {
                $sql_key .= " m.keywords like '%" . $v . "%'";
            if ($k == 2) {
        $sql_key .= ")";
    } else {
        $sql_rand = ' rand(),';
    $cate_id = $GLOBALS['cateid'];
    if (empty($cate_id)) {
    global $category, $channel;
    $cate_info = get_cate_info($cate_id, $category);
    $channel_id = $cate_info['cate_channel'];
    $channel_info = get_cate_info($channel_id, $channel);
    $content_php = empty($channel_info['content_php']) ? 'show_content.php' : $channel_info['content_php'];
    $list_php = empty($channel_info['list_php']) ? 'show_list.php' : $channel_info['list_php'];
    $table = $channel_info['channel_table'];
    if (empty($table)) {
    $child = get_child_id($cate_id);
    $cate_id_all = empty($child) ? $cate_id : $cate_id . $child;
    $sql = "select m.*,f.* from " . DB_PRE . "maintb as m left join " . DB_PRE . $table . " as f on f.id = m.id where m.id=f.id and m.verify=0 and m.category in (" . $cate_id_all . ")";
    $sql .= empty($filter) ? ' ' : " and m.filter like '%" . $filter . "%'";
    $sql .= $sql_key;
    if ($pic == 'no') {
        $sql .= '';
    } elseif ($pic == 'yes') {
        $sql .= " and m.tbpic <> ''";
    $sql .= empty($lang) ? " and m.lang='" . $GLOBALS['lang'] . "'" : " and m.lang='" . $lang . "'";
    $sql .= in_array($order_type, array('id', 'hits', 'addtime', 'updatetime')) ? " GROUP BY m.id order by" . $sql_rand . " m.top desc, m." . $order_type : " GROUP BY m.id order by" . $sql_rand . " m.top desc, m.id ";
    $sql .= in_array($order, array('asc', 'desc')) ? ' ' . $order : ' desc';
    $sql .= empty($limit) ? ' limit 0,5' : " limit " . $limit;
    $rel = $GLOBALS['mysql']->fetch_asc($sql);
    if (!empty($rel)) {
        $path = CMS_SELF;
        $i = 1;
        foreach ($rel as $k => $v) {
            $rel[$k]['title'] = $v['title'];
            if ($rel[$k]['title_color'] || $rel[$k]['title_style'] || $rel[$k]['is_open']) {
                $font_style = '';
                $font_style .= empty($rel[$k]['title_color']) ? '' : 'color:' . $rel[$k]['title_color'] . ';';
                if ($rel[$k]['title_style'] == 1) {
                    $font_style .= 'font-weight:bold;';
                } elseif ($rel[$k]['title_style'] == 2) {
                    $font_style .= 'font-style:italic;';
                } elseif ($rel[$k]['title_style'] == 3) {
                    $font_style .= 'text-decoration:underline;';
                $rel[$k]['style'] = $font_style;
                $rel[$k]['style_title'] = $rel[$k]['title'];
            } else {
                $rel[$k]['style_title'] = $rel[$k]['title'];
            $rel[$k]['target'] = $v['is_open'] ? 'target="_blank"' : '';
            if ($v['purview']) {
                $url = $path . 'show_content.php?id=' . $v['id'];
            } else {
                $url = !$v['is_html'] && !$GLOBALS['_confing']['web_html'][0] ? $path . $content_php . '?id=' . $v['id'] : $path . $v['url'];
            $rel[$k]['url'] = $v['is_url'] ? $v['url_add'] : $url;
            $v['tbpic'] = empty($v['tbpic']) ? 'no_pc.gif' : $v['tbpic'];
            $rel[$k]['thumb_pic'] = CMS_SELF . 'upload/' . $v['tbpic'];
            $cate_info = get_cate_info($v['category'], $category);
            $cate_url = !$v['is_html'] && !$GLOBALS['_confing']['web_html'][0] ? $path . $list_php . '?id=' . $cate_info['id'] : $path . $cate_info['cate_fold_name'];
            $rel[$k]['cate_url'] = $cate_url;
            $rel[$k]['cate_name'] = $cate_info['cate_name'];
            $rel[$k]['cate_pic1'] = CMS_SELF . 'upload/' . $cate_info['cate_pic1'];
            $rel[$k]['cate_pic2'] = CMS_SELF . 'upload/' . $cate_info['cate_pic2'];
            $rel[$k]['cate_pic3'] = CMS_SELF . 'upload/' . $cate_info['cate_pic3'];
            $rel[$k]['cate_content'] = CMS_SELF . 'upload/' . $cate_info['cate_content'];
            $rel[$k]['autoindex'] = $i;
            $rel[$k]['first'] = $i == 1 ? 1 : 0;
            $rel[$k]['last'] = $num == $i ? 1 : 0;
            $i = $i + 1;
    return $rel;
Example #2
$_confing = get_confing($lang);
$cat_id = $cate_info['id'];
$cateid = $cat_id;
$parent_id = get_cate_last_parent($cat_id);
$tpl->template_dir = TP_PATH . $_confing['web_template'] . '/';
$tpl->template_lang = $lang;
if ($_confing['is_cache']) {
    $tpl->template_is_cache = 1;
    $tpl->template_time = $_confing['cache_time'] ? $_confing['cache_time'] : 30;
} else {
    $tpl->template_is_cache = 0;
$child = get_child_id($cat_id);
$list_cate = empty($child) ? $cat_id : $cat_id . $child;
$r_count = $GLOBALS['mysql']->fetch_rows("select id from " . DB_PRE . "maintb where category in (" . $list_cate . ")");
$page_size = empty($cate_info['list_num']) ? '20' : $cate_info['list_num'];
$page_count = ceil($r_count / $page_size);
$tpl_rel = explode('.', $cate_info['cate_tpl_list']);
Example #3
function get_child_id($id)
    $arr = '';
    $sql = "select id from " . DB_PRE . "category where cate_hide!=1 and cate_parent=" . intval($id);
    $child = $GLOBALS['mysql']->fetch_asc($sql);
    if (empty($child)) {
        return '';
    } else {
        foreach ($child as $k => $v) {
            $arr .= "," . $v['id'];
            $arr .= get_child_id($v['id']);
        return $arr;