FLIR.elURLCache = <?php echo json_encode($cache_data); ?> ; FLIRStyle.prototype.origURL = FLIRStyle.prototype.URL; FLIRStyle.prototype.URL = function(o, text) { var id = o.flirId.split('-')[1]; // console.log('Supercache URL firing'); if(typeof FLIR.elURLCache == 'undefined' || typeof FLIR.elURLCache[id] == 'undefined') { //'Generating URL'); return this.origURL(o, text)+'&i='+id; }else { //'URL cached'); return FLIR.elURLCache[id]['F']; } }; } }; FLIR.install(FLIRSuperCache); </script> <?php } // if !isset($_GET['_supercache_refresh']) } elseif (preg_match('#^\\d+$#', $_GET['i'])) { // if($OUTPUT_CACHE_DATA) { $cache_file = get_cache_fn(md5(substr(strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], '://'), 3)), 'txt'); $cache_data = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file)); $cache_data[$_GET['i']] = array('F' => $FLIR['cache'], 'M' => $FLIR['file_meta']); file_put_contents($cache_file, serialize($cache_data)); } // if($OUTPUT_CACHE_DATA) {
<?php // a plugin that will limit the number of requests an IP can make per set amount of time $SETTINGS = array_merge(array('max-unique-permin' => 30, 'ip-timeout' => 1, 'unmetered-time' => 10, 'enable-banlist' => 'true', 'ban-count' => 10, 'ban-time' => 7), $SETTINGS); $SETTINGS['max-unique-permin'] = $SETTINGS['max-unique-permin'] / 60; $IP = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']; $REQMD5 = md5(urldecode($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); $IPDB = get_cache_fn(md5('ddoslimit-' . substr($IP, 0, strrpos($IP, '.'))), 'txt'); if (!file_exists($IPDB)) { file_put_contents($IPDB, serialize(array())); } $IPDATA = unserialize(file_get_contents($IPDB)); if ($SETTINGS['enable-banlist'] == 'true') { $BANLIST = get_cache_fn(md5('ddoslimitbanlist-' . substr($IP, 0, strrpos($IP, '.'))), 'txt'); if (!file_exists($BANLIST)) { file_put_contents($BANLIST, serialize(array())); } $BANLISTDATA = unserialize(file_get_contents($BANLIST)); if (isset($BANLISTDATA[$IP])) { if ($BANLISTDATA[$IP] == -1) { die('You are banned. Stop.'); } elseif (time() <= $BANLISTDATA[$IP]) { die('You are banned.'); } elseif (time() > $BANLISTDATA[$IP]) { unset($BANLISTDATA[$IP]); // ban lifted file_put_contents($BANLIST, serialize($BANLISTDATA)); } } } if (isset($IPDATA[$IP])) {
if ($spaces > 0) { $FLIR['text'] = space_out($FLIR['text'], $spaces); define('SPACING_GAP', $spaces); } if ($FLIR['postscript']) { $FLIR['ps']['kerning'] = $FStyle['cSpacing'] / $FLIR['size'] * 1000; } } if ($FLIR['postscript'] && isset($FStyle['space_width'])) { $FLIR['ps']['space'] = $FStyle['space_width'] / $FLIR['size'] * 1000; } if (($SPACES_COUNT = substr_count($FLIR['text'], ' ')) == strlen($FLIR['text'])) { if (false === $SPACE_BOUNDS) { $SPACE_BOUNDS = bounding_box(' '); } $FLIR['cache'] = get_cache_fn(md5($FLIR['font'] . $FLIR['size'] . $SPACES_COUNT)); $FLIR['mode'] = 'spacer'; } if (file_exists($FLIR['cache']) && !DEBUG) { output_file($FLIR['cache']); } else { verify_gd(); $REAL_HEIGHT_BOUNDS = $FStyle['realFontHeight'] == 'true' ? bounding_box(HBOUNDS_TEXT, false !== $FONT_PARENT ? $FONT_PARENT : $FLIR['font']) : false; switch ($FLIR['mode']) { default: $dir = dir(PLUGIN_DIR); $php_mode = strtolower($FLIR['mode'] . '.php'); while (false !== ($entry = $dir->read())) { $p = PLUGIN_DIR . '/' . $entry; if (is_dir($p) || $entry == '.' || $entry == '..') { continue;