function general_account_prefs_form_elements($prefs) { global $USER; require_once 'license.php'; $elements = array(); $elements['friendscontrol'] = array('type' => 'radio', 'defaultvalue' => $prefs->friendscontrol, 'title' => get_string('friendsdescr', 'account'), 'class' => 'mrs mls', 'options' => array('nobody' => get_string('friendsnobody', 'account'), 'auth' => get_string('friendsauth', 'account'), 'auto' => get_string('friendsauto', 'account')), 'help' => true); $elements['wysiwyg'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'defaultvalue' => get_config('wysiwyg') ? get_config('wysiwyg') == 'enable' : $prefs->wysiwyg, 'title' => get_string('wysiwygdescr', 'account'), 'help' => true, 'disabled' => get_config('wysiwyg')); if (get_config('licensemetadata')) { $elements['licensedefault'] = license_form_el_basic(null); $elements['licensedefault']['title'] = get_string('licensedefault', 'account'); if ($USER->get('institutions')) { $elements['licensedefault']['options'][LICENSE_INSTITUTION_DEFAULT] = get_string('licensedefaultinherit', 'account'); } $elements['licensedefault']['description'] = get_string('licensedefaultdescription', 'account'); if (isset($prefs->licensedefault)) { $elements['licensedefault']['defaultvalue'] = $prefs->licensedefault; } } $elements['maildisabled'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'defaultvalue' => $prefs->maildisabled, 'title' => get_string('disableemail', 'account'), 'help' => true); $elements['messages'] = array('type' => 'radio', 'defaultvalue' => $prefs->messages, 'title' => get_string('messagesdescr', 'account'), 'options' => array('nobody' => get_string('messagesnobody', 'account'), 'friends' => get_string('messagesfriends', 'account'), 'allow' => get_string('messagesallow', 'account')), 'help' => true); $languages = get_languages(); // Determine default language. $instlang = get_user_institution_language($USER->id, $instlanginstname); if (!empty($instlang) && $instlang != 'default') { $sitedefaultlabel = get_string('defaultlangforinstitution', 'admin', get_config_institution($instlanginstname, 'displayname')) . ' (' . $languages[$instlang] . ')'; } else { $sitedefaultlabel = get_string('sitedefault', 'admin') . ' (' . $languages[get_config('lang')] . ')'; } $elements['lang'] = array('type' => 'select', 'defaultvalue' => $prefs->lang, 'title' => get_string('language', 'account'), 'options' => array_merge(array('default' => $sitedefaultlabel), $languages), 'help' => true, 'ignore' => count($languages) < 2); $sitethemes = array(); // Get all available standard site themes if (get_config('sitethemeprefs') && !in_admin_section()) { // get_user_accessible_themes() returns 'sitedefault' to mean fall back to the site or // institution theme. This won't work for account prefs, where 'sitedefault' is just // a theme that doesn't exist. So change the 'sitedefault' key to '', and the empty // preference will be interpreted as "No theme selected". $sitethemes = array_reverse(get_user_accessible_themes()); unset($sitethemes['sitedefault']); $sitethemes = array_reverse($sitethemes); } // Get all user's institution themes $institutionthemes = array(); if ($institutions = $USER->get('institutions')) { $allthemes = get_all_theme_objects(); foreach ($institutions as $i) { if (empty($i->theme)) { $institutionthemes['sitedefault' . '/' . $i->institution] = $i->displayname . ' - ' . get_string('sitedefault', 'admin'); } else { $institutionthemes[$i->theme . '/' . $i->institution] = $i->displayname . ' - ' . $allthemes[$i->theme]->displayname; } } } $themes = array_merge($sitethemes, $institutionthemes); natcasesort($themes); $currenttheme = $USER->get_themedata(); if (!isset($currenttheme->basename)) { $defaulttheme = 'sitedefault'; } else { $defaulttheme = $currenttheme->basename; } if (isset($currenttheme->institutionname)) { $defaulttheme = $defaulttheme . '/' . $currenttheme->institutionname; } if (!array_key_exists($defaulttheme, $themes)) { reset($themes); $defaulttheme = key($themes); } $elements['theme'] = array('type' => 'select', 'defaultvalue' => $defaulttheme, 'title' => get_string('theme'), 'options' => $themes, 'ignore' => count($themes) < 2, 'help' => true); $elements['addremovecolumns'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'defaultvalue' => $prefs->addremovecolumns, 'title' => get_string('showviewcolumns', 'account'), 'help' => 'true'); // TODO: add a way for plugins (like blog!) to have account preferences $elements['multipleblogs'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'title' => get_string('enablemultipleblogs1', 'account'), 'description' => get_string('enablemultipleblogsdescription1', 'account'), 'defaultvalue' => $prefs->multipleblogs); if (get_config('showtagssideblock')) { $elements['tagssideblockmaxtags'] = array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 4, 'title' => get_string('tagssideblockmaxtags', 'account'), 'description' => get_string('tagssideblockmaxtagsdescription', 'account'), 'defaultvalue' => isset($prefs->tagssideblockmaxtags) ? $prefs->tagssideblockmaxtags : get_config('tagssideblockmaxtags'), 'rules' => array('integer' => true, 'minvalue' => 0, 'maxvalue' => 1000)); } $elements['groupsideblockmaxgroups'] = array('type' => 'text', 'size' => 4, 'title' => get_string('limitto1', 'blocktype.mygroups'), 'description' => get_string('limittodescsideblock1', 'blocktype.mygroups'), 'defaultvalue' => isset($prefs->groupsideblockmaxgroups) ? $prefs->groupsideblockmaxgroups : '', 'rules' => array('regex' => '/^[0-9]*$/', 'minvalue' => 0, 'maxvalue' => 1000)); $elements['groupsideblocksortby'] = array('type' => 'select', 'defaultvalue' => isset($prefs->groupsideblocksortby) ? $prefs->groupsideblocksortby : 'alphabetical', 'title' => get_string('sortgroups', 'blocktype.mygroups'), 'options' => array('latest' => get_string('latest', 'blocktype.mygroups'), 'earliest' => get_string('earliest', 'blocktype.mygroups'), 'alphabetical' => get_string('alphabetical', 'blocktype.mygroups'))); if (get_config('userscanhiderealnames')) { $elements['hiderealname'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'title' => get_string('hiderealname', 'account'), 'description' => get_string('hiderealnamedescription', 'account'), 'defaultvalue' => $prefs->hiderealname); } if (get_config('homepageinfo')) { $elements['showhomeinfo'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'defaultvalue' => $prefs->showhomeinfo, 'title' => get_string('showhomeinfo2', 'account'), 'description' => get_string('showhomeinfodescription1', 'account', hsc(get_config('sitename'))), 'help' => 'true'); } if (get_config('showprogressbar')) { $elements['showprogressbar'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'defaultvalue' => $prefs->showprogressbar, 'title' => get_string('showprogressbar', 'account'), 'description' => get_string('showprogressbardescription', 'account', hsc(get_config('sitename')))); } if (get_config('allowmobileuploads')) { $defaultvalue = array(); $mobileuploadtoken = isset($prefs->mobileuploadtoken) ? $prefs->mobileuploadtoken : get_config('mobileuploadtoken'); $defaultvalue = explode('|', trim($mobileuploadtoken, '|')); $elements['mobileuploadtoken'] = array('type' => 'multitext', 'title' => get_string('mobileuploadtoken', 'account'), 'defaultvalue' => $defaultvalue, 'help' => 'true'); } if (get_config_plugin('artefact', 'file', 'resizeonuploadenable')) { $elements['resizeonuploaduserdefault'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'title' => get_string('resizeonuploaduserdefault1', 'account'), 'description' => get_string('resizeonuploaduserdefaultdescription2', 'account'), 'defaultvalue' => $prefs->resizeonuploaduserdefault); } if (get_config('userscandisabledevicedetection')) { $elements['devicedetection'] = array('type' => 'switchbox', 'title' => get_string('devicedetection', 'account'), 'description' => get_string('devicedetectiondescription', 'account'), 'defaultvalue' => $prefs->devicedetection); } return $elements; }
/** * Return a list of themes available to the specified institution * @param string institution the name of the institution to load themes for * @return array subdir => name * @throws SystemException if unable to read the theme directory */ function get_institution_themes($institution) { static $institutionthemes = array(); if (!isset($institutionthemes[$institution])) { $themes = get_all_theme_objects(); $r = array(); foreach ($themes as $subdir => $theme) { if (empty($theme->institutions) || !is_array($theme->institutions) || in_array($institution, $theme->institutions)) { $r[$subdir] = isset($theme->displayname) ? $theme->displayname : $subdir; } } $institutionthemes[$institution] = $r; } return $institutionthemes[$institution]; }
function file_cleanup_old_cached_files() { global $THEME; $dirs = array('', '/profileicons'); foreach (get_all_theme_objects() as $basename => $theme) { $dirs[] = '/profileicons/no_userphoto/' . $basename; } foreach ($dirs as $dir) { $basedir = get_config('dataroot') . 'artefact/file' . $dir . '/resized/'; if (!check_dir_exists($basedir, false)) { continue; } $mintime = time() - 12 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60; // delete caches older than 12 weeks // Cached files are stored in a three tier md5sum layout // The actual files are stored in the third directory // This loops through all three directories, then checks the files for age // It cleans up any empty directories on the way down again $iter1 = new DirectoryIterator($basedir); foreach ($iter1 as $dir1) { if ($dir1->isDot()) { continue; } $dir1path = $dir1->getPath() . '/' . $dir1->getFilename(); $iter2 = new DirectoryIterator($dir1path); foreach ($iter2 as $dir2) { if ($dir2->isDot()) { continue; } $dir2path = $dir2->getPath() . '/' . $dir2->getFilename(); $iter3 = new DirectoryIterator($dir2path); foreach ($iter3 as $dir3) { if ($dir3->isDot()) { continue; } $dir3path = $dir3->getPath() . '/' . $dir3->getFilename(); $fileiter = new DirectoryIterator($dir3path); foreach ($fileiter as $file) { if ($file->isFile() && $file->getCTime() < $mintime) { unlink($file->getPath() . '/' . $file->getFilename()); } } if (sizeof(scandir($dir3path)) <= 2) { // first 2 entries are . and .. rmdir($dir3path); } } if (sizeof(scandir($dir2path)) <= 2) { // first 2 entries are . and .. rmdir($dir2path); } } if (sizeof(scandir($dir1path)) <= 2) { // first 2 entries are . and .. rmdir($dir1path); } } } }