include '../includes/basics.php'; // $usr = checkUser(); // append (!) config to $kga get_config($usr['usr_ID']); echo "waahh!<br/>"; // echo $usr['usr_ID'] . "<br/>"; // ----> 234268989 $in = "1200000000"; $out = "1220252446"; // $dings = get_arr_grp(); $dings = grp_get_ldrs(1); echo "<pre>"; print_r($dings); // echo $dings; echo "</pre>"; $version_temp = get_DBversion(); $versionDB = $version_temp[0]; $revisionDB = $version_temp[1]; unset($version_temp); echo "--------------" . $revisionDB; /* $dings = getjointime(234268989); echo "<pre>"; print_r($dings); // echo $dings; echo "</pre>"; */ /* // $dings = get_arr_time_evt(234268989,$in,$out);
/** * checks if the database structure needs to be updated for new Kimai version. * if yes the function redirects to /admin/updater.php * * @param string $path path to admin dir relative to the document that calls this function (usually "." or "..") * @global array $kga kimai-global-array * @return array * @author th */ function checkDBversion($path) { global $kga; // check for versions before 0.7.13r96 $installedVersion = get_DBversion(); $checkVersion = $installedVersion[0]; $checkVersion = "{$checkVersion}"; if ($checkVersion != $kga['version']) { header("Location: {$path}/updater.php"); exit; } // the check for revision is much simpler ... if ((int) $installedVersion[1] < (int) $kga['revision']) { header("Location: {$path}/updater.php"); exit; } }