function getRss() { if (function_exists('getZenpageRSSHeaderLink')) { global $_zp_themeroot; $img = "<img src='{$_zp_themeroot}/resources/images/rss.png' height='20' width='20' />"; $href = WEBPATH . "/rss-news.php"; $link = getZenpageRSSHeaderLink('News'); return "<div id='rss' class='news'>{$link}<a href='{$href}'>{$img}</a></div>"; } return ''; }
/** * Prints the RSS link for use in the HTML HEAD * * @param string $option type of RSS (News, NewsCategory, NewsWithLatestImages) * @param string $categorylink The specific category you want a RSS feed from (only 'Category' mode) * @param string $linktext title of the link * @param string $lang optional to display a feed link for a specific language (currently works for latest images only). Enter the locale like "de_DE" (the locale must be installed on your Zenphoto to work of course). If empty the locale set in the admin option or the language selector (getOption('locale') is used. * */ function printZenpageRSSHeaderLink($option, $category, $linktext, $lang) { echo getZenpageRSSHeaderLink($option, $category, $linktext, $lang); }