Example #1
function elFinder_tinymce($discard)
    $file = FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/elFinder/elfinder.php?XSRFToken=' . getXSRFToken('elFinder');
	<script type="text/javascript">
		// <!-- <![CDATA[
		function elFinderBrowser(field_name, url, type, win) {
				file: '<?php 
    echo $file;
', // use an absolute path!
				title: 'elFinder 2.0',
				width: 900,
				height: 450,
				close_previous: 'no',
				inline: 'yes', // This parameter only has an effect if you use the inlinepopups plugin!
				popup_css: false, // Disable TinyMCE's default popup CSS
				resizable: 'yes'
			}, {
				setUrl: function(url) {
					win.document.getElementById(field_name).value = url;
			return false;
		// ]]> -->

    return 'elFinderBrowser';
Example #2
echo gettext('Zenphoto License agreement');
		<div id="container">
			<p class="notebox">
printf(gettext('This license is in English because the <em>Free Software Foundation</em> does not approve translations as officially valid. Unofficial translations are available <a href="%s">here</a>.'), 'http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0-translations.html');
if (!getOption('license_accepted')) {
    $_SESSION['license_return'] = getRequestURI();
				<p class="buttons">
					<a href="<?php 
    echo FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/license.php?licenseAccept&amp;XSRFToken=' . getXSRFToken('ZenphotoLicense');
" alt="<?php 
    echo gettext('You must accept this license to continue to use Zenphoto.');
    echo gettext('I agree to these terms and conditions');
				<br class="clearall" />
			<br class="clearall" />
			<div class="tabbox">
Example #3
			<script type="text/javascript">
				// <!-- <![CDATA[
				function handleSelectorChange(type) {
echo js_encode(gettext('URL'));
echo js_encode(gettext('Title'));
echo getXSRFToken('update_menu');
					switch (type) {
						case 'all_items':
echo js_encode(gettext("All menu items"));
echo js_encode(gettext('This adds menu items for all zenphoto objects. (It creates a "default" menuset.)'));
						case "galleryindex":
        $sql = "UPDATE " . prefix('images') . " SET `mtime`=0 {$imagewhere};";
    if (!empty($folder) && empty($id)) {
        echo "<p> " . sprintf(gettext("<em>%s</em> not found"), $folder) . "</p>";
    } else {
        if (empty($r)) {
            echo "<p>" . $allset . "</p>";
        } else {
            echo "<p>" . sprintf(gettext("We are all set to refresh the metadata for <em>%s</em>"), $r) . "</p>";
        echo '<p>' . gettext('This process should start automatically. If not press: ') . '</p>';
				<p><a href="<?php 
        echo $starturl . '&amp;XSRFToken=' . getXSRFToken('refresh');
        echo gettext("Refresh image metadata.");
" style="font-size: 15pt; font-weight: bold;">
        echo gettext("Go!");
echo "\n" . '</div>';
Example #5
										<button type="reset" onclick="$('.copydelete').hide();">
											<img src="<?php 
    echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER;
/images/reset.png" alt="" />
    echo gettext("Reset");
										<div class="floatright">
											<strong><a href="admin-edit.php?<?php 
    echo $admintype;
    echo getXSRFToken('add');
" title="<?php 
    echo $additem;
"><img src="<?php 
    echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER;
/images/add.png" alt="" /> <?php 
    echo $additem;
    if (!$result->transient) {
        if (is_AdminEditPage("newscategory")) {
Example #6
 * Starts a sechedule script run
 * @param string $script The script file to load
 * @param array $params "POST" parameters
 * @param bool $inline set to true to run the task "in-line". Set false run asynchronously
function cron_starter($script, $params, $offsetPath, $inline = false)
    global $_zp_authority, $_zp_loggedin, $_zp_current_admin_obj, $_zp_HTML_cache;
    $admin = $_zp_authority->getMasterUser();
    if ($inline) {
        $_zp_current_admin_obj = $admin;
        $_zp_loggedin = $_zp_current_admin_obj->getRights();
        foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
            if ($key == 'XSRFTag') {
                $key = 'XSRFToken';
                $value = getXSRFToken($value);
            $_POST[$key] = $_GET[$key] = $_REQUEST[$key] = $value;
        require_once $script;
    } else {
        $auth = sha1($script . serialize($admin));
        $paramlist = 'link=' . $script;
        foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
            $paramlist .= '&' . $key . '=' . $value;
        $paramlist .= '&auth=' . $auth . '&offsetPath=' . $offsetPath;
		<script type="text/javascript">
			// <!-- <![CDATA[
				type: 'POST',
				cache: false,
				data: '<?php 
        echo $paramlist;
				url: '<?php 
        echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER;
			// ]]> -->
                    if ($commentexists_count != 0) {
                        $postinfo .= '<li class="import-exists">' . sprintf(ngettext('%1$u comment already exists.', '%1$u comments already exist.', $commentexists_count), $commentexists_count) . '</li>';
                    if ($commentcount != 0) {
                        $postinfo .= '<li class="import-success">' . sprintf(ngettext('%1$u comment imported.', '%1$u comments imported.', $commentcount), $commentcount) . '</li>';
                } else {
                    $postinfo .= '<ul><li class="import-nothing">' . gettext('No comments to import') . '</li>';
                debugLogVar('Wordpress import - Comments for "' . $post['title'] . '" (' . $post['type'] . ')', $comments);
                $postinfo .= '</ul></li>';
            // posts foreach
            $metaURL = 'wordpress_import.php?refresh=' . $postcount . '&amp;dbname=' . $wp_dbname . '&amp;dbuser='******'&amp;dbpass='******'&amp;dbhost=' . $wp_dbhost . '&amp;tableprefix=' . $wp_prefix . '&amp;convertlinefeeds=' . getcheckboxState('convertlinefeeds') . '&amp;XSRFToken=' . getXSRFToken('wordpress');
        } else {
            // if posts are available at all
            $metaURL = '';
            // to be sure...
            $postinfo .= "<li class='import-nothing'>" . gettext("No posts or pages to import.") . "</li>";
    // if db data set
    $zenphoto_tabs['overview']['subtabs'] = array(gettext('Wordpress') => '');
    printAdminHeader('overview', 'wordpress');
    if (!empty($metaURL) && $postcount < $posttotalcount) {
		<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="1; url=<?php 
        echo $metaURL;
Example #8
 * Checks for Cross Site Request Forgeries
 * @param string $action
function XSRFdefender($action)
    $token = getXSRFToken($action);
    if (!isset($_REQUEST['XSRFToken']) || $_REQUEST['XSRFToken'] != $token) {
        zp_apply_filter('admin_XSRF_access', false, $action);
        header("HTTP/1.0 302 Found");
        header("Status: 302 Found");
        header('Location: ' . FULLWEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/admin.php?action=external&error&msg=' . sprintf(gettext('ā€œ%sā€ Cross Site Request Forgery blocked.'), $action));
 * Prints the table part of a single page item for the sortable pages list
 * @param object $page The array containing the single page
 * @param bool $flag set to true to flag the element as having a problem with nesting level
function printItemsListTable($item, $flag)
    $gallery = new Gallery();
 <div class="page-list_row">
	<div class="page-list_title">
    $array = getItemTitleAndURL($item);
		<div class="page-list_extra"><?php 
    echo html_encode(truncate_string($array['name'], 40, '...'));
		<div class="page-list_extra"><em><?php 
    echo $item['type'];
		<div class="page-list_iconwrapper">
		<div class="page-list_icon">
    if ($array['protected']) {
				<img src="../../images/lock_2.png" alt="<?php 
        echo gettext("The object of this menu is under password protection");
" title="<?php 
        echo gettext("The object of this menu is under password protection");
" style="border: 0px;" />
    } else {
				<img src="../../images/place_holder_icon.png" alt="<?php 
        echo gettext("under password protection");
"style="border: 0px;" />
		<div class="page-list_icon">
    if ($item['show'] === '1') {
			<a href="menu_tab.php?publish&amp;id=<?php 
        echo $item['id'] . "&amp;show=0";
        echo getXSRFToken('update_menu');
" title="<?php 
        echo gettext('hide');
" >
				<img src="../../images/pass.png"	alt="<?php 
        echo gettext('hide');
" style="border: 0px;" />
    } else {
			<a href="menu_tab.php?publish&amp;id=<?php 
        echo $item['id'] . "&amp;show=1";
        echo getXSRFToken('update_menu');
"  title="<?php 
        echo gettext('show');
				<img src="../../images/action.png"	alt="<?php 
        echo gettext('show');
" style="border: 0px;" />
		<div class="page-list_icon">
    switch ($item['type']) {
            if (!empty($array['url'])) {
						<a href="<?php 
                echo $array['url'];
							<img src="../../images/view.png" alt="<?php 
                echo gettext('view');
" title="<?php 
                echo gettext('view');
" style="border: 0px;" />
        case 'menulabel':
        case 'menufunction':
        case 'html':
					<img src="../../images/icon_inactive.png" alt="" style="border: 0px;" />
		<div class="page-list_icon">
			<a href="javascript:deleteMenuItem('<?php 
    echo $item['id'];
    printf(gettext('Ok to delete %s? This cannot be undone.'), html_encode($array['name']));
');" >
				<img src="../../images/fail.png" alt="<?php 
    echo gettext('delete');
" title="<?php 
    echo gettext('delete');
" style="border: 0px;" />
		<div class="page-list_icon">
		<input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="<?php 
    echo html_encode($item['id']);
" onclick="triggerAllBox(this.form, 'ids[]', this.form.allbox);" />
Example #10
function upload_extra($uploadlimit, $passedalbum)
    global $_zp_current_admin_obj, $upload_extensions;
	<script type="text/javascript">
		// <!-- <![CDATA[
		if (FlashDetect.installed) {
			$(document).ready(function() {
					'uploader': '<?php 
    echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER;
					'cancelImg': 'images/fail.png',
					'script': '<?php 
    echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER;
					'scriptData': {
												'auth': '<?php 
    echo $_zp_current_admin_obj->getPass();
												'id': '<?php 
    echo $_zp_current_admin_obj->getID();
												'XSRFToken': '<?php 
    echo getXSRFToken('upload');
					'folder': '/',
					'multi': true,
    $uploadbutton = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/locale/' . getOption('locale') . '/select_files_button.png';
    if (!file_exists($uploadbutton)) {
        $uploadbutton = SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/images/select_files_button.png';
    $discard = NULL;
    $info = zp_imageDims($uploadbutton, $discard);
    if ($info['height'] > 60) {
        $info['height'] = round($info['height'] / 3);
        $rollover = "'rollover': true,";
    } else {
        $rollover = "";
    $uploadbutton = str_replace(SERVERPATH, WEBPATH, $uploadbutton);
					'buttonImg': '<?php 
    echo $uploadbutton;
					'height': '<?php 
    echo $info['height'];
					'width': '<?php 
    echo $info['width'];
    echo $rollover;
					'checkScript': '<?php 
    echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER;
					'displayData': 'speed',
					'simUploadLimit': 3,
					'sizeLimit': <?php 
    echo $uploadlimit;
					'onAllComplete':	function(event, data) {
															if (data.errors) {
																return false;
															} else {
    if (zp_loggedin(ALBUM_RIGHTS | MANAGE_ALL_ALBUM_RIGHTS)) {
    } else {
					'fileDesc': '<?php 
    echo gettext('Zenphoto supported file types | all files');
					'fileExt': '<?php 
    $list = implode(';*.', $upload_extensions);
    echo '*.' . $list . ' | *.*';
		// ]]> -->
	<div id="fileUpload" style="color:red">
    echo gettext("There appears to be no <em>Flash</em> plugin installed in your browser.");
	<p class="buttons" id="fileUploadbuttons" style="display: none;">
		<a href="javascript:$('#fileUpload').uploadifySettings('folder','/'+$('#publishalbumslot').val()+':'+$('#folderdisplay').val()+':'+$('#albumtitle').val());
												$('#fileUpload').uploadifyUpload()"><img src="images/pass.png" alt="" /><?php 
    echo gettext("Upload");
		<a href="javascript:$('#fileUpload').uploadifyClearQueue()"><img src="images/fail.png" alt="" /><?php 
    echo gettext("Cancel");
	<br clear="all" /><br />
Example #11

if (!extensionEnabled('downloadList')) {
    echo '<strong>' . gettext('The downloadList plugin is not active') . '</strong>';
} else {
					<p class="buttons"><a href="?removeoutdateddownloads&amp;XSRFToken=<?php 
    echo getXSRFToken('removeoutdateddownloads');
    echo gettext('Clear outdated downloads from database');
					<p class="buttons"><a href="?removealldownloads&amp;XSRFToken=<?php 
    echo getXSRFToken('removealldownloads');
    echo gettext('Clear all downloads from database');
</a></p><br class="clearall" />
					<br class="clearall" /><br />

		</div><!-- content -->
Example #12
    static function admin_toolbox_news($redirect, $zf)
        global $_zp_CMS, $_zp_current_category, $_zp_current_article;
        if (is_NewsArticle()) {
            if (zp_loggedin(ZENPAGE_NEWS_RIGHTS) && $_zp_CMS && $_zp_CMS->news_enabled) {
                // page is a NewsArticle--provide zenpage edit, delete, and Add links
                echo "<li><a href=\"" . $zf . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . "/zenpage/admin-edit.php?newsarticle&amp;edit&amp;titlelink=" . html_encode($_zp_current_article->getTitleLink()) . "&amp;subpage=object\">" . gettext("Edit Article") . "</a></li>";
                if (GALLERY_SESSION) {
                    // XSRF defense requires sessions
						<a href="javascript:confirmDelete('<?php 
                    echo $zf . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER;
                    echo getNewsID();
                    echo getXSRFToken('delete');
                    echo gettext("Delete article");
                    echo gettext("Delete Article");
                echo "<li><a href=\"" . $zf . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . "/zenpage/admin-edit.php?newsarticle&amp;add\">" . gettext("Add Article") . "</a></li>";
            $redirect .= '&amp;title=' . urlencode($_zp_current_article->getTitlelink());
        } else {
            if (!empty($_zp_current_category)) {
                $redirect .= '&amp;category=' . $_zp_current_category->getTitlelink();
        return $redirect;
Example #13
zp_apply_filter('admin_note', 'upload', $subtab);
echo $title;
					<script type="text/javascript">
						$().ready(function () {
							var elf = $('#elfinder').elfinder({
								lang: '<?php 
echo $locale;
', // language (OPTIONAL)
								customData: {
									'XSRFToken': '<?php 
echo getXSRFToken('elFinder');
									'zp_user_auth': '<?php 
echo zp_getCookie('zp_user_auth');
if ($theme) {
    if (zp_loggedin(THEMES_RIGHTS) && is_dir(SERVERPATH . '/' . THEMEFOLDER . '/' . $theme)) {
											'themeEdit': '<?php 
        echo $theme;
										<td style="border-top: 4px solid #D1DBDF;" valign="top">
            if (!empty($groupname)) {
                $msg = gettext('Are you sure you want to delete this group?');
											<a href="javascript:if(confirm(<?php 
                echo "'" . $msg . "'";
)) { launchScript('',['action=deletegroup','group=<?php 
                echo addslashes($groupname);
                echo getXSRFToken('deletegroup');
']); }"
                echo gettext('Delete this group.');
" style="color: #c33;">
												<img src="../../images/fail.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="Delete" />
Example #15
	var deleteAlbum2 = "<?php 
echo gettext("Are you Absolutely Positively sure you want to delete the album? THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE!");
	function newAlbum(folder,albumtab) {
		var album = prompt('<?php 
echo gettext('New album name?');
', '<?php 
echo gettext('new album');
		if (album) {
echo getXSRFToken('newalbum');
	function confirmAction() {
		if ($('#checkallaction').val() == 'deleteall') {
			return confirm('<?php 
echo js_encode(gettext("Are you sure you want to delete the checked items?"));
		} else {
			return true;
	// ]]> -->
Example #16
 static function albumbutton($html, $object, $prefix)
     $html .= '<hr />';
     if (query_single_row('SELECT * FROM ' . prefix('plugin_storage') . ' WHERE `type`="cacheManager" LIMIT 1')) {
         $disable = '';
         $title = gettext('Finds images that have not been cached and creates the cached versions.');
     } else {
         $disable = ' disabled="disabled"';
         $title = gettext("You must first set the plugin options for cached image parameters.");
     $html .= '<div class="button buttons tooltip" title="' . $title . '"><a href="' . WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/cacheManager/cacheImages.php?album=' . html_encode($object->name) . '&amp;XSRFToken=' . getXSRFToken('cacheImages') . '"' . $disable . '><img src="images/cache.png" />' . gettext('Cache album images') . '</a><br class="clearall" /></div>';
     return $html;
 * Prints the publish/un-published/scheduled publishing icon with a link for the pages and news articles list.
 * @param string $object Object of the page or news article to check
 * @return string
function printPublishIconLink($object, $type)
    $urladd1 = "";
    $urladd2 = "";
    $urladd3 = "";
    if ($type == "news") {
        if (isset($_GET['page'])) {
            $urladd1 = "&amp;page=" . $_GET['page'];
        if (isset($_GET['date'])) {
            $urladd2 = "&amp;date=" . $_GET['date'];
        if (isset($_GET['category'])) {
            $urladd3 = "&amp;category=" . $_GET['category'];
    if ($object->getDateTime() > date('Y-m-d H:i:s')) {
        if ($object->getShow()) {
            $title = gettext("Publish immediately (skip scheduling)");
			<a href="?skipscheduling=1&amp;titlelink=<?php 
            echo html_encode($object->getTitlelink()) . $urladd1 . $urladd2 . $urladd3;
            echo getXSRFToken('update');
" title="<?php 
            echo $title;
			<img src="images/clock.png" alt="<?php 
            gettext("Scheduled for published");
" title="<?php 
            echo $title;
" /></a>
        } else {
            $title = gettext("Enable scheduled publishing");
			<a href="?publish=1&amp;titlelink=<?php 
            echo html_encode($object->getTitlelink()) . $urladd1 . $urladd2 . $urladd3;
            echo getXSRFToken('update');
" title="<?php 
            echo $title;
			<img src="../../images/action.png" alt="<?php 
            echo gettext("Un-published");
" title="<?php 
            echo $title;
" /></a>
    } else {
        if ($object->getShow()) {
            $title = gettext("Un-publish");
			<a href="?publish=0&amp;titlelink=<?php 
            echo html_encode($object->getTitlelink()) . $urladd1 . $urladd2 . $urladd3;
            echo getXSRFToken('update');
" title="<?php 
            echo $title;
			<img src="../../images/pass.png" alt="<?php 
            echo gettext("Published");
" title="<?php 
            echo $title;
" /></a>
        } else {
            $dt = $object->getExpireDate();
            if (empty($dt)) {
                $title = gettext("Publish");
				<a href="?publish=1&amp;titlelink=<?php 
                echo html_encode($object->getTitlelink()) . $urladd1 . $urladd2 . $urladd3;
                echo getXSRFToken('update');
            } else {
                $title = gettext("Publish (override expiration)");
				<a href="?publish=2&amp;titlelink=<?php 
                echo html_encode($object->getTitlelink()) . $urladd1 . $urladd2 . $urladd3;
                echo getXSRFToken('update');
			<img src="../../images/action.png" alt="<?php 
            echo gettext("Un-published");
" title= "<?php 
            echo $title;
" /></a>
Example #18

 * This template is used to generate cache images. Running it will process the entire gallery,
 * supplying an album name (ex: loadAlbums.php?album=newalbum) will only process the album named.
 * Passing clear=on will purge the designated cache before generating cache images
 * @package plugins
// force UTF-8 Ƙ
define('OFFSET_PATH', 3);
require_once "../../admin-globals.php";
require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/template-functions.php';
require_once SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/cacheManager/functions.php';
admin_securityChecks(NULL, $return = currentRelativeURL());
$zenphoto_tabs['overview']['subtabs'] = array(gettext('Cache images') => PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/cacheManager/cacheImages.php?page=overview&tab=images', gettext('Cache stored images') => PLUGIN_FOLDER . '/cacheManager/cacheDBImages.php?page=overview&tab=DB&XSRFToken=' . getXSRFToken('cacheDBImages'));
printAdminHeader('overview', 'DB');
echo "\n</head>";
echo "\n<body>";
echo "\n" . '<div id="main">';
echo "\n" . '<div id="content">';
<div class="tabbox">
zp_apply_filter('admin_note', 'cache', '');
	<p class="notebox">
Example #19
            echo $count;
    if (zp_loggedin(ADMIN_RIGHTS)) {
						<p class="buttons">
							<a href="?reset&amp;XSRFToken=<?php 
        echo getXSRFToken('search_statistics');
        echo gettext('reset');
						<br class="clearall" />
							<a href="<?php 
        echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER;
/admin-options.php?tab=plugin&amp;show-search_statistics#search_statistics" ><?php 
        echo gettext('Change <em>Threshold</em> values');
 * Prints the table part of a single page item for the sortable pages list
 * @param object $page The array containing the single page
 * @param bool $flag set to true to flag the element as having a problem with nesting level
function printItemsListTable($item, $flag)
    global $_zp_gallery;
    $array = getItemTitleAndURL($item);
    if ($array['valid']) {
        switch ($item['type']) {
            case "album":
                $link = '<a href="../../admin-edit.php?page=edit&amp;album=' . html_encode($item['link']) . '">' . html_encode(truncate_string($item['link'], 40, '...')) . '</a>';
            case "zenpagenewsindex":
                if (!class_exists('zenpage')) {
                    $link = '<span class="notebox">' . gettext('Zenpage CMS plugin required for this item type!') . '</span>';
            case "zenpagepage":
                if (class_exists('zenpage')) {
                    $link = '<a href="../zenpage/admin-edit.php?page&amp;titlelink=' . html_encode($item['link']) . '">' . html_encode(truncate_string($item['link'], 40, '...')) . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $link = '<span class="notebox">' . gettext('Zenpage CMS plugin required for this item type!') . '</span>';
            case "zenpagecategory":
                if (class_exists('zenpage')) {
                    $link = '<a href="../zenpage/admin-edit.php?newscategory&amp;titlelink=' . html_encode($item['link']) . '">' . html_encode(truncate_string($item['link'], 40, '...')) . '</a>';
                } else {
                    $link = '<span class="notebox">' . gettext('Zenpage CMS plugin required for this item type!') . '</span>';
            case 'customlink':
                $link = '<a href="' . html_encode($item['link']) . '">' . html_encode(truncate_string($item['link'], 40, '...')) . '</a>';
            case 'menulabel':
                $link = '';
                $link = html_encode(truncate_string($item['link'], 40, '...'));
    } else {
        $link = '<span class="notebox">' . sprintf(gettext('Target does not exists in <em>%1$s</em> theme'), $array['theme']) . '</span>';
	<div class="page-list_row">
		<div class="page-list_title">
		<div class="page-list_extra">
    echo $item['type'];
		<div class="page-list_extra">
    echo $link;
		<div class="page-list_iconwrapper">
			<div class="page-list_icon">
    if ($array['protected']) {
					<img src="../../images/lock_2.png" alt="<?php 
        echo gettext("The object of this menu is under password protection");
" title="<?php 
        echo gettext("The object of this menu is under password protection");
" style="border: 0px;" />
    } else {
					<img src="../../images/place_holder_icon.png" alt="<?php 
        echo gettext("under password protection");
" style="border: 0px;" />
			<div class="page-list_icon">
    if ($item['show'] === '1') {
					<a href="menu_tab.php?publish&amp;id=<?php 
        echo $item['id'] . "&amp;show=0";
        echo getXSRFToken('update_menu');
" title="<?php 
        echo gettext('hide');
" >
						<img src="../../images/pass.png"	alt="<?php 
        echo gettext('hide');
" style="border: 0px;" />
    } else {
					<a href="menu_tab.php?publish&amp;id=<?php 
        echo $item['id'] . "&amp;show=1";
        echo getXSRFToken('update_menu');
"  title="<?php 
        echo gettext('show');
						<img src="../../images/action.png"	alt="<?php 
        echo gettext('show');
" style="border: 0px;" />
			<div class="page-list_icon">
    switch ($item['type']) {
            if (!empty($array['url'])) {
							<a href="<?php 
                echo $array['url'];
								<img src="../../images/view.png" alt="<?php 
                echo gettext('view');
" title="<?php 
                echo gettext('view');
" style="border: 0px;" />
        case 'menulabel':
        case 'menufunction':
        case 'html':
						<img src="../../images/icon_inactive.png" alt="" style="border: 0px;" />
			<div class="page-list_icon">
				<a href="javascript:deleteMenuItem('<?php 
    echo $item['id'];
    printf(gettext('Ok to delete %s? This cannot be undone.'), html_encode($array['name']));
');" >
					<img src="../../images/fail.png" alt="<?php 
    echo gettext('delete');
" title="<?php 
    echo gettext('delete');
" style="border: 0px;" />
			<div class="page-list_icon">
				<input class="checkbox" type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="<?php 
    echo html_encode($item['id']);
" onclick="triggerAllBox(this.form, 'ids[]', this.form.allbox);" />
 * Prints the clickable drop down toolbox on any theme page with generic admin helpers
function adminToolbox()
    global $_zp_current_album, $_zp_current_image, $_zp_current_search, $_zp_gallery_page, $_zp_gallery, $_zp_current_admin_obj, $_zp_loggedin;
    if (zp_loggedin()) {
        $zf = PROTOCOL . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . WEBPATH . "/" . ZENFOLDER;
        $page = getCurrentPage();
		<script type="text/javascript">
			// <!-- <![CDATA[
			function newAlbum(folder, albumtab) {
				var album = prompt('<?php 
        echo gettext('New album name?');
', '<?php 
        echo gettext('new album');
				if (album) {
        echo $zf;
/admin-edit.php', ['action=newalbum', 'album=' + encodeURIComponent(folder), 'name=' + encodeURIComponent(album), 'albumtab=' + albumtab, 'XSRFToken=<?php 
        echo getXSRFToken('newalbum');
			// ]]> -->
		<div id="zp__admin_module">
			<a id="zp__admin_link" href="javascript:toggle('zp__admin_data');">
        echo $_zp_current_admin_obj->getUser();
			<div id="zp__admin_data" style="display: none;">

				<ul style="list-style-type: none;" >
        $outputA = ob_get_contents();
        if (zp_loggedin(OVERVIEW_RIGHTS)) {
            printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin.php', gettext("Overview"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (zp_loggedin(UPLOAD_RIGHTS | FILES_RIGHTS | THEMES_RIGHTS)) {
            printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-upload.php', gettext("Upload"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (zp_loggedin(ALBUM_RIGHTS)) {
            printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-edit.php', gettext("Albums"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
        zp_apply_filter('admin_toolbox_global', $zf);
        if (zp_loggedin(TAGS_RIGHTS)) {
            printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-tags.php', gettext("Tags"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (zp_loggedin(USER_RIGHTS)) {
            printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-users.php', gettext("Users"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (zp_loggedin(OPTIONS_RIGHTS)) {
            printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-options.php?tab=general', gettext("Options"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (zp_loggedin(THEMES_RIGHTS)) {
            printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-themes.php', gettext("Themes"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
        if (zp_loggedin(ADMIN_RIGHTS)) {
            printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-plugins.php', gettext("Plugins"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
            printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-logs.php', gettext("Logs"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
        $gal = getOption('custom_index_page');
        if (empty($gal) || !file_exists(SERVERPATH . '/' . THEMEFOLDER . '/' . $_zp_gallery->getCurrentTheme() . '/' . internalToFilesystem($gal) . '.php')) {
            $gal = 'index.php';
        } else {
            $gal .= '.php';
        $inImage = false;
        switch ($_zp_gallery_page) {
            case 'index.php':
            case $gal:
                // script is either index.php or the gallery index page
                if (zp_loggedin(ADMIN_RIGHTS)) {
                    printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-edit.php?page=edit', gettext("Sort Gallery"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
                if (zp_loggedin(UPLOAD_RIGHTS)) {
                    // admin has upload rights, provide an upload link for a new album
                    if (GALLERY_SESSION) {
                        // XSRF defense requires sessions
									<a href="javascript:newAlbum('',true);"><?php 
                        echo gettext("New Album");
                if ($_zp_gallery_page == 'index.php') {
                    $redirect = '';
                } else {
                    $redirect = "&amp;p=" . urlencode(stripSuffix($_zp_gallery_page));
                if ($page > 1) {
                    $redirect .= "&amp;page={$page}";
                zp_apply_filter('admin_toolbox_gallery', $zf);
            case 'image.php':
                $inImage = true;
                // images are also in albums[sic]
            // images are also in albums[sic]
            case 'album.php':
                // script is album.php
                $albumname = $_zp_current_album->name;
                if ($_zp_current_album->isMyItem(ALBUM_RIGHTS)) {
                    // admin is empowered to edit this album--show an edit link
                    printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-edit.php?page=edit&album=' . pathurlencode($_zp_current_album->name), gettext('Edit album'), NULL, NULL, NULL);
                    if (!$_zp_current_album->isDynamic()) {
                        if ($_zp_current_album->getNumAlbums()) {
                            printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-edit.php?page=edit&album=' . pathurlencode($albumname) . '&tab=subalbuminfo', gettext("Sort subalbums"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
                        if ($_zp_current_album->getNumImages() > 0) {
                            printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-albumsort.php?page=edit&album=' . pathurlencode($albumname) . '&tab=sort', gettext("Sort images"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
                    // and a delete link
                    if (GALLERY_SESSION) {
                        // XSRF defense requires sessions
									<a href="javascript:confirmDeleteAlbum('<?php 
                        echo $zf;
                        echo urlencode(pathurlencode($albumname));
                        echo getXSRFToken('delete');
                        echo gettext('Delete the album');
                        echo gettext('Delete album');
                if ($_zp_current_album->isMyItem(UPLOAD_RIGHTS) && !$_zp_current_album->isDynamic()) {
                    // provide an album upload link if the admin has upload rights for this album and it is not a dynamic album
                    printLinkHTML($zf . '/admin-upload.php?album=' . pathurlencode($albumname), gettext("Upload Here"), NULL, NULL, NULL);
                    if (GALLERY_SESSION) {
                        // XSRF defense requires sessions
									<a href="javascript:newAlbum('<?php 
                        echo pathurlencode($albumname);
                        echo gettext("New Album Here");
                zp_apply_filter('admin_toolbox_album', $albumname, $zf);
                if ($inImage) {
                    // script is image.php
                    $imagename = $_zp_current_image->filename;
                    if (!$_zp_current_album->isDynamic()) {
                        // don't provide links when it is a dynamic album
                        if ($_zp_current_album->isMyItem(ALBUM_RIGHTS)) {
                            // if admin has edit rights on this album, provide a delete link for the image.
                            if (GALLERY_SESSION) {
                                // XSRF defense requires sessions
											<a href="javascript:confirmDelete('<?php 
                                echo $zf;
                                echo urlencode(pathurlencode($albumname));
                                echo urlencode($imagename);
                                echo getXSRFToken('delete');
                                echo gettext("Delete the image");
                                echo gettext("Delete image");
										<a href="<?php 
                            echo $zf;
                            echo pathurlencode($albumname);
                            echo urlencode($imagename);
                            echo gettext('Edit image');
                            echo gettext('Edit image');
                        // set return to this image page
                        zp_apply_filter('admin_toolbox_image', $albumname, $imagename, $zf);
                    $redirect = "&amp;album=" . html_encode(pathurlencode($albumname)) . "&amp;image=" . urlencode($imagename);
                } else {
                    // set the return to this album/page
                    $redirect = "&amp;album=" . html_encode(pathurlencode($albumname));
                    if ($page > 1) {
                        $redirect .= "&amp;page={$page}";
            case 'search.php':
                $words = $_zp_current_search->getSearchWords();
                if (!empty($words)) {
                    // script is search.php with a search string
                    if (zp_loggedin(UPLOAD_RIGHTS)) {
                        $link = $zf . '/admin-dynamic-album.php?' . substr($_zp_current_search->getSearchParams(), 1);
                        // if admin has edit rights allow him to create a dynamic album from the search
									<a href="<?php 
                        echo $link;
" title="<?php 
                        echo gettext('Create an album from the search');
" ><?php 
                        echo gettext('Create Album');
                    zp_apply_filter('admin_toolbox_search', $zf);
                $redirect = "&amp;p=search" . $_zp_current_search->getSearchParams() . "&amp;page={$page}";
                // arbitrary custom page
                $gal = stripSuffix($_zp_gallery_page);
                $redirect = "&amp;p=" . urlencode($gal);
                if ($page > 1) {
                    $redirect .= "&amp;page={$page}";
                $redirect = zp_apply_filter('admin_toolbox_' . $gal, $redirect, $zf);
        $redirect = zp_apply_filter('admin_toolbox_close', $redirect, $zf);
        if ($_zp_current_admin_obj->logout_link) {
            // logout link
            $sec = (int) (SERVER_PROTOCOL == 'https' & true);
            $link = SEO_FULLWEBPATH . '/index.php?logout=' . $sec . $redirect;
						<a href="<?php 
            echo $link;
            echo gettext("Logout");
        $outputB = ob_get_contents();
        if ($outputB) {
            echo $outputA . $outputB;
Example #22
            echo gettext('Reset hitcounter');
" /></a>
										<td class="page-list_icon">
											<a href="javascript:confirmDelete('admin-news.php<?php 
        echo $option . $divider;
        echo $article->getTitlelink();
        echo getXSRFToken('delete');
        echo js_encode(gettext('Are you sure you want to delete this article? THIS CANNOT BE UNDONE!'));
')" title="<?php 
        echo gettext('Delete article');
												<img src="<?php 
        echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER;
/images/fail.png" alt="" title="<?php 
        echo gettext('Delete article');
" /></a>
Example #23
 * HTML for the configuration change notification
function reconfigurePage($diff, $needs, $mandatory)
    if (OFFSET_PATH) {
        $where = 'admin';
    } else {
        $where = 'gallery';
    if (function_exists('getXSRFToken')) {
        $token = '&amp;xsrfToken=' . getXSRFToken('setup');
    } else {
        $token = '';
    $l1 = '<a href="' . WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/setup.php?autorun=' . $where . $token . '">';
    $l2 = '</a>';
	<div class="reconfigbox">
    echo gettext('ZenPhoto20 has detected a change in your installation.');
		<div id="errors">
    foreach ($diff as $thing => $rslt) {
        switch ($thing) {
            case 'SERVER_SOFTWARE':
                echo '<li>' . sprintf(gettext('Your server software has changed from %1$s to %2$s.'), $rslt['old'], $rslt['new']) . '</li>';
            case 'DATABASE':
                $dbs = db_software();
                echo '<li>' . sprintf(gettext('Your database software has changed from %1$s to %2$s.'), $rslt['old'], $rslt['new']) . '</li>';
            case 'ZENPHOTO':
                echo '<li>' . sprintf(gettext('ZenPhoto20 %1$s has been copied over %2$s.'), ZENPHOTO_VERSION, $rslt['old']) . '</li>';
            case 'FOLDER':
                echo '<li>' . sprintf(gettext('Your installation has moved from %1$s to %2$s.'), $rslt['old'], $rslt['new']) . '</li>';
            case 'CONFIGURATION':
                echo '<li>' . gettext('Your installation configuration is damaged.') . ' ' . $rslt['old'] . '</li>';
                $l1 = '';
            case 'REQUESTS':
                if (!empty($rslt)) {
                    echo '<li><div id="files">';
                    echo gettext('setup has been requested by:');
                    echo '<ul>';
                    foreach ($rslt['old'] as $request) {
                        echo '<li>' . $request . '</li>';
                    echo '</ul></div></li>';
                $sz = @filesize(SERVERPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/' . $thing);
                echo '<li>' . sprintf(gettext('The script <code>%1$s</code> has changed.'), $thing) . '</li>';
    if ($mandatory) {
        printf(gettext('The change detected is critical. You <strong>must</strong> run %1$ssetup%2$s for your site to function.'), $l1, $l2);
    } else {
        printf(gettext('The change detected may not be critical but you should run %1$ssetup%2$s at your earliest convenience.'), $l1, $l2);
Example #24
echo html_encode($menuset);
echo getXSRFToken('delete_menu');
	function deleteMenuItem(item,warn) {
		if (confirm(warn)) {
echo $menuset;
echo getXSRFToken('delete_menu');
	function confirmAction() {
		if ($('#checkallaction').val() == 'deleteall') {
			return confirm('<?php 
echo js_encode(gettext("Are you sure you want to delete the checked items?"));
		} else {
			return true;
	// ]]> -->
Example #25
								<br class="clearall" />
							<br class="clearall" />
    } else {
        if (Zenphoto_Authority::getVersion() > Zenphoto_Authority::$preferred_version) {
							<br class="clearall" />
							<p class="notebox">
            printf(gettext('You may wish to revert the <em>Zenphoto_Authority</em> user rights to version %s for backwards compatibility with prior Zenphoto releases.'), Zenphoto_Authority::getVersion() - 1);
								<br class="clearall" />
								<span class="buttons">
									<a onclick="launchScript('', ['action=migrate_rights', 'revert=true', 'XSRFToken=<?php 
            echo getXSRFToken('migrate_rights');
            echo gettext('Revert rights');
								<br class="clearall" />
							<br class="clearall" />
					<script type="text/javascript">
Example #26
foreach ($albums as $key => $album) {
    if (hasDynamicAlbumSuffix($album)) {
    } else {
        if ($c) {
            echo ',';
        echo "'" . $album . "'";
	function reStart() {
		var datum = '?imagecount='+imagecount+'&albumcount='+albumcount+'&todo='+albumspending.join(',')+'&XSRFToken=<?php 
echo getXSRFToken('seo_cleanup');
		window.location = 'seo_cleanup.php'+datum;
echo '</head>';
	<div id="main">
Example #27

 * Zenphoto cron task handler
define('OFFSET_PATH', 1);
require_once 'admin-globals.php';
$_zp_current_admin_obj = $_zp_loggedin = $_zp_null_account = NULL;
$link = sanitize($_POST['link']);
if (isset($_POST['auth'])) {
    $auth = sanitize($_POST['auth']);
    $admin = $_zp_authority->getAnAdmin(array('`user`=' => $_zp_authority->master_user, '`valid`=' => 1));
    if (sha1($link . serialize($admin)) == $auth && $admin->getRights()) {
        $_zp_current_admin_obj = $admin;
        $_zp_loggedin = $admin->getRights();
admin_securityChecks(NULL, currentRelativeURL(__FILE__));
if (isset($_POST['XSRFTag'])) {
    $_REQUEST['XSRFToken'] = $_POST['XSRFToken'] = $_GET['XSRFToken'] = getXSRFToken(sanitize($_POST['XSRFTag']));
} else {
require_once $link;
Example #28
																	<a href="admin-edit.php?action=refresh&amp;album=<?php 
                        echo html_encode(pathurlencode($album->name));
                        echo urlencode($image->filename);
                        echo $pagenum;
                        echo html_encode($tagsort);
                        echo getXSRFToken('imagemetadata');
" >
																		<img src="images/cache.png" alt="" /><?php 
                        echo gettext("Refresh Metadata");
																	<br class="clearall" />
                        if (isImagePhoto($image) || !is_null($image->objectsThumb)) {
																	<div class="button buttons tooltip" title="<?php 
                            printf(gettext('crop %s'), $image->filename);
Example #29
			<div id="main">
				<div id="content">
    echo gettext('Setup request');
					<div class="tabbox">
    if (zpFunctions::hasPrimaryScripts()) {
        if ($found) {
            echo '<a href="' . WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER . '/setup.php?xsrfToken=' . getXSRFToken('setup') . '">' . gettext('Click to restore the setup scripts and run setup.') . '</a>';
        } else {
            printf(gettext('You must restore the setup files from the %1$s release.'), ZENPHOTO_VERSION);
    } else {
        echo gettext('You must restore the setup files on your primary installation to run the setup operation.');
Example #30
        echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER;
/images/icon_mail.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="<?php 
        echo gettext('Reply');
" /></a>
						<td class="page-list_icon">
							<a href="javascript:if(confirm('<?php 
        echo gettext('Are you sure you want to delete this comment?');
')) { window.location='?action=deletecomment&id=<?php 
        echo $id;
        echo getXSRFToken('deletecomment');
'; }"
        echo gettext('Delete this comment.');
" > <img
        echo WEBPATH . '/' . ZENFOLDER;
/images/fail.png" style="border: 0px;" alt="<?php 
        echo gettext('Delete');
" /></a></td>
						<td class="page-list_icon"><input type="checkbox" name="ids[]" value="<?php 
        echo $id;