<?php require_once "lib/menus/database/editTable_functions.php"; $tableDetails = getTableDetails(); $errors = getTableDetailErrors($schema); if ($errors) { alert($errors); } showHeader(); ?> <form method="post" action="?" autocomplete="off"> <input type="submit" style="width: 0px; height: 0px; position: absolute; border: none; padding: 0px" /> <!-- bugfix: hitting enter in textfield submits first submit button on form --> <input type="hidden" name="menu" value="database" /> <input type="hidden" name="_defaultAction" value="editTable" /> <input type="hidden" name="tableName" id="tableName" value="<?php echo htmlencode(getTableNameWithPrefix($_REQUEST['tableName'])); ?> " /> <input type="hidden" name="menuOrder" value="<?php echo htmlencode(@$schema['menuOrder']); ?> " /> <?php echo security_getHiddenCsrfTokenField(); ?> <div class="content-box list-tables"> <div class="content-box-header"> <h3>
</table> </form> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> <?php exit; } // Two stages for every logged in user: viewing one table, viewing table list // on a table if (isset($_GET['table']) && ($arrTable = db_select(TABLE_TABLES, 'id = ' . (int) $_GET['table'])) && 1 == count($arrTable)) { define('TABLE_ID', (int) $arrTable[0]['id']); $arrTable = getTableDetails($arrTable[0]); $bPlaying = 0 < count($arrPlayer = db_select(TABLE_PLAYERS, 'table_id = ' . TABLE_ID . ' AND user_id = ' . USER_ID)); if ($bPlaying) { db_update(TABLE_PLAYERS, 'online = ' . time(), 'user_id = ' . USER_ID . ' AND table_id = ' . TABLE_ID); $arrPlayer = $arrPlayer[0]; // leave table // if (isset($_GET['leave_seat'])) { if (db_delete(TABLE_PLAYERS, 'table_id = ' . TABLE_ID . ' AND user_id = ' . USER_ID . ' AND balance = ' . (double) $arrPlayer['balance']) && 0 < db_affected_rows()) { db_update(TABLE_USERS, 'balance=balance+' . (double) $arrPlayer['balance'], 'id = ' . USER_ID); } header('Location: ?table=' . TABLE_ID); exit; } // post action / contribute // if (isset($_POST['action'])) { if ($arrPlayer['seat'] !== $arrTable['current_seat'] || '1' === $arrPlayer['sit_out'] || 'in' !== $arrPlayer['in_or_out']) {