function smarty_block_tabContent($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat)
    require_once IBSINC . "tab.php";
        create content of tabs
        parameter tab_name(string,required): name of tab title, that when it's selected, this content would be shown
    if (!is_null($content)) {
        $table_id = getTabTableID(FALSE);
        $tab_id = fixTabName($params["tab_name"]);
        return <<<END
\t<div id="{$table_id}_{$tab_id}_content">
\t    <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%">
\t    {$content}
\t    </table>
Example #2
function smarty_block_tabTable($params, $content, &$smarty, &$repeat)
    require_once IBSINC . "tab.php";
        create header and footer of an tab constructs
        parameter tabs(string,required): "," seperated list of tab ids. tab ids are used for labling tabs and also used for
    				     dom ids, so they must be unique. They can contain white spaces 
        parameter content_height(integer,optional): set height of contents, if this value is small, you'll see tab goes
    						up n down
        parameter action_icon(boolean,optional): Tells which icon to use for form submit
    					     Can be on of "edit" "delete" "add" "load" "save" or "ok"
    					     default is "ok"
    if (!is_null($content)) {
        $table_id = getTabTableID(FALSE);
        $buttons = createButtons($params["tabs"], $table_id);
        $height = isset($params["content_height"]) ? $params["content_height"] : 200;
        return createTabTable($buttons, $content, $table_id, $height, $params["action_icon"]);
    } else {
        $table_id = getTabTableID(TRUE);