Example #1
function fetch_data($date1, $date2)
    global $sql, $pCodes_lookup;
    $data = array('tenders' => array(), 'sales' => array(), 'other' => array());
    $ret = "";
    $dlog = DTransactionsModel::selectDlog($date1, $date2);
    $dlog = "trans_archive.dlogBig";
    $default_args = array($date1 . ' ' . $date2);
    $pageOneP = $sql->prepare("select rowName,sum(amt) from dailyDeposit\n        WHERE dateStr = ? and\n        rowName in ('depositAmount','buyAmount')\n        group by rowName");
    $pageOneR = $sql->execute($pageOneP, $default_args);
    while ($pageOneW = $sql->fetch_row($pageOneR)) {
        $data['other'][$pageOneW[0]] = $pageOneW[1];
    $data['other']['depositChecks'] = 0;
    $data['other']['atmNet'] = 0;
    $pageOneP2 = $sql->prepare("select denomination,amt FROM dailyDeposit\n        WHERE dateStr = ? and\n        rowName in ('depositAmount','atm')\n        and denomination in ('Checks','fill','reject')");
    $pageOneR2 = $sql->execute($pageOneP2, $default_args);
    while ($row = $sql->fetch_row($pageOneR2)) {
        switch (strtolower($row['denomination'])) {
            case 'checks':
                $data['other']['depositChecks'] += $row['amt'];
                $data['other']['depositAmount'] -= $row['amt'];
            case 'fill':
                $data['other']['atmNet'] += $row['amt'];
            case 'reject':
                $data['other']['atmNet'] -= $row['amt'];
    $date_args = array($date1 . ' 00:00:00', $date2 . ' 23:59:59');
    $tenderP = $sql->prepare("select sum(amt),\n        tender_type,tendername,\n        YEAR(date),MONTH(date),DAY(date)\n        FROM dailyCounts as d left join is4c_op.tenders as t\n        on d.tender_type = t.tenderCode\n        WHERE date between ? AND ?\n        group by\n        YEAR(date),MONTH(date),DAY(date),\n        tender_type,tendername order by tendername");
    $tenderR = $sql->execute($tenderP, $date_args);
    while ($tenderW = $sql->fetch_row($tenderR)) {
        $timestamp = getTS($tenderW, 3, 4, 5);
        $code = $tenderW[1];
        $name = $tenderW[2];
        if ($code == "SCA") {
            $code = "CA";
            $tenderW[0] *= -1;
        if ($code == "CK") {
            $code = "CA";
        if ($code == "CA") {
            $name = "Coin, Cash, and Checks";
        if ($code == "EC") {
            $code = "EF";
        if ($code == "CC") {
            $name = "Electronic Deposit (CC)";
        if ($code == "EF") {
            $name = "Electronic Deposit (EBT)";
            $data['tenders']['AX']['name'] = 'Electronic Deposit (AMEX)';
        if (!isset($data['tenders'][$code])) {
            $data['tenders'][$code] = array();
        if (!isset($data['tenders'][$code][$timestamp])) {
            $data['tenders'][$code][$timestamp] = 0;
        $data['tenders'][$code]['name'] = $name;
        $data['tenders'][$code][$timestamp] += $tenderW[0];
        //$data['tenders']['AX'][$timestamp] = 0;
    $extraTenderP = $sql->prepare("select YEAR(tdate),MONTH(tdate),DAY(tdate),\n            trans_subtype,sum(total)*-1 FROM {$dlog} as d\n            WHERE tdate between ? AND ?\n            and trans_subtype in ('MA','RR','PP')\n            group by\n            YEAR(tdate),MONTH(tdate),DAY(tdate),\n            trans_subtype");
    $extraTenderR = $sql->execute($extraTenderP, $date_args);
    while ($extraTenderW = $sql->fetch_row($extraTenderR)) {
        $timestamp = getTS($extraTenderW, 0, 1, 2);
        $code = $extraTenderW[3];
        if (!isset($data['tenders'][$code])) {
            $data['tenders'][$code] = array();
        if (!isset($data['tenders'][$code][$timestamp])) {
            $data['tenders'][$code][$timestamp] = 0;
        $name = "RRR Coupons";
        if ($code == "MA") {
            $name = "Mad Coupons";
        if ($code == "PP") {
            $name = "Pay Pal";
        $data['tenders'][$code]['name'] = $name;
        $data['tenders'][$code][$timestamp] += $extraTenderW[4];
    // always include these
    $data['other']['misc0'] = array('', array());
    $data['other']['misc1'] = array('', array());
    $data['other']['misc2'] = array('', array());
    $data['other']['axfees'] = array('63340', array());
    $salesP = $sql->prepare("select YEAR(tdate),MONTH(tdate),DAY(tdate),\n        CASE WHEN department = 991 then '991' when department=992 then '992' \n            else convert(t.salesCode,char) end as pcode,\n        sum(total),trans_type\n        FROM {$dlog} as d left join is4c_op.departments as t on\n        d.department = t.dept_no \n        WHERE tdate BETWEEN ? AND ?\n        AND trans_subtype NOT IN ('CP','IC')\n        and trans_type not in ('S','T')\n        AND (register_no <> 20 or department=703)\n        GROUP BY \n        YEAR(tdate),MONTH(tdate),DAY(tdate),\n        trans_type,\n        CASE WHEN department = 991 then '991' when department=992 then '992' else convert(t.salesCode,char) end\n        ORDER BY\n        CASE WHEN department = 991 then '991' when department=992 then '992' else convert(t.salesCode,char) end");
    $salesR = $sql->execute($salesP, $date_args);
    $preTS = 0;
    while ($salesW = $sql->fetch_row($salesR)) {
        $timestamp = getTS($salesW, 0, 1, 2);
        /* fill in zeroes for all pcodes */
        if ($timestamp != $preTS) {
            foreach ($pCodes_lookup as $k => $v) {
                if (!isset($data['sales'][$k])) {
                    $data['sales'][$k] = array();
                if (!isset($data['sales'][$k][$timestamp])) {
                    $data['sales'][$k][$timestamp] = 0;
            $preTS = $timestamp;
        if (!isset($data['other']['axfees'][1][$timestamp])) {
            $data['other']['axfees'][1][$timestamp] = 0;
        $pcode = $salesW[3];
        if ($pcode == "42231") {
            if (!isset($data['other']['misc1'][1][$timestamp])) {
                $data['other']['misc1'][1][$timestamp] = 0;
            $data['other']['misc1'][1][$timestamp] += $salesW[4];
        } elseif ($pcode == "42232") {
            if (!isset($data['other']['misc2'][1][$timestamp])) {
                $data['other']['misc2'][1][$timestamp] = 0;
            $data['other']['misc2'][1][$timestamp] += $salesW[4];
        } elseif ($pcode == "63350") {
            if (!isset($data['other']['misc0'][1][$timestamp])) {
                $data['other']['misc0'][1][$timestamp] = 0;
            $data['other']['misc0'][1][$timestamp] += $salesW[4];
        } elseif ($pcode != 0) {
            if (!isset($data['sales'][$pcode])) {
                $data['sales'][$pcode] = array();
            if (!isset($data['sales'][$pcode][$timestamp])) {
                $data['sales'][$pcode][$timestamp] = 0;
            $data['sales'][$pcode][$timestamp] += $salesW[4];
        } elseif ($salesW[5] == "A") {
            if (!isset($data['other']['tax'])) {
                $data['other']['tax'] = array();
            $data['other']['tax'][$timestamp] = $salesW[4];
        $data['other']['gazette'][$timestamp] = 0;
        $data['other']['foundmoney'][$timestamp] = 0;
    $discountP = $sql->prepare("select YEAR(tdate),MONTH(tdate),DAY(tdate),\n        memDesc,-sum(total)\n        from {$dlog} as d left join is4c_op.memTypeID as m on d.memtype=m.memtypeID\n        where upc='DISCOUNT' and tdate between ? AND ?\n        group by YEAR(tdate),MONTH(tdate),DAY(tdate),\n        memDesc");
    $discountR = $sql->execute($discountP, $date_args);
    $data['other']['discount'] = array();
    while ($discountW = $sql->fetch_row($discountR)) {
        $tstamp = getTS($discountW, 0, 1, 2);
        $type = $discountW[3];
        if ($type == 'Non Member') {
            $type = 'Staff Member';
        if (!isset($data['other']['discount'][$type])) {
            $data['other']['discount'][$type] = array();
        if (!isset($data['other']['discount'][$type][$tstamp])) {
            $data['other']['discount'][$type][$tstamp] = 0;
        $data['other']['discount'][$type][$tstamp] += $discountW[4];
    return $data;
    if ($today == getFD($y, $m, $i)) {
        echo "<td class=\"today\">" . $hao++ . "</td>";
    } else {
        echo "<td class=\"week" . getW($y, $m, $hao) . "\">" . $hao++ . "</td>";
echo "</tr>";
for ($i = 2; $i < 7; $i++) {
    for ($j = 0; $j < 7; $j++) {
        if ($hao > getTS($y, $m)) {
            echo "<td class=\"next\">" . ($hao - getTS($y, $m)) . "</td>";
            //echo '<td class="next">'.($hao-getTS($y,$m)).'</td>';
        } else {
            if ($today == getFD($y, $m, $hao)) {
                echo "<td class=\"today\">" . $hao . "</td>";
            } else {
                echo "<td class=\"week" . $j . "\">" . $hao . "</td>";