function getSVNumbersHtml($focus, $name, $value, $view)
    if ('EditView' != $view && 'DetailView' != $view) {
        return "";
        // skip the rest of the method if another view calls this method
    global $app_list_strings;
    global $sugar_config;
    $json = getJSONobj();
    $svnumbersSmartyArray = $focus->getSVNumbersArray();
    $svnumberQuicksearch = getSVNumberQuicksearch('svnumber', 'svnumber_id');
    $smarty = new Sugar_Smarty();
    $smarty->assign('sugarDateFormat', getSugarCrmLocale('datef'));
    //$smarty->assign('sugarDateFormat', $sugar_config['default_date_format']);
    $smarty->assign('sqsJavaScript', $svnumberQuicksearch);
    $smarty->assign('svnumbersArray', $svnumbersSmartyArray);
    $smarty->assign('languageStringsCommon', getLanguageStrings("common"));
    if ('DetailView' === $view) {
        // transfer ide into ajvascript code so that we can determine the urls in the ajax call
        $smarty->assign('id', $focus->id);
        //		$smarty->assign('languageStringsDocuments', getLanguageStrings('Documents'));
    $sep = get_number_seperators();
    $smarty->assign('sugarDecimalSeperator', $sep[1]);
    return $smarty->fetch('include/oqc/ExternalContracts/SVNumbers.' . $view . '.html');
 private function getExternalContractVariables($contract)
     $contractData = $contract->toArray();
     $contractData = sanatizeBeanArrayForLatex($contractData);
     $contact = new Contact();
     if ($contact->retrieve($contract->clientcontact_id)) {
         $contractData['clientcontactperson'] = $contact->toArray();
     $contact = new Contact();
     if ($contact->retrieve($contract->technicalcontact_id)) {
         $contractData['technicalcontactperson'] = $contact->toArray();
     $contact = new Contact();
     if ($contact->retrieve($contract->contact_id)) {
         $contractData['contactperson'] = $contact->toArray();
     $account = new Account();
     if ($account->retrieve($contract->account_id)) {
         $contractData['account'] = $account->toArray();
     global $timedate;
     $contractData['startdate'] = $timedate->to_display_date($contract->startdate);
     $contractData['minimumduration'] = $timedate->to_display_date($contract->minimumduration);
     global $app_list_strings;
     if ($contract->endperiod == 'other') {
         $contractData['endperiod'] = $timedate->to_display_date($contract->enddate);
     } else {
         $contractData['endperiod'] = $app_list_strings['endperiod_list'][$contract->endperiod];
     if ($contract->cancellationperiod == 'other') {
         $contractData['cancellationperiod'] = $timedate->to_display_date($contract->cancellationdate);
     } else {
         $contractData['cancellationperiod'] = $app_list_strings['cancellationperiod_list'][$contract->cancellationperiod];
     // show address linebreaks in pdf
     $contractData['deliveryaddress'] = preg_replace("/\n/", '\\newline ', $contract->deliveryaddress);
     $contractData['completionaddress'] = preg_replace("/\n/", '\\newline ', $contract->completionaddress);
     $contractData['svnumbers'] = $contract->getSVNumbersArray();
     // TODO: abbreviation and type probably have to be converted in the future
     $contractMatters = explode('^,^', $contract->externalcontractmatter);
     foreach ($contractMatters as &$matter) {
         $matter = $app_list_strings['externalcontractmatter_list'][$matter];
     $contractData['externalcontractmatter'] = implode('\\newline ', $contractMatters);
     $previousCategory = '';
     $costs = $contract->getCostsArray();
     $months = getLanguageStringsPHP('months');
     foreach ($costs as &$cost) {
         $cost['numberOfDetailedCosts'] = count($cost['detailedCosts']);
         if ($previousCategory == $cost['category']) {
             $previousCategory = $cost['category'];
             $cost['category'] = '';
             // TODO @LION i guess that leaving the category field empty should to some kind of marking... please comment.
         } else {
             $previousCategory = $cost['category'];
             $cost['category'] = $app_list_strings['externalcontractmatter_list'][$cost['category']];
         if ('annually' === $cost['paymentinterval'] || 'once' === $cost['paymentinterval'] || 'other' === $cost['paymentinterval']) {
             $enddate = date_parse($contract->enddate);
             // if the payment interval of this cost is once, annually or other, there will be only one detailed cost row.
             // so it is correct to modify the first detailed cost item in the array.
             // set the month for this detailed cost row to the month of the enddate.
             $cost['detailedCosts'][0]['month'] = $enddate['month'];
         // do translation now because paymentinterval will not be read from php code anymore.
         // so it can be in localized form from now on.
         $cost['paymentinterval'] = $app_list_strings['paymentinterval_list'][$cost['paymentinterval']];
         foreach ($cost['detailedCosts'] as &$detailedCosts) {
             $detailedCosts['price'] = formatCurrencyForSmartyLatex($detailedCosts['price'], false);
             // format price for latex template (see #387)
     $positions = $contract->getPositionsArray();
     foreach ($positions as &$position) {
         $position['type'] = $app_list_strings['externalcontractmatter_list'][$position['type']];
         $position['price'] = formatCurrencyForSmartyLatex($position['price'], false);
         // format price for latex template (see #387)
     // convert all currency values / prices before giving them to smarty
     $contractData['finalcosts'] = formatCurrencyForSmartyLatex($contractData['finalcosts'], true);
     return array('numberOfCosts' => count($costs), 'months' => $months, 'contract' => $contractData, 'costs' => $costs, 'positions' => $positions, 'currencySymbol' => currencySymbolToLatexEquivalent(getSugarCrmLocale('default_currency_symbol')));
 function get_exportable_content($beans, $delimiter, $aggregate, $additional_info)
     $content = '';
     $sum = 0;
     if (count($beans) > 0) {
         $prevBean = $beans[0];
     $useComma = ',' === getSugarCrmLocale('default_decimal_seperator');
     global $sugar_config;
     $lang = $sugar_config['default_language'];
     $mod_strings = return_module_language($lang, $this->module_dir);
     $sumLabel = $mod_strings['LBL_EXPORT_SUM'];
     foreach ($beans as $bean) {
         // if no column has been selected for aggregation aggreate will be false
         // then we must prevent $bean->$aggregate to be accessed because it will raise an error.
         if (FALSE !== $aggregate && $bean->{$aggregate} != $prevBean->{$aggregate}) {
             // only generate final cost sum line if we summed more than one line
             if ($sum != $prevBean->finalcosts) {
                 // generate final cost sum
                 $costLine = '';
                 $emptyFieldCount = array_search("finalcosts", $this->basic_field_names) + 1;
                 $emptyFields = array_fill(0, $emptyFieldCount, '');
                 $emptyFields[0] = $sumLabel . ' ' . $prevBean->{$aggregate};
                 if ($useComma) {
                     $sum = str_replace('.', ',', $sum);
                 if (strpos($sum, ',') !== FALSE) {
                     $sum = substr($sum, 0, strpos($sum, ',') + 3);
                 $costLine .= implode("\"" . $delimiter . "\"", $emptyFields) . $sum;
                 $costLine = "\"" . $costLine;
                 $costLine .= "\"\r\n";
                 $content .= $costLine;
             // insert a newline after each aggregation
             $content .= "\r\n";
             $sum = 0;
         $sum += $bean->finalcosts;
         if ($useComma) {
             $bean->finalcosts = str_replace('.', ',', $bean->finalcosts);
         if (strpos($bean->finalcosts, ',') !== FALSE) {
             $bean->finalcosts = substr($bean->finalcosts, 0, strpos($bean->finalcosts, ',') + 3);
         $lines = $bean->get_exportable_fields($additional_info);
         foreach ($lines as $lineArray) {
             foreach ($lineArray as &$value) {
                 $value = preg_replace("/\"/", "\"\"", $value);
             $line = implode("\"" . $delimiter . "\"", $lineArray);
             $line = "\"" . $line;
             $line .= "\"\r\n";
             $content .= $line;
         $prevBean = $bean;
     // generate the costs summary line
     // only generate final cost sum line if we summed more than one line
     if ($sum != $prevBean->finalcosts) {
         // generate final cost sum at the end of the whole table
         $costLine = '';
         $emptyFieldCount = array_search("finalcosts", $this->basic_field_names) + 1;
         $emptyFields = array_fill(0, $emptyFieldCount, '');
         $emptyFields[0] = $sumLabel . ' ' . $prevBean->{$aggregate};
         if ($useComma) {
             $sum = str_replace('.', ',', $sum);
         if (strpos($sum, ',') !== FALSE) {
             $sum = substr($sum, 0, strpos($sum, ',') + 3);
         $costLine .= implode("\"" . $delimiter . "\"", $emptyFields) . $sum;
         $costLine = "\"" . $costLine;
         $costLine .= "\"\r\n";
         $content .= $costLine;
     return $content;