Example #1

include "includes/header.php";
$specs = getSpecs($dbhandle);
$states = getStates($dbhandle);
include "includes/handle_profile.php";
      <div class="starter-template left">
        <p class="lead">Set up your profile to receive notifications</p>
		<form action="" method="post">
if ($msg != '') {
		<p class="alert alert-danger"><?php 
    echo $msg;
if ($msg2 != '') {
		<p class="alert alert-success"><?php 
    echo $msg2;
Example #2
        foreach ($specs as $spec) {
            $return .= '<option value="' . $spec['id'] . '">' . $spec['name'] . '</option>';
        $return .= '</optgroup>';
    return $return;
function getCharacters()
    $myDB = new DBFactory();
    $sql = $myDB->getMysqlConnexionWithPDO();
    $query = $sql->prepare("SELECT chars.*, class.name AS className, spec1.role_name AS role1, spec2.role_name AS role2 FROM chars, specs AS spec1, specs AS spec2, class WHERE chars.spec1 = spec1.id AND chars.spec2 = spec2.id AND spec1.class_id = class.id");
    return $query->fetchAll();
    <form action="./include/query.php" method="post">
        <input type="hidden" name="action" value="add_raider" />
        <p><label>Nom du personnage : <input type="text" name="char_name" /></label></p>
        <p><label>Sp&eacute;cialisation 1 : <select name="char_spec1"><?php 
echo getSpecs($sql);
        <p><label>Sp&eacute;cialisation 2 : <select name="char_spec2"><?php 
echo getSpecs($sql);
        <p><input type="submit" value="Ajouter" /></p>