public function edit($mark_id = 0) { parent::redirectIfWebView(); // Figure correct way to handle if no mark id if (empty($mark_id) || !is_numeric($mark_id)) { header('Location: /'); exit; } // Check for CSRF if ($this->csrf_valid === true) { // Figure what options to send for update $options = array(); // 1.6 // If title is found, attach it if (isset($this->db_clean->title)) { $options['mark_title'] = $this->db_clean->title; } // If label ID is found, attach it if (isset($this->clean->label_id) && is_numeric($this->clean->label_id)) { $options['label_id'] = $this->clean->label_id; } // If notes are present set them if (isset($this->db_clean->notes)) { $options['notes'] = $this->db_clean->notes; // Check for hashmarks to tags $tags = getTagsFromHash($options['notes']); } // If tags are present, handle differently // Need to add to tags table first // Then create association // If notes are present set them if (isset($tags)) { parent::addTags($tags, $mark_id); } // Update users_to_marks record $mark = $this->user_marks->update("users_to_marks.user_id = '" . $this->user_id . "' AND users_to_marks.users_to_mark_id = '" . $mark_id . "'", $options); // Check if it was updated if ($mark === false) { $this->data['errors'] = formatErrors(3); } else { $this->data['mark'] = $mark; // Check if label id was set // if so get the parent mark id // Then add a smart label for this domain if (isset($options['label_id']) && !empty($options['label_id'])) { $this->load->model('labels_model', 'labels'); $smart_info = getSmartLabelInfo($mark->url); $total = $this->labels->count("labels.user_id = '" . $this->user_id . "' AND labels.smart_key = '" . $smart_info['key'] . "'"); // If not found, create it with label // Else update current if ($total < 1 && $options['label_id'] != '1') { $label = $this->labels->create(array('smart_label_id' => $options['label_id'], 'domain' => $smart_info['domain'], 'smart_key' => $smart_info['key'], 'user_id' => $this->user_id)); } else { $active = $options['label_id'] == '1' ? '0' : '1'; $label = $this->labels->update("labels.user_id = '" . $this->user_id . "' AND labels.smart_key = '" . $smart_info['key'] . "'", array('smart_label_id' => $options['label_id'], 'active' => $active)); } } } } else { $this->data['errors'] = formatErrors(600); } // Figure what to do here (api, redirect or generate view) $this->renderJSON(); }
public function up() { set_time_limit(0); // Check for all tables required for this migration parent::checkForTables(array('marks', 'migrations', 'users', 'users_marks', 'users_smartlabels')); // Check all columns need per table are found // marks, users and users_marks parent::checkForColumns(array('recipe', 'id', 'title', 'url', 'oembed', 'dateadded'), 'marks'); parent::checkForColumns(array('salt', 'status', 'date_joined', 'admin'), 'users'); parent::checkForColumns(array('addedby', 'groups', 'status', 'id', 'urlid', 'userid', 'tags', 'note', 'dateadded', 'datearchived'), 'users_marks'); // Make sure all tables are INNODB, UTF-8 // Original migration they were not // If anyone download that version and ran successfully, some keys may not be created correctly $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `migrations` ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users` ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_marks` ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_smartlabels` ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 COLLATE=utf8_unicode_ci"); // Drop all group releated tables $this->db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `groups`"); $this->db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `groups_invites`"); $this->db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users_groups`"); /* - Start updates for labels table - Import default system labels - Import any user smart labels */ // Create new labels table $this->db->query("\n CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `labels` (\n `label_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'The auto-incremented key.',\n `smart_label_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'If a smart label, the label_id to use if a match is found.',\n `user_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'If a label but owned by a user, place the users.user_id here.',\n `name` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The name of the label.',\n `slug` varchar(50) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The slug of the label.',\n `domain` varchar(255) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The hostname of the domain to match. Keep in all lowercase.',\n `path` varchar(100) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The path to find to for smartlabels to match. If null, just match host.',\n `smart_key` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'MD5 checksum of domain and path for lookup purposes.',\n `active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT '1 is active, 0 if not. Defaults to 1.',\n `created_on` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00',\n `last_updated` timestamp NOT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'The last datetime this record was updated.',\n PRIMARY KEY (`label_id`),\n CONSTRAINT `FK_label_smart_label_id` FOREIGN KEY (`smart_label_id`) REFERENCES `labels` (`label_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n CONSTRAINT `FK_label_user_id` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`user_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n UNIQUE `slug`(slug),\n INDEX `smart_label_id`(smart_label_id),\n INDEX `user_id`(user_id),\n INDEX `smart_key`(smart_key)\n ) ENGINE=`InnoDB` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;\n "); // Add default data to labels // Default: Unlabeled, Read, Watch, Listen, Buy, Eat & Drink, Do // Then add all the smart labels $default_labels = array('unlabeled' => array('label_id' => 1, 'name' => 'Unlabeled'), 'read' => array('label_id' => 2, 'name' => 'Read'), 'watch' => array('label_id' => 3, 'name' => 'Watch'), 'listen' => array('label_id' => 4, 'name' => 'Listen'), 'buy' => array('label_id' => 5, 'name' => 'Buy'), 'eatdrink' => array('label_id' => 6, 'name' => 'Eat & Drink'), 'do' => array('label_id' => 7, 'name' => 'Do')); foreach ($default_labels as $label) { $slug = generateSlug($label['name']); $this->db->query("INSERT INTO `labels` (`label_id`, `name`, `slug`, `created_on`) VALUES ('" . $label['label_id'] . "', '" . $label['name'] . "', '" . $slug . "', '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "')"); } // Start default system smart labels $smart_labels = array('2' => array('', '', '', '', '', '', ''), '3' => array('', '', '', '', ''), '5' => array('', '', '', ''), '6' => array('', '', '', '', '')); // Loop thru smart labels and add them up foreach ($smart_labels as $label_id => $arr) { foreach ($arr as $domain) { $smart_info = getSmartLabelInfo('http://' . $domain); $this->db->query("\n INSERT INTO `labels`\n (`smart_label_id`, `domain`, `smart_key`, `created_on`)\n VALUES ('" . $label_id . "', '" . $smart_info['domain'] . "', '" . $smart_info['key'] . "', '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "')\n "); } } // Now open users_smartlabels, import into labels $labels = $this->db->query("SELECT userid, domain, path, label FROM users_smartlabels"); if ($labels->num_rows() >= 1) { foreach ($labels->result() as $label) { // Proceed only if domain is not empty $current_label = strtolower($label->label); if (!empty($label->domain) && !empty($label->userid) && is_numeric($label->userid) && !empty($current_label) && array_key_exists($current_label, $default_labels)) { // Standardize label domain, path and smart key $smart_info = getSmartLabelInfo($label->domain . $label->path); $domain = $smart_info['domain']; $path = $smart_info['path']; $md5 = $smart_info['key']; $label_id = $default_labels[$current_label]['label_id']; $path = empty($label->path) ? '' : "'" . $label->path . "', "; $path_c = empty($label->path) ? '' : "`path`, "; // Find an occurences of this record $q = $this->db->query("\n SELECT COUNT(*) FROM labels\n WHERE user_id = '" . $label->userid . "'\n AND domain = '" . $domain . "'\n AND smart_label_id = '" . $label_id . "'\n "); $row = $q->row(); $total = (int) $row->{'COUNT(*)'}; // If not found, add it if ($total < 1) { $res = $this->db->query("\n INSERT INTO `labels`\n (`smart_label_id`, `user_id`, `domain`, " . $path_c . "`smart_key`, `created_on`)\n VALUES ('" . $label_id . "', '" . $label->userid . "', '" . $domain . "', " . $path . "'" . $md5 . "', '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "')\n "); } } } } /* - End labels import */ /* - Start updates for marks table */ // Move all recipes to oembed column // oembed will be renamed embed for all embeddable content $marks = $this->db->query("SELECT id, recipe FROM `marks` WHERE recipe != '' AND LOWER(recipe) != 'none' AND recipe IS NOT NULL"); if ($marks->num_rows() >= 1) { foreach ($marks->result() as $mark) { $res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `marks` SET `oembed` = '" . addslashes($mark->recipe) . "' WHERE `id` = '" . $mark->id . "'"); } } // Update marks table $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` DROP COLUMN `recipe`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` CHANGE COLUMN `id` `mark_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'The auto-incremented id for marks.'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`mark_id`)"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` CHANGE COLUMN `title` `title` varchar(150) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The title from the page being bookmarked.'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` CHANGE COLUMN `url` `url` text NOT NULL COMMENT 'The full url from the page being bookmarked.'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` ADD COLUMN `url_key` varchar(32) DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The MD5 checksum of the url for lookup purposes.' AFTER `url`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` CHANGE COLUMN `oembed` `embed` text DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The embedded content that could appear on the mark\\'s info page.'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` CHANGE COLUMN `dateadded` `created_on` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'The datetime this record was created.'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` ADD COLUMN `embed_processed` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1 = yes, 0 if not. Defaults to 0.' AFTER `embed`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` ADD COLUMN `last_updated` timestamp NOT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'The last datetime this record was updated.' AFTER `created_on`"); // Update embed column to NULL if 'None' $res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `marks` SET embed = NULL WHERE LOWER(embed) = 'none'"); // Set embed to processed if NOT NULL OR isn't in LAST DAY $res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `marks` SET embed_processed = '1' WHERE embed IS NOT NULL OR UNIX_TIMESTAMP(created_on) < '" . strtotime('today') . "'"); // Get all urls from marks table, create MD5 checksum, update record $marks = $this->db->query("SELECT mark_id, url FROM `marks`"); // If any exists, move on if ($marks->num_rows() >= 1) { // Set up empty arrays to hold marks that may get deleted or changed $deleted = array(); $changed = array(); // Loop thru results foreach ($marks->result() as $mark) { // If no url, remove it from DB and add to deleted list if (empty($mark->url)) { $res = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM `marks` WHERE `mark_id` = '" . $mark->mark_id . "'"); array_push($deleted, $mark->mark_id); } else { $checksum = md5($mark->url); $record = $this->db->query("SELECT mark_id FROM `marks` WHERE `url_key` = '" . $checksum . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($record->num_rows() == 1) { $record = $record->row(); $changed[$mark->mark_id] = $record->mark_id; $res = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM `marks` WHERE `mark_id` = '" . $mark->mark_id . "'"); } else { $res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `marks` SET `url_key` = '" . $checksum . "' WHERE `mark_id` = '" . $mark->mark_id . "'"); } } } // If the deleted array is not empty // Remove any user marks that are attached to it if (!empty($deleted)) { foreach ($deleted as $mark_id) { $res = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM `users_marks` WHERE `urlid` = '" . $mark_id . "'"); } } // If the changed array is not empty // Update any user marks from the old mark id to the new one if (!empty($changed)) { foreach ($changed as $old_id => $new_id) { $res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `users_marks` SET `urlid` = '" . $new_id . "' WHERE `urlid` = '" . $old_id . "'"); } } } // Finally, add a unique index for url key $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `marks` ADD UNIQUE `url_key`(url_key)"); /* - End updates for marks table */ // Update users table // We are moving to active = 1 or 0 column, before altering table, switch active = 1, inactive = 0 $res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `users` SET status = '0' WHERE status <> 'active'"); $res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `users` SET status = '1' WHERE status = 'active'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users` DROP COLUMN `salt`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE COLUMN `status` `active` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1 = active, 0 = inactive' AFTER `password`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE COLUMN `date_joined` `created_on` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'The datetime the account was created'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE COLUMN `admin` `admin` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT '1 = admin, 0 = admin' AFTER `active`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users` ADD COLUMN `user_token` varchar(30) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0' COMMENT 'Unique user token.' AFTER `password`"); // Add user tokens // Must check if they exist already $users = $this->db->query("SELECT user_id FROM `users`"); if ($users->num_rows() >= 1) { foreach ($users->result() as $obj) { do { $user_token = generateToken(30); $res = $this->db->query("SELECT user_id FROM `users` WHERE user_token = '" . $user_token . "'"); } while (isset($res->user_id)); // Update user record $res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `users` SET user_token = '" . $user_token . "' WHERE user_id = '" . $obj->user_id . "'"); } } // Update user token column to be no default // Add unique index $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users` CHANGE COLUMN `user_token` `user_token` varchar(30) NOT NULL COMMENT 'Unique user token.'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users` ADD UNIQUE `user_token`(user_token)"); // Remove the users_smartlabels table $this->db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `users_smartlabels`"); /* - Start users_to_marks transistion */ // Update `tags` field to a single numeric in order to translate to a FK for labels // Move group id to user_marks_to_groups table $marks = $this->db->query("SELECT id, urlid, tags, groups, status FROM `users_marks`"); $archived = array(); $delete = array(); if ($marks->num_rows() >= 1) { // Loop thru results foreach ($marks->result() as $mark) { $tags = explode(',', $mark->tags); $label_id = 1; $group_id = $mark->groups; $mark_id = $mark->id; // Figure if we should delete this mark $res = $this->db->query("SELECT mark_id FROM marks WHERE mark_id = '" . $mark->urlid . "' LIMIT 1"); if ($res->num_rows() < 1) { array_push($delete, $mark_id); } // If it was archived, save here to update later if (strtolower($mark->status) == 'archive') { array_push($archived, $mark_id); } foreach ($tags as $tag) { $tag = trim(strtolower($tag)); if (array_key_exists($tag, $default_labels)) { $label_id = $default_labels[$tag]['label_id']; break; } } // Update tags $res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `users_marks` SET tags = '" . $label_id . "' WHERE id = '" . $mark_id . "'"); } } // Remove any urlids in users_marks that do NOT exist in marks table // If we skip this step the FK creation will fail // Data is a bit dirty because when marks were deleted, it never deleted their children, leaving little orphan annies // Fix it! if (!empty($delete)) { foreach ($delete as $id) { $res = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM `users_marks` WHERE id = '" . $id . "'"); } } // Update table name & structure $this->db->query("RENAME TABLE `users_marks` TO `users_to_marks`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` DROP COLUMN `addedby`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` DROP COLUMN `groups`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` DROP COLUMN `status`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` CHANGE COLUMN `id` `users_to_mark_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'The auto-incremented key.'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` DROP PRIMARY KEY, ADD PRIMARY KEY (`users_to_mark_id`)"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` CHANGE COLUMN `urlid` `mark_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The mark_id from marks.mark_id.' AFTER `users_to_mark_id`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` CHANGE COLUMN `userid` `user_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The user_id from users.user_id' AFTER `mark_id`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` CHANGE COLUMN `tags` `label_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL DEFAULT '1' COMMENT 'The label_id from labels.label_id.'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` CHANGE COLUMN `note` `notes` text DEFAULT NULL"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` CHANGE COLUMN `dateadded` `created_on` datetime NOT NULL DEFAULT '0000-00-00 00:00:00' COMMENT 'The datetime this record was created.'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` CHANGE COLUMN `datearchived` `archived_on` datetime DEFAULT NULL COMMENT 'The datetime this mark was archived. NULL = not archived.'"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` ADD COLUMN `last_updated` timestamp NOT NULL ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP COMMENT 'The last datetime this record was updated.' AFTER `archived_on`"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` ADD INDEX `mark_id`(mark_id)"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` ADD INDEX `user_id`(user_id)"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` ADD INDEX `label_id`(label_id)"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_utm_mark_id` FOREIGN KEY (`mark_id`) REFERENCES `marks` (`mark_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_utm_user_id` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`user_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE"); $this->db->query("ALTER TABLE `users_to_marks` ADD CONSTRAINT `FK_utm_label_id` FOREIGN KEY (`label_id`) REFERENCES `labels` (`label_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE"); // Fix archived marks // First set all date_archived fields to NULL properly $res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `users_to_marks` SET archived_on = NULL WHERE archived_on IS NOT NULL"); if (!empty($archived)) { foreach ($archived as $users_to_mark_id) { $res = $this->db->query("UPDATE `users_to_marks` SET archived_on = '" . date('Y-m-d H:i:s') . "' WHERE users_to_mark_id = '" . $users_to_mark_id . "'"); } } /* - End users_to_marks transistion */ // Create new tags table $this->db->query("\n CREATE TABLE `tags` (\n `tag_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'The auto-incremented key fro tags.',\n `name` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The tag name.',\n `slug` varchar(100) NOT NULL COMMENT 'The tag slug name.',\n PRIMARY KEY (`tag_id`),\n INDEX `name`(name),\n UNIQUE `slug`(slug)\n ) ENGINE=`InnoDB` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;\n "); // Create new user_marks_to_tags table $this->db->query("\n CREATE TABLE `user_marks_to_tags` (\n `user_marks_to_tag_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT COMMENT 'The auto-incremented key.',\n `tag_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The tag id from tags.tag_id',\n `user_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The user id from users.user_id',\n `users_to_mark_id` bigint(20) UNSIGNED NOT NULL COMMENT 'The user mark id from users_to_marks.users_to_mark_id',\n PRIMARY KEY (`user_marks_to_tag_id`),\n INDEX `users_to_mark_id`(users_to_mark_id),\n INDEX `tag_id`(tag_id),\n INDEX `user_id`(user_id),\n CONSTRAINT `FK_umtt_tag_id` FOREIGN KEY (`tag_id`) REFERENCES `tags` (`tag_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n CONSTRAINT `FK_umtt_user_id` FOREIGN KEY (`user_id`) REFERENCES `users` (`user_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE,\n CONSTRAINT `FK_umtt_mark_id` FOREIGN KEY (`users_to_mark_id`) REFERENCES `users_to_marks` (`users_to_mark_id`) ON UPDATE CASCADE ON DELETE CASCADE\n ) ENGINE=`InnoDB` DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;\n "); }
protected function addMark($data = array()) { $this->load->helper('http_build_url'); // Set empty $result $result = array(); // Set default view & redirect $view = null; $redirect = null; // Figure the url and title $url = isset($data['url']) ? $data['url'] : null; $title = isset($data['title']) ? $data['title'] : null; // If url or title are empty // error out if (empty($url)) { return formatErrors(8); } // 1.6 // Remove utm_* from URLs before saving // Just grab the querystring $url_query_parameters = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY); // If utm_ is found, convert to array // Notice the _... so that words with utm do not get included if (strpos($url_query_parameters, 'utm_') === false) { // Whoops! echo '<br>No utm_ found.<br>'; } else { parse_str($url_query_parameters, $url_query_parameters); // convert querystring to array // Prepare a new query string $new_query_string = array(); // Loop through and reconstruct the querystring, leaving off anything with utm_ in key foreach ($url_query_parameters as $key => $value) { if (strpos($key, 'utm_') === false) { $new_query_string[] = $key . '=' . $value; } } $new_query_string = implode('&', $new_query_string); $url = http_build_url($url, array('query' => $new_query_string)); } // Sometimes browsers will not have a title // for things like a PDF or JPG. // In these instances, we still want people // to be able to save their marks. ;-) if (empty($title)) { $parsed_url_path = parse_url($url, PHP_URL_PATH); // If a path is found at all... use that for title instead if (!empty($parsed_url_path)) { $title = $parsed_url_path; } } if (empty($title)) { return formatErrors(9); } // Add mark to marks table $this->load->model('marks_model', 'mark'); $mark = $this->mark->create(array('title' => $title, 'url' => $url)); // Check ish if ($mark === false) { $user_mark = formatErrors(6); } elseif (!isset($mark->mark_id)) { $user_mark = $mark; } else { $this->load->model('users_to_marks_model', 'user_marks'); $user_mark = $this->user_marks->readComplete("users_to_marks.user_id = '" . $this->user_id . "' AND users_to_marks.mark_id = '" . $mark->mark_id . "' AND = '1'"); // Add if (!isset($user_mark->mark_id)) { // Set default options $options = array('user_id' => $this->user_id, 'mark_id' => $mark->mark_id); // Label ID (not required), if set and numeric and greater than 0, use it if (isset($data['label_id']) && is_numeric($data['label_id']) && $data['label_id'] > 0) { $options['label_id'] = $data['label_id']; } // Notes (not required) if (isset($data['notes']) && !empty($data['notes'])) { $options['notes'] = $data['notes']; $tags = getTagsFromHash($options['notes']); } // Figure if any automatic labels should be applied $smart_info = getSmartLabelInfo($url); if (isset($smart_info['key']) && !empty($smart_info['key']) && !isset($options['label_id'])) { // Load labels model // Sort by user_id DESC (if user has same rule as system, use the user's rule) // Try to extract label $this->load->model('labels_model', 'labels'); $this->labels->sort = 'user_id DESC'; $label = $this->labels->readComplete("(labels.user_id IS NULL OR labels.user_id = '" . $this->user_id . "') AND labels.smart_key = '" . $smart_info['key'] . "' AND = '1'", 1); // If a label id is found // Set it to options to save if (isset($label->settings->label->id)) { $options['label_id'] = $label->settings->label->id; } } // Create the mark $user_mark = $this->user_marks->create($options); } if ($user_mark === false) { $user_mark = formatErrors(6); } elseif (isset($user_mark->mark_id)) { // If tags are present, add them // Get updated result if (isset($tags)) { $mark_id = $user_mark->mark_id; self::addTags($tags, $mark_id); $user_mark = $this->user_marks->readComplete($mark_id); } } } return $user_mark; }
/** * Import mark object into system * * @param stdObj $markObject * Mark data imported from file * @return array Result array */ public function importMark($markObject) { $result = array(); $this->CI->load->helper('data_helper'); // Run in transaction $this->CI->db->trans_start(); if ($this->importData['meta']['export_version'] == 1) { $this->CI->load->model('marks_model', 'mark'); $markArray = array('created_on' => $markObject->created_on, 'title' => empty($markObject->title) ? 'No title' : $markObject->title, 'url' => $markObject->url, 'embed' => $markObject->embed); // Import mark object $mark = $this->CI->mark->import($markArray); // Succesfully created mark if ($mark !== false && isset($mark->mark_id)) { // Try to create user_mark and other related records $this->CI->load->model('users_to_marks_model', 'user_marks'); $user_mark = $this->CI->user_marks->readComplete("users_to_marks.user_id = '" . $this->importData['user_id'] . "' AND users_to_marks.mark_id = '" . $mark->mark_id . "' AND = '1'"); // User mark does not exist - add one if (!isset($user_mark->mark_id)) { // Set default options $options = array('user_id' => $this->importData['user_id'], 'mark_id' => $mark->mark_id, 'active' => $markObject->active, 'archived_on' => $markObject->archived_on, 'created_on' => $markObject->created_on); // Label ID (not required) if (isset($markObject->label_id) && is_numeric($markObject->label_id)) { $this->CI->load->model('labels_model', 'labels'); $label = $this->CI->labels->readComplete("(labels.user_id IS NULL OR labels.user_id='" . $this->importData['user_id'] . "') AND'1' AND = " . $this->CI->db->escape($markObject->label_name), 1); if (!empty($label) && isset($label->label_id)) { $options['label_id'] = $label->label_id; } else { if (!empty($this->unlabeled_label_id)) { $options['label_id'] = $this->unlabeled_label_id; $result['warnings'][] = 'Label ' . $markObject->label_name . ' not found. Marked as Unlabeled.'; } else { if ($this->unlabeled_label_id === false) { $result['warnings'][] = 'Label ' . $markObject->label_name . ' not found. Stripped label info.'; } else { // Label not found and no unlabeled cache - looking for unlabeled label id $label = $this->CI->labels->readComplete("(labels.user_id IS NULL OR labels.user_id='" . $this->importData['user_id'] . "') AND'1' AND = " . $this->CI->db->escape('Unlabeled'), 1); if (!empty($label) && isset($label->label_id)) { $options['label_id'] = $label->label_id; // Cache the id of unlabeled label id $this->unlabeled_label_id = $label->label_id; $result['warnings'][] = 'Label ' . $markObject->label_name . ' not found. Marked as Unlabeled.'; } else { // There is no unlabeled label - cache invalid value to mark $this->unlabeled_label_id = false; $result['warnings'][] = 'Label ' . $markObject->label_name . ' not found. Stripped label info.'; } } } } } // Notes (not required) if (isset($markObject->notes) && !empty($markObject->notes)) { $options['notes'] = $markObject->notes; $tags = getTagsFromHash($options['notes']); } // Figure if any automatic labels should be applied $smart_info = getSmartLabelInfo($markObject->url); if (isset($smart_info['key']) && !empty($smart_info['key']) && !isset($options['label_id'])) { // Load labels model // Sort by user_id DESC (if user has same rule as system, use the user's rule) // Try to extract label $this->CI->load->model('labels_model', 'labels'); $this->CI->labels->sort = 'user_id DESC'; $label = $this->CI->labels->readComplete("(labels.user_id IS NULL OR labels.user_id = '" . $this->importData['user_id'] . "') AND labels.smart_key = '" . $smart_info['key'] . "' AND = '1'", 1); // If a label id is found // Set it to options to save if (isset($label->settings->label->id)) { $options['label_id'] = $label->settings->label->id; } } // Create the mark $user_mark = $this->CI->user_marks->import($options); $result['result'] = 'added'; } else { $result['result'] = 'skipped'; } // Added user mark if (isset($user_mark->mark_id)) { // If tags are present, add them // Get updated result if (isset($tags)) { self::addTags($tags, $user_mark->mark_id); } } } else { if ($mark !== false) { foreach ($mark as $errorCode => $errorMessage) { $result['errors'][] = array('error_code' => $errorCode, 'error_message' => $errorMessage); } } else { $result['errors'][] = formatErrors(500); } } } else { $result['errors'][] = array('error_message' => 'Invalid data format ' . $this->importData['meta']['export_version']); } $this->CI->db->trans_complete(); // Check if DB operations succeeded if ($this->CI->db->trans_status() === FALSE) { // Internal error $result['errors'][] = formatErrors(500); } if (!empty($result['errors'])) { $result['result'] = 'failed'; } return $result; }
public function edit($label_id = 0) { // Figure correct way to handle if no mark id if (empty($label_id) || !is_numeric($label_id)) { $this->data['errors'] = formatErrors(30); } else { // Set the columns that CAN be updated $types = array('label', 'smart'); // Lookup label_id to get type $user_where = parent::isAdmin() === true && isset($this->clean->admin) && !empty($this->clean->admin) ? "labels.user_id IS NULL" : "labels.user_id = '" . $this->user_id . "'"; $where = "(labels.user_id IS NULL AND labels.label_id= '" . $label_id . "' AND labels.smart_label_id IS NULL) OR (" . $user_where . " AND labels.label_id= '" . $label_id . "' AND labels.smart_label_id IS NOT NULL)"; $label = $this->labels->readComplete($where, 1); // If no type found, there was no label for this id/user combo if (!isset($label->type)) { $this->data['errors'] = formatErrors(31); } elseif ($label->type == 'label' && parent::isAdmin() === false) { $this->data['errors'] = formatErrors(37); } elseif (!array_key_exists($label->type, $types)) { $this->data['errors'] = formatErrors(33); } else { $options = array(); $total = 0; // Figure options per label type if ($label->type == 'smart') { if (isset($this->db_clean->url) && !empty($this->db_clean->url)) { $smart_info = getSmartLabelInfo($this->db_clean->url); $options['domain'] = $smart_info['domain']; $options['path'] = $smart_info['path']; $options['smart_key'] = $smart_info['key']; $total = $this->labels->count($user_where . " AND labels.smart_key = '" . $options['smart_key'] . "'"); } // If label is sent, add to options if (isset($this->db_clean->label_id) && !is_numeric($this->db_clean->label_id)) { $options['smart_label_id'] = $this->db_clean->label_id; } } else { if (isset($this->db_clean->name) && !empty($this->db_clean->name)) { $options['name'] = $this->db_clean->name; $options['slug'] = generateSlug($options['name']); $total = $this->labels->count("labels.user_id IS NULL AND labels.slug = '" . $options['slug'] . "'"); } } // Figure if there was an active state passed if (isset($this->db_clean->active) && ($this->db_clean->active == 0 || $this->db_clean->active == 1)) { $options['active'] = $this->db_clean->active; } // If no options, return error if (empty($options)) { $this->data['errors'] = formatErrors(35); } elseif ($total > 0) { $this->data['errors'] = formatErrors(34); } else { $label = $this->labels->update($where, $options); // If update failed, tell the user if ($label === false) { $this->data['errors'] = formatErrors(39); } else { $this->data['label'] = $label; } } } } // Figure view $this->figureView(); }