private function getThumb($themeInfo) { $html = ''; $namesanitized = $themeInfo['namesanitized']; $themetype = $themeInfo['themetype']; $score = $themeInfo['score']; $cmsVersion = $themeInfo['cmsVersion']; $themetype_text = ''; //sprintf(__("Wordpress %s theme"),$themeInfo['cmsVersion']); // if ($themetype == TT_JOOMLA) $themetype_text = sprintf(__("Joomla %s template"), $themeInfo['cmsVersion']); if ($themetype == TT_WORDPRESS) { if (empty($cmsVersion)) { $themetype_text = __("Wordpress theme"); } else { $themetype_text = sprintf(__("Wordpress %s theme"), $cmsVersion); } } else { if ($themetype == TT_WORDPRESS_CHILD) { if (empty($cmsVersion)) { $themetype_text = __("Wordpress child theme"); } else { $themetype_text = sprintf(__("Wordpress %s child theme"), $cmsVersion); } } else { if ($themetype == TT_JOOMLA) { if (empty($cmsVersion)) { $themetype_text = __("Joomla template"); } else { $themetype_text = sprintf(__("Joomla %s template"), $cmsVersion); } } } } $url = TC_HTTPDOMAIN . '/' . Route::getInstance()->assemble(array("lang" => I18N::getCurLang(), "phpfile" => "results", "namesanitized" => $namesanitized, "themetype" => $themetype)); $html .= '<div class="validated-theme" data-id="' . $themeInfo['id'] . '">'; $html .= '<a href="' . $url . '" ><img style="box-shadow: 0 0 20px #DDD;" src="' . TC_HTTPDOMAIN . '/' . $themeInfo['hash'] . '/thumbnail.png"></a>'; $html .= '<div class="vts">'; if ($themeInfo["isThemeForest"]) { $html .= '<img src="img/logo_themeforest18.png" style="margin-right:2px;float:left;" title="' . __("Themeforest theme") . '" alt="' . __("Themeforest icon") . '">'; } $html .= '<div class="dshield">'; $html .= getShield($themeInfo, I18N::getCurLang(), 40, $url, TC_HTTPDOMAIN . '/'); $html .= '</div>'; if ($themeInfo["isThemeForest"]) { $html .= '<span class="stext">' . htmlspecialchars($themeInfo['name']) . '</span><br/><span style="font-size : 12px; color:#AAA;">' . $themetype_text . '</span>'; } else { $html .= '<span class="stext" style="width:170px;">' . htmlspecialchars($themeInfo['name']) . '</span><br/><span style="font-size : 12px; color:#AAA;">' . $themetype_text . '</span>'; } $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; return $html; }
function displayShield($themeInfo, $lang, $size, $href, $rootdir) { echo getShield($themeInfo, $lang, $size, $href, $rootdir); }
public function render() { if (UserMessage::getCount(ERRORLEVEL_FATAL) == 0 && $this->fileValidator) { ?> <div class="container"> <br/> <?php $themeInfo = $this->fileValidator->themeInfo; ?> <div class="row text-center"> <div><img style="box-shadow: 0 0 20px #DDD;" src="<?php echo TC_HTTPDOMAIN . '/' . $themeInfo->hash . '/thumbnail.png'; ?> "></div> <h1><?php printf(__("Validation results for <strong>%s</strong>"), htmlspecialchars($themeInfo->zipfilename, defined('ENT_HTML5') ? ENT_QUOTES | ENT_HTML5 : ENT_QUOTES)); ?> </h1> </div> <?php if ($this->fileValidator->themeInfo->isThemeForest) { ?> <ul class="nav nav-tabs"> <li class="active"><a href="#standard" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo __("Themecheck rules") . " : "; $score = $this->fileValidator->themeInfo->score; $color = 'ff1427'; if ($score > 95) { $color = 'cbd715'; } else { if ($score > 80) { $color = 'ff8214'; } } echo '<span style="color:#' . $color . '">' . intval($score) . ' %</span>'; ?> </a></li> <li><a href="#themeforest" data-toggle="tab"><?php echo __("Themeforest rules") . " : "; $score = $this->fileValidator->themeInfo_themeforest->score; $color = 'ff1427'; if ($score > 95) { $color = 'cbd715'; } else { if ($score > 80) { $color = 'ff8214'; } } echo '<span style="color:#' . $color . '">' . intval($score) . ' %</span>'; ?> </a></li> </ul> <div class="tab-content"> <div class="tab-pane active" id="standard"><?php $this->renderRulesSet($this->fileValidator->themeInfo, $this->validationResults); ?> </div> <div class="tab-pane" id="themeforest"><br/><?php echo __('This is a ThemeForest theme. Since Themeforest items are all checked by a human before they appear on their website, ThemeForest verification rules are more permissive than themecheck's and can give a better verification score ( <a href="" rel="nofollow">Themeforest requirements</a> ).'); $this->renderRulesSet($this->fileValidator->themeInfo_themeforest, $this->fileValidator->getValidationResultsThemeForest(I18N::getCurLang())); ?> </div> </div> <?php } else { $this->renderRulesSet($this->fileValidator->themeInfo, $this->validationResults); } ?> </div> <div class="container"> <div id="disqus_thread" style="margin-top:60px"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> /* * * CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT BEFORE PASTING INTO YOUR WEBPAGE * * */ var disqus_shortname = 'themecheck'; // required: replace example with your forum shortname var disqus_url = '<?php echo $this->samepage_i18n[I18N::getCurLang()]; ?> '; /* * * DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE * * */ (function() { var dsq = document.createElement('script'); dsq.type = 'text/javascript'; dsq.async = true; dsq.src = '//' + disqus_shortname + ''; (document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]).appendChild(dsq); })(); </script> <noscript>Please enable JavaScript to view the <a href="" rel="nofollow">comments powered by Disqus.</a></noscript> <a href="" class="dsq-brlink" rel="nofollow">comments powered by <span class="logo-disqus">Disqus</span></a> <?php if (USE_DB) { echo '<hr>'; echo '<h2 style="line-height:100px;color:#888">' . __("Other files checked around the same date") . '</h2>'; $history = new History(); $id = intval($history->getIdFromHash($themeInfo->hash)); for ($i = 1; $i > -4; $i--) { if ($i == 0) { $i--; } // not the current one $r = $history->getFewInfo($id + $i); if ($r !== false) { $html = ''; $namesanitized = $r['namesanitized']; $themetype = $r['themetype']; $score = $r['score']; $themetype_text = sprintf(__("Wordpress %s theme"), $r['cmsVersion']); if ($themetype == TT_JOOMLA) { $themetype_text = sprintf(__("Joomla %s template"), $r['cmsVersion']); } $url = TC_HTTPDOMAIN . '/' . Route::getInstance()->assemble(array("lang" => I18N::getCurLang(), "phpfile" => "results", "namesanitized" => $namesanitized, "themetype" => $themetype)); $html .= '<div style="width:220px;height:220px;display:inline-block;text-align:center;margin:10px 32px">'; $html .= '<a href="' . $url . '" ><img style="box-shadow: 0 0 20px #DDD;" src="' . TC_HTTPDOMAIN . '/' . $r['hash'] . '/thumbnail.png"></a>'; $html .= '<div style="width:220px;height:40px;margin:3px 0 0 0;text-align:left;line-height:18px;padding:0 7px;overflow:hidden;white-space:nowrap;font-size : 12px;">'; $html .= '<div style="width:33px;height:40px;float:right;">'; $html .= getShield($r, I18N::getCurLang(), 40, $url, TC_HTTPDOMAIN . '/'); $html .= '</div>'; $html .= htmlspecialchars($r['name']) . '<br/><span style="font-size : 12px; color:#AAA;">' . $themetype_text . '</span>'; $html .= '</div>'; $html .= '</div>'; echo $html; } } // $themetype = $r['themetype']; // $score = $r['score']; } } else { if (UserMessage::getCount(ERRORLEVEL_FATAL) > 0) { ?> <div class="container"> <br/> <div class="row text-center"> <h1><?php printf(__("Validation results")); ?> </h1> </div> <div class="row text-center" style="color:#888;font-weight:normal;margin:30px 0 0 0;background:#F8F8F8;border-radius: 3px;"> <br/> <?php $img = 'shieldred240.png'; $color = 'ff1418'; $text = __("Validation score : 0 %"); ?> <div class="shield1" style="width:201px;height:240px;background-image:url(<?php echo TC_HTTPDOMAIN; ?> /img/<?php echo $img; ?> );" title="<?php echo $text; ?> "> <div class="shield2" style="color:#<?php echo $color; ?> ;">0</div> </div> <?php echo '<p "color:#' . $color . '">' . __("Validation score : 0 %") . '</p>'; $userMessage = UserMessage::getInstance(); echo '<div style="margin:5% 10%">' . __("Fatal error") . '<br>' . UserMessage::getInstance()->getMessagesHtml() . '</div>'; ?> <p><?php echo '<a href="' . TC_HTTPDOMAIN . '/' . Route::getInstance()->assemble(array("lang" => I18N::getCurLang(), "phpfile" => "index.php")) . '">' . __("Go to home page to submit a new version") . '</a>'; ?> </p> <br/> </div> <?php } else { $userMessage = UserMessage::getInstance(); echo '<div class="container">' . UserMessage::getInstance()->getMessagesHtml() . '</div>'; ?> <div class="jumbotron"> <div class="container"> <h1><?php echo __('Please send us a theme to check.'); ?> </h1> <p><?php echo '<a href="' . TC_HTTPDOMAIN . '/' . Route::getInstance()->assemble(array("lang" => I18N::getCurLang(), "phpfile" => "index.php")) . '">' . __("Go to home page") . '</a> '; ?> </p> </div> </div> <div class="container"> <br/> <?php } } ?> </div> <!-- /container --> <?php }