function listUniqueTerms($p = 0, $l = 0) { global $conn; ?> <ul><?php $lista = $conn->getUniqueTerms($p); foreach ($lista as $row) { ?> <li><a href="<?php echo getScriptName(); ?> ?idt=<?php echo $row['term_id']; ?> "><?php echo_utf8($row['name']); ?> </a> <?php listUniqueTerms($row['term_id']); ?> </li> <?php } ?> </ul><?php }
<?php // $Id$ include 'settings.php'; #read CSV-File $script = strtolower(getScriptName()); $CSVArray = getCSV(); if (isset($CSVArray[$script])) { $links = $CSVArray[$script]; } function cacheurl($url, $browser_req = true, $cookies = "", $browser = "Firefox") { global $myconfig; #find cache file $hash = md5($url); $datei = "cache/" . $hash; if (file_exists($datei)) { if (time() - filemtime($datei) < $myconfig['cachetime']) { return implode('', file($datei)); } } #no cache file exists send browser request if ($browser_req == true) { $objekt = new Browser($browser); if ($cookies != "") { $objekt->cookies_set($cookies); } $objekt->url = $url; $t_html = $objekt->read(); } else { $t_html = implode('', file($url));
} elseif ($case[status] != "RUNNING") { $failed++; } $caseArrTMP[$caseID] = $case; } } // both per module per category } elseif ($mod != "" && $cat != "") { $scriptsArr = array(); foreach ($cases as $caseID => $case) { if ($case[component] == $mod && $case[category] == $cat) { $case[countID] = $i; $i++; $time += $case[time]; $case[time] = date("i:s", mktime(0, 0, $case[time])); $case[scriptName] = getScriptName($caseID); array_push($scriptsArr, $case[scriptName]); if ($case[status] == "PASSED") { $passed++; } elseif ($case[status] != "RUNNING") { $failed++; } $caseArrTMP[$caseID] = $case; } } } if ($filter != "") { $i = 1; $caseArr = array(); foreach ($caseArrTMP as $caseID => $case) { if ($filter == "PASSED" && $case[status] == $filter) {
<td><?php echo getScriptName("app1"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>app2</td> <td><?php echo getScriptName("app2"); ?> </td> </tr> <tr> <td>app3</td> <td><?php echo getScriptName("app3"); ?> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </article> <!-- Footer --> <footer> <div id="footer"> © scalabrine. </div> </footer> </div> <!-- Piwik -->
function getScriptPath() { $uri = getScriptName(); return dirname($uri); }
/** * Loads and initializes the mcLanguage array based on config. * * @param Array $config Name/Value config array. */ function loadLanguagePack($config) { global $mcImageManagerConfig, $mcLanguage; $language = $config['general.language']; $languageDefault = "en"; $langReader =& new LanguageReader(); $langReader->loadXML(realpath("langs/" . $language . ".xml")); $foreignLanguage = $langReader->_items; // Load default language and merge arrays if ($language != $languageDefault) { $defaultLangReader =& new LanguageReader(); $defaultLangReader->loadXML(realpath("langs/" . $languageDefault . ".xml")); $defaultLanguage = $defaultLangReader->_items; // Merge arrays foreach ($foreignLanguage as $ftarget => $fvalue) { foreach ($fvalue as $iname => $ivalue) { $defaultLanguage[$ftarget][$iname] = $ivalue; } } $lang = isset($defaultLanguage[getScriptName()]) ? $defaultLanguage[getScriptName()] : array(); $commonLang = isset($defaultLanguage["common"]) ? $defaultLanguage["common"] : array(); } else { $lang = isset($foreignLanguage[getScriptName()]) ? $foreignLanguage[getScriptName()] : array(); $commonLang = isset($foreignLanguage["common"]) ? $foreignLanguage["common"] : array(); } $mcLanguage = array_merge($commonLang, $lang); }
function tng_getRightIcons() { global $text, $tngconfig, $cms, $gotlastpage, $sitever; $addbookmark_url = getURL("ajx_addbookmark", 1); $right_icons = ""; if ($tngconfig['showshare'] && $sitever != "mobile") { $right_icons .= tng_smallIcon(array('label' => $text['share'], 'id' => "share", 'onclick' => "jQuery('#shareicons').toggle(200); if(!share) { jQuery('#share-smicon').html('{$text['hide']}'); share=1;} else { jQuery('#share-smicon').html('{$text['share']}'); share=0; }; return false;")); } if (!$tngconfig['showprint'] && $sitever != "mobile") { $print_url = getScriptName(); if (preg_match("/\\?/", $print_url)) { $print_url .= "&tngprint=1"; } else { $print_url .= "?tngprint=1"; } $right_icons .= tng_smallIcon(array('label' => $text['tngprint'], 'id' => "print", 'rel' => "nofollow", 'onclick' => "'{$print_url}','tngprint','width=850,height=600,status=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes'); newwindow.focus(); return false;")); } if (!$tngconfig['showbmarks'] && $gotlastpage) { $right_icons .= tng_smallIcon(array('label' => $text['bookmark'], 'id' => "bmk", 'onclick' => "tnglitbox = new LITBox('{$addbookmark_url}p=" . urlencode($cms['tngpath']) . "',{width:350,height:100}); return false;")); $tngconfig['menucount']++; } return $right_icons; }