function paymentwall_link($params) { init_paymentwall_config($params); $product = null; $recurring = getRecurringBillingValues($params['invoiceid']); $code = ''; $hasTrial = false; $subscriptionProduct = false; if ($recurring) { $subscriptionProduct = get_subscription_product($params, $recurring, $hasTrial); } $onetimeProduct = get_one_time_product($params); if ($subscriptionProduct && (!$params['forceOneTime'] || $params['forceSubscription'])) { $subscriptionWidget = new Paymentwall_Widget($params['clientdetails']['userid'], $params['widget'], array($subscriptionProduct), array_merge(array('integration_module' => 'whmcs', 'test_mode' => $params['isTest'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0, 'hide_post_trial_good' => $hasTrial ? 1 : 0), get_user_profile_data($params))); $code .= get_widget_code($subscriptionWidget, $params, 'subscribe'); } if (!$params['forceSubscription'] && $recurring || !$recurring) { $onetimeWidget = new Paymentwall_Widget($params['clientdetails']['userid'], $params['widget'], array($onetimeProduct), array_merge(array('integration_module' => 'whmcs', 'test_mode' => $params['isTest'] == 'on' ? 1 : 0), get_user_profile_data($params))); $code .= get_widget_code($onetimeWidget, $params, 'check_out'); } $code .= '<br><span style="font-size: 11px; color: #AAAAAA">Secure payments by <a href="">Paymentwall Inc</a>.<span>'; return $code; }
/** ** Builds the payment link for WHMCS users to be redirected to GoCardless **/ function gocardless_link($params) { # get global config params global $CONFIG; # create GoCardless database if it hasn't already been created gocardless_createdb(); # check the invoice, to see if it has a record with a valid resource ID. If it does, the invoice is pending payment. # we will return a message on the invoice to prevent duplicate payment attempts $aGC = mysql_fetch_assoc(select_query('mod_gocardless', 'id,payment_failed', array('invoiceid' => $params['invoiceid'], 'resource_id' => array('sqltype' => 'NEQ', 'value' => '')))); if ($aGC['id']) { if ($aGC['payment_failed'] == 0) { # Pending Payment Found - Prevent Duplicate Payment with a Msg return '<strong>Your payment is currently pending and will be processed within 3-5 days.</strong>'; } else { # display a message to the user suggesting that a payment against the invoice has failed return '<strong>One or more payment attempts have failed against this invoice. Please contact our support department.</strong>'; } } # get relevant invoice data $aRecurrings = getRecurringBillingValues($params['invoiceid']); $recurringcycleunit = strtolower(substr($aRecurrings['recurringcycleunits'], 0, -1)); # check a number of conditions to see if it is possible to setup a preauth if ($params['oneoffonly'] == 'on' || $aRecurrings === false || $aRecurrings['recurringamount'] <= 0) { $noPreauth = false; #MOD } else { $noPreauth = false; } # set appropriate GoCardless API details gocardless_set_account_details($params); # set user array based on params parsed to $link $aUser = array('first_name' => $params['clientdetails']['firstname'], 'last_name' => $params['clientdetails']['lastname'], 'email' => $params['clientdetails']['email'], 'billing_address1' => $params['clientdetails']['address1'], 'billing_address2' => $params['clientdetails']['address2'], 'billing_town' => $params['clientdetails']['city'], 'billing_county' => $params['clientdetails']['state'], 'billing_postcode' => $params['clientdetails']['postcode']); $invoice_item_query = select_query('tblinvoiceitems', 'relid', array('invoiceid' => $params['invoiceid'], 'type' => 'Hosting')); while ($invoice_item = mysql_fetch_assoc($invoice_item_query)) { $package_query = select_query('tblhosting', 'subscriptionid', array('id' => $invoice_item['relid'])); $package = mysql_fetch_assoc($package_query); if (!empty($package['subscriptionid'])) { $preauthExists = true; } } if ($preauthExists) { # The customer already has a pre-auth, but it's yet to be charged so # let's not let them set up another... return (GoCardless::$environment == 'sandbox' ? '<strong style="color: #FF0000; font-size: 16px;">SANDBOX MODE</strong><br />' : null) . '<strong>Automatic payments via Direct Debit or another payment method are already configured for this invoice. You will receive an email once you have been billed.</strong>'; } elseif ($noPreauth) { # if one of the $noPreauth conditions have been met, display a one time payment button # we are making a one off payment, display the appropriate code # Button title $title = 'Pay Now with GoCardless'; # create GoCardless one off payment URL using the GoCardless library $url = GoCardless::new_bill_url(array('amount' => $params['amount'], 'name' => "Invoice #" . $params['invoiceid'], 'user' => $aUser, 'state' => $params['invoiceid'] . ':' . $params['amount'])); # return one time payment button code $sButton = (GoCardless::$environment == 'sandbox' ? '<strong style="color: #FF0000; font-size: 16px;">SANDBOX MODE</strong><br />' : null) . '<a href="' . $url . '" onclick="window.location=\'' . $url . '\';" style="text-decoration: none"><input onclick="window.location=\'' . $url . '\';" type="button" value="' . $title . '" /></a>'; } else { # we are setting up a preauth (description friendly name), display the appropriate code # get the invoice from the database because we need the invoice creation date $aInvoice = mysql_fetch_assoc(select_query('tblinvoices', 'date', array('id' => $params['invoiceid']))); # GoCardless only supports months in the billing period so # if WHMCS is sending a year value we need to address this if ($recurringcycleunit == 'year') { $recurringcycleunit = 'month'; $aRecurrings['recurringcycleperiod'] = $aRecurrings['recurringcycleperiod'] * 12; } $pre_auth_maximum = 5000; # Always create a £5000 pre-auth # Button title $title = 'Create Subscription with GoCardless'; # create GoCardless preauth URL using the GoCardless library $url = GoCardless::new_pre_authorization_url(array('max_amount' => $pre_auth_maximum, 'setup_fee' => $aRecurrings['firstpaymentamount'] > $aRecurrings['recurringamount'] ? $aRecurrings['firstpaymentamount'] - $aRecurrings['recurringamount'] : 0, 'name' => "Direct Debit payments to " . $CONFIG['CompanyName'], 'interval_length' => '1', 'interval_unit' => 'day', 'start_at' => date_format(date_create($aInvoice['date'] . ' -2 days'), 'Y-m-d\\TH:i:sO'), 'user' => $aUser, 'state' => $params['invoiceid'] . ':' . $aRecurrings['recurringamount'])); # return the recurring preauth button code $sButton = (GoCardless::$environment == 'sandbox' ? '<strong style="color: #FF0000; font-size: 16px;">SANDBOX MODE</strong><br />' : null) . 'When you get to GoCardless you will see an agreement for the <b>maximum possible amount</b> we\'ll ever need to charge you in a single invoice for this order, with a frequency of the shortest item\'s billing cycle. But rest assured we will never charge you more than the actual amount due. <br /><a onclick="window.location=\'' . $url . '\';" href="' . $url . '" style="text-decoration: none"><input type="button" onclick="window.location=\'' . $url . '\';" value="' . $title . '" /></a>'; } # return the formatted button return $sButton; }
function tco_reoccuring_request() { global $whmcs; $whmcs->load_function("gateway"); $whmcs->load_function("client"); $whmcs->load_function("invoice"); $GATEWAY = getGatewayVariables("tco"); $invoiceid = $description = (int) $_POST['invoiceid']; $vendorid = $GATEWAY['vendornumber']; $apiusername = $GATEWAY['apiusername']; $apipassword = $GATEWAY['apipassword']; $demomode = $GATEWAY['demomode']; $recurrings = getRecurringBillingValues($invoiceid); if (!$recurrings) { $url = "../../viewinvoice.php?id=" . $invoiceid; header("Location:" . $url); exit; } $primaryserviceid = $recurrings['primaryserviceid']; $first_payment_amount = $recurrings['firstpaymentamount'] ? $recurrings['firstpaymentamount'] : $recurrings['recurringamount']; $recurring_amount = $recurrings['recurringamount']; if ($recurrings['recurringcycleunits'] == "Months") { $billing_cycle = $recurrings['recurringcycleperiod'] . " Month"; } else { if ($recurrings['recurringcycleunits'] == "Years") { $billing_cycle = $recurrings['recurringcycleperiod'] . " Year"; } } $billing_duration = "Forever"; $startup_fee = $first_payment_amount - $recurring_amount; $url = ""; $name = "Recurring Subscription for Invoice #" . $invoiceid; if ($demomode = "on") { $query_string = "name=" . $name . "&price=" . $recurring_amount . "&startup_fee=" . $startup_fee . "&demo=Y&recurring=1&recurrence=" . $billing_cycle . "&duration=" . $billing_duration . "&description=" . $description; } else { $query_string = "name=" . $name . "&price=" . $recurring_amount . "&startup_fee=" . $startup_fee . "&recurring=1&recurrence=" . $billing_cycle . "&duration=" . $billing_duration . "&description=" . $description; } $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERPWD, $apiusername . ":" . $apipassword); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPAUTH, CURLAUTH_BASIC); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $query_string); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, 2); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Accept: application/json")); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); if (!function_exists("json_decode")) { exit("JSON Module Required in PHP Build for 2CheckOut Gateway"); } $response = json_decode($response, true); if (!count($response['errors']) && $response['response_code'] == "OK") { logTransaction("2Checkout Recurring", print_r($response, true), "Ok"); $product_id = $response['product_id']; $assigned_product_id = $response['assigned_product_id']; $purchaseroutine = !$GATEWAY['purchaseroutine'] ? "s" : ""; $result = select_query("tblinvoices", "userid", array("id" => $invoiceid)); $data = mysql_fetch_array($result); $userid = $data[0]; $clientsdetails = getClientsDetails($userid); $currency = getCurrency($userid); global $CONFIG; $lang = $clientsdetails['language']; if (!$lang) { $lang = $CONFIG['Language']; } $lang = strtolower($lang); if ($lang == "chinese") { $lang = "zh"; } else { if ($lang == "danish") { $lang = "da"; } else { if ($lang == "dutch") { $lang = "nl"; } else { if ($lang == "french") { $lang = "fr"; } else { if ($lang == "german") { $lang = "gr"; } else { if ($lang == "greek") { $lang = "el"; } else { if ($lang == "italian") { $lang = "it"; } else { if ($lang == "japanese") { $lang = "jp"; } else { if ($lang == "norwegian") { $lang = "no"; } else { if ($lang == "portuguese") { $lang = "pt"; } else { if ($lang == "slovenian") { $lang = "sl"; } else { if ($lang == "spanish") { $lang = "es_la"; } else { if ($lang == "swedish") { $lang = "sv"; } else { if ($lang == "english") { $lang = "en"; } else { $lang = ""; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if ($lang) { $lang = "&lang=" . $lang; } if ($clientsdetails['country'] != "US" || $clientsdetails['country'] != "CA") { $clientsdetails['state'] = "XX"; } $url = "" . $purchaseroutine . "purchase?sid=" . $vendorid . "&quantity=1&product_id=" . $assigned_product_id . "&tco_currency=" . $currency['code'] . "&merchant_order_id=" . $primaryserviceid . "&card_holder_name=" . $clientsdetails['firstname'] . " " . $clientsdetails['lastname'] . "&street_address=" . $clientsdetails['address1'] . "&city=" . $clientsdetails['city'] . "&state=" . $clientsdetails['state'] . "&zip=" . $clientsdetails['postcode'] . "&country=" . $clientsdetails['country'] . "&email=" . $clientsdetails['email'] . "&phone=" . $clientsdetails['phonenumber'] . $lang; header("Location:" . $url); exit; return null; } $apierror = "Errors => " . print_r($response, true); logTransaction("2Checkout Recurring", $apierror, "Error"); $url = "../../viewinvoice.php?id=" . $invoiceid . "&paymentfailed=true"; header("Location:" . $url); exit; }
function paypal_link($params) { global $CONFIG; $invoiceid = $params['invoiceid']; $paypalemails = $params['email']; $paypalemails = explode(",", $paypalemails); $paypalemail = trim($paypalemails[0]); $recurrings = getRecurringBillingValues($invoiceid); $primaryserviceid = $recurrings['primaryserviceid']; $firstpaymentamount = $recurrings['firstpaymentamount']; $firstcycleperiod = $recurrings['firstcycleperiod']; $firstcycleunits = strtoupper(substr($recurrings['firstcycleunits'], 0, 1)); $recurringamount = $recurrings['recurringamount']; $recurringcycleperiod = $recurrings['recurringcycleperiod']; $recurringcycleunits = strtoupper(substr($recurrings['recurringcycleunits'], 0, 1)); if ($params['clientdetails']['country'] == "US" || $params['clientdetails']['country'] == "CA") { $phonenumber = preg_replace("/[^0-9]/", "", $params['clientdetails']['phonenumber']); $phone1 = substr($phonenumber, 0, 3); $phone2 = substr($phonenumber, 3, 3); $phone3 = substr($phonenumber, 6); } else { $phone1 = $params['clientdetails']['phonecc']; $phone2 = $params['clientdetails']['phonenumber']; } $subnotpossible = false; if (!$recurrings) { $subnotpossible = true; } if ($recurrings['overdue']) { $subnotpossible = true; } if ($params['forceonetime']) { $subnotpossible = true; } if ($recurringamount <= 0) { $subnotpossible = true; } if (90 < $firstcycleperiod && $firstcycleunits == "D") { $subnotpossible = true; } if (24 < $firstcycleperiod && $firstcycleunits == "M") { $subnotpossible = true; } if (5 < $firstcycleperiod && $firstcycleunits == "Y") { $subnotpossible = true; } $code = "<table><tr>"; if (!$subnotpossible) { $code .= "<td><form action=\"\" method=\"post\" name=\"paymentfrm\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"_xclick-subscriptions\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"business\" value=\"" . $paypalemail . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"item_name\" value=\"" . $params['description'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"no_shipping\" value=\"" . ($params['requireshipping'] ? "2" : "1") . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"address_override\" value=\"" . ($params['overrideaddress'] ? "1" : "0") . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"first_name\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['firstname'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"last_name\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['lastname'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"address1\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['address1'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"city\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['city'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"state\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['state'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"zip\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['postcode'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"country\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['country'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"night_phone_a\" value=\"" . $phone1 . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"night_phone_b\" value=\"" . $phone2 . "\">"; if ($phone3) { $code .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"night_phone_c\" value=\"" . $phone3 . "\">"; } $code .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"no_note\" value=\"1\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currency_code\" value=\"" . $params['currency'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"bn\" value=\"WHMCS_ST\">"; if ($firstpaymentamount) { $code .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"a1\" value=\"" . $firstpaymentamount . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"p1\" value=\"" . $firstcycleperiod . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"t1\" value=\"" . $firstcycleunits . "\">"; } $code .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"a3\" value=\"" . $recurringamount . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"p3\" value=\"" . $recurringcycleperiod . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"t3\" value=\"" . $recurringcycleunits . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"src\" value=\"1\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"sra\" value=\"1\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"charset\" value=\"" . $CONFIG['Charset'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"custom\" value=\"" . $primaryserviceid . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"return\" value=\"" . $params['returnurl'] . "&paymentsuccess=true\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cancel_return\" value=\"" . $params['returnurl'] . "&paymentfailed=true\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"notify_url\" value=\"" . $params['systemurl'] . "/modules/gateways/callback/paypal.php\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rm\" value=\"2\">"; if (!$firstpaymentamount && $params['modifysubscriptions']) { $code .= "\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"modify\" value=\"1\">"; } $code .= "\n<input type=\"image\" src=\"\" border=\"0\" name=\"submit\" alt=\"Subscribe with PayPal for Automatic Payments\">\n</form></td>"; } if (!$subnotpossible && $params['forcesubscriptions'] && !$params['forceonetime']) { } else { $code .= "<td><form action=\"\" method=\"post\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cmd\" value=\"_xclick\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"business\" value=\"" . $paypalemail . "\">"; if ($params['style']) { $code .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page_style\" value=\"" . $params['style'] . "\">"; } $code .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"item_name\" value=\"" . $params['description'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"amount\" value=\"" . $params['amount'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"tax\" value=\"0.00\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"no_note\" value=\"1\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"no_shipping\" value=\"" . ($params['requireshipping'] ? "2" : "1") . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"address_override\" value=\"" . ($params['overrideaddress'] ? "1" : "0") . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"first_name\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['firstname'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"last_name\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['lastname'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"address1\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['address1'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"city\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['city'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"state\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['state'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"zip\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['postcode'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"country\" value=\"" . $params['clientdetails']['country'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"night_phone_a\" value=\"" . $phone1 . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"night_phone_b\" value=\"" . $phone2 . "\">"; if ($phone3) { $code .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"night_phone_c\" value=\"" . $phone3 . "\">"; } $code .= "<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"charset\" value=\"" . $CONFIG['Charset'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"currency_code\" value=\"" . $params['currency'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"custom\" value=\"" . $params['invoiceid'] . "\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"return\" value=\"" . $params['returnurl'] . "&paymentsuccess=true\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"cancel_return\" value=\"" . $params['returnurl'] . "&paymentfailed=true\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"notify_url\" value=\"" . $params['systemurl'] . "/modules/gateways/callback/paypal.php\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"bn\" value=\"WHMCS_ST\">\n<input type=\"hidden\" name=\"rm\" value=\"2\">\n<input type=\"image\" src=\"\" border=\"0\" name=\"submit\" alt=\"Make a one time payment with PayPal\">\n</form></td>"; } $code .= "</tr></table>"; return $code; }