$wordListLength = count($wordList); //call getRandomWord once for each word requested by the user via the numWords variable for ($i = 0; $i <= $numWords; $i++) { $words[$i] = $randomWord = getRandomWord($wordList, $wordListLength - 1); } //concatenate all of the random words together to make a single string for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($words) - 1; $i++) { $password .= $words[$i]; } //include special characters if requested for ($i = 0; $i < $numChars; $i++) { $password .= getRandomSymbol(); } //include numbers if requested for ($i = 0; $i < $numNums; $i++) { $password .= getRandomNum(); } //call the setCapitalization() function to change the capitalization according to user input $password = setCapitalization($password); //remove all the spaces from the assembled password $password = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '', $password); //print completed password! echo $password; //function to randomly choose a word from the word list function getRandomWord($wordList, $wordListLength) { //create a random numbers, from 0 to $wordListLength $randomWordNum = rand(0, $wordListLength); //pick a word from the list according to what number was generated return $wordList[$randomWordNum]; }
public function insert() { $login_pass = getRandomNum(8); $data['login_user'] = I('post.mobile'); $data['login_pass'] = md5($login_pass); $member = M('Member')->where(array('login_user' => $data['login_user']))->find(); if ($member) { $this->error('会员已经存在', '?c=Shop&a=add'); } $data['type'] = 1; $member_id = M('Member')->add($data); if ($member_id < 1) { $this->error('服务器忙,请稍侯尝试', '?c=Shop&a=add'); } $_account = 'cf_zcsd'; $_password = '******'; $_url = 'http://106.ihuyi.cn/webservice/sms.php?method=Submit&format=json'; $data = array('account' => $_account, 'password' => $_password, 'mobile' => $login_user, 'content' => '亲爱的客户大大,您的吆喝密码是【' . $login_pass . '】 小的马不停蹄给您送来了,敬请笑纳,么么哒!'); $res_json = curlPost($_url, $data, 5); $model = D('Shop'); if ($model->create()) { $filelist = $this->getUploads(); foreach ($filelist as $item) { //$data[$item['key']] = $item['savepath'].$item['savename']; $model->__set($item['key'], $item['savepath'] . $item['savename']); } $shop_id = $model->add(); if ($shop_id !== false) { $data = array(); $data['shop_id'] = $shop_id; $keywords = $_POST['keywords']; //I('post.keywords'); foreach ($keywords as $title) { if (empty($title)) { continue; } $data['title'] = $title; M('ShopKeywords')->add($data); } $return['msg'] = '数据保存成功!'; $this->success($return['msg'], '?c=Shop&a=contract&id=' . $shop_id); } else { $return['msg'] = '数据写入错误!'; $this->error($return['msg'], '?c=Shop&a=add'); } } else { $return['msg'] = $model->getError(); $this->error($return['msg'], '?c=Shop&a=add'); } }
/** * 功能:新增会员卡号时获取 */ private function getMemberCardNumber() { $data['card_number'] = getRandomNum(9); //领取卡号 $map['card_number'] = $data['card_number']; $row = M('MemberCard')->where($map)->find(); if ($row) { return $this->getMemberCardNumber(); } return $data['card_number']; }