Example #1
 public function common($params)
     $Register = Register::getInstance();
     $output = '';
     if (!strpos($params, '{{ users_rating }}')) {
         return $params;
     $Cache = new Cache();
     $Cache->lifeTime = 600;
     if ($Cache->check('pl_users_rating')) {
         $users = $Cache->read('pl_users_rating');
         $users = json_decode($users, true);
     } else {
         $users = $this->DB->select('users', DB_ALL, array('order' => '`rating` DESC', 'limit' => $this->limit));
         //$users = $this->DB->query($sql);
         $Cache->write(json_encode($users), 'pl_users_rating', array());
     if (!empty($users)) {
         foreach ($users as $key => $user) {
             $link = get_link($user['name'], getProfileUrl($user['id']));
             $ava = file_exists(ROOT . '/sys/avatars/' . $user['id'] . '.jpg') ? get_url('/sys/avatars/' . $user['id'] . '.jpg') : get_url('/sys/img/noavatar.png');
             $output .= sprintf($this->wrap, $ava, $link, $user['rating'], $user['posts']);
     $output .= '<div class="etopu">' . get_link('Весь рейтинг', '/users/index?order=rating') . '</div>';
     return str_replace('{{ users_rating }}', $output, $params);
                $adm = true;
            if ($this->ACL->turn(array($this->module, 'delete_comments'), false)) {
                $moder_panel .= get_link('', '/' . $this->module . '/delete_comment/' . $comment->getId(), array('class' => 'fps-delete', 'onClick' => "return confirm('" . __('Are you sure') . "')")) . '&nbsp;';
                $adm = true;
            if ($adm) {
                $moder_panel = '<a target="_blank" href="https://apps.db.ripe.net/search/query.html?searchtext=' . h($ip) . '" class="fps-ip" title="IP: ' . h($ip) . '"></a>' . $moder_panel;
            $img = array('alt' => 'User avatar', 'title' => h($comment->getName()), 'class' => 'ava');
            if ($comment->getUser_id() && file_exists(ROOT . '/sys/avatars/' . $comment->getUser_id() . '.jpg')) {
                $markers['avatar'] = get_img('/sys/avatars/' . $comment->getUser_id() . '.jpg', $img);
            } else {
                $markers['avatar'] = get_img('/sys/img/noavatar.png', $img);
            if ($comment->getUser_id()) {
                $markers['name_a'] = get_link(h($comment->getName()), getProfileUrl((int) $comment->getUser_id()));
                $markers['user_url'] = get_url(getProfileUrl((int) $comment->getUser_id()));
                $markers['avatar'] = get_link($markers['avatar'], $markers['user_url']);
            } else {
                $markers['name_a'] = h($comment->getName());
            $markers['moder_panel'] = $moder_panel;
            $markers['message'] = $this->Textarier->parseBBCodes($comment->getMessage(), $comment);
    $html = $this->render('viewcomment.html', array('commentsr' => $comments));
} else {
    $html = '';
Example #3
function getHtmlForStudent($student)
    $description = strlen($student->description) > 1 ? $student->description . '...' : '-description not available -';
    $color = 'orangeColor';
    $html = '<h3 class="' . $color . ' clearfix">';
    $html = $html . '<div class="descriptionArea">';
    $html = $html . '<img style="margin-top:10px;height: 80px;width: 80px;" src="' . getProfileUrl($student) . '"/>';
    $html = $html . '<div style="margin-left:100px; margin-top:-95px"><span class="title">' . $student->getUser()->name;
    if (HttpSession::currentUser()->getOrganization()->access_level > 4) {
        $html = $html . '  <span style="font-size:10px">( ' . $student->student_id . ' )</span></span>';
    $html = $html . '<p>' . $description . '</p>';
    $html = $html . getLinkedInProfile($student) . '</div></div>';
    $html = $html . '</h3>';
    $html = $html . '<div class="contentData clearfix">';
    //$html = $html . '<img height="79" width="65" src="'. $user->pic_url .'"/>';
    $html = $html . '<p>';
    $html = $html . getHtmlForStudentTechnologies($student);
    $html = $html . '</p>';
    $html = $html . '</div>';
    return $html;
Example #4
  * default action
 function index($id = null, $s = null, $x = null)
     // if isset ID - we need load page with this ID
     if (!empty($id)) {
         if (is_int($id)) {
             $id = (int) $id;
             if ($id < 2) {
             $page = $this->Model->getById($id);
             if (empty($page) || !$page->getPublish()) {
                 return $this->showInfoMessage(__('Can not find this page'), '/');
         } else {
             if (!preg_match('#^[\\dа-яa-z_\\-./]+$#ui', $id)) {
             $page = $this->Model->getByUrl($id);
             if (empty($page)) {
                 return $this->showInfoMessage(__('Can not find this page'), '/');
         $this->Register['active_page_id'] = $page->getId();
         $this->addToPageMetaContext('entity_title', h($page->getMeta_title()));
         $this->page_meta_keywords = $page->getMeta_keywords();
         $this->page_meta_description = $page->getMeta_description();
         $this->template = $page->getTemplate() ? $page->getTemplate() : 'default';
         $source = $page->getContent();
         $source = $this->renderString($source, array('entity' => $page));
         // Tree line
         $navi['navigation'] = get_link(__('Home'), '/');
         $cnots = array_filter(explode('.', $page->getPath()));
         if (false !== ($res = array_search(1, $cnots))) {
         if (!empty($cnots)) {
             $ids = "'" . implode("', '", $cnots) . "'";
             $pages = $this->Model->getCollection(array("`id` IN (" . $ids . ")"), array('order' => 'path'));
             if (!empty($pages) && is_array($pages)) {
                 foreach ($pages as $p) {
                     $navi['navigation'] .= __('Separator') . get_link(__($p->getName()), '/' . $this->Model->buildUrl($p->getId()));
         $navi['navigation'] .= __('Separator') . h($page->getName());
         return $this->_view($source);
         //may be need view latest materials
     } else {
         $this->page_title = $this->Register['Config']->read('title');
         $latest_on_home = $this->Register['Config']->read('latest_on_home');
         $navi = null;
         //vsyakiy sluchay:)
         //if we want view latest materials on home page
         if (is_array($latest_on_home) && count($latest_on_home) > 0) {
             // Navigation Block
             $navi = array();
             $navi['add_link'] = $this->ACL->turn(array('news', 'add_materials'), false) ? get_link(__('Add material'), '/news/add_form') : '';
             $navi['navigation'] = get_link(__('Home'), '/');
             if ($this->cached && $this->Cache->check($this->cacheKey)) {
                 $html = $this->Cache->read($this->cacheKey);
                 return $this->_view($html);
             //create SQL query
             $entities = $this->Model->getEntitiesByHomePage($latest_on_home);
             //if we have records
             if (count($entities) > 0) {
                 // Get users(authors)
                 $uids = array();
                 $mod_mats = array('news' => array(), 'stat' => array(), 'loads' => array());
                 foreach ($entities as $key => $mat) {
                     $uids[] = $mat->getAuthor_id();
                     switch ($mat->getSkey()) {
                         case 'news':
                             $mod_mats['news'][$key] = $mat;
                         case 'stat':
                             $mod_mats['stat'][$key] = $mat;
                         case 'loads':
                             $mod_mats['loads'][$key] = $mat;
                 $uids = '(' . implode(', ', $uids) . ')';
                 $uModelClassName = $this->Register['ModManager']->getModelNameFromModule('users');
                 $uModel = new $uModelClassName();
                 $authors = $uModel->getCollection(array('`id` IN ' . $uids));
                 // Merge records with additional fields
                 if (is_object($this->AddFields)) {
                     if (!empty($mod_mats['news']) && count($mod_mats['news']) > 0) {
                         $mod_mats['news'] = $this->AddFields->mergeRecords($mod_mats['news'], false, 'news');
                     if (!empty($mod_mats['stat']) && count($mod_mats['stat']) > 0) {
                         $mod_mats['stat'] = $this->AddFields->mergeRecords($mod_mats['stat'], false, 'stat');
                     if (!empty($mod_mats['loads']) && count($mod_mats['loads']) > 0) {
                         $mod_mats['loads'] = $this->AddFields->mergeRecords($mod_mats['loads'], false, 'loads');
                 $all_attaches = array('news' => array(), 'stat' => array());
                 foreach ($mod_mats as $module => $mats) {
                     if (count($mats) > 0 && ($module == 'news' || $module == 'stat')) {
                         $attach_ids = array();
                         foreach ($mats as $mat) {
                             $attach_ids[] = $mat->getId();
                         $ids = implode(', ', $attach_ids);
                         $attModelClassName = $this->Register['ModManager']->getModelNameFromModule($module . 'Attaches');
                         $attModel = new $attModelClassName();
                         $attaches = $attModel->getCollection(array('`entity_id` IN (' . $ids . ')'));
                         foreach ($mats as $mat) {
                             if ($attaches) {
                                 foreach ($attaches as $attach) {
                                     if ($mat->getId() == $attach->getEntity_id()) {
                                         $currAttaches = $mat->getAttaches();
                                         if (is_array($currAttaches)) {
                                             $currAttaches[] = $attach;
                                         } else {
                                             $currAttaches = array($attach);
                 $entities = $mod_mats['news'] + $mod_mats['stat'] + $mod_mats['loads'];
                 //if we have materials for view on home page (now we get their an create page)
                 $info = null;
                 foreach ($entities as $result) {
                     foreach ($authors as $author) {
                         if ($result->getAuthor_id() == $author->getId()) {
                     // Create and replace markers
                     $markers = array();
                     $this->Register['current_vars'] = $result;
                     //moder panel
                     $markers['moder_panel'] = $this->_getAdminBar($result->getId(), $result->getSkey());
                     $entry_url = entryUrl($result, $result->getSkey());
                     $markers['entry_url'] = $entry_url;
                     $matattaches = $result->getAttaches() && count($result->getAttaches()) ? $result->getAttaches() : array();
                     $announce = $result->getMain();
                     $announce = $this->Textarier->getAnnounce($announce, $result, Config::read('announce_lenght'), 0, $result->getSkey());
                     $markers['announce'] = $announce;
                     $markers['profile_url'] = get_url(getProfileUrl($result->getAuthor_id()));
                     $markers['module_title'] = $this->Register['Config']->read('title', $result->getSkey());
                     //set users_id that are on this page
                     $this->setCacheTag(array('module_' . $result->getSkey(), 'record_id_' . $result->getId()));
                 $html = $this->render('list.html', array('entities' => $entities));
                 //write int cache
                 if ($this->cached) {
                     $this->Cache->write($html, $this->cacheKey, $this->cacheTags);
             if (empty($html)) {
                 $html = __('Materials not found');
             return $this->_view($html);
         return $this->_view(__('Materials not found'));
Example #5
  * Show comments by user.
 public function comments($id = null)
     /* COMMENT BLOCK */
     $total = $this->Model->getCountComments($id);
     $per_page = 25;
     /* pages nav */
     list($pages, $page) = pagination($total, $per_page, $this->getModuleURL('comments/' . ($id ? $id : '')));
     $this->_globalize(array('comments_pagination' => $pages));
     $offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page;
     $comments = $this->Model->getComments($id, $offset, $per_page);
     if ($comments && is_array($comments)) {
         foreach ($comments as $index => $entity) {
             $module = $entity->getModule();
             $markers = array();
             // COMMENT ADMIN BAR
             $ip = $entity->getIp() ? $entity->getIp() : 'Unknown';
             $moder_panel = '';
             $adm = false;
             if ($this->ACL->turn(array($module, 'edit_comments'), false)) {
                 $moder_panel .= get_link('', '/' . $module . '/edit_comment_form/' . $entity->getId(), array('class' => 'fps-edit')) . '&nbsp;';
                 $adm = true;
             if ($this->ACL->turn(array($module, 'delete_comments'), false)) {
                 $moder_panel .= get_link('', '/' . $module . '/delete_comment/' . $entity->getId(), array('class' => 'fps-delete', 'onClick' => "return confirm('" . __('Are you sure') . "')")) . '&nbsp;';
                 $adm = true;
             if ($adm) {
                 $moder_panel = '<a target="_blank" href="https://apps.db.ripe.net/search/query.html?searchtext=' . h($ip) . '" class="fps-ip" title="IP: ' . h($ip) . '"></a>' . $moder_panel;
             $img = array('alt' => 'User avatar', 'title' => h($entity->getName()), 'class' => 'ava');
             // Аватар
             if (file_exists(ROOT . '/sys/avatars/' . $entity->getUser_id() . '.jpg')) {
                 $url = get_url('/sys/avatars/' . $entity->getUser_id() . '.jpg');
             } else {
                 $url = get_url('/sys/img/noavatar.png');
             $markers['avatar'] = '<img class="ava" src="' . $url . '" alt="User avatar" />';
             if ($entity->getUser_id()) {
                 $markers['name_a'] = get_link(h($entity->getName()), getProfileUrl((int) $entity->getUser_id()));
                 $markers['user_url'] = get_url(getProfileUrl((int) $entity->getUser_id()));
                 $markers['avatar'] = get_link($markers['avatar'], $markers['user_url']);
             } else {
                 $markers['name_a'] = h($entity->getName());
             $markers['name'] = h($entity->getName());
             $markers['moder_panel'] = $moder_panel;
             $markers['message'] = $this->Textarier->parseBBCodes($entity->getMessage(), $entity);
             if ($entity->getEditdate() != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                 $markers['editdate'] = 'Комментарий был изменён ' . $entity->getEditdate();
             } else {
                 $markers['editdate'] = '';
             $entity->setEntry_url(get_url('/' . $module . '/view/' . $entity->getEntity_id()));
             $comments[$index] = $entity;
     $this->comments = $this->render('viewcomment.html', array('commentsr' => $comments));
     $title = __('All comments');
     if ($id && intval($id) > 0) {
         $user = $this->Model->getById(intval($id));
         if ($user) {
             $title = __('User comments') . ' "' . h($user->getName()) . '"';
     $this->addToPageMetaContext('entity_title', $title);
     $navi = array('add_link' => $this->ACL->turn(array($this->module, 'add_materials'), false) ? get_link(__('Add material'), $this->getModuleURL('add_form/')) : '', 'module_url' => get_url($this->getModuleURL()), 'category_url' => get_url($this->getModuleURL('comments/' . ($id ? $id : ''))), 'category_name' => $title, 'navigation' => get_link(__('Home'), '/') . __('Separator') . get_link(h($this->module_title), $this->getModuleURL()) . __('Separator') . $title);
     return $this->_view('');
Example #6
  * @return forum statistic block
 protected function _get_stat()
     $markers = array();
     $result = $this->Model->getStats();
     if (!empty($result[0]['last_user_id']) && !empty($result[0]['last_user_name'])) {
         $markers['new_user'] = get_link(h($result[0]['last_user_name']), getProfileUrl($result[0]['last_user_id']));
     $markers['count_users'] = getAllUsersCount();
     $markers['count_posts'] = !empty($result[0]['posts_cnt']) ? $result[0]['posts_cnt'] : 0;
     $markers['count_themes'] = !empty($result[0]['themes_cnt']) ? $result[0]['themes_cnt'] : 0;
     $html = $this->render('get_stat.html', $markers);
     return $html;
Example #7
  * Show materials by user. User ID must be integer and not null.
 public function user($id = null)
     //turn access
     $this->ACL->turn(array($this->module, 'view_list'));
     $id = intval($id);
     if ($id < 1) {
         return $this->showInfoMessage(__('Can not find user'), '/' . $this->module . '/');
     $usersModel = $this->Register['ModManager']->getModelInstance('Users');
     $user = $usersModel->getById($id);
     if (!$user) {
         return $this->showInfoMessage(__('Can not find user'), '/' . $this->module . '/');
     //формируем блок со списком разделов
     if ($this->cached && $this->Cache->check($this->cacheKey)) {
         $source = $this->Cache->read($this->cacheKey);
         return $this->_view($source);
     // we need to know whether to show hidden
     $where = array('author_id' => $id);
     $where[] = $this->_getDeniSectionsCond();
     $total = $this->Model->getTotal(array('cond' => $where));
     list($pages, $page) = pagination($total, $this->Register['Config']->read('per_page', $this->module), '/' . $this->module . '/user/' . $id);
     $this->Register['pages'] = $pages;
     $this->Register['page'] = $page;
     $this->addToPageMetaContext('page', $page);
     $this->addToPageMetaContext('entity_title', sprintf(__('User materials'), h($user->getName())));
     $navi = array();
     $navi['add_link'] = $this->ACL->turn(array($this->module, 'add_materials'), false) ? get_link(__('Add material'), '/' . $this->module . '/add_form/') : '';
     $navi['navigation'] = get_link(__('Home'), '/') . __('Separator') . get_link(h($this->module_title), '/' . $this->module . '/') . __('Separator') . sprintf(__('User materials'), h($user->getName())) . '"';
     $navi['pagination'] = $pages;
     $navi['meta'] = __('Total materials') . $total;
     $navi['category_name'] = sprintf(__('User materials'), h($user->getName()));
     if ($total <= 0) {
         $html = __('Materials not found');
         return $this->_view($html);
     $params = array('page' => $page, 'limit' => $this->Register['Config']->read('per_page', $this->module), 'order' => $this->Model->getOrderParam());
     $records = $this->Model->getCollection($where, $params);
     // create markers
     foreach ($records as $entity) {
         $this->Register['current_vars'] = $entity;
         $markers = array();
         $markers['moder_panel'] = $this->_getAdminBar($entity);
         $entry_url = entryUrl($entity, $this->module);
         $markers['entry_url'] = $entry_url;
         $markers['foto_alt'] = h(preg_replace('#[^\\w\\d ]+#ui', ' ', $entity->getTitle()));
         $markers['category_url'] = get_url('/' . $this->module . '/category/' . $entity->getCategory_id());
         $markers['profile_url'] = getProfileUrl($entity->getAuthor_id());
         //set users_id that are on this page
         $this->setCacheTag(array('user_id_' . $entity->getAuthor_id(), 'record_id_' . $entity->getId(), 'category_id_' . $id));
     $source = $this->render('list.html', array('entities' => $records));
     //write int cache
     if ($this->cached) {
         $this->Cache->write($source, $this->cacheKey, $this->cacheTags);
     return $this->_view($source);
Example #8
 public static function index()
     $Register = Register::getInstance();
     if (!empty($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) {
         $ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
     } else {
         $ip = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : '';
     if (mb_strlen($ip) > 20 || !preg_match('#^\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+$#', $ip)) {
         $ip = '';
     if (!file_exists(ROOT . '/sys/logs/counter_ips' . date("Y-m-d"))) {
         $counter_tmp_dirs = glob(ROOT . '/sys/logs/counter_ips*');
         if (!empty($counter_tmp_dirs) && is_array($counter_tmp_dirs)) {
             foreach ($counter_tmp_dirs as $dir) {
         mkdir(ROOT . '/sys/logs/counter_ips' . date("Y-m-d"), 0777, true);
     if (!file_exists(ROOT . '/sys/logs/counter_ips' . date("Y-m-d") . '/' . $ip . '.dat')) {
         $inc_ip = 1;
         $file = fopen(ROOT . '/sys/logs/counter_ips' . date("Y-m-d") . '/' . $ip . '.dat', 'w');
     } else {
         $inc_ip = 0;
     //visits from other sites
     if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) && !preg_match('#^http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . '#', $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) {
         $other_site_view = 1;
     } else {
         $other_site_view = 0;
     //user agent and bot identification
     $other_bot = 0;
     $yandex_bot = 0;
     $google_bot = 0;
     if (empty($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"])) {
         $other_bot = 1;
     } else {
         if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "Yandex")) {
             $yandex_bot = 1;
         } elseif (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "Googlebot")) {
             $google_bot = 1;
         } else {
             if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "StackRambler") || strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "Scooter") || strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "Fast") || strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "infoseek") || strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "YahooBot") || strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "aport") || strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "slurp") || strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "architextspider") || strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "lycos") || strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "grabber") || strstr(strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]), "bot") || strstr(strtolower($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"]), "spider")) {
                 $other_bot = 1;
     $referer = !empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] : '';
     //check coocie
     if (isset($_COOKIE['counter']) || (!empty($other_bot) || !empty($yandex_bot) || !empty($google_bot))) {
         $cookie = 0;
     } else {
         $cookie = 1;
         //cookie die in 23:59:59 this day
         $curdate = date("n,j,Y");
         $curdate = explode(',', $curdate);
         $timestamp = mktime(23, 59, 59, $curdate[0], $curdate[1], $curdate[2]);
         setcookie('counter', md5($ip), $timestamp, '/');
     $view = !empty($other_bot) || !empty($yandex_bot) || !empty($google_bot) ? 0 : 1;
     touchDir(ROOT . '/sys/logs/counter/', 0777);
     $tmp_datafile = ROOT . '/sys/logs/counter/' . date("Y-m-d") . '.dat';
     if (file_exists($tmp_datafile) && is_readable($tmp_datafile)) {
         $stats = unserialize(file_get_contents($tmp_datafile));
         $stats['views'] = $stats['views'] + $view;
         $stats['cookie'] = $stats['cookie'] + $cookie;
         $stats['ips'] = $stats['ips'] + $inc_ip;
         $stats['yandex_bot_views'] = $stats['yandex_bot_views'] + $yandex_bot;
         $stats['google_bot_views'] = $stats['google_bot_views'] + $google_bot;
         $stats['other_bot_views'] = $stats['other_bot_views'] + $other_bot;
         $stats['other_site_visits'] = $stats['other_site_visits'] + $other_site_view;
     } else {
         $stats = array('views' => 1, 'cookie' => 1, 'ips' => 1, 'yandex_bot_views' => $yandex_bot, 'google_bot_views' => $google_bot, 'other_bot_views' => $other_bot, 'other_site_visits' => $other_site_view);
     $f = fopen($tmp_datafile, 'w+');
     flock($f, LOCK_EX);
     fwrite($f, serialize($stats));
     flock($f, LOCK_UN);
     //statistics data for counter image
     if (!file_exists(ROOT . '/sys/logs/overal_stats.dat')) {
     $overal = unserialize(file_get_contents(ROOT . '/sys/logs/overal_stats.dat'));
     if (!isset($overal['hits'])) {
         $overal['hits'] = StatisticsModule::_updateOveralHits();
     $all_hits = (int) $overal['hits'] + $stats['views'];
     $hosts = $stats['cookie'];
     $hits = $stats['views'];
     //write into data base and delete file (one time in day)
     $tmp_files = glob(ROOT . '/sys/logs/counter/*.dat');
     if (!empty($tmp_files) && count($tmp_files) > 1) {
         foreach ($tmp_files as $file) {
             $date = substr(strrchr($file, '/'), 1, 10);
             if ($date === date("Y-m-d")) {
     self::viewCounter($all_hits, $hits, $hosts);
     //who online
     touchDir(ROOT . '/sys/logs/counter_online/');
     $path = ROOT . '/sys/logs/counter_online/online.dat';
     $users = array();
     $guests = array();
     $online_users = array();
     if (file_exists($path) && is_readable($path)) {
         $data = unserialize(file_get_contents($path));
         $users = !empty($data['users']) ? $data['users'] : array();
         $guests = !empty($data['guests']) ? $data['guests'] : array();
     foreach ($users as $key => $user) {
         if ($user['expire'] < time()) {
         // online users list
         if (strstr($key, 'bot')) {
             $online_users[] = '<span class="botname">' . h($user['name']) . '</span>';
         $color = '';
         if (isset($user['status'])) {
             $group_info = $Register['ACL']->get_user_group($user['status']);
             if (!empty($group_info['color'])) {
                 $color = 'color:#' . $group_info['color'] . ';';
         $online_users[] = get_link(h($user['name']), getProfileUrl($key), array('style' => $color));
     foreach ($guests as $key => $guest) {
         if ($guest['expire'] < time()) {
     $_SESSION['online_users_list'] = count($online_users) ? implode(', ', $online_users) : '';
     // Max users online in one time
     $all_online = intval(count($users) + count($guests));
     if (!empty($overal['max_users_online']) && is_numeric($overal['max_users_online'])) {
         if ($overal['max_users_online'] < $all_online) {
             StatisticsModule::_updateOveralHits(array('max_users_online', 'max_users_online_date'), array($all_online, date("Y-m-d")));
     } else {
         StatisticsModule::_updateOveralHits(array('max_users_online', 'max_users_online_date'), array($all_online, date("Y-m-d")));
     if (empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) {
         $_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"] = '';
     if (!empty($_SESSION['user']['id'])) {
         $users[$_SESSION['user']['id']] = array('expire' => time() + $Register['Config']->read('time_on_line') * 60, 'name' => $_SESSION['user']['name'], 'status' => $_SESSION['user']['status']);
     } else {
         if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "StackRambler")) {
             $users['bot_rambler'] = array('expire' => time() + $Register['Config']->read('time_on_line') * 60, 'name' => 'Rambler[bot]');
         } else {
             if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "YahooBot")) {
                 $users['bot_yahoo'] = array('expire' => time() + $Register['Config']->read('time_on_line') * 60, 'name' => 'Yahoo[bot]');
             } else {
                 if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "Yandex")) {
                     $users['bot_yandex'] = array('expire' => time() + $Register['Config']->read('time_on_line') * 60, 'name' => 'Yandex[bot]');
                 } else {
                     if (strstr($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"], "Googlebot")) {
                         $users['bot_google'] = array('expire' => time() + $Register['Config']->read('time_on_line') * 60, 'name' => 'Google[bot]');
                     } else {
                         $guests[$ip] = array('expire' => time() + $Register['Config']->read('time_on_line') * 60);
     file_put_contents($path, serialize(array('users' => $users, 'guests' => $guests)));
Example #9
  * Default NewsModule action
 public function index($category_id = null)
     $category_id = intval($category_id);
     //turn access
     $this->ACL->turn(array($this->module, 'view_catalog'));
     if ($this->cached && $this->Cache->check($this->cacheKey)) {
         $source = $this->Cache->read($this->cacheKey);
         return $this->_view($source);
     if (!empty($category_id)) {
         $categoryModel = $this->Register['ModManager']->getModelInstance('shopCategories');
         $category = $categoryModel->getById($category_id);
         if (!$category) {
             return $this->showInfoMessage(__('Can not find category'), '/' . $this->module . '/');
         $this->addToPageMetaContext('category_title', h($category->getTitle()));
     $where = array("(quantity > 0 || hide_not_exists = '0')");
     // get products only from allowed categories (.no_access field)
     $where[] = $this->_getDeniSectionsCond($category_id);
     $where[] = $this->__getProductsFiltersCond();
     if (!$this->ACL->turn(array('other', 'can_see_hidden'), false)) {
         $where['available'] = 1;
     if (!empty($tag)) {
         $tag = $this->Register['DB']->escape($tag);
         $where[] = "CONCAT(',', `tags`, ',') LIKE '%,{$tag},%'";
     if (!$category_id) {
         $where['view_on_home'] = 1;
     //формируем блок со списком  разделов
     $total = $this->Model->getTotal(array('cond' => $where));
     list($pages, $page) = pagination($total, Config::read('per_page', $this->module), '/' . $this->module . '/');
     $this->Register['pages'] = $pages;
     $this->Register['page'] = $page;
     $this->addToPageMetaContext('page', $page);
     $navi = array();
     $navi['add_link'] = '';
     $navi['navigation'] = $this->_buildBreadCrumbs($category_id);
     $navi['pagination'] = $pages;
     $navi['meta'] = __('Total materials') . $total;
     $params = array('page' => $page, 'limit' => $this->Register['Config']->read('per_page', $this->module), 'order' => $this->Model->getOrderParam());
     $records = $this->Model->getCollection($where, $params);
     $filters = $this->__getProductsFilters($category_id);
     $filters .= $this->__getVendorsFilter($category_id);
     $this->_globalize(array('products_filters' => $filters));
     // create markers
     foreach ($records as $result) {
         $entry_url = entryUrl($result, $this->module);
         // Cut announce
         $announce = $this->Textarier->getAnnounce($result->getMain(), $result, $this->Register['Config']->read('announce_lenght', $this->module));
         $result->setCategory_url(get_url('/' . $this->module . '/category/' . $result->getCategory_id()));
         //set users_id that are on this page
         $this->setCacheTag(array('user_id_' . $result->getAuthor()->getId(), 'record_id_' . $result->getId()));
         if ($category_id) {
             $this->setCacheTag(array('category_id_' . $category_id));
     $source = $this->render('list.html', array('context' => array('entities' => $records)));
     //write int cache
     if ($this->cached) {
         $this->Cache->write($source, $this->cacheKey, $this->cacheTags);
     return $this->_view($source);
  * @param      string $page
  * @param      string $modul - current module
  * @return     data with head menu
 public function headMenu($page, $modul = NULL)
     $Register = Register::getInstance();
     $this->ACL = $this->Register['ACL'];
     $menu = get_link('Главная', '/');
     if (isset($_SESSION['user']['name'])) {
         $menu = $menu . get_link('Мой профиль', getProfileUrl($_SESSION['user']['id'])) . get_link('Выход', '/users/logout/');
         $menu = $menu . get_link('Пользователи', '/users/index/');
         if ($modul == 'forum') {
             $menu = $menu . get_link('Поиск', '/search/');
         // Есть ли непрочитанные сообщения в папке "Входящие"?
         $cntNewMsg = UserAuth::countNewMessages();
         if ($cntNewMsg < 1) {
             $menu = $menu . get_link('Личные&nbsp;сообщения', '/users/in_msg_box/');
         } else {
             $menu = $menu . get_link('Новые&nbsp;сообщения', '/users/in_msg_box/', array('class' => 'newMessages'));
     } else {
         $menu = $menu . get_link('Регистрация', '/users/add_form/') . get_link('Вход', '/users/login_form/');
     if (isset($_SESSION['user']['name']) and $this->ACL->turn(array('panel', 'entry'), false)) {
         $menu = $menu . get_link('Админка', '/admin/', array('target' => '_blank'));
     $menu .= '<a onClick="add_favorite(this);" title="Добавить в закладки" href="javascript:void(0);" >В закладки</a>';
     $html = str_replace('{headmenu}', $menu, $page);
     return $html;