Example #1
    $testsql = ' ' . $tbpref . 'words, ' . $tbpref . 'textitems where TiLgID = WoLgID and TiTextLC = WoTextLC and TiTxID = ' . $textid . ' ';
if ($p == '') {
    my_die("do_test_header.php called with wrong parameters");
$totalcountdue = get_first_value('SELECT count(distinct WoID) as value FROM ' . $testsql . ' AND WoStatus BETWEEN 1 AND 5 AND WoTranslation != \'\' AND WoTranslation != \'*\' AND WoTodayScore < 0');
$totalcount = get_first_value('SELECT count(distinct WoID) as value FROM ' . $testsql . ' AND WoStatus BETWEEN 1 AND 5 AND WoTranslation != \'\' AND WoTranslation != \'*\'');
pagestart_nobody(tohtml($title), $addcss = 'html, body {margin-bottom:0;}');
echo '<h4>';
echo '<a href="edit_texts.php" target="_top">';
echo 'LWT';
echo '</a>&nbsp; | &nbsp;';
if (substr($p, 0, 4) == 'text') {
    echo getPreviousAndNextTextLinks($textid, 'do_test.php?text=', FALSE, '&nbsp; | &nbsp;');
    echo '&nbsp; | &nbsp;<a href="do_text.php?start=' . $textid . '" target="_top"><img src="icn/book-open-bookmark.png" title="Read" alt="Read" /></a> &nbsp;<a href="print_text.php?text=' . $textid . '" target="_top"><img src="icn/printer.png" title="Print" alt="Print" /></a>' . get_annotation_link($textid);
echo '</h4><table><tr><td><h3>TEST&nbsp;▶</h3></td><td class="width99pc"><h3>' . tohtml($title) . ' (Due: ' . $totalcountdue . ' of ' . $totalcount . ')</h3></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">';
$_SESSION['teststart'] = time() + 2;
$_SESSION['testcorrect'] = 0;
$_SESSION['testwrong'] = 0;
$_SESSION['testtotal'] = $totalcountdue;
if ($message != '') {
    echo error_message_with_hide($message, 1);
} else {
    // OK
<p style="margin-bottom:0;">
<input type="button" value="..[L2].." onclick="{parent.frames['ro'].location.href='empty.htm'; parent.frames['ru'].location.href='empty.htm'; parent.frames['l'].location.href='do_test_test.php?type=1&amp;<?php 
    echo $p;
Example #2
		$('.anntermruby', window.parent.frames['text'].document).css('color','black').css('background-color', 'white');
	function do_hide_a() {
		$('.anntransruby2', window.parent.frames['text'].document).css('color','#C8DCF0').css('background-color', '#C8DCF0');
	function do_show_a() {
		$('.anntransruby2', window.parent.frames['text'].document).css('color','#006699').css('background-color', 'white');

echo '<img id="hidet" style="margin-bottom:-5px;" class="click" src="icn/light-bulb-T.png" title="Toggle Text Display (Now ON)" alt="Toggle Text Display (Now ON)" onclick="do_hide_t();" />';
echo '<img id="showt" style="display:none; margin-bottom:-5px;" class="click" src="icn/light-bulb-off-T.png" title="Toggle Text Display (Now OFF)" alt="Toggle Text Display (Now OFF)" onclick="do_show_t();" />';
echo '<img id="hide" style="margin-bottom:-5px;" class="click" src="icn/light-bulb-A.png" title="Toggle Annotation Display (Now ON)" alt="Toggle Annotation Display (Now ON)" onclick="do_hide_a();" />';
echo '<img id="show" style="display:none; margin-bottom:-5px;" class="click" src="icn/light-bulb-off-A.png" title="Toggle Annotation Display (Now OFF)" alt="Toggle Annotation Display (Now OFF)" onclick="do_show_a();" />';
echo ' &nbsp; &nbsp; ';
echo tohtml($title);
echo isset($sourceURI) ? ' <a href="' . $sourceURI . '" target="_blank"><img src="icn/chain.png" title="Text Source" alt="Text Source" /></a>' : '';
echo getPreviousAndNextTextLinks($textid, 'display_impr_text.php?text=', TRUE, ' &nbsp; &nbsp; ');
echo ' <img class="click" src="icn/cross.png" title="Close Window" alt="Close Window" onclick="top.close();" /></span></h2>';
Example #3
$res = do_mysql_query($sql);
$record = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
$textsize = $record['LgTextSize'];
$removeSpaces = $record['LgRemoveSpaces'];
$rtlScript = $record['LgRightToLeft'];
saveSetting('currenttext', $textid);
pagestart_nobody('Annotated Text');
echo '<div class="noprint">';
echo '<h4>';
echo '<a href="edit_texts.php" target="_top">';
echo 'LWT';
echo '</a>&nbsp; | &nbsp;';
echo getPreviousAndNextTextLinks($textid, 'print_impr_text.php?text=', TRUE, '&nbsp; | &nbsp;');
echo '&nbsp; | &nbsp;<a href="do_text.php?start=' . $textid . '" target="_top"><img src="icn/book-open-bookmark.png" title="Read" alt="Read" /></a> &nbsp;<a href="do_test.php?text=' . $textid . '" target="_top"><img src="icn/question-balloon.png" title="Test" alt="Test" /></a> &nbsp;<a href="print_text.php?text=' . $textid . '" target="_top"><img src="icn/printer.png" title="Print" alt="Print" /> &nbsp;<a target="_top" href="edit_texts.php?chg=' . $textid . '"><img src="icn/document--pencil.png" title="Edit Text" alt="Edit Text" /></a>';
echo '</h4><h3>ANN.TEXT&nbsp;▶ ' . tohtml($title) . (isset($sourceURI) ? ' <a href="' . $sourceURI . '" target="_blank"><img src="icn/chain.png" title="Text Source" alt="Text Source" /></a>' : '') . '</h3>';
echo "<p id=\"printoptions\"><b>Improved Annotated Text";
if ($editmode) {
    echo " (Edit Mode)</b> <img src=\"icn/question-frame.png\" title=\"Help\" alt=\"Help\" class=\"click\" onclick=\"window.open('info.htm#il');\" /><br /><input type=\"button\" value=\"Display/Print Mode\" onclick=\"location.href='print_impr_text.php?text=" . $textid . "';\" />\n";
} else {
    echo " (Display/Print Mode)</b><br /><input type=\"button\" value=\"Edit\" onclick=\"location.href='print_impr_text.php?edit=1&amp;text=" . $textid . "';\" />";
    echo " &nbsp; | &nbsp; ";
    echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Delete\" onclick=\"if (confirm ('Are you sure?')) location.href='print_impr_text.php?del=1&amp;text=" . $textid . "';\" /> ";
    echo " &nbsp; | &nbsp; ";
    echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Print\" onclick=\"window.print();\" />";
    echo " &nbsp; | &nbsp; ";
    echo "<input type=\"button\" value=\"Display" . ($audio != '' ? ' with Audio Player' : '') . " in new Window\" onclick=\"window.open('display_impr_text.php?text=" . $textid . "');\" />";
echo "</p></div> <!-- noprint -->";