public function getEntityManager() { if (null == $this->em) { try { $this->em = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('doctrine.entitymanager.orm_default'); //$this->em = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager'); } catch (Exception $e) { print_r($e); print_r($e - getPrevious()); } } return $this->em; }
} ?> <div class="container"> <h1> Gestor de Recursos Educacionais</h1> <h2>Sequence View - <?php echo $topico_atual["@Ontology#label"]; ?> </h2> <div class="col-lg-3 espacado"> <form action="topicoatual.php" method="get"> <?php $previous = getPrevious($topico); if (count($previous) == 1) { echo "<button type='submit' name ='selecao' value='" . $previous[0]["@Ontology#id"] . "' > Previous</button>"; echo $previous[0]["@Ontology#label"]; } /* echo "<br><BR>Atual: "; print_r($topico_atual); */ ?> <input type="hidden" name="modelo" value="<?php echo $modelo; ?> "> </form>
if (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]+)\\s+([a-zA-Z]+)\\s+([0-9]+)/', $msg, $matches)) { $found_date = strtolower($matches[2] . ' ' . $matches[3]); echo highlightText($msg); } else { $msg = false; break; } } if ($found_date != $date) { echo "{$red}Date {$date} not found{$black}\n"; } } else { //time should be set $found_time = false; while ($found_time != $time) { if (!($msg = getPrevious($handle))) { break; } if (preg_match('/([a-zA-Z]+)\\s+([a-zA-Z]+)\\s+([0-9]+)\\s+([0-9]+):([0-9]+)/', $msg, $matches)) { $found_time = strtolower($matches[4] . ' ' . $matches[5]); echo highlightText($msg); } else { $msg = false; break; } } if ($found_time != $time) { echo "{$red}[{$found_time} != {$time}]Time {$time} not found{$black}\n"; } } }
exec("particle call {$photonName} setheight " . $presets[$previousPosition]['height']); } elseif ($cmd == "down" && isset($presets[$nextPosition])) { // Go down one position exec('notify-send -i ' . $presets[$nextPosition]['icon'] . ' "Moving desk to ' . $nextPosition . '"'); exec("particle call {$photonName} setheight " . $presets[$nextPosition]['height']); } elseif (isset($presets[$cmd])) { // go to the preset exec('notify-send -i ' . $presets[$cmd]['icon'] . ' "Moving desk to ' . $cmd . '"'); exec("particle call {$photonName} setheight " . $presets[$cmd]['height']); } } else { if ($standingTime > 0 && $totalTime > 0) { echo " Time Standing: " . convertToHoursMins($standingTime) . " - " . number_format($standingTime / $totalTime * 100, 1) . "%\n"; } if ($sittingTime > 0 && $totalTime > 0) { echo " Time Sitting: " . convertToHoursMins($sittingTime) . " - " . number_format($sittingTime / $totalTime * 100, 1) . "%\n"; } echo " Time at desk: " . convertToHoursMins($totalTime) . "\n\n"; $currentHeight = exec("particle call {$photonName} getheight"); echo " Current Height: " . $currentHeight . "cm\n"; $currentPosition = getClosest($currentHeight, $presets); $previousPosition = getPrevious($currentPosition, $presets); $nextPosition = getNext($currentPosition, $presets); if (!is_null($previousPosition)) { echo " Up Position: " . $previousPosition . " (" . $presets[$previousPosition]['height'] . "cm)\n"; } echo " Current Position: " . $currentPosition . " (" . $presets[$currentPosition]['height'] . "cm)\n"; if (!is_null($nextPosition)) { echo " Down Position: " . $nextPosition . " (" . $presets[$nextPosition]['height'] . "cm)\n"; } }
<?php $presenter = new Illuminate\Pagination\BootstrapPresenter($paginator); ?> <?php if ($paginator->getLastPage() > 1) { ?> <nav class="text-right"> <ul class="pagination"> <?php echo getPrevious($paginator->getCurrentPage(), $paginator->getUrl($paginator->getCurrentPage() - 1)); ?> <?php echo $presenter->getPageRange(1, $paginator->getLastPage()); ?> <?php echo getNext($paginator->getCurrentPage(), $paginator->getLastPage(), $paginator->getUrl($paginator->getCurrentPage() + 1)); ?> </ul> </nav> <?php } ?> <?php function getPrevious($currentPage, $url)