Example #1
function checkLoginStatus($getPage_connection2)
    $loginArray = array("status" => false, "loggingIn" => false);
    $loggingIn = false;
    $resetLoginVars = false;
    $checkCreds = false;
    if (!isset($_SESSION["login"])) {
        $_SESSION["login"] = 0;
    // if
    // if not logged in,
    if ($_SESSION["login"] != 1) {
        // attempting login
        // if login info has been submitted
        if (isset($_POST["username"]) && isset($_POST["password"])) {
            $cleaned_username = cleanString($_POST["username"], true);
            $cleaned_password = cleanString($_POST["password"], true);
            if (strlen($cleaned_username) >= 1 && strlen($cleaned_password) >= 1) {
                $loggingIn = true;
            // if
        // if
        if ($loggingIn === true) {
            $userInfo1 = getUserInfoByName($getPage_connection2, $cleaned_username);
            if ($userInfo1["id"] >= 1) {
                $final_salt = '$2y$09$' . $userInfo1["salt"] . '$';
                $created_password = crypt($cleaned_password . $userInfo1["salt"], $final_salt);
                $created_string = hash('sha512', $created_password . $userInfo1["token"]);
                $actual_string = hash('sha512', $userInfo1["password"] . $userInfo1["token"]);
                if ($actual_string == $created_string) {
                    $_SESSION["user_id"] = $userInfo1["id"];
                    $_SESSION["username"] = $cleaned_username;
                    $_SESSION["login_string"] = $created_string;
                    $_SESSION["login"] = 1;
                    $_SESSION["nation_id"] = $userInfo1["id"];
                    $_SESSION["admin"] = $userInfo1["admin"];
                    $new_date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
                    $nationInfoLogin = getNationInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["nation_id"]);
                    setUserInfo($getPage_connection2, $userInfo1["id"], $userInfo1["name"], $userInfo1["avatar"], $userInfo1["joined"], $new_date, $userInfo1["password"], $userInfo1["salt"], $userInfo1["token"], $userInfo1["thread"], $userInfo1["admin"]);
                    $_SESSION["success_message"] = "User has logged in successfully!";
                    $_SESSION["pageTypeInfo"] = getPageTypeInfo($getPage_connection2, "map");
                    $loginArray["status"] = true;
                    $loginArray["loggingIn"] = true;
                    $_POST["continent"] = $nationInfoLogin["home"];
                    $_SESSION["continent_id"] = $nationInfoLogin["home"];
                    $_SESSION["nation_id"] = $nationInfoLogin["id"];
                    $_SESSION["prev_xpos"] = 1;
                    $_SESSION["prev_ypos"] = 1;
                    $_SESSION["xpos"] = 1;
                    $_SESSION["ypos"] = 1;
                    $_POST["overlay"] = "nations";
                    $_GET["overlay"] = "nations";
                    $_SESSION["prev_overlay"] = "nations";
                    $_SESSION["overlay"] = "nations";
                    $mapMemoryInfo = getMapMemoryInfo($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["user_id"]);
                    $_SESSION["terrainMapContents"] = $mapMemoryInfo["terrain"];
                    $_SESSION["terrainMapContentsTokens"] = $mapMemoryInfo["terraintokens"];
                    $_SESSION["controlMapContents"] = $mapMemoryInfo["control"];
                    $_SESSION["controlMapContentsTokens"] = $mapMemoryInfo["controltokens"];
                    $_SESSION["claimsMapContents"] = $mapMemoryInfo["claims"];
                    $_SESSION["claimsMapContentsTokens"] = $mapMemoryInfo["claimstokens"];
                    $_SESSION["unitsMapContents"] = $mapMemoryInfo["units"];
                    $_SESSION["unitsMapContentsTokens"] = $mapMemoryInfo["unitstokens"];
                    $_SESSION["nationsMapContents"] = $mapMemoryInfo["nations"];
                    $_SESSION["nationsMapContentsTokens"] = $mapMemoryInfo["nationstokens"];
                } else {
                    $resetLoginVars = true;
                    $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: invalid user password credentials submitted.";
                // else
            } else {
                $resetLoginVars = true;
                $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: invalid user name credentials submitted.";
            // else
        } else {
            $resetLoginVars = true;
        // else
    } else {
        $resetLoginVars = false;
        $checkCreds = true;
    // else
    if ($checkCreds === true) {
        // check creds 50% of time...
        $rand_cred = mt_rand(1, 10);
        if ($rand_cred > 5) {
            // checking for login details match
            if (isset($_SESSION["login_string"])) {
                if (isset($_SESSION["user_id"])) {
                    $userInfo1 = array("id" => 0, "name" => "", "password" => "", "salt" => "", "token" => 0, "thread" => 0, "admin" => 0);
                    if ($stmt654 = $getPage_connection2->prepare("SELECT id,name,password,salt,token,thread,admin FROM users WHERE id=? LIMIT 1")) {
                        $stmt654->bind_param("i", $_SESSION["user_id"]);
                        $stmt654->bind_result($r_id, $r_name, $r_password, $r_salt, $r_token, $r_thread, $r_admin);
                        $userInfo1["id"] = $r_id;
                        $userInfo1["name"] = $r_name;
                        $userInfo1["password"] = $r_password;
                        $userInfo1["salt"] = $r_salt;
                        $userInfo1["token"] = $r_token;
                        $userInfo1["thread"] = $r_thread;
                        $userInfo1["admin"] = $r_admin;
                    } else {
                        $resetLoginVars = true;
                    // else
                    // if match, assign user details
                    if ($_SESSION["login_string"] == hash('sha512', $userInfo1["password"] . $userInfo1["token"])) {
                        $_SESSION["login"] = 1;
                        $loginArray["status"] = true;
                        $loginArray["loggingIn"] = false;
                        $_SESSION["success_message"] = "";
                        $_SESSION["user_id"] = $userInfo1["id"];
                        // unique ID number of user
                        $_SESSION["username"] = $userInfo1["name"];
                        // unique string name of user
                        $_SESSION["nation_id"] = $userInfo1["id"];
                        // nation
                        $_SESSION["admin"] = $userInfo1["admin"];
                        // admin
                    } else {
                        $resetLoginVars = true;
                    // else
                } else {
                    $resetLoginVars = true;
                // else
            } else {
                $resetLoginVars = true;
            // else
        } else {
            $_SESSION["login"] = 1;
            $loginArray["status"] = true;
            $loginArray["loggingIn"] = false;
            $resetLoginVars = false;
        // else
    // if
    if ($resetLoginVars === true) {
        $_SESSION["login"] = 0;
        $loginArray["status"] = false;
        $loginArray["loggingIn"] = false;
        $_SESSION["success_message"] = "";
        $_SESSION["user_id"] = 0;
        $_SESSION["username"] = "";
        $_SESSION["nation_id"] = 0;
        $_SESSION["admin"] = 0;
        $resetLoginVars = false;
    // if
    return $loginArray;
function changeSettings($getPage_connection2)
    if ($_SESSION["action"] == "change") {
        if (strlen($_SESSION["current_password"]) > 0) {
            $userInfo1 = getUserInfoByName($getPage_connection2, $_SESSION["username"]);
            if ($userInfo1["id"] >= 1) {
                $final_salt = '$2y$09$' . $userInfo1["salt"] . '$';
                $created_password = crypt($_SESSION["current_password"] . $userInfo1["salt"], $final_salt);
                $created_string = hash('sha512', $created_password . $userInfo1["token"]);
                $actual_string = hash('sha512', $userInfo1["password"] . $userInfo1["token"]);
                if ($actual_string == $created_string) {
                    if ($_SESSION["setting_password"] == $_SESSION["setting_password_confirm"]) {
                        if (strlen($_SESSION["setting_password"]) >= 8 && strlen($_SESSION["setting_password"]) <= 35 && (strlen($_SESSION["setting_password_confirm"]) >= 8 && strlen($_SESSION["setting_password_confirm"]) <= 35)) {
                            $new_salt = "";
                            $allowed_chars = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789./';
                            $chars_length = 63;
                            for ($i = 0; $i < 51; $i++) {
                                $new_salt .= $allowed_chars[mt_rand(0, $chars_length)];
                            // for
                            $new_token = mt_rand(1000, 9999);
                            $final_salt = '$2y$09$' . $new_salt . '$';
                            $created_password = crypt($_SESSION["setting_password"] . $new_salt, $final_salt);
                            setUserInfo($getPage_connection2, $userInfo1["id"], $userInfo1["name"], $userInfo1["avatar"], $userInfo1["joined"], $userInfo1["lastplayed"], $created_password, $new_salt, $new_token, $userInfo1["thread"], $userInfo1["admin"]);
                            $created_string2 = hash('sha512', $created_password . $new_token);
                            $_SESSION["user_id"] = $userInfo1["id"];
                            $_SESSION["username"] = $userInfo1["name"];
                            $_SESSION["login_string"] = $created_string2;
                            $_SESSION["login"] = 1;
                            $_SESSION["nation_id"] = $userInfo1["id"];
                            $_SESSION["admin"] = $userInfo1["admin"];
                            $_SESSION["pageTypeInfo"] = getPageTypeInfo($getPage_connection2, "map");
                            $_SESSION["success_message"] = "User has been updated successfully!";
                        } else {
                            $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: New password must be 8-35 characters.";
                        // else
                    } else {
                        $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: new password not submitted correctly.  Check to make sure both new password fields are identically submitted.";
                    // else
                } else {
                    $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: invalid user password credentials submitted.";
                // else
            } else {
                $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: invalid user submitted.";
            // else
        } else {
            $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: invalid user password credentials submitted.";
        // else
    } else {
        $_SESSION["warning_message"] = "Cannot complete action: invalid action.";
    // else