Example #1
 function getProjects($f_order_by = NULL, $f_status_min = 1, $f_status_max = 4)
     global $auth;
     $prefix = confGet('DB_TABLE_PREFIX');
     $status_min = intval($f_status_min);
     $status_max = intval($f_status_max);
     #"SELECT * FROM {$prefix}project WHERE company = \"$this->id\" AND state=1 ORDER BY name"
     ### all projects ###
     if ($auth->cur_user->user_rights & RIGHT_PROJECT_ASSIGN) {
         $str = "SELECT p.* from {$prefix}project p\r\n                WHERE\r\n                       p.status <= {$status_max}\r\n                   AND p.status >= {$status_min}\r\n                   AND p.company =  {$this->id}\r\n                   AND p.state = 1\r\n\r\n                " . getOrderByString($f_order_by, 'name');
     } else {
         $str = "SELECT p.* from {$prefix}project p, {$prefix}projectperson upp\r\n                WHERE\r\n                        upp.person = {$auth->cur_user->id}\r\n                    AND upp.state = 1       /* all projectpeople of user */\r\n\r\n\r\n                    AND   p.id  = upp.project       /* all projects of user */\r\n                    AND   p.company = {$this->id}     /* all project of this company */\r\n                    AND   p.status <= {$status_max}\r\n                    AND   p.status >= {$status_min}\r\n                    AND   p.state = 1\r\n\r\n                " . getOrderByString($f_order_by, 'name');
     $dbh = new DB_Mysql();
     $sth = $dbh->prepare($str);
     $sth->execute("", 1);
     $tmp = $sth->fetchall_assoc();
     $projects = array();
     foreach ($tmp as $t) {
         $projects[] = new Project($t);
     return $projects;
Example #2
 static function getItemChanges($args = NULL)
     global $auth;
     $prefix = confGet('DB_TABLE_PREFIX');
     ### default params ###
     $item = NULL;
     $date_min = NULL;
     $date_max = NULL;
     $person = NULL;
     $field = NULL;
     $project = NULL;
     $order_by = 'modified';
     ### filter params ###
     if ($args) {
         foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset(${$key}) && !is_null(${$key}) && !${$key} === "") {
                 trigger_error("unknown parameter", E_USER_NOTICE);
             } else {
                 ${$key} = $value;
     $str_project = $project ? "AND c.project= " . intval($project) : '';
     $str_item = $item ? "AND c.item=" . intval($item) : '';
     $str_date_min = $date_min ? "AND c.modified >= '" . asCleanString($date_min) . "'" : '';
     $str_date_max = $date_max ? "AND c.modified <= '" . asCleanString($date_max) . "'" : '';
     $str_field = $field ? "AND c.field ='" . asCleanString($field) . "'" : '';
     $str_person = $person ? "AND c.modified_by = " . intval($person) : '';
     ### show all ###
     $str_query = "SELECT c.*  from {$prefix}itemchange c\r\n            WHERE 1\r\n            {$str_project}\r\n            {$str_item}\r\n            {$str_person}\r\n            {$str_field}\r\n            {$str_date_max}\r\n            {$str_date_min}\r\n            " . getOrderByString($order_by);
     $dbh = new DB_Mysql();
     $sth = $dbh->prepare($str_query);
     $sth->execute("", 1);
     $tmp = $sth->fetchall_assoc();
     $item_changes = array();
     foreach ($tmp as $t) {
         $c = new ItemChange($t);
         $item_changes[] = $c;
     return $item_changes;
Example #3
  * return tasks of project
  * @params
  *   show_folders=true,
  *   order_by=NULL,
  *   status_min=2,
  *   status_max=4,
  *   visible_only=true,
  *   alive_only=true,
  *   parent_task=NULL)  # if NULL parent-task is ignored
 static function getAll($args = NULL)
     global $auth;
     $prefix = confGet('DB_TABLE_PREFIX');
     ### default params ###
     $project = NULL;
     $show_folders = true;
     $order_by = "is_folder DESC, parent_task, prio ASC,project,name";
     $status_min = STATUS_NEW;
     $status_max = STATUS_BLOCKED;
     $visible_only = NULL;
     # use project rights settings
     $alive_only = true;
     # ignore deleted
     $parent_task = NULL;
     $sort_hierarchical = false;
     $use_collapsed = false;
     # by default ignore collapsed folders
     $issues_only = false;
     $folders_only = false;
     $level = 0;
     # hierarchical depth in trees
     $assigned_to_person = 0;
     # skip by default
     $search = NULL;
     $name = NULL;
     $is_milestone = NULL;
     $for_milestone = NULL;
     $resolved_version = NULL;
     $is_released_min = NULL;
     $is_released_max = NULL;
     $id = NULL;
     $modified_by = NULL;
     $not_modified_by = NULL;
     $resolve_reason_min = NULL;
     $category = NULL;
     $category_in = NULL;
     $label = NULL;
     $person = 0;
     $is_news = NULL;
     ### filter params ###
     if ($args) {
         foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset(${$key}) && !is_null(${$key}) && !${$key} === "") {
                 trigger_error("unknown parameter", E_USER_NOTICE);
             } else {
                 ${$key} = $value;
     if ($sort_hierarchical && is_null($parent_task)) {
         $parent_task = 0;
     $str_project = $project ? 'AND upp.project=' . intval($project) : '';
     $str_project2 = $project ? 'AND i.project=' . intval($project) : '';
     $str_is_alive = $alive_only ? 'AND i.state=' . ITEM_STATE_OK : '';
     $str_is_issue = $issues_only ? 'AND t.issue_report!=0' : '';
     $str_is_folder = $show_folders ? '' : 'AND t.is_folder=0';
     $str_modified_by = $modified_by ? 'AND i.modified_by =' . intval($modified_by) : '';
     $str_not_modified_by = $not_modified_by ? 'AND i.modified_by !=' . intval($not_modified_by) : '';
     $str_id = $id ? 'AND t.id=' . intval($id) : '';
     if (!is_null($label)) {
         $str_label = 'AND t.label=' . intval($label);
     } else {
         $str_label = '';
     if (!is_null($is_milestone)) {
         $str_is_milestone = $is_milestone ? 'AND t.is_milestone=1' : 'AND t.is_milestone=0';
     } else {
         $str_is_milestone = '';
     if (!is_null($category)) {
         $str_category = 'AND t.category=' . intval($category);
     } else {
         $str_category = '';
     if (!is_null($category_in)) {
         $clean_array = array();
         foreach ($category_in as $c) {
             $clean_array[] = intval($c);
         $str_category_in = 'AND t.category IN(' . join(",", $clean_array) . ')';
     } else {
         $str_category_in = '';
     if (!is_null($is_news)) {
         $str_is_news = 'AND t.is_news=' . intval($is_news);
     } else {
         $str_is_news = '';
     $str_is_released_min = $is_released_min ? 'AND t.is_released >= ' . intval($is_released_min) : '';
     if ($resolve_reason_min !== NULL) {
         $str_resolve_reason_min = $resolve_reason_min ? 'AND t.resovle_reason >= ' . intval($resolve_reason_min) : '';
     } else {
         $str_reasolve_reason_min = '';
     $str_is_released_max = $is_released_max ? 'AND t.is_released <= ' . intval($is_released_max) : '';
     $str_has_name = $name ? "AND (t.name='" . asSecureString($name) . "' or t.short='" . asSecureString($name) . "')" : "";
     if (!is_null($for_milestone)) {
         $str_for_milestone = 'AND t.for_milestone=' . intval($for_milestone);
     } else {
         $str_for_milestone = '';
     if (!is_null($resolved_version)) {
         $str_resolved_version = 'AND t.resolved_version=' . intval($resolved_version);
     } else {
         $str_resolved_version = '';
     if ($folders_only) {
         $str_is_folder = 'AND t.is_folder=1';
     $str_parent_task = !is_null($parent_task) ? 'AND t.parent_task=' . intval($parent_task) : '';
     $str_match = $search ? "AND MATCH (t.name,t.short,t.description) AGAINST ('" . asMatchString($search) . "*' IN BOOLEAN MODE)" : '';
     $str_person = $person ? $person : $auth->cur_user->id;
     if (is_null($visible_only)) {
         $visible_only = $auth->cur_user && $auth->cur_user->user_rights & RIGHT_VIEWALL ? false : true;
     if ($visible_only) {
         ### only filter assigned to person ###
         if ($assigned_to_person) {
             $str_query = "SELECT i.*, t.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}task t, {$prefix}taskperson tp, {$prefix}projectperson upp, {$prefix}item itp\r\n                WHERE\r\n\r\n                    upp.person = {$auth->cur_user->id}\r\n\t\t\t\t\t/*upp.person = {$str_person}*/\r\n                    {$str_project}\r\n                    AND i.type = '" . ITEM_TASK . "'\r\n                    AND i.project=upp.project\r\n                    {$str_is_alive}\r\n                    {$str_project2}\r\n                    {$str_modified_by}\r\n                    {$str_not_modified_by}\r\n\r\n                    {$str_is_issue}\r\n\r\n                    AND ( i.pub_level >= upp.level_view\r\n                          OR\r\n                          /*i.created_by = {$auth->cur_user->id}*/\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  i.created_by = {$str_person}\r\n                    )\r\n\r\n                    AND t.id = i.id\r\n                    {$str_id}\r\n                    {$str_category}\r\n                    {$str_category_in}\r\n                    {$str_is_folder}\r\n                    {$str_is_issue}\r\n                    {$str_label}\r\n                    {$str_parent_task}\r\n                    {$str_has_name}\r\n                    {$str_is_milestone}\r\n                    {$str_is_released_min}\r\n                    {$str_is_released_max}\r\n                    {$str_for_milestone}\r\n                    {$str_resolved_version}\r\n                    {$str_is_news}\r\n                    AND t.status >= " . intval($status_min) . "\r\n                    AND t.status <= " . intval($status_max) . "\r\n\r\n                    AND i.id = tp.task\r\n                           AND tp.person = " . intval($assigned_to_person) . "\r\n                           AND itp.id = tp.id\r\n                           AND itp.state = 1\r\n                           " . "\r\n                    {$str_match}\r\n\r\n                " . getOrderByString($order_by);
         } else {
             $str_query = "SELECT i.*, t.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}task t, {$prefix}projectperson upp\r\n                WHERE\r\n                        /*upp.person = {$auth->cur_user->id}*/\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\tupp.person = {$str_person}\r\n                    {$str_project}\r\n                    AND i.type = '" . ITEM_TASK . "'\r\n                    AND i.project = upp.project\r\n                    {$str_is_alive}\r\n                    {$str_project2}\r\n                    {$str_category}\r\n                    {$str_category_in}\r\n                    {$str_modified_by}\r\n                    {$str_not_modified_by}\r\n                    {$str_is_issue}\r\n                    {$str_is_milestone}\r\n                    {$str_is_released_min}\r\n                    {$str_is_released_max}\r\n                    {$str_for_milestone}\r\n                    {$str_label}\r\n                    {$str_resolved_version}\r\n                    {$str_is_news}\r\n                    AND ( i.pub_level >= upp.level_view\r\n                          OR\r\n                          /*i.created_by = {$auth->cur_user->id}*/\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t  i.created_by = {$str_person}\r\n                    )\r\n\r\n                    AND t.id = i.id\r\n                    {$str_is_folder}\r\n                    {$str_is_issue}\r\n                    {$str_parent_task}\r\n                    {$str_has_name}\r\n                    {$str_id}\r\n                    AND t.status >= " . intval($status_min) . "\r\n                    AND t.status <= " . intval($status_max) . "\r\n                    {$str_match}\r\n\r\n                " . getOrderByString($order_by);
     } else {
         if ($assigned_to_person) {
             $str_query = "SELECT i.*, t.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}task t, {$prefix}taskperson tp ,{$prefix}item itp\r\n                WHERE\r\n                    i.type = '" . ITEM_TASK . "'\r\n                {$str_project2}\r\n                {$str_is_alive}\r\n                {$str_modified_by}\r\n                {$str_not_modified_by}\r\n\r\n                AND t.id = i.id\r\n                {$str_id}\r\n                {$str_is_folder}\r\n                {$str_is_issue}\r\n                {$str_category}\r\n                {$str_category_in}\r\n                {$str_parent_task}\r\n                {$str_has_name}\r\n                {$str_label}\r\n                {$str_is_milestone}\r\n                {$str_is_released_min}\r\n                {$str_is_released_max}\r\n                {$str_for_milestone}\r\n                {$str_is_news}\r\n                {$str_resolved_version}\r\n                AND t.status >= " . intval($status_min) . "\r\n                AND t.status <= " . intval($status_max) . "\r\n                {$str_match}\r\n                AND i.id = tp.task\r\n                AND tp.person = " . intval($assigned_to_person) . "\r\n                       AND tp.id = itp.id\r\n                       AND itp.state = 1\r\n                " . getOrderByString($order_by);
         } else {
             $str_query = "SELECT i.*, t.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}task t\r\n                WHERE\r\n                    i.type = '" . ITEM_TASK . "'\r\n                {$str_project2}\r\n                {$str_is_alive}\r\n                {$str_modified_by}\r\n                {$str_not_modified_by}\r\n\r\n                AND t.id = i.id\r\n                {$str_category}\r\n                {$str_category_in}\r\n                {$str_id}\r\n                {$str_is_folder}\r\n                {$str_is_issue}\r\n                {$str_is_milestone}\r\n                {$str_for_milestone}\r\n                {$str_label}\r\n                {$str_resolved_version}\r\n                {$str_is_news}\r\n\r\n                {$str_is_released_min}\r\n                {$str_is_released_max}\r\n                {$str_parent_task}\r\n                {$str_has_name}\r\n                AND t.status >= " . intval($status_min) . "\r\n                AND t.status <= " . intval($status_max) . "\r\n                {$str_match}\r\n\r\n                " . getOrderByString($order_by);
     $dbh = new DB_Mysql();
     $sth = $dbh->prepare($str_query);
     $sth->execute("", 1);
     $tmp = $sth->fetchall_assoc();
     $tasks = array();
     foreach ($tmp as $t) {
         $task = new Task($t);
         $task->level = $level;
         $tasks[] = $task;
         ### hierarchical / recursive sorting ###
         if ($sort_hierarchical && $task->is_folder && (!$use_collapsed || !$task->view_collapsed)) {
             if ($sub_tasks = Task::getAll(array('sort_hierarchical' => true, 'use_collapsed' => $use_collapsed, 'parent_task' => $task->id, 'order_by' => $order_by, 'visible_only' => $visible_only, 'alive_only' => $alive_only, 'issues_only' => $issues_only, 'status_min' => $status_min, 'status_max' => $status_max, 'level' => $level + 1, 'folders_only' => $folders_only, 'project' => $project))) {
                 foreach ($sub_tasks as &$st) {
                     $tasks[] = $st;
     return $tasks;
Example #4
  * return files attached to project
  * @@@ todo:
  * - refacture status_min/max evaluation only if !is_null
 static function getAll($args = NULL)
     global $auth;
     $prefix = confGet('DB_TABLE_PREFIX');
     ### default params ###
     $project = NULL;
     $latest_only = true;
     $order_by = "name";
     $status_min = STATUS_UNDEFINED;
     $status_max = STATUS_CLOSED;
     $visible_only = true;
     # use project rights settings
     $alive_only = true;
     # ignore deleted
     $parent_item = NULL;
     $images_only = false;
     $date_min = NULL;
     $date_max = NULL;
     $org_file = NULL;
     $id = NULL;
     $created_by = NULL;
     ### filter params ###
     if ($args) {
         foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset(${$key}) && !is_null(${$key}) && !${$key} === "") {
                 trigger_error("unknown parameter", E_USER_NOTICE);
             } else {
                 ${$key} = $value;
     $str_project = $project ? 'AND i.project=' . intval($project) : '';
     $str_project2 = $project ? 'AND upp.project=' . intval($project) : '';
     $str_is_alive = $alive_only ? 'AND i.state=' . ITEM_STATE_OK : '';
     $str_date_min = $date_min ? "AND i.modified >= '" . asCleanString($date_min) . "'" : '';
     $str_date_max = $date_max ? "AND i.modified <= ' " . asCleanString($date_max) . "'" : '';
     $str_is_image = $images_only ? 'AND f.is_image!=0' : '';
     $str_latest_only = $latest_only ? 'AND f.is_latest!=0' : '';
     $str_created_by = $created_by ? 'AND i.modified_by =' . intval($created_by) : '';
     $str_parent_item = !is_null($parent_item) ? 'AND f.parent_item=' . intval($parent_item) : '';
     $str_org_file = $org_file ? "AND f.org_file = '" . intval($org_file) . "'" : "";
     $str_id = $id ? "AND f.id = " . intval($id) : "";
     if ($auth->cur_user->user_rights & RIGHT_VIEWALL) {
         $str_projectperson = "";
     } else {
         $str_projectperson = "AND upp.person = {$auth->cur_user->id}";
     if ($visible_only) {
         $str_query = "SELECT DISTINCT i.*, f.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}file f, {$prefix}projectperson upp\r\n            WHERE\r\n                    i.type = '" . ITEM_FILE . "'\r\n                {$str_project}\r\n                {$str_projectperson}\r\n                {$str_project2}\r\n\r\n                {$str_is_alive}\r\n                AND ( i.pub_level >= upp.level_view\r\n                      OR\r\n                      i.created_by = {$auth->cur_user->id}\r\n                )\r\n\r\n                AND i.id = f.id\r\n\t\t\t\t {$str_id}\r\n                 {$str_created_by}\r\n                 {$str_is_image}\r\n                 {$str_parent_item}\r\n                 {$str_org_file}\r\n                 {$str_latest_only}\r\n                 AND f.status >= {$status_min}\r\n                 AND f.status <= {$status_max}\r\n                 {$str_date_max}\r\n                 {$str_date_min}\r\n\r\n            " . getOrderByString($order_by);
     } else {
         $str_query = "SELECT i.*, f.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}file f\r\n            WHERE\r\n                i.type = '" . ITEM_FILE . "'\r\n            {$str_project}\r\n            {$str_is_alive}\r\n\r\n            AND i.id = f.id\r\n\t\t\t {$str_id}\r\n             {$str_created_by}\r\n             {$str_parent_item}\r\n             {$str_latest_only}\r\n             AND f.status >= {$status_min}\r\n             AND f.status <= {$status_max}\r\n             {$str_org_file}\r\n             {$str_date_max}\r\n             {$str_date_min}\r\n\r\n            " . getOrderByString($order_by);
     $dbh = new DB_Mysql();
     $sth = $dbh->prepare($str_query);
     $sth->execute("", 1);
     $tmp = $sth->fetchall_assoc();
     $files = array();
     require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'db/class_file.inc.php';
     foreach ($tmp as $t) {
         $file = new File($t);
         $files[] = $file;
     return $files;
Example #5
  * get list of items from database
  * This function is used for getting changed items for projects or by user, etc.
 static function getAll($args = array())
     global $auth;
     $prefix = confGet('DB_TABLE_PREFIX');
     ### default params ###
     $project = NULL;
     $order_by = "modified DESC";
     $status_min = STATUS_UNDEFINED;
     $status_max = STATUS_CLOSED;
     $visible_only = NULL;
     # use project rights settings
     $alive_only = true;
     # hide deleted
     $date_min = NULL;
     $date_max = NULL;
     $modified_by = NULL;
     $not_modified_by = NULL;
     $show_issues = false;
     $limit_rowcount = NULL;
     $limit_offset = NULL;
     $unviewed_only = NULL;
     $type = NULL;
     ### filter params ###
     if ($args) {
         foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset(${$key}) && !is_null(${$key}) && !${$key} === "") {
                 trigger_error("unknown parameter", E_USER_NOTICE);
             } else {
                 ${$key} = $value;
     $str_show_issues = $show_issues ? '' : 'AND i.type != ' . ITEM_ISSUE;
     $str_project = $project ? 'AND i.project=' . intval($project) : '';
     $str_project2 = $project ? 'AND upp.project=' . intval($project) : '';
     $str_state = $alive_only ? 'AND i.state=' . ITEM_STATE_OK : '';
     $str_date_min = $date_min ? "AND i.modified >= '" . asCleanString($date_min) . "'" : '';
     $str_date_max = $date_max ? "AND i.modified <= '" . asCleanString($date_max) . "'" : '';
     $str_modified_by = $modified_by ? 'AND i.modified_by=' . intval($modified_by) : '';
     $str_not_modified_by = $not_modified_by ? 'AND i.modified_by != ' . intval($not_modified_by) : '';
     if (is_array($type)) {
         $str_type = "AND i.type in ( " . implode(",", $type) . ")";
     } else {
         $str_type = $type ? "AND i.type = {$type}" : "";
     if (!is_null($limit_offset) && !is_null($limit_rowcount)) {
         $str_limit = " LIMIT " . intval($limit_offset) . "," . intval($limit_rowcount);
     } else {
         if ($limit_rowcount) {
             $str_limit = " LIMIT " . intval($limit_rowcount);
         } else {
             $str_limit = '';
     if (is_null($visible_only)) {
         $visible_only = $auth->cur_user && $auth->cur_user->user_rights & RIGHT_VIEWALL ? false : true;
     ### only visibile for current user ###
     if ($visible_only) {
         $s_query = "SELECT i.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}projectperson upp\r\n            WHERE\r\n                upp.person = {$auth->cur_user->id}\r\n                AND upp.state = 1\r\n                AND upp.project = i.project\r\n                {$str_state}\r\n                {$str_type}\r\n                {$str_show_issues}\r\n                {$str_project}\r\n                {$str_project2}\r\n                {$str_modified_by}\r\n                {$str_not_modified_by}\r\n                {$str_date_min}\r\n                {$str_date_max}\r\n\r\n                AND ( i.pub_level >= upp.level_view\r\n                      OR\r\n                      i.created_by = {$auth->cur_user->id}\r\n                )\r\n\r\n            " . getOrderByString($order_by) . $str_limit;
     } else {
         $s_query = "SELECT i.*  from\r\n                                {$prefix}item i\r\n            WHERE 1\r\n\r\n            {$str_state}\r\n            {$str_type}\r\n            {$str_project}\r\n            {$str_show_issues}\r\n            {$str_modified_by}\r\n            {$str_not_modified_by}\r\n            {$str_date_min}\r\n            {$str_date_max}\r\n\r\n            " . getOrderByString($order_by) . $str_limit;
     require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'db/class_projectperson.inc.php';
     $dbh = new DB_Mysql();
     $sth = $dbh->prepare($s_query);
     $sth->execute("", 1);
     $tmp = $sth->fetchall_assoc();
     $items = array();
     if ($unviewed_only) {
         require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . "db/db_itemperson.inc.php";
         $viewed_items = array();
         foreach (ItemPerson::getAll(array('person' => $auth->cur_user->id)) as $vi) {
             $viewed_items[$vi->item] = $vi;
         foreach ($tmp as $n) {
             $item = new DbProjectItem($n);
             if ($item->modified > $auth->cur_user->date_highlight_changes && (!isset($viewed_items[$item->id]) || $item->modified > $viewed_items[$item->id]->viewed_last)) {
                 $items[] = $item;
     } else {
         foreach ($tmp as $n) {
             $item = new DbProjectItem($n);
             $items[] = $item;
     return $items;
Example #6
  * get all open & Visible projects from db
 public static function getAll($args = NULL)
     global $auth;
     $prefix = confGet('DB_TABLE_PREFIX');
     if ($args && !is_array($args)) {
         trigger_error("requires array as parameter", E_USER_WARNING);
     ### default params ###
     $order_by = "prio, name";
     $status_min = STATUS_UNDEFINED;
     $status_max = STATUS_OPEN;
     $company = NULL;
     $visible_only = $auth->cur_user->user_rights & RIGHT_VIEWALL ? false : true;
     $search = NULL;
     $id = NULL;
     $person = NULL;
     $limit = NULL;
     ### filter params ###
     if ($args) {
         foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset(${$key}) && !is_null(${$key}) && !${$key} === "") {
                 trigger_error("unknown parameter", E_USER_NOTICE);
             } else {
                 ${$key} = $value;
     $AND_id = $id ? 'AND p.id=' . intval($id) : '';
     $AND_match = $search ? "AND (MATCH (p.name,p.status_summary,p.description) AGAINST ('" . asMatchString($search) . "*' IN BOOLEAN MODE))" : '';
     if (!is_null($company)) {
         $AND_company = 'AND p.company=' . intval($company);
     } else {
         $AND_company = "";
     if (!is_null($person)) {
         $AND_person_all_part1 = " {$prefix}projectperson upp, ";
         $AND_person_all_part2 = "AND upp.person = '" . intval($person) . "' \r\n                                     AND upp.state = 1\r\n                                     AND upp.project = p.id";
         $AND_person_visible_part1 = " {$prefix}projectperson upp2, ";
         $AND_person_visible_part2 = "AND upp.project = upp2.project\r\n                                         AND upp2.person = '" . intval($person) . "'";
     } else {
         $AND_person_all_part1 = "";
         $AND_person_all_part2 = "";
         $AND_person_visible_part1 = "";
         $AND_person_visible_part2 = "";
     $str_limit = $limit ? " LIMIT " . intval($limit) . " " : "";
      * @@@ NOTE: using a distinct select here is not nice...
     ### only assigned projects ###
     if ($visible_only) {
         $str = "SELECT DISTINCT i.*, p.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}projectperson upp, {$AND_person_visible_part1} {$prefix}project p left join {$prefix}company c on p.company = c.id\r\n                WHERE\r\n                    upp.person = '{$auth->cur_user->id}'\r\n                    AND upp.state = 1\r\n                    AND upp.project = p.id\r\n                    {$AND_person_visible_part2}\r\n                    AND   p.status <= " . intval($status_max) . "\r\n                    AND   p.status >= " . intval($status_min) . "\r\n                    AND   p.state = 1\r\n                    AND   i.id = p.id\r\n                    AND (p.company = c.id OR p.company = 0)\r\n                    {$AND_company}\r\n                    {$AND_match}\r\n                    {$AND_id}\r\n                " . getOrderByString($order_by) . $str_limit;
     } else {
         $str = "SELECT DISTINCT i.*, p.* from {$prefix}item i, {$AND_person_all_part1} {$prefix}project p left join {$prefix}company c on p.company = c.id\r\n\r\n                WHERE\r\n                       p.status <= " . intval($status_max) . "\r\n                   AND p.status >= " . intval($status_min) . "\r\n                   AND p.state = 1\r\n                   AND i.id = p.id\r\n                   AND (p.company = 0 OR p.company = c.id)\r\n                  {$AND_company}\r\n                  {$AND_match}\r\n                  {$AND_id}\r\n                  {$AND_person_all_part2}\r\n                " . getOrderByString($order_by) . $str_limit;
     $projects = self::queryFromDb($str);
     return $projects;
Example #7
  * return efforts depending on filter options
  * @@@ todo:
  * - refacture status_min/max evaluation only if !is_null
 static function getAll($args = NULL)
     global $auth;
     $prefix = confGet('DB_TABLE_PREFIX');
     ### default params ###
     $project = NULL;
     $person = NULL;
     $order_by = 'e.time_start DESC';
     $visible_only = true;
     # use project rights settings
     $alive_only = true;
     # ignore deleted
     $task = NULL;
     # for a parent task?
     $date_min = NULL;
     $date_max = NULL;
     $search = NULL;
     # search query
     $effort_status_min = NULL;
     $effort_status_max = NULL;
     $effort_time_min = NULL;
     $effort_time_max = NULL;
     ### filter params ###
     if ($args) {
         foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset(${$key}) && !is_null(${$key}) && !${$key} === "") {
                 trigger_error("unknown parameter", E_USER_NOTICE);
             } else {
                 ${$key} = $value;
     $str_project = $project ? 'AND i.project=' . intval($project) : '';
     $str_project2 = $project ? 'AND upp.project=' . intval($project) : '';
     $str_is_alive = $alive_only ? 'AND i.state=' . ITEM_STATE_OK : '';
     $str_date_min = $date_min ? "AND i.modified >= '" . asCleanString($date_min) . "'" : '';
     $str_date_max = $date_max ? "AND i.modified <= ' " . asCleanString($date_max) . "'" : '';
     $str_status_min = $effort_status_min ? "AND e.status >= '" . asCleanString($effort_status_min) . "'" : '';
     $str_status_max = $effort_status_max ? "AND e.status <= ' " . asCleanString($effort_status_max) . "'" : '';
     $str_effort_time_min = $effort_time_min ? "AND e.time_start >= ' " . asCleanString($effort_time_min) . "'" : '';
     $str_effort_time_max = $effort_time_max ? "AND e.time_end <= ' " . asCleanString($effort_time_max) . "'" : '';
     $str_task = !is_null($task) ? 'AND e.task=' . intval($task) : '';
     $str_person = $person ? 'AND e.person=' . intval($person) : '';
     if ($auth->cur_user->user_rights & RIGHT_VIEWALL) {
         $str_projectperson = "";
     } else {
         $str_projectperson = "AND upp.person = {$auth->cur_user->id}";
     $str_match = $search ? "AND MATCH (e.description) AGAINST ('" . asMatchString($search) . "*' IN BOOLEAN MODE)" : '';
      * note: project p required for sorting
     if ($visible_only) {
         $str_query = "SELECT DISTINCT i.*, e.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}effort e, {$prefix}project p, {$prefix}projectperson upp\r\n            WHERE\r\n\r\n                i.type = '" . ITEM_EFFORT . "'\r\n                {$str_project}\r\n                {$str_projectperson}\r\n                {$str_project2}\r\n                {$str_person}\r\n                {$str_is_alive}\r\n                AND ( i.pub_level >= upp.level_view\r\n                      OR\r\n                      i.created_by = {$auth->cur_user->id}\r\n                )\r\n                AND i.project = p.id\r\n\r\n                AND i.id = e.id\r\n                 {$str_task}\r\n                 {$str_date_max}\r\n                 {$str_date_min}\r\n                 {$str_status_max}\r\n                 {$str_status_min}\r\n                 {$str_effort_time_min}\r\n                 {$str_effort_time_max}\r\n                 {$str_match}\r\n\r\n            " . getOrderByString($order_by);
     } else {
         $str_query = "SELECT i.*, e.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}effort e, {$prefix}project p\r\n            WHERE\r\n                i.type = '" . ITEM_EFFORT . "'\r\n            {$str_project}\r\n            {$str_is_alive}\r\n\r\n            AND i.project = p.id\r\n\r\n            AND i.id = e.id\r\n             {$str_task}\r\n             {$str_date_max}\r\n             {$str_date_min}\r\n             {$str_match}\r\n\r\n            " . getOrderByString($order_by);
     $dbh = new DB_Mysql();
     $sth = $dbh->prepare($str_query);
     $sth->execute("", 1);
     $tmp = $sth->fetchall_assoc();
     $efforts = array();
     foreach ($tmp as $t) {
         $effort = new Effort($t);
         $efforts[] = $effort;
     return $efforts;
Example #8
  * getComments($project=false)
 static function getAll($args = array())
     global $auth;
     $prefix = confGet('DB_TABLE_PREFIX');
     require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'db/class_comment.inc.php';
     ### default params ###
     $order_by = 'c.name';
     $visible_only = true;
     # use project rights settings
     $alive_only = true;
     # ignore deleted
     $project = NULL;
     $task = NULL;
     $person = NULL;
     $date_min = NULL;
     $date_max = NULL;
     $search = NULL;
     $parent_comment = NULL;
     ### filter params ###
     if ($args) {
         foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset(${$key}) && !is_null(${$key}) && !${$key} === "") {
                 trigger_error("unknown parameter", E_USER_NOTICE);
             } else {
                 ${$key} = $value;
     $dbh = new DB_Mysql();
     $str_is_alive = $alive_only ? 'AND i.state=1' : '';
     $AND_person = $person ? 'AND i.created_by=' . intval($person) : '';
     $AND_task = $task ? 'AND c.task=' . intval($task) : '';
     $AND_match = $search ? "AND (MATCH (c.name,c.description) AGAINST ('" . asMatchString($search) . "*'  IN BOOLEAN MODE))" : '';
     $AND_project1 = $project ? "AND upp.project= {$project}" : "";
     $AND_project2 = $project ? "AND i.project= {$project}" : "";
     $AND_date_min = $date_min ? "AND i.modified >= '" . asCleanString($date_min) . "'" : '';
     $AND_date_max = $date_max ? "AND i.modified <= '" . asCleanString($date_max) . "'" : '';
     if (!is_null($parent_comment)) {
         $AND_comment = 'AND c.comment = ' . intval($parent_comment);
     } else {
         $AND_comment = '';
     if ($visible_only) {
         $str_query = "SELECT i.*, c.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}comment c, {$prefix}projectperson upp\r\n            WHERE\r\n                    upp.person = {$auth->cur_user->id}\r\n                {$AND_project1}\r\n                AND upp.state = 1\r\n\r\n                AND i.type = '" . ITEM_COMMENT . "'\r\n                AND i.project = upp.project\r\n                {$AND_project2}\r\n                {$str_is_alive}\r\n                {$AND_person}\r\n                {$AND_date_min}\r\n                {$AND_date_max}\r\n                AND ( i.pub_level >= upp.level_view\r\n                      OR\r\n                      i.created_by = {$auth->cur_user->id}\r\n                )\r\n\r\n                AND c.id = i.id\r\n                {$AND_task}\r\n                {$AND_match}\r\n                {$AND_comment}\r\n\r\n            " . getOrderByString($order_by);
     } else {
         $str_query = "SELECT i.*, c.* from {$prefix}item i, {$prefix}comment c\r\n            WHERE\r\n                    i.type = '" . ITEM_COMMENT . "'\r\n                {$AND_project2}\r\n                {$str_is_alive}\r\n                {$AND_person}\r\n                {$AND_date_min}\r\n                {$AND_date_max}\r\n\r\n                AND c.id = i.id\r\n                {$AND_task}\r\n                {$AND_comment}\r\n                {$AND_match}\r\n\r\n            " . getOrderByString($order_by);
     $sth = $dbh->prepare($str_query);
     $sth->execute("", 1);
     $tmp = $sth->fetchall_assoc();
     $comments = array();
     foreach ($tmp as $n) {
         $comment = new Comment($n);
         $comments[] = $comment;
     return $comments;
Example #9
 static function getAll($args = NULL)
     global $auth;
     $prefix = confGet('DB_TABLE_PREFIX');
     $dbh = new DB_Mysql();
     ## default parameter ##
     $id = NULL;
     $person = $auth->cur_user->id;
     $item = NULL;
     $viewed = NULL;
     $is_bookmark = NULL;
     $feedback_requested_by = NULL;
     $notify_on_change = NULL;
     $notify_if_unchanged_min = NULL;
     $notify_if_unchanged_max = NULL;
     $order_by = "ip.created DESC";
     ### filter params ###
     if ($args) {
         foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
             if (!isset(${$key}) && !is_null(${$key}) && !${$key} === "") {
                 trigger_error("unknown parameter", E_USER_NOTICE);
             } else {
                 ${$key} = $value;
     $str_id = $id ? "AND ip.id = " . $id . "" : "";
     $str_item = $item ? "AND ip.item = " . $item . "" : "";
     if (is_null($is_bookmark)) {
         $str_bookmark = "";
     } else {
         if ($is_bookmark) {
             $str_bookmark = "AND ip.is_bookmark = 1";
         } else {
             $str_bookmark = "AND ip.is_bookmark = 0";
     if (is_null($feedback_requested_by)) {
         $str_feedback = "";
     } else {
         if (is_int($feedback_requested_by) || is_string($feedback_requested_by)) {
             $str_feedback = "AND ip.feedback_requested_by = int({$feedback_requested_by})";
         } else {
             $str_feedback = "AND ip.feedback_requested_by != 0";
     if (!is_null($notify_on_change)) {
         $str_notify_on_change = 'AND ip.notify_on_change = ' . $notify_on_change;
     } else {
         $str_notify_on_change = '';
     if (!is_null($notify_if_unchanged_min)) {
         $str_notify_if_unchanged_min = 'AND ip.notify_if_unchanged >= ' . $notify_if_unchanged_min;
     } else {
         $str_notify_if_unchanged_min = '';
     if (!is_null($notify_if_unchanged_max)) {
         $str_notify_if_unchanged_max = 'AND ip.notify_if_unchanged <= ' . $notify_if_unchanged_max;
     } else {
         $str_notify_if_unchanged_max = '';
     if (!is_null($person)) {
         $str_query = "SELECT ip.* FROM {$prefix}itemperson ip,  {$prefix}item i\r\n                          WHERE ip.person = " . $person . "\r\n                          AND i.id = ip.item\r\n                          {$str_item}\r\n                          {$str_bookmark}\r\n                          {$str_id}\r\n                          {$str_feedback}\r\n                          {$str_notify_on_change}\r\n                          {$str_notify_if_unchanged_min}\r\n                          {$str_notify_if_unchanged_max}" . getOrderByString($order_by);
         $sth = $dbh->prepare($str_query);
         $sth->execute("", 1);
         $tmp = $sth->fetchall_assoc();
         $itempeople = array();
         foreach ($tmp as $t) {
             $itemperson = new ItemPerson($t);
             $itempeople[] = $itemperson;
         return $itempeople;
     } else {
         return NULL;
Example #10
  * get Projects
  * @@@ this should be refactured into Project::getProject()
 public function getProjects($f_order_by = NULL, $f_status_min = STATUS_UPCOMING, $f_status_max = STATUS_COMPLETED)
     global $auth;
     $prefix = confGet('DB_TABLE_PREFIX');
     $status_min = intval($f_status_min);
     $status_max = intval($f_status_max);
     ### all projects ###
     if ($auth->cur_user->user_rights & RIGHT_VIEWALL) {
         $str = "SELECT p.* from {$prefix}project p, {$prefix}projectperson pp\r\n                WHERE\r\n                       p.status <= {$status_max}\r\n                   AND p.status >= {$status_min}\r\n                   AND p.state = 1\r\n\r\n                   AND pp.person = {$this->id}\r\n                   AND pp.project = p.id\r\n                   AND pp.state=1\r\n                " . getOrderByString($f_order_by, 'prio, name');
     } else {
         $str = "SELECT p.* from {$prefix}project p, {$prefix}projectperson upp , {$prefix}projectperson pp\r\n                WHERE\r\n                        upp.person = {$auth->cur_user->id}\r\n                    AND upp.state = 1\r\n                    AND upp.project = pp.project\r\n\r\n                   AND pp.person = {$this->id}\r\n                   AND pp.project = p.id\r\n                   AND pp.state=1\r\n\r\n                    AND p.id = upp.project\r\n                    AND   p.status <= {$status_max}\r\n                    AND   p.status >= {$status_min}\r\n                    AND   p.state = 1\r\n\r\n                " . getOrderByString($f_order_by, 'prio, name');
     $dbh = new DB_Mysql();
     $sth = $dbh->prepare($str);
     $sth->execute("", 1);
     $tmp = $sth->fetchall_assoc();
     $projects = array();
     foreach ($tmp as $n_array) {
         require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'db/class_project.inc.php';
         if ($n_array['id']) {
             if ($proj = Project::getById($n_array['id'])) {
                 $projects[] = $proj;
     return $projects;