Example #1
 function process()
     $edit =& $_POST['edit'];
     $this->template_name = 'pages/league/edit.tpl';
     $this->smarty->assign('status', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'status'));
     $this->smarty->assign('seasons', getOptionsFromQuery("SELECT id AS theKey, display_name AS theValue FROM season ORDER BY year, id"));
     $this->smarty->assign('days', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'day'));
     $this->smarty->assign('ratios', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'ratio'));
     $this->smarty->assign('schedule_types', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'schedule_type'));
     $this->smarty->assign('display_sotg', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'display_sotg'));
     $this->smarty->assign('excludeTeams', getOptionsFromEnum('league', 'excludeTeams'));
     /* TODO: 10 is a magic number.  Make it a config variable */
     $this->smarty->assign('tiers', getOptionsFromRange(0, 10));
     /* TODO: 5 is a magic number.  Make it a config variable */
     $this->smarty->assign('rounds', getOptionsFromRange(0, 5));
     $this->smarty->assign('games_before_repeat', getOptionsFromRange(0, 9));
     if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') {
         $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit);
         if (count($errors) > 0) {
             $this->smarty->assign('edit', $edit);
             $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors);
             return true;
         local_redirect(url("league/view/" . $this->league->league_id));
     } else {
         /* Deal with multiple days and start times */
         if (strpos($league->day, ",")) {
             $league->day = explode(',', $league->day);
         $this->smarty->assign('edit', (array) $this->league);
     return true;
Example #2
 function generateForm(&$edit)
     global $lr_session, $CONFIG;
     $this->smarty->assign('privacy_url', variable_get('privacy_policy', ''));
     $this->smarty->assign('app_org_short_name', variable_get('app_org_short_name', 'the league'));
     $this->smarty->assign('province_names', getProvinceNames());
     $this->smarty->assign('state_names', getStateNames());
     $this->smarty->assign('country_names', getCountryNames());
     $player_classes = array('player' => 'Player', 'visitor' => 'Non-player account');
     if ($lr_session->has_permission('person', 'edit', $this->person->id, 'class')) {
         $player_classes['administrator'] = 'Leaguerunner administrator';
         $player_classes['volunteer'] = 'Volunteer';
     # Volunteers can unset themselves as volunteer if they wish.
     if ($this->person->class == 'volunteer') {
         $player_classes['volunteer'] = 'Volunteer';
     $this->smarty->assign('player_classes', $player_classes);
     $this->smarty->assign('player_statuses', getOptionsFromEnum('person', 'status'));
     $this->smarty->assign('skill_levels', getOptionsFromRange(1, 10));
     $this->smarty->assign('start_years', getOptionsFromRange(1986, strftime('%Y', time()), 'reverse'));
     $this->smarty->assign('shirt_sizes', getShirtSizes());
     $this->smarty->assign('dog_questions', variable_get('dog_questions', 1));
     return true;
Example #3
 function process()
     $edit =& $_POST['edit'];
     $this->template_name = 'pages/season/edit.tpl';
     $this->smarty->assign('yes_no', array('No', 'Yes'));
     $this->smarty->assign('seasons', getOptionsFromEnum('season', 'season'));
     if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') {
         $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit);
         if (count($errors) > 0) {
             $this->smarty->assign('edit', $edit);
             $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors);
             return true;
         local_redirect(url("season/view/" . $this->season->id));
     } else {
         /* Deal with multiple days and start times */
         if (strpos($season->day, ",")) {
             $season->day = explode(',', $season->day);
         $this->season->archived = $this->season->archived ? 1 : 0;
         $this->smarty->assign('edit', (array) $this->season);
     return true;
Example #4
 function generateForm()
     $output = form_hidden('edit[step]', 'confirm');
     $player = $this->registration->user();
     if (!$player) {
         return false;
     $noneditable = array();
     $noneditable[] = array('Name', l($player->fullname, url("person/view/{$player->id}")));
     $noneditable[] = array('Member ID', $player->member_id);
     $noneditable[] = array('Event', l($this->event->name, url("event/view/{$this->event->registration_id}")));
     $noneditable[] = array('Registered Price', $this->registration->total_amount);
     $form = '<div class="pairtable">' . table(NULL, $noneditable) . '</div>';
     $pay_opts = getOptionsFromEnum('registrations', 'payment');
     $form .= form_select('Registration Status', 'edit[payment]', $this->registration->payment, $pay_opts);
     $form .= form_textarea('Notes', 'edit[notes]', $this->registration->notes, 45, 5);
     $output .= form_group('Registration details', $form);
     if ($this->formbuilder) {
         $this->formbuilder->bulk_set_answers_sql('SELECT qkey, akey FROM registration_answers WHERE order_id = ?', array($this->registration->order_id));
         if (count($this->formbuilder->_answers) > 0) {
             $output .= form_group('Registration answers', $this->formbuilder->render_editable(true));
         } else {
             $output .= form_group('Registration answers', $this->formbuilder->render_editable(false));
     $output .= form_submit('Submit') . form_reset('Reset');
     return form($output);
Example #5
 function process()
     $this->title = 'Registration ' . $this->registration->formatted_order_id();
     $this->template_name = 'pages/registration/view.tpl';
     $this->smarty->assign('reg', $this->registration);
     $this->smarty->assign('event', $this->event);
     // TODO: should be get_user() for consistency.
     $this->smarty->assign('registrant', $this->registration->user());
     if (!$this->event->anonymous && $this->formbuilder) {
         $this->formbuilder->bulk_set_answers_sql('SELECT qkey, akey FROM registration_answers WHERE order_id = ?', array($this->registration->order_id));
         $this->smarty->assign('formbuilder_render_viewable', $this->formbuilder->render_viewable());
     $pay_opts = getOptionsFromEnum('registration_payments', 'payment_type');
     $this->smarty->assign('payment_types', $pay_opts);
     $this->smarty->assign('payment_details', $this->registration->get_payments());
Example #6
 function generateForm(&$edit)
     $this->smarty->assign('field_statuses', array('open' => 'open', 'closed' => 'closed'));
     $this->smarty->assign('ratings', field_rating_values());
     // TODO: Should become Field::get_eligible_parents()
     $sth = Field::query(array('_extra' => 'ISNULL(parent_fid)', '_order' => 'f.name,f.num'));
     $parents = array();
     $parents[0] = "---";
     while ($p = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         $parents[$p->fid] = $p->fullname;
     $this->smarty->assign('parents', $parents);
     $this->smarty->assign('regions', getOptionsFromEnum('field', 'region'));
     $this->smarty->assign('noyes', array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'));
     $this->smarty->assign('province_names', getProvinceNames());
     $this->smarty->assign('state_names', getStateNames());
     $this->smarty->assign('country_names', getCountryNames());
     return true;
Example #7
 function process()
     $edit =& $_POST['edit'];
     $this->template_name = 'pages/team/edit.tpl';
     $this->smarty->assign('status', getOptionsFromEnum('team', 'status'));
     if ($edit['step'] == 'perform') {
         $errors = $this->check_input_errors($edit);
         if (count($errors) > 0) {
             $this->smarty->assign('edit', $edit);
             $this->smarty->assign('formErrors', $errors);
             return true;
         local_redirect(url("team/view/" . $this->team->team_id));
     } else {
         $this->smarty->assign('edit', (array) $this->team);
     return true;
Example #8
 function generateForm($data = array())
     $output = form_hidden("edit[step]", "confirm");
     $output .= form_textfield("Field Identification", 'edit[num]', $data['num'], 15, 15, "Location of this field at the given site; cannot be 0");
     $output .= form_select("Field Status", 'edit[status]', $data['status'], array('open' => 'open', 'closed' => 'closed'));
     $output .= form_select("Field Rating", 'edit[rating]', $data['rating'], field_rating_values(), "Rate this field on the scale provided");
     // TODO: Should become Field::get_eligible_parents()
     $sth = Field::query(array('_extra' => 'ISNULL(parent_fid)', '_order' => 'f.name,f.num'));
     $parents = array();
     $parents[0] = "---";
     while ($p = $sth->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ)) {
         $parents[$p->fid] = $p->fullname;
     $output .= form_select("Parent Field", 'edit[parent_fid]', $data['parent_fid'], $parents, "Inherit location and name from other field");
     if (!$data['parent_fid']) {
         $output .= form_textfield("Field Name", 'edit[name]', $data['name'], 35, 255, "Name of field (do not append number)");
         $output .= form_textfield("Field Code", 'edit[code]', $data['code'], 3, 3, "Three-letter abbreviation for field site");
         $output .= form_select("Region", 'edit[region]', $data['region'], getOptionsFromEnum('field', 'region'), "Area of city this field is located in");
         $output .= form_select("Is indoor", 'edit[is_indoor]', $data['is_indoor'], array(0 => 'No', 1 => 'Yes'), "Is this an indoor field");
         $output .= form_textfield('Street and Number', 'edit[location_street]', $data['location_street'], 25, 100);
         $output .= form_textfield('City', 'edit[location_city]', $data['location_city'], 25, 100, 'Name of city');
         $output .= form_select('Province', 'edit[location_province]', $data['location_province'], getProvinceNames(), 'Select a province from the list');
         $output .= form_textfield("Location Map", 'edit[location_url]', $data['location_url'], 50, 255, "URL for image that shows how to reach the field");
         $output .= form_textfield("Layout Map", 'edit[layout_url]', $data['layout_url'], 50, 255, "URL for image that shows how to set up fields at the site");
         $output .= form_textarea("Driving Directions", 'edit[driving_directions]', $data['driving_directions'], 60, 5, "");
         $output .= form_textarea("Parking Details", 'edit[parking_details]', $data['parking_details'], 60, 5, "");
         $output .= form_textarea("Transit Directions", 'edit[transit_directions]', $data['transit_directions'], 60, 5, "");
         $output .= form_textarea("Biking Directions", 'edit[biking_directions]', $data['biking_directions'], 60, 5, "");
         $output .= form_textarea("Public Washrooms", 'edit[washrooms]', $data['washrooms'], 60, 5, "");
         $output .= form_textarea("Special Instructions", 'edit[public_instructions]', $data['public_instructions'], 60, 5, "Specific instructions for this site that don't fit any other category.");
         $output .= form_textarea("Private Instructions", 'edit[site_instructions]', $data['site_instructions'], 60, 5, "Instructions for this site that should be shown only to logged-in members.");
         $output .= form_textarea("Sponsorship", 'edit[sponsor]', $data['sponsor'], 60, 5, "");
     $output .= form_submit('Submit') . form_reset('Reset');
     return form($output);
Example #9
 function generateForm()
     global $lr_session;
     # Alias, to avoid typing.  Bleh.
     $game =& $this->game;
     $league =& $this->league;
     $output = form_hidden('edit[step]', 'confirm');
     $teams = $league->teams_as_array();
     /* Now, since teams may not be in league any longer, we need to force
      * them to appear in the pulldown
     $teams[$game->home_id] = $game->home_name;
     $teams[$game->away_id] = $game->away_name;
     $output .= form_item("League/Division", l($league->fullname, "league/view/{$league->league_id}"));
     $output .= form_item("Home Team", l($game->home_name, "team/view/{$game->home_id}"));
     $output .= form_item("Away Team", l($game->away_name, "team/view/{$game->away_id}"));
     $output .= form_item("Date and Time", "{$game->game_date}, {$game->game_start} until " . $game->display_game_end() . $note);
     $field = Field::load(array('fid' => $game->fid));
     $output .= form_item("Location", l("{$field->fullname} ({$game->field_code})", "field/view/{$game->fid}"), $note);
     if ($lr_session->is_coordinator_of($game->league_id)) {
         $output .= form_item("Site Ranking (home team)", $game->get_site_ranking($game->home_id));
         $output .= form_item("Site Ranking (away team)", $game->get_site_ranking($game->away_id));
     $output .= form_item("Game Status", $game->status);
     if (isset($game->round)) {
         $output .= form_item("Round", $game->round);
     $spirit_group = '';
     $score_group = '';
      * Now, for scores and spirit info.  Possibilities:
      *  - game has been finalized:
      *  	- everyone can see scores
      *  	- coordinator can edit scores/spirit
      *  - game has not been finalized
      *  	- players only see "not yet submitted"
      *  	- captains can see submitted scores
      *  	- coordinator can see everything, edit final scores/spirit
     if ($game->approved_by) {
         // Game has been finalized
         if (!$this->can_edit) {
             // If we're not editing, display score.  If we are,
             // it will show up below.
             switch ($game->status) {
                 case 'home_default':
                     $home_status = " (defaulted)";
                 case 'away_default':
                     $away_status = " (defaulted)";
                 case 'forfeit':
                     $home_status = " (forfeit)";
                     $away_status = " (forfeit)";
             $score_group .= form_item("Home ({$game->home_name} [rated: {$game->rating_home}]) Score", "{$game->home_score} {$home_status}");
             $score_group .= form_item("Away ({$game->away_name} [rated: {$game->rating_away}]) Score", "{$game->away_score} {$away_status}");
         if ($game->home_score == $game->away_score && $game->rating_points == 0) {
             $score_group .= form_item("Rating Points", "No points were transferred between teams");
         } else {
             if ($game->home_score >= $game->away_score) {
                 $winner = l($game->home_name, "team/view/{$game->home_id}");
                 $loser = l($game->away_name, "team/view/{$game->away_id}");
             } elseif ($game->home_score < $game->away_score) {
                 $winner = l($game->away_name, "team/view/{$game->away_id}");
                 $loser = l($game->home_name, "team/view/{$game->home_id}");
             $score_group .= form_item("Rating Points", $game->rating_points, $winner . " gain " . $game->rating_points . " points and " . $loser . " lose " . $game->rating_points . " points");
         switch ($game->approved_by) {
             case APPROVAL_AUTOMATIC:
                 $approver = 'automatic approval';
             case APPROVAL_AUTOMATIC_HOME:
                 $approver = 'automatic approval using home submission';
             case APPROVAL_AUTOMATIC_AWAY:
                 $approver = 'automatic approval using away submission';
                 $approver = 'game automatically forfeited due to lack of score submission';
                 $approver = Person::load(array('user_id' => $game->approved_by));
                 $approver = l($approver->fullname, "person/view/{$approver->user_id}");
         $score_group .= form_item("Score Approved By", $approver);
     } else {
          * Otherwise, scores are still pending.
         if ($lr_session->is_coordinator_of($game->league_id)) {
             $list = player_rfc2822_address_list($game->get_captains(), true);
             $output .= para(l('Click here to send an email', "mailto:{$list}") . ' to all captains.');
         $stats_group = '';
         /* Use our ratings to try and predict the game outcome */
         $homePct = $game->home_expected_win();
         $awayPct = $game->away_expected_win();
         $stats_group .= form_item("Chance to win", table(null, array(array($game->home_name, sprintf("%0.1f%%", 100 * $homePct)), array($game->away_name, sprintf("%0.1f%%", 100 * $awayPct)), array("View the " . l('Ratings Table', "game/ratings/{$game->game_id}") . " for this game."))));
         $output .= form_group("Statistics", $stats_group);
         $score_group .= form_item('', "Score not yet finalized");
         if ($lr_session->has_permission('game', 'view', $game, 'submission')) {
             $score_group .= form_item("Score as entered", $this->score_entry_display());
     // Now, we always want to display this edit code if we have
     // permission to edit.
     if ($this->can_edit) {
         $score_group .= form_select('Game Status', 'edit[status]', $game->status, getOptionsFromEnum('schedule', 'status'), "To mark a game as defaulted, select the appropriate option here.  Appropriate scores will automatically be entered.");
         $score_group .= form_textfield("Home ({$game->home_name} [rated: {$game->rating_home}]) score", 'edit[home_score]', $game->home_score, 2, 2);
         $score_group .= form_textfield("Away ({$game->away_name} [rated: {$game->rating_away}]) score", 'edit[away_score]', $game->away_score, 2, 2);
     $output .= form_group("Scoring", $score_group);
     if ($lr_session->has_permission('game', 'view', $game, 'spirit')) {
         $ary = $game->get_spirit_entry($game->home_id);
         $s = new Spirit();
         $formbuilder = $s->as_formbuilder();
         if ($ary) {
             // TODO: when not editable, display viewable tabular format with symbols
             $home_spirit_group = $this->can_edit ? $formbuilder->render_editable(true, 'home') : $formbuilder->render_viewable(true, 'home');
         } else {
             $home_spirit_group = $this->can_edit ? $formbuilder->render_editable(true, 'home') : 'Not entered';
         $ary = $game->get_spirit_entry($game->away_id);
         if ($ary) {
             $away_spirit_group = $this->can_edit ? $formbuilder->render_editable(true, 'away') : $formbuilder->render_viewable(true, 'away');
         } else {
             $away_spirit_group = $this->can_edit ? $formbuilder->render_editable(true, 'away') : 'Not entered';
         $output .= form_group("Spirit assigned TO home ({$game->home_name})", $home_spirit_group);
         $output .= form_group("Spirit assigned TO away ({$game->away_name})", $away_spirit_group);
     if ($lr_session->has_permission('field', 'view reports')) {
         $sth = FieldReport::query(array('game_id' => $this->game->game_id));
         $header = array("Date Reported", "Reported By", "Report");
         while ($r = $sth->fetchObject('FieldReport')) {
             $rows[] = array($r->created, l($r->reporting_user_fullname, url("person/view/" . $r->reporting_user_id)), $r->report_text);
         $output .= form_group("This game's field reports for " . $field->fullname, "<div class='listtable'>" . table($header, $rows) . "</div>\n");
     if ($this->can_edit) {
         $output .= para(form_submit("submit") . form_reset("reset"));
     return $script . form($output, 'post', null, 'id="score_form"');