function afficheCommandes($bdd, $idco) { /* Récupération du membreID */ $memberID = getMemberID($bdd, $idco); /* Récupération du basketID */ $basketID = getBasketID($bdd, $memberID); /* Récupération du follower */ $n = nbPersonne($bdd, $memberID); /* * ************************************************** */ /* Récupération des repas payés et affichage */ /* * **************************************************** */ echo ' <div class="row section-head"> <h2 style="color : #8BB24C;"> <FONT size="5">Repas<FONT></h2> </div>'; /* Récupération du nombre de repas réservés */ $cpt = getNbRepasCommandes($bdd, $basketID); $totalrepas = 0; if ($cpt != 0) { $sql = 'SELECT Activity_Name, YEAR(Activity_Date), MONTH(Activity_Date), DAY(Activity_Date), Activity_Hour, Belong_Price FROM Activity ' . ' INNER JOIN Activity_Type ON (Activity_Type.Activity_Type_ID = Activity.Activity_Type_ID) ' . ' INNER JOIN Belong ON (Belong.Activity_ID = Activity.Activity_ID) ' . ' WHERE (Basket_ID = :id AND Belong_Paid = 0 AND Belong_Payement_Way="CH" AND Activity_Type_Name = "Repas" AND Congress_ID =' . congressID . ' ) ORDER BY (Activity_Date)'; $stmt = $bdd->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR, PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL)); $stmt->execute(array(':id' => "{$basketID}")); echo ' <div> <TABLE id="tableau" border cols="3" style="border:1px solid black;width : 90%; margin-left : 0"> <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=22% style="border:1px solid black;text-align : center;"><FONT size="4" style="color : #52574B"> Date </FONT></TH> <td class ="col" width=40% style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="4" style="color : #52574B"> Intitulé </FONT></th> <td class ="col" width=10% style="border:1px solid black ; text-align : center;"><FONT size="4" style="color : #52574B"> Tarif </FONT></th> <td class ="col" width=253.41 style="border:1px solid black ; text-align : center;"><FONT size="4" style="color : #52574B"> Nombre de personnes</FONT></th> </TR>'; while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT)) { $activite = $row["Activity_Name"]; $annee = $row["YEAR(Activity_Date)"]; $mois = $row["MONTH(Activity_Date)"]; $jour = $row["DAY(Activity_Date)"]; $heure = $row["Activity_Hour"]; $prix = $row["Belong_Price"]; $totalrepas = "******" + "{$totalrepas}"; if ($mois < 10) { $mois = "0" . $mois; } if ($jour < 10) { $jour = "0" . $jour; } $date = $jour . "-" . $mois . "-" . $annee . " à " . $heure; echo ' <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=22% style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="3.5">' . $date . '</FONT> </TH> <td class ="col" width=40% style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="3.5">' . $activite . '</FONT> </th> <td class ="col" width=10% style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5">' . $prix . ' € </FONT> </th> <td class ="col" width=253.41 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5">' . $n . ' </FONT> </th> </TR>'; } echo '</TABLE> </div>'; } else { echo ' <div> <tr style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #C6CCBB;" > Aucun repas commandé</h2> </div>'; } /* * ****************************************************** */ /* Récupération des excursions payées et affichage */ /* * ******************************************************** */ echo ' <div class="row section-head"> <br> <h2 style="color : #8BB24C;"> <FONT size="5"> Excursions<FONT></h2> </div>'; /* Récupération du nombre d'excursions réservées */ $cpt2 = getNbExcursionsCommandees($bdd, $basketID); $totalexcursions = 0; if ($cpt2 != 0) { $sql = 'SELECT Activity_Name, YEAR(Activity_Date), MONTH(Activity_Date), DAY(Activity_Date), Activity_Hour, Belong_Price FROM Activity ' . ' INNER JOIN Activity_Type ON (Activity_Type.Activity_Type_ID = Activity.Activity_Type_ID) ' . ' INNER JOIN Belong ON (Belong.Activity_ID = Activity.Activity_ID) ' . ' WHERE (Basket_ID = :id AND Belong_Paid = 0 AND Belong_Payement_Way="CH" AND Activity_Type_Name = "Excursion" AND Congress_ID =' . congressID . ' ) ORDER BY (Activity_Date)'; $stmt = $bdd->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR, PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL)); $stmt->execute(array(':id' => "{$basketID}")); echo ' <div> <TABLE id="tableau" border cols="3" style="border:1px solid black;width : 90%; margin-left : 0"> <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=22% style="border:1px solid black;text-align : center;"><FONT size="4" style="color : #52574B"> Date </FONT></TH> <td class ="col" width=40% style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="4" style="color : #52574B"> Intitulé </FONT></th> <td class ="col" width=10% style="border:1px solid black ; text-align : center;"><FONT size="4" style="color : #52574B"> Tarif </FONT></th> <td class ="col" width=253.41 style="border:1px solid black ; text-align : center;"><FONT size="4" style="color : #52574B"> Nombre de personnes</FONT></th> </TR>'; while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT)) { $activite = $row["Activity_Name"]; $annee = $row["YEAR(Activity_Date)"]; $mois = $row["MONTH(Activity_Date)"]; $jour = $row["DAY(Activity_Date)"]; $heure = $row["Activity_Hour"]; $prix = $row["Belong_Price"]; $totalexcursions = $prix + $totalexcursions; if ($mois < 10) { $mois = "0" . $mois; } if ($jour < 10) { $jour = "0" . $jour; } $date = $jour . "-" . $mois . "-" . $annee . " à " . $heure; echo ' <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=22% style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="3.5">' . $date . '</FONT> </TH> <td class ="col" width=40% style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="3.5">' . $activite . '</FONT> </th> <td class ="col" width=10% style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5">' . $prix . ' € </FONT> </th> <td class ="col" width=253.41 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5">' . $n . ' </FONT> </th> </TR>'; } echo '</TABLE> </div>'; } else { echo ' <div> <tr style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #C6CCBB;" > Aucune excursion commandée</h2> </div>'; } /* * *************************** */ /* Affichage des totaux */ /* * *********************** */ $totalrepas = $n * $totalrepas; $totalexcursions = $n * $totalexcursions; $total = $totalrepas + $totalexcursions; echo ' <div class="row section-head"> <br></br> <h2 style="color : #8BB24C;" > <FONT size="5"> Totaux <FONT></h2> </div> <div> <TABLE id="tableau" border width=50% cols="2" style="border:1px solid black;width : 40%; margin-left : 0" > <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=300 height = 35 style="border:1px solid black;text-align : center;"><FONT size="4" style="color : #52574B"> Total des repas </Td> <td class ="col" width=101 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5">' . $totalrepas . ' € </FONT></Td> </TR> <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=300 height = 35 style="border:1px solid black;text-align : center;"><FONT size="4" style="color : #52574B"> Total des excursions </Td> <td class ="col" width=101 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5">' . $totalexcursions . ' € </FONT></Td> </TR> <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=300 height = 35 style="border:1px solid black;text-align : center;"><FONT size="4" style="color : #52574B"> Total </b> </Td> <td class ="col" width=101 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5" style="color:#BA052C">' . $total . ' € </FONT></Td> </TR> </TABLE> </div> <br>'; if ($cpt + $cpt2 != 0) { echo '<form name="imprimCommandes" id="contactForm" method="post" action="imprimCommandes.php"> <div align="center"> <input type="submit" name="v" value="Imprimer"> <input type="hidden" name="idco" value="' . $idco . '"> </div>'; } }
function pdfCommandes($bdd, $idco) { /* Récupération des données personnelles du membre */ list($memberID, $nom, $prenom, $titre, $status, $district, $club, $num, $adressesup, $rue, $ville, $cp, $tel, $mobile, $mail, $positionclub, $positiondistrict, $train, $traindate) = getInfos($bdd, $idco); /* Récupération du follower */ list($fnom, $fprenom) = getFollower($bdd, $memberID); /* Récupération du basketID */ $basketID = getBasketID($bdd, $memberID); $accompagnant = ""; $n = 1; /* nombre de personnes */ if (!(empty($fnom) && empty($fprenom))) { $accompagnant = $fprenom . " " . $fnom; $n = $n + 1; } else { $accompagnant = "Aucun"; } /* * ************************************************* */ /* Récupération des repas payés et affichage */ /* * *************************************************** */ $texte = '<div class="row section-head"> <h2 style="color : #8BB24C;"> <FONT size="5">Repas</FONT></h2> </div>'; /* Récupération du nombre de repas réservés */ $cpt = getNbRepasCommandes($bdd, $basketID); $totalrepas = 0; if ($cpt != 0) { $sql = 'SELECT Activity_Name, YEAR(Activity_Date), MONTH(Activity_Date), DAY(Activity_Date), Activity_Hour, Belong_Price FROM Activity ' . ' INNER JOIN Activity_Type ON (Activity_Type.Activity_Type_ID = Activity.Activity_Type_ID) ' . ' INNER JOIN Belong ON (Belong.Activity_ID = Activity.Activity_ID) ' . ' WHERE (Basket_ID = :id AND Belong_Paid = 0 AND Belong_Payement_Way = "CH" AND Activity_Type_Name = "Repas" AND Congress_ID = ' . congressID . ') ORDER BY (Activity_Date)'; $stmt = $bdd->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR, PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL)); $stmt->execute(array(':id' => "{$basketID}")); $texte = $texte . ' <div> <TABLE id="tableau" border cols="3" style="border:1px solid black;width : 100%; margin-left : 0;border-collapse: collapse;"> <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=120 style="border:1px solid black; background-color : #C9D2D7;text-align : center;"><FONT size="5" > <b> Date </b></FONT></Td> <td class ="col" width=260 style="border:1px solid black; background-color : #C9D2D7; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="5" > <b> Intitulé </b></FONT></td> <td class ="col" width=100 style="border:1px solid black ; background-color : #C9D2D7; text-align : center;"><FONT size="5" > <b> Tarif </b> </FONT></td> <td class ="col" width=160 style="border:1px solid black ; background-color : #C9D2D7; text-align : center;"><FONT size="5" > <b> Nombre de personnes </b> </FONT></td> </TR> '; while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT)) { $activite = $row["Activity_Name"]; $annee = $row["YEAR(Activity_Date)"]; $mois = $row["MONTH(Activity_Date)"]; $jour = $row["DAY(Activity_Date)"]; $heure = $row["Activity_Hour"]; $prix = $row["Belong_Price"]; $totalrepas = "******" + "{$totalrepas}"; if ($mois < 10) { $mois = "0" . $mois; } if ($jour < 10) { $jour = "0" . $jour; } $date = $jour . "-" . $mois . "-" . $annee . " à " . $heure; $texte = $texte . ' <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=120 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="3.5" style="color : #252E43">' . $date . '</FONT> </Td> <td class ="col" width=260 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="3.5" style="color : #252E43">' . $activite . '</FONT> </td> <td class ="col" width=100 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5" style="color : #252E43">' . $prix . ' €</FONT> </td> <td class ="col" width=160 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5" style="color : #252E43">' . $n . ' </FONT> </td> </TR>'; } $texte = $texte . ' </TABLE> </div>'; } else { $texte = $texte . ' <div style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #707B82;" > Aucun repas commandé</FONT></div>'; } /* * ****************************************************** */ /* Récupération des excursions payées et affichage */ /* * ******************************************************** */ $texte = $texte . ' <div class="row section-head"> <h2 style="color : #8BB24C;"> <FONT size="5"> Excursions</FONT></h2> </div>'; /* Récupération du nombre d'excursions réservées */ $cpt2 = getNbExcursionsCommandees($bdd, $basketID); $totalexcursions = 0; if ($cpt2 != 0) { $sql = 'SELECT Activity_Name, YEAR(Activity_Date), MONTH(Activity_Date), DAY(Activity_Date), Activity_Hour, Belong_Price FROM Activity ' . ' INNER JOIN Activity_Type ON (Activity_Type.Activity_Type_ID = Activity.Activity_Type_ID) ' . ' INNER JOIN Belong ON (Belong.Activity_ID = Activity.Activity_ID) ' . ' WHERE (Basket_ID = :id AND Belong_Paid = 0 AND Belong_Payement_Way = "CH" AND Activity_Type_Name = "Excursion" AND Congress_ID = ' . congressID . ') ORDER BY (Activity_Date)'; $stmt = $bdd->prepare($sql, array(PDO::ATTR_CURSOR, PDO::CURSOR_SCROLL)); $stmt->execute(array(':id' => "{$basketID}")); $texte = $texte . ' <div> <TABLE id="tableau" border cols="3" style="border:1px solid black;width : 100%; margin-left : 0;border-collapse: collapse;"> <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=120 style="border:1px solid black; background-color : #C9D2D7;text-align : center;"><FONT size="5" > <b> Date </b></FONT></Td> <td class ="col" width=260 style="border:1px solid black; background-color : #C9D2D7; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="5" > <b> Intitulé </b></FONT></td> <td class ="col" width=100 style="border:1px solid black ; background-color : #C9D2D7; text-align : center;"><FONT size="5" > <b> Tarif </b> </FONT></td> <td class ="col" width=160 style="border:1px solid black ; background-color : #C9D2D7; text-align : center;"><FONT size="5" > <b> Nombre de personnes </b> </FONT></td> </TR> '; while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC, PDO::FETCH_ORI_NEXT)) { $activite = $row["Activity_Name"]; $annee = $row["YEAR(Activity_Date)"]; $mois = $row["MONTH(Activity_Date)"]; $jour = $row["DAY(Activity_Date)"]; $heure = $row["Activity_Hour"]; $prix = $row["Belong_Price"]; if ($mois < 10) { $mois = "0" . $mois; } if ($jour < 10) { $jour = "0" . $jour; } $date = $jour . "-" . $mois . "-" . $annee . " à " . $heure; $totalexcursions = $prix + $totalexcursions; $texte = $texte . ' <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=120 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="3.5" style="color : #252E43">' . $date . '</FONT> </Td> <td class ="col" width=260 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"> <FONT size="3.5" style="color : #252E43">' . $activite . '</FONT> </td> <td class ="col" width=100 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5" style="color : #252E43">' . $prix . ' €</FONT> </td> <td class ="col" width=160 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5" style="color : #252E43">' . $n . ' </FONT> </td> </TR>'; } $texte = $texte . ' </TABLE> </div>'; } else { $texte = $texte . ' <div style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #707B82;" > Aucune excursion commandée </FONT></div>'; } /* * *************************** */ /* Affichage des totaux */ /* * *********************** */ $totalrepas = $totalrepas * $n; $totalexcursions = $totalexcursions * $n; $total = $totalrepas + $totalexcursions; $texte = $texte . ' <div class="row section-head"> <br> <h2 style="color : #11ABB0;" > <FONT size="5">TOTAUX</FONT></h2> </div> <div> <TABLE id="tableau" border width=50% cols="2" style="border:1px solid black;width : 40%; margin-left : 0; border-collapse: collapse;" > <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=300 height = 35 style="border:1px solid black;text-align : center;background-color : #C9D2D7;"><FONT size="4" > <b> Total des repas </b></FONT> </Td> <td class ="col" width=101 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5" style="color : #252E43">' . $totalrepas . ' € </FONT></Td> </TR> <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=300 height = 35 style="border:1px solid black;text-align : center;background-color : #C9D2D7;"><FONT size="4" > <b> Total des excursions </b></FONT></Td> <td class ="col" width=101 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5" style="color : #252E43">' . $totalexcursions . ' € </FONT></Td> </TR> <TR class="row" > <Td class ="col" width=300 height = 35 style="border:1px solid black;text-align : center;background-color : #C9D2D7;"><FONT size="4" > <b> Total </b> </FONT></Td> <td class ="col" width=101 style="border:1px solid black; text-align : center;"><FONT size="3.5" style="color:#BA052C">' . $total . ' € </FONT></Td> </TR> </TABLE> </div> '; list($a, $mo, $j, $h, $m, $s) = dateAuj($bdd); $dateauj = "{$j}" . "-" . "{$mo}" . "-" . "{$a}"; ob_start(); ?> <page backtop="15mm" backbottom="15mm" backleft="10mm" backright="10mm"> <div class="logo"> <a href="" style="top : 4px"><img alt="" src="images/logo.png" style="height: 50px; width: 55px; top: 4px"></a> </div> <div class="col full"> <h2 style="margin : 65px ; color : #252E43; text-align : center"> <FONT size="6"> Récapitulatif des activités réservées - <?php echo "{$dateauj}"; ?> </FONT></h2> </div> <div class="row section-head"> <h2 style="color : #11ABB0;" > <FONT size="5">INFORMATIONS PERSONNELLES </FONT></h2> </div> <div> <div style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #252E43;" > <u>Civilité</u> : <?php echo "{$titre}"; ?> </FONT> </div> <div style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #252E43;" > <u>Nom</u> : <?php echo "{$nom}"; ?> </FONT></div> <div style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #252E43;" > <u>Prenom</u> : <?php echo "{$prenom}"; ?> </FONT></div> </div> <div> <div style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #252E43;" > <u>Adresse</u> : <?php echo "{$num} {$rue} ({$adressesup}) {$cp} {$ville}"; ?> </FONT> </div> <div style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #252E43;" > <u>Téléphone</u> : <?php echo "{$tel}"; ?> </FONT> </div> <div style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #252E43;" > <u>Mobile</u> : <?php echo "{$mobile}"; ?> </FONT></div> <div style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #252E43;" > <u>Mail</u> : <?php echo "{$mail}"; ?> </FONT></div> <div style="" > <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #252E43;" > <u>Accompagnant</u> : <?php echo "{$accompagnant}"; ?> </FONT></div> </div> <div class="row section-head"> <br> <h2 style="color : #11ABB0;" > <FONT size="5">ACTIVITES COMMANDEES</FONT></h2> </div> <?php echo "{$texte}"; ?> <page_footer backtop="5mm" backbottom="10mm" backleft="10mm" backright="10mm"> <div style="text-align:center"> <FONT size="3.5" style="font-weight:normal;color : #252E43; text-align:center" ><i>Page 1/1</i> </FONT></div> </page_footer> </page> <?php $content = ob_get_clean(); require 'html2pdf/html2pdf.class.php'; try { $pdf = new HTML2PDF('P', 'A4', 'fr'); $pdf->writeHTML($content); $pdf->Output('recapitulatifCommandes.pdf'); } catch (HTML2PDF_exception $ex) { die($ex); } }