public function searchUser() { $token = I('token'); if ($token) { $user_id = false; $data = M("device_token"); $query['token'] = $token; $result = $data->where($query)->find(); if (!$result) { // 如果不存在 $Form = D('user'); // 新增一个用户 $user = array(''); $user_id = $Form->add($user); if ($user_id) { // 新增一个设备id $token_form = D('device_token'); $token_info = array('user_id' => $user_id, 'token' => $token, 'addtime' => getMillisecond()); $token_form->add($token_info); } } else { $user_id = $result['user_id']; } if ($user_id) { // 如果该设备号已经存在 $user_from = D('user'); $result = $user_from->find($user_id); echo json_encode($result); } } }
public function __construct($model = '') { if ($model) { $this->model = $model; } $this->appKey = sha1(session('app_id') . "UZ" . session('app_key') . "UZ" . getMillisecond()) . "." . getMillisecond(); session('appKey', $this->appKey); }
function saveexpect_action() { $path = "uploads_resume_file/"; if (!empty($_FILES)) { //得到上传的临时文件流 $tempFile = $_FILES['Filedata']['tmp_name']; //允许的文件后缀 $fileTypes = array('doc'); //得到文件原名 //$fileName = iconv("UTF-8","GB2312",$_FILES["Filedata"]["name"]); //重命名上传文件名 function getMillisecond() { list($t1, $t2) = explode(' ', microtime()); return (double) sprintf('%.0f', (floatval($t1) + floatval($t2)) * 1000); } $uname = getMillisecond(); $fileName = iconv("UTF-8", "GB2312", $uname . ".doc"); $fileParts = pathinfo($_FILES['Filedata']['name']); //接受动态传值 $files = $_POST['typeCode']; //上传文件 move_uploaded_file($tempFile, $path . $fileName); $name = @explode('.', $_FILES['Filedata']['name']); //最后保存到mysql数据库字段 $data = array(); $data["picurl"] = "../uploads_resume_file/" . $fileName; $data['title'] = $this->stringfilter($name[0]); $data["ctime"] = time(); $data['uid'] = (int) $_POST['uid']; $id = $this->obj->insert_into("resume_file", $data); if ($id) { echo $name[0] . "||" . $picurl . "||" . $id; die; } else { echo "2"; die; } } }
<?php include 'file_util.php'; error_reporting(0); date_default_timezone_set("PRC"); $token = $_POST['token']; $folder = "images/"; $dir = date("Y/m/d/"); $extension = strtolower(substr(strrchr($_FILES["file"]["name"], '.'), 1)); $filename = date("Ymd") . getMillisecond() . rand(1000, 9999) . "." . $extension; $allow_filetype = explode("|", "gif|jpg|png|jpeg|bmp|pjpeg|ppt|rar|zip|doc|pdf|docx|xls|xlsx|pptx|txt"); $result = ""; if ($token != "989h8u9fas8d979s8d9u9asdXXX") { $result = json_encode(array('code' => 9, 'message' => "Token非法!")); echo $result; } elseif (!in_array($extension, $allow_filetype)) { $result = json_encode(array('code' => 9, 'message' => "禁止上传此类文件!")); echo $result; } elseif ($_FILES["file"]["error"] > 0) { switch ($_FILES[$file]['error']) { case 1: // 文件大小超出了服务器的空间大小 $result = json_encode(array('code' => 1, 'message' => "文件大小超出了服务器的空间大小")); break; case 2: // 要上传的文件大小超出浏览器限制 $result = json_encode(array('code' => 2, 'message' => "要上传的文件大小超出浏览器限制")); break; case 3: // 文件仅部分被上传 $result = json_encode(array('code' => 3, 'message' => "文件仅部分被上传"));
<?php include 'config.php'; include 'db.php'; include 'utils.php'; if (empty($_FILES["mypic"])) { exit; } $names = $_FILES["mypic"]["name"]; $tmp_names = $_FILES["mypic"]["tmp_name"]; for ($i = 0; $i < count($names); $i++) { $picname = $names[$i]; $tmp_name = $tmp_names[$i]; $type = strstr($picname, '.'); $pics = getMillisecond() . $type; // 上传路径 $pic_path = "upload/" . $pics; move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $pic_path); $result = db::insert(UPLOAD_FILE_TABLE, array("name" => $picname, "localpath" => $pic_path, "type" => $type)); var_dump($result); } ?>
public function add_resume_save() { $userinfo = $_SESSION['userinfo']; if (empty($userinfo)) { setcookie("gourl", "/index.php?s=/Job/add_resume", time() + 3600, "/"); echo json_encode(array("code" => "400", "msg" => "未登录")); die; } $uid = $userinfo['userid']; setcookie("gourl", "", time() - 1, "/"); foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $_POST[$k] = I("post." . $k, '', 'htmlspecialchars'); } if (empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['mobile']) || empty($_POST['exper']) || empty($_POST['age']) || empty($_POST['email']) || empty($_POST['qqnum']) || empty($_POST['because']) || empty($_POST['personal']) || empty($_POST['edu']) || empty($_POST['zige'])) { echo json_encode(array("code" => "500", "msg" => "请完善简历信息")); die; } if (!is_numeric($_POST['age'])) { echo json_encode(array("code" => "500", "msg" => "请输入正确的年龄")); die; } $rule = "/^[a-z0-9]+([._\\-]*[a-z0-9])*@([a-z0-9]+[-a-z0-9]*[a-z0-9]+.){1,63}[a-z0-9]+\$/"; preg_match($rule, $_POST['email'], $result); if (!$result) { echo json_encode(array("code" => "500", "msg" => "请输入正确的邮箱")); die; } if (!is_numeric($_POST['qqnum'])) { echo json_encode(array("code" => "500", "msg" => "请输入正确的qq号码")); die; } $rule1 = "/^1[0-9]{10}\$/A"; preg_match($rule1, $_POST['mobile'], $result1); if (!$result1) { echo json_encode(array("code" => "500", "msg" => "请输入正确的手机号码")); die; } if ($_POST['type']) { $data['type'] = $_POST['type']; } else { if ($_COOKIE['upload']) { $data['type'] = 5; } } $data['username'] = $_POST['username']; $data['sex'] = $_POST['sex']; $data['age'] = $_POST['age']; $data['state'] = $_POST['state']; $data['mobile'] = $_POST['mobile']; $data['email'] = $_POST['email']; $data['qqnum'] = $_POST['qqnum']; $data['because'] = $_POST['because']; $data['personal'] = $_POST['personal']; $data['keyword'] = $_POST['keyword']; $data['job_id'] = 0; $data['t_id'] = $uid; $data['keyid'] = getMillisecond(); $data['audreason'] = 0; $data['posttime'] = time(); $resumeOb = M("resume"); $resumeOb->add($data); $iResumeid = $resumeOb->getLastInsID(); //最后插入的简历id //echo $resumeOb -> getLastSql(); if ($_POST['edu']) { $education = array(); $education['keyid'] = $data['keyid']; $education['starttime'] = 0; $education['endtime'] = 0; $education['schoolname'] = 0; $education['profess'] = 0; $education['academic'] = 0; $education['checkinfo'] = true; $education['content'] = $_POST['edu']; M("education")->add($education); } if ($_POST['exper']) { $workexper = array(); $workexper['keyid'] = $data['keyid']; $workexper['starttime'] = 0; $workexper['endtime'] = 0; $workexper['pname'] = 0; $workexper['salary'] = 0; $workexper['releaving'] = 0; $workexper['checkinfo'] = true; $workexper['intro'] = $_POST['exper']; M("workexper")->add($workexper); } if ($_POST['zige']) { $cercate = array(); $cercate['keyid'] = $data['keyid']; $cercate['ceaname'] = 0; $cercate['zhengshu'] = $_POST['zige']; M("cercate")->add($cercate); } /* * **************【增加候选人】操作日志 begin************************* */ $username = $userinfo['username']; $arNoticeInfo = getTNoticeInfo(0, $data['username']); $sLogtitle = $arNoticeInfo[0]; $sLogContent = $arNoticeInfo[1]; $arNotice = array("uid" => $uid, "username" => $username, "bt_id" => $iResumeid, "title" => $sLogtitle, "content" => $sLogContent, "created_at" => time(), "updated_at" => time()); M("notice_log")->add($arNotice); /* * **************【增加候选人】操作日志 end************************* */ if (!$_POST['type']) { //判断该简历有多少能匹配的职位 $where = "title like '%" . $data['keyword'] . "%' and stj_job.employ>(select count(*) from stj_record where stj_record.j_id = and audstart=6) and checkinfo='true' and endtime>unix_timestamp(now()) and is_deleted=0"; $jobCount = M("job")->where($where)->count(); if ($jobCount > 0) { echo json_encode(array("code" => "300", "msg" => $jobCount . "," . $data['keyword'])); die; } else { echo json_encode(array("code" => "200", "msg" => "增加成功")); die; } } echo json_encode(array("code" => "200", "msg" => $iResumeid)); die; }
public function add_resume_save() { $userinfo = unserialize($_COOKIE['userinfo']); if (empty($userinfo)) { setcookie("gourl", "/Home/Webchatnew/add_resume", time() + 3600, "/"); echo json_encode(array("code" => "400", "msg" => "未登录")); die; } setcookie("gourl", "", time() - 1, "/"); $uid = $userinfo['userid']; foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $_POST[$k] = I("post." . $k, '', 'htmlspecialchars'); } if (empty($_POST['username']) || empty($_POST['mobile']) || empty($_POST['keyword']) || empty($_POST['exper']) || empty($_POST['because']) || empty($_POST['edu'])) { echo json_encode(array("code" => "500", "msg" => "请完善简历信息")); die; } $rule1 = "/^1[0-9]{10}\$/A"; preg_match($rule1, $_POST['mobile'], $result1); if (!$result1) { echo json_encode(array("code" => "500", "msg" => "请输入正确的手机号码")); die; } $arAllResume = M("resume")->query("select * from stj_resume where mobile='{$_POST['mobile']}' and isshow=1 "); if (!empty($arAllResume)) { echo json_encode("该候选人简历在系统中已存在"); die; } $data['username'] = $_POST['username']; $data['sex'] = $_POST['sex']; $data['state'] = $_POST['state']; $data['mobile'] = $_POST['mobile']; $data['keyword'] = $_POST['keyword']; $data['because'] = $_POST['because']; $data['job_id'] = 0; $data['t_id'] = $uid; $data['keyid'] = getMillisecond(); $data['audreason'] = 0; $data['posttime'] = time(); $data['type'] = 5; $resumeOb = M("resume"); $resumeOb->add($data); $iResumeid = $resumeOb->getLastInsID(); //最后插入的简历id //echo $resumeOb -> getLastSql(); if ($_POST['edu']) { $education = array(); $education['keyid'] = $data['keyid']; $education['starttime'] = 0; $education['endtime'] = 0; $education['schoolname'] = 0; $education['profess'] = 0; $education['academic'] = 0; $education['checkinfo'] = true; $education['content'] = $_POST['edu']; M("education")->add($education); } if ($_POST['exper']) { $workexper = array(); $workexper['keyid'] = $data['keyid']; $workexper['starttime'] = 0; $workexper['endtime'] = 0; $workexper['pname'] = 0; $workexper['salary'] = 0; $workexper['releaving'] = 0; $workexper['checkinfo'] = true; $workexper['intro'] = $_POST['exper']; M("workexper")->add($workexper); } /* * **************【增加候选人】操作日志 begin************************* */ $username = $userinfo['username']; $arNoticeInfo = getTNoticeInfo(0, $data['username']); $sLogtitle = $arNoticeInfo[0]; $sLogContent = $arNoticeInfo[1]; $arNotice = array("uid" => $uid, "username" => $username, "bt_id" => $iResumeid, "title" => $sLogtitle, "content" => $sLogContent, "created_at" => time(), "updated_at" => time()); M("notice_log")->add($arNotice); /* * **************【增加候选人】操作日志 end************************* */ echo json_encode(array("code" => "200", "msg" => $iResumeid)); die; }
} * 必备参数: * $hostUrl * $timestamp 当前时间戳 * $service_code 应用服务码 * $key 服务码对应的共享密钥 * $apiUrl 请求api。 "/api/20140928/task_list"; */ //获取当前时间的毫秒值 function getMillisecond() { list($s1, $s2) = explode(' ', microtime()); return (double) sprintf('%.0f', (floatval($s1) + floatval($s2)) * 1000); } //获取当前时间 $timestamp = getMillisecond(); //服务码 $service_code = "TESTING"; //服务码对应的密钥 $key = "abc"; $apiUrl = "/api/20140928/management"; $data = array("function" => "list_users", "params" => array("service_code" => "TESTING", "fields" => "id,service_code,user_name", "page_index" => 0, "per_page" => 5)); $data_string = json_encode($data); $signatureUrl = $apiUrl . "service_code=" . $service_code . $data_string . $timestamp; //计算签名 $xvs_signature = hash_hmac("sha256", utf8_encode($signatureUrl), utf8_encode($key)); //需要发送请求的api url $url = "" . $apiUrl . "?service_code=" . $service_code; //初始化curl $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST");
}); $app->get('/api/menu', function () use($app) { try { $result = array(); $result = file_get_contents("./static/config_data/menu.json"); if (preg_match('/^\\xEF\\xBB\\xBF/', $result)) { $result = substr($result, 3); } echo $result; } catch (Exception $e) { $app->flash('error', $e->getMessage()); } }); $app->post('/api/image', function () use($app) { $result = ""; $targetDir = "./upload/images/" . getMillisecond(); try { $file = array_pop($_FILES); if ($file["error"] > 0) { $result = "Error: " . $file["error"] . "<br />"; } else { $targetFile = $targetDir . str_replace(".", "", $file["name"]); move_uploaded_file($file["tmp_name"], $targetFile); $result = $targetFile; } echo json_encode(array("result" => $result)); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; $app->flash('error', $e->getMessage()); } });
function info_save() { //判断传过来的信息是否合法,包括验证码是否正确 foreach ($_POST as $k => $v) { $data[$k] = I("post." . $k); } // echo "<pre>";var_dump($data);echo "</pre>"; if (empty($data['name']) || empty($data['mobile']) || empty($data['able_time']) || empty($data['verify']) || empty($data['want'])) { echo json_encode(array("code" => "500", "msg" => "参数异常")); die; } if ($_SESSION['up_' . $data['mobile']] != $data['verify']) { echo json_encode(array("code" => "500", "msg" => "验证码不正确")); die; } //判断是否是已有账号用户,不是则为其注册新用户,发送账号短信息 $memberOb = M("member"); $arMember = $memberOb->query("select * from stj_member m join stj_userinfo u where m.username=u.username and mobile='{$_POST['mobile']}' and flag=0"); if (empty($arMember)) { //创建用户 $userOb = M("userinfo"); $username = $this->create_username($userOb); $pwd = substr($_POST['mobile'], 5); $user['password'] = md5(md5($pwd)); $user['username'] = $username; $user['status'] = '1'; $user['flag'] = '0'; $card['username'] = $user['username']; $card['cnname'] = $data['name']; $card['password'] = $user['password']; $card['pwd'] = $pwd; $card['mobile'] = $_POST['mobile']; $card['activation'] = 1; $card['checkinfo'] = 'true'; $card['regip'] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $card['regtime'] = time(); $card['logintime'] = time(); $card['loginip'] = $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]; $card['fromwhere'] = "upresume"; $userOb->add($user); $memberOb->add($card); $memberId = $memberOb->getLastInsID(); //发送短信 $content = "您成功参与了人人猎上传简历坐等收钱活动,请用手机号登录,密码为手机号末六位。如有疑问,请联系010-57188076。"; $tag = "uploadresume"; $comment = "上传简历坐等收钱"; $linkid = $memberId; sendMessageOld($_POST['mobile'], $content, $linkid, $tag, $comment); } else { echo json_encode(array("code" => "500", "msg" => "您已是系统用户,请登陆后,上传简历。")); die; } //保存信息到简历表中 $resume['username'] = $data['name']; $resume['mobile'] = $data['mobile']; $resume['contact_time'] = $data['able_time']; $resume['keyword'] = $data['want']; $resume['t_id'] = $memberId; $resume['keyid'] = getMillisecond(); $resume['type'] = 5; $resume['other'] = $data['other']; $resume['posttime'] = time(); $_SESSION['up_' . $data['mobile']] = null; $re = M("resume")->add($resume); // var_dump($re); // echo M("customized")->getLastSql(); echo json_encode(array("code" => "200", "msg" => "参与成功")); die; }
/** * 发起一个HTTP/HTTPS的请求 * @param String $url 接口的URL * @param $params 接口参数 array('content'=>'test', 'format'=>'json'); * @param $method 请求类型,GET|POST|JSON|DELETE * @param $headers 扩展的包头信息 * @param $multi 图片信息 * @return string */ public static function request($url, $params = array(), $method = 'GET', $headers = array(), $multi = false) { if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { exit('Need to open the curl extension'); } $showLog = C("OPEN_HTTP_LOG"); try { $httpStartTime = getMillisecond(); $method = strtoupper($method); $ci = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'myfmvc php client'); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, 30); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, false); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYHOST, false); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_HEADER, false); switch ($method) { case 'POST': curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); if (!empty($params)) { if ($multi) { foreach ($multi as $key => $file) { $params[$key] = '@' . $file; } curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $params); $headers[] = 'Expect: '; } else { curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query($params)); } } break; case 'DELETE': case 'GET': $method == 'DELETE' && curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, 'DELETE'); if (!empty($params)) { $url = $url . (strpos($url, '?') ? '&' : '?') . (is_array($params) ? http_build_query($params) : $params); } break; case 'JSON': if (!empty($params)) { $data = json_encode($params); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Content-Type: application/json', 'Content-Length: ' . strlen($data))); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST, "POST"); } break; } curl_setopt($ci, CURLINFO_HEADER_OUT, TRUE); curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_URL, $url); if ($headers) { curl_setopt($ci, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $headers); } $response = curl_exec($ci); curl_close($ci); $httpEndTime = getMillisecond(); if ($showLog) { Log::write(sprintf("HTTP COSTTIME=【%s】ms, URL=【%s】,RESPONSE=【%s】", $httpEndTime - $httpStartTime, $url, $response)); } return $response; } catch (Exception $ex) { if ($showLog) { Log::write(sprintf("HTTP URL=【%s】,ERRORS=【%s】", $url, $ex->getMessage())); } } }
/** * 创建事务 */ public function addTransaction() { $information = I('post.'); if (!$this->produceTransaction($information)) { returnJson(404, $this->error); } $user = M('users')->where("stunum='%s'", $information['stuNum'])->find(); if (!$user) { returnJson(404, '没有完善信息,无法添加事务'); } $user_id = $user['id']; if (!$this->derepeat($user_id, $information, $information['date'], $this->error)) { returnJson(404, $this->error); } $id = empty($information['id']) ? getMillisecond() . sprintf("%04.0f", mt_rand(00, 9999)) : $information['id']; $current_time = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $term = $this->getTerm(); $data = array("time" => $information['time'], 'title' => $information['title'], 'content' => $information['content'], 'id' => $id, 'updated_time' => $current_time, 'user_id' => $user_id, 'term' => $term); $result = M('transaction')->add($data); if (!$result) { returnJson(500, 'error'); } $transaction_time = M('transaction_time'); foreach ($information['date'] as $date) { $data = $date; $data['transaction_id'] = $id; $data['updated_time'] = $current_time; if (!$transaction_time->add($data)) { returnJson(500, 'error'); } } returnJson(200, '', array('id' => $id)); }
function generateUserID() { date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Shanghai'); //代码中设定时区,防止开发环境和生产环境默认时区不一致 $currentTime = date("YmdHis"); //取14位当前时间YYYYMMDDHHMMSS $microTime = getMillisecond(3); //取3位毫秒值 $randomValue = getRandChar(5); // 取5位随机数 $userID = "{$currentTime}{$microTime}{$randomValue}"; return $userID; }
/** * 执行全局sql * @param $sql * @param array $bindArray * @param null $action * @return array|int|mixed|null|string */ public function execute($sql, $bindArray = array(), $action = null) { $sqlStartTime = getMillisecond(); $stmt = $this->link->prepare($sql); $ok = $stmt->execute($bindArray); $res = null; switch ($action) { case "select": $res = $stmt->fetch(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); break; case "selectAll": $res = $stmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); break; case "update": case "delete": $res = $stmt->rowCount(); break; case "insert": $res = $this->link->lastInsertId(); break; case "count": $res = $stmt->rowCount(); break; } $this->options = array(); $sqlEndTime = getMillisecond(); $showLog = C("SQL_LOG"); if ($showLog) { Log::write(sprintf("SQL COSETIME=【%s】ms,ERRORCODE=【%s】,SQL=【%s】,BIND=【%s】", $sqlEndTime - $sqlStartTime, $ok, $sql, json_encode($bindArray)), Log::SQL); } if (!$ok) { Log::write("SQL ERROR=" . json_encode($stmt->errorInfo()), Log::ERROR); throw new Exception(json_encode($stmt->errorInfo())); } return $res; }
/** * 执行一个sql更新 **/ public function update($sql) { interface_log(INFO, EC_OK, "SQL[{$sql}]"); if (!$this->_conn || $this->ping($this->_conn)) { if ($this->_autoCommitTime) { throw new Exception('auto commit time is not zero when reconnect to db'); } else { $this->connect(); } } $startTime = getMillisecond(); $urs = mysqli_query($this->_conn, $sql); if (!$urs) { throw new Exception('跟新失败:' . mysqli_error($this->_conn)); } else { interface_log(INFO, EC_OK, "excute time:" . getMillisecond($startTime) . "(ms) SQL[{$sql}]"); return $urs; } }
// return $contents; } elseif ($website == 'amazon') { $AmazonIp = array('', '', ''); $url = 'http://' . $AmazonIp[mt_rand(0, 2)] . '/search/complete?mkt=1&search-alias=aps&q=' . rawurlencode($keywords); $contents = file_get_contents($url); $contents = json_decode($contents); print 'amazon'; $contents = $contents[1]; // return $contents; } $ret['randkeywords'] = $RandKeyword; $ret['contents'] = $contents; return $ret; } } $data = getMillisecond(); //先获取10条最新外链。 $select = "SELECT * FROM linkurl ORDER BY linkurl.time DESC LIMIT 0, 10"; //获取最新10条外链 $ReturnKey = $pdo->query($select); $retrun_linkurl = $ReturnKey->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $ret['link_keywords'] = $retrun_linkurl; $ret = return_keywords($type); var_dump($ret); //显示为json格式 print json_encode($ret); //再写入新的外链 // $pdo->exec("INSERT INTO `$dbname`.`linkurl` (`url`, `keywords`, `time`, `click`) VALUES ('$lailu', '$keywords', '$data', '');");//插入新外链 //获取13位时间戳 function getMillisecond() {