/** * print in standard output **/ function loadReport($idUser = FALSE, $mvc = false) { require_once _track_scorm_basepath . 'scorm_stats.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.param.php'; if ($idUser !== false) { $this->idReference = getLOParam($this->idParams, 'idReference'); return scorm_userstat($this->idResource, $idUser, $this->idReference, $mvc); } }
function play($object_link, $id_param) { //-kb-play-// if(!checkPerm('view', true, 'organization') && !checkPerm('view', true, 'storage')) die("You can't access"); $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('link'); $idCategory = $object_link->getId(); $mode = importVar('mode', false, 'link'); $back_coded = htmlentities(urlencode($object_link->back_url)); require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.param.php'; $idReference = getLOParam($id_param, 'idReference'); // NOTE: Track only if $idReference is present if ($idReference !== FALSE) { require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/class.module/track.link.php'; list($exist, $idTrack) = Track_Link::getIdTrack($idReference, getLogUserId(), $idCategory, TRUE); if ($exist) { $ti = new Track_Link($idTrack); $ti->setDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $ti->status = 'completed'; $ti->update(); } else { $ti = new Track_Link(false); $ti->createTrack($idReference, $idTrack, getLogUserId(), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'completed', 'link'); } } list($title) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("\r\n\tSELECT title \r\n\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_link_cat \r\n\tWHERE idCategory = '" . (int) $idCategory . "'")); $link = 'index.php?modname=link&op=play&idCategory=' . $idCategory . '&id_param=' . $id_param . '&back_url=' . $back_coded; /*$GLOBALS['page']->add('<div id="top" class="std_block">' .'<div class="colum_container">' */ cout('<div id="top" class="yui-navset yui-navset-top tab_block"> <ul class="yui-nav"> <li class="first' . ($mode != 'keyw' ? ' selected' : '') . '"> <a href="' . $link . '&mode=list"> <em>' . Lang::t('_SWITCH_TO_LIST', 'link') . '</em> </a> </li> <li' . ($mode == 'keyw' ? ' class="selected"' : '') . '> <a href="' . $link . '&mode=keyw"> <em>' . Lang::t('_SWITCH_TO_KEYWORD', 'link') . '</em> </a> </li> </ul> <div class="yui-content">', 'content'); cout(getBackUi(Util::str_replace_once('&', '&', $object_link->back_url), $lang->def('_BACK')), 'content'); $GLOBALS['page']->add('<b>' . $lang->def('_TITLE') . ' : ' . $title . '</b><br /><br />' . $lang->def('_LINKIUNNEWWINDOW') . '<br /><br />', 'content'); if ($mode == 'keyw') { displayAsKey($idCategory, $link . '&mode=keyw'); } else { displayAsList($idCategory); } $GLOBALS['page']->add('<div class="align_center">' . '<a href="#top"><img src="' . getPathImage() . 'standard/up.png" title="' . $lang->def('_BACKTOTOP') . '" />' . $lang->def('_BACKTOTOP') . '</a>' . getBackUi(Util::str_replace_once('&', '&', $object_link->back_url), $lang->def('_BACK')) . '</div>', 'content'); cout('</div></div>', 'content'); }
function play($idResource, $idParams, $back_url) { //if(!checkPerm('view', true, 'organization') && !checkPerm('view', true, 'storage')) die("You can't access"); //echo ("idResource = ".$idResource."; idParams = ".$idParams."; back_url = ".$back_url); list($file) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("SELECT path" . " FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_materials_lesson" . " WHERE idLesson = '" . $idResource . "'")); //recognize mime type $expFileName = explode('.', $file); $totPart = count($expFileName) - 1; require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.param.php'; $idReference = getLOParam($idParams, 'idReference'); // NOTE: Track only if $idReference is present if ($idReference !== FALSE) { require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/class.module/track.item.php'; list($exist, $idTrack) = Track_Item::getIdTrack($idReference, getLogUserId(), $idResource, TRUE); if ($exist) { $ti = new Track_Item($idTrack); $ti->setDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $ti->status = 'completed'; $ti->update(); } else { $ti = new Track_Item(false); $ti->createTrack($idReference, $idTrack, getLogUserId(), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'completed', 'item'); } } if ($_SESSION['direct_play'] == 1) { if (isset($_SESSION['idCourse'])) { TrackUser::closeSessionCourseTrack(); unset($_SESSION['idCourse']); unset($_SESSION['idEdition']); } if (isset($_SESSION['test_assessment'])) { unset($_SESSION['test_assessment']); } if (isset($_SESSION['cp_assessment_effect'])) { unset($_SESSION['cp_assessment_effect']); } $_SESSION['current_main_menu'] = '1'; $_SESSION['sel_module_id'] = '1'; $_SESSION['is_ghost'] = false; } //send file sendFile('/appLms/' . Get::sett('pathlesson'), $file, $expFileName[$totPart]); }
/** * @return idParam if $idParam == NULL * else bool **/ function setLOParam($idParam, $param_name, $param_value) { if ($idParam === NULL) { $query = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_lo_param " . "( idParam, param_name, param_value )" . " VALUES " . "( '0', '" . $param_name . "', '" . $param_value . "' )"; if (sql_query($query)) { $idParam = mysql_insert_id(); $query = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_lo_param SET " . " idParam='" . (int) $idParam . "'" . "WHERE id = '" . (int) $idParam . "'"; } else { errorCommunication('setLOParam'); } } else { $val = getLOParam($idParam, $param_name); if ($val === FALSE) { $query = "INSERT INTO " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_lo_param " . "( idParam, param_name, param_value )" . " VALUES " . "( '" . (int) $idParam . "', '" . $param_name . "', '" . $param_value . "' )"; } else { $query = "UPDATE " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_lo_param SET " . " param_value='" . $param_value . "'" . "WHERE idParam = '" . (int) $idParam . "'" . " AND param_name = '" . $param_name . "'"; } } sql_query($query) or errorCommunication('setLOParam'); return $idParam; }
/** * function play( $id, $id_param, $back_url ) * @param int $id contains the resource id * @param int $id_param contains the id needed for params retriving * @param string $back_url contain the back url * @return nothing return **/ function play($id, $id_param, $back_url) { require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.param.php'; require_once Docebo::inc(_lms_ . '/modules/scorm/scorm.php'); $idReference = getLOParam($id_param, 'idReference'); $autoplay = getLOParam($id_param, 'autoplay'); $playertemplate = getLOParam($id_param, 'playertemplate'); play($id, $idReference, $back_url, $autoplay, $playertemplate); //Util::jump_to( 'index.php?modname=scorm&op=play&idscorm_organization='.$this->idResource // .'&idReference='.$idReference); }
function user_report($idUser, $idTest, $id_param = false, $id_track = false, $mvc = false) { if (!checkPerm('view', true, 'organization') && !checkPerm('view', true, 'storage')) { die("You can't access"); } $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('test'); if ($id_param !== false) { require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.param.php'; $idReference = getLOParam($id_param, 'idReference'); if (!Track_Test::isTrack($idUser, $idTest, $idReference)) { return; } //load existing info track $track_info = Track_Test::getTrackInfo($idUser, $idTest, $idReference); $idTrack = $track_info['idTrack']; } else { $idTrack = $id_track; } //test info--------------------------------------------------------- list($title, $mod_doanswer, $point_type, $point_required, $question_random_number, $show_score, $show_score_cat, $show_doanswer, $show_solution, $order_type) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("\r\n\tSELECT title, mod_doanswer, point_type, point_required, question_random_number, \r\n\t\t\tshow_score, show_score_cat, show_doanswer, \r\n\t\t\tshow_solution, order_type\r\n\tFROM %lms_test\r\n\tWHERE idTest = '" . (int) $idTest . "'")); list($score, $bonus_score, $date_attempt, $date_attempt_mod) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("\r\n\tSELECT score, bonus_score, date_attempt, date_attempt_mod \r\n\tFROM %lms_testtrack\r\n\tWHERE idTrack = '" . (int) $idTrack . "'")); $point_do = $bonus_score; $max_score = 0; $num_manual = 0; $manual_score = 0; $quest_sequence_number = 1; $report_test = ''; $point_do_cat = array(); /* $reQuest = sql_query(" SELECT q.idQuest, q.type_quest, t.type_file, t.type_class, q.idCategory FROM ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_testquest AS q JOIN ".$GLOBALS['prefix_lms']."_quest_type AS t WHERE q.idTest = '".$idTest."' AND q.type_quest = t.type_quest ORDER BY q.sequence");*/ if ($order_type >= 2) { $re_visu_quest = sql_query("SELECT idQuest \r\n\t\tFROM %lms_testtrack_quest\r\n\t\tWHERE idTrack = '" . (int) $idTrack . "' "); while (list($id_q) = sql_fetch_row($re_visu_quest)) { $quest_see[] = $id_q; } $query_question = "\r\n\t\tSELECT q.idQuest, q.type_quest, t.type_file, t.type_class, q.idCategory \r\n\t\tFROM %lms_testquest AS q JOIN %lms_quest_type AS t\r\n\t\tWHERE q.idTest = '" . $idTest . "' AND q.type_quest = t.type_quest AND q.idQuest IN (" . implode($quest_see, ',') . ") \r\n\t\tORDER BY q.sequence"; } else { $query_question = "\r\n\t\tSELECT q.idQuest, q.type_quest, t.type_file, t.type_class, q.idCategory \r\n\t\tFROM %lms_testquest AS q JOIN %lms_quest_type AS t\r\n\t\tWHERE q.idTest = '" . $idTest . "' AND q.type_quest = t.type_quest \r\n\t\tORDER BY q.sequence"; } $reQuest = sql_query($query_question); while (list($id_quest, $type_quest, $type_file, $type_class, $id_cat) = sql_fetch_row($reQuest)) { require_once _lms_ . '/modules/question/' . $type_file; $quest_point_do = 0; $quest_obj = eval("return new {$type_class}( {$id_quest} );"); $quest_point_do = $quest_obj->userScore($idTrack); $quest_max_score = $quest_obj->getMaxScore(); if ($type_quest != 'title' && $type_quest != 'break_page') { $review = $quest_obj->displayUserResult($idTrack, $type_quest != 'title' ? $quest_sequence_number++ : $quest_sequence_number, $show_solution); $report_test .= '<div class="test_quest_review_container">' . $review['quest']; if ($review['score'] !== false) { $report_test .= '<div class="test_answer_comment">' . '<div class="test_score_note">' . $lang->def('_SCORE') . ' : '; if ($quest_obj->getScoreSetType() == 'manual' && !$review['manual_assigned']) { $report_test .= $lang->def('_NOT_ASSIGNED'); } else { if ($review['score'] > 0) { $report_test .= '<span class="test_score_positive">' . $review['score'] . '</span>'; } else { $report_test .= '<span class="test_score_negative">' . $review['score'] . '</span>'; } } $report_test .= '</div>' . '</div>'; } $report_test .= '</div>' . "\n"; } if ($quest_obj->getScoreSetType() == 'manual') { ++$num_manual; $manual_score = round($manual_score + $quest_max_score, 2); } $point_do = round($point_do + $quest_point_do, 2); $max_score = round($max_score + $quest_max_score, 2); if (isset($point_do_cat[$id_cat])) { $point_do_cat[$id_cat] = round($point_do + $point_do_cat[$id_cat], 2); } else { $point_do_cat[$id_cat] = $point_do; } } //output variable, used in mvc mode $output = ""; $str = ""; if (!$mvc) { $str .= '<div class="std_block">'; } $str .= '<div class="title">' . $lang->def('_TITLE') . ' : ' . $title . '</div><br />'; if ($mvc) { $output .= $str; } else { $GLOBALS['page']->add($str, 'content'); } if ($point_type != '1') { $save_score = $point_do; } else { $save_score = round(round($point_do / $max_score, 2) * 100, 2); } if ($show_score && $point_type != '1') { $str = '<span class="test_score_note">' . $lang->def('_TEST_TOTAL_SCORE') . '</span> ' . $point_do . ' / ' . $max_score . '<br />'; if ($mvc) { $output .= $str; } else { $GLOBALS['page']->add($str, 'content'); } if ($num_manual != 0) { $str = '<br /><span class="test_score_note">' . $lang->def('_TEST_MANUAL_SCORE') . '</span> ' . $manual_score . ' ' . $lang->def('_TEST_SCORES') . '<br />'; if ($mvc) { $output .= $str; } else { $GLOBALS['page']->add($str, 'content'); } } } if ($show_score && $point_type == '1') { $str = '<span class="test_score_note">' . $lang->def('_TEST_TOTAL_SCORE') . '</span> ' . $save_score . ' %' . '<br />'; if ($mvc) { $output .= $str; } else { $GLOBALS['page']->add($str, 'content'); } if ($num_manual != 0) { $str = '<br /><span class="test_score_note">' . $lang->def('_TEST_MANUAL_SCORE') . '</span> ' . $manual_score . ' ' . $lang->def('_TEST_SCORES') . '<br />'; if ($mvc) { $output .= $str; } else { $GLOBALS['page']->add($str, 'content'); } } } if ($show_score_cat) { $category = array(); $reQuestCat = sql_query("\r\n\t\tSELECT idCategory \r\n\t\tFROM %lms_testquest\r\n\t\tWHERE idTest = '" . $idTest . "' AND idCategory != 0"); while (list($id_cat) = sql_fetch_row($reQuestCat)) { $category[] = $id_cat; } if (!empty($category)) { require_once _lms_ . '/lib/lib.questcategory.php'; $categories = Questcategory::getInfoAboutCategory($category); $str = '<br /><span class="test_score_note">' . $lang->def('_TEST_CATEGORY_SCORE') . '</span><br />'; if ($mvc) { $output .= $str; } else { $GLOBALS['page']->add($str, 'content'); } while (list($id_cat, $name_cat) = each($categories)) { $str = $name_cat . ', ' . $lang->def('_TEST_SCORES') . ': ' . (isset($point_do_cat[$id_cat]) ? $point_do_cat[$id_cat] : 0) . '<br />'; if ($mvc) { $output .= $str; } else { $GLOBALS['page']->add($str, 'content'); } } } } $str = '<br /><br /><div class="test_answer_space">' . $report_test . '</div>'; if (!$mvc) { $str .= '</div>'; } //end stdblock div if ($mvc) { return $output; } else { $GLOBALS['page']->add($str, 'content'); } }
/** * function play( $id, $id_param, $back_url ) * @param int $id contains the resource id * @param int $id_param contains the id needed for params retriving * @param string $back_url contain the back url * @return nothing return **/ function play($id, $id_param, $back_url) { //-kb-play-// if(!checkPerm('view', true, 'organization') && !checkPerm('view', true, 'storage')) die("You can't access"); $this->id = $id; $this->back_url = $back_url; $this->checkObjPerm(); list($title, $textof) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("\r\n\t\tSELECT title, textof \r\n\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_htmlpage \r\n\t\tWHERE idPage = '" . (int) $id . "'")); // recuper gli allegati $path = '/appLms/htmlpages/'; $query = "SELECT * FROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_htmlpage_attachment WHERE idpage = " . $id; $res = mysql_query($query); $attachments = array(); if ($res) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($res)) { $attachments[] = array('id' => $row['id'], 'title' => $row['title'], 'file' => $GLOBALS['where_files_relative'] . $path . $row['file']); } } require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.param.php'; $idReference = getLOParam($id_param, 'idReference'); // NOTE: Track only if $idReference is present if ($idReference !== FALSE) { require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/class.module/track.htmlpage.php'; list($exist, $idTrack) = Track_Htmlpage::getIdTrack($idReference, getLogUserId(), $this->id, TRUE); if ($exist) { $ti = new Track_Htmlpage($idTrack); $ti->setDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $ti->status = 'completed'; $ti->update(); } else { $ti = new Track_Htmlpage(false); $ti->createTrack($idReference, $idTrack, getLogUserId(), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'completed', 'htmlpage'); } } $atts = ''; foreach ($attachments as $attachment) { $atts .= "<a id=\"" . $attachment['id'] . "\" href=\"" . $attachment['file'] . "\" target=\"_blank\">" . $attachment['title'] . "</a><br/>"; } $GLOBALS['page']->add('<div id="top" class="std_block">' . getBackUi(str_replace('&', '&', $this->back_url), Lang::t('_BACK')) . '<div class="title">' . $title . '</div>' . '<div class="textof">' . $textof, 'content'); if ($atts != '') { $GLOBALS['page']->add('<br/><br/></div><div class="attach">' . Lang::t('_ATTACH_TITLE', 'htmlpage', 'lms') . '<br/>' . $atts . '</div>', 'content'); } else { $GLOBALS['page']->add('</div>', 'content'); } $GLOBALS['page']->add('<br /><br />' . getBackUi(str_replace('&', '&', $this->back_url), Lang::t('_BACK')) . '</div>', 'content'); }
function play($object_faq, $id_param) { !checkPerm('view', true, 'organization') && !checkPerm('view', true, 'storage'); require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/lib/lib.param.php'; $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('faq'); $idCategory = $object_faq->getId(); $mode = importVar('mode', false, 'faq'); $back_coded = htmlentities(urlencode($object_faq->back_url)); $search = importVar('search'); if (isset($_POST['empty'])) { $search = ''; } $idReference = getLOParam($id_param, 'idReference'); $link = 'index.php?modname=faq&op=play&idCategory=' . $idCategory . '&id_param=' . $id_param . '&back_url=' . $back_coded; // NOTE: Track only if $idReference is present if ($idReference !== FALSE) { require_once $GLOBALS['where_lms'] . '/class.module/track.faq.php'; list($exist, $idTrack) = Track_Faq::getIdTrack($idReference, getLogUserId(), $idCategory, TRUE); if ($exist) { $ti = new Track_Faq($idTrack); $ti->setDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s')); $ti->status = 'completed'; $ti->update(); } else { $ti = new Track_Faq(false); $ti->createTrack($idReference, $idTrack, getLogUserId(), date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), 'completed', 'faq'); } } list($title) = sql_fetch_row(sql_query("\r\n\tSELECT title \r\n\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_faq_cat \r\n\tWHERE idCategory = '" . (int) $idCategory . "'")); //$GLOBALS['page']->add('<div id="top" class="std_block">', 'content'); cout('<div class="yui-navset yui-navset-top tab_block"> <ul class="yui-nav"> <li class="first' . ($mode == 'faq' ? ' selected' : '') . '"> <a href="' . $link . '&mode=faq"> <em>' . Lang::t('_SWITCH_TO_FAQ', 'faq') . '</em> </a> </li> <li' . ($mode == 'help' ? ' class="selected"' : '') . '> <a href="' . $link . '&mode=help"> <em>' . Lang::t('_SWITCH_TO_HELP', 'faq') . '</em> </a> </li> </ul> <div class="yui-content">', 'content'); $GLOBALS['page']->add(getBackUi(Util::str_replace_once('&', '&', $object_faq->back_url), $lang->def('_BACK'))); $GLOBALS['page']->add('<b>' . $lang->def('_TITLE') . ' : ' . $title . '</b><br />' . '<br />', 'content'); if ($mode == 'help') { $link .= '&mode=help'; $letter = importVar('letter', true, ''); $search = urldecode(importVar('search')); // Display as help $textQuery = "\r\n\t\tSELECT keyword \r\n\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_faq \r\n\t\tWHERE idCategory = '" . importVar('idCategory', true) . "'"; if ($search != '' && !isset($_POST['empty'])) { $textQuery .= " AND ( question LIKE '%" . $search . "%' OR answer LIKE '%" . $search . "%' ) "; } $result = sql_query($textQuery); $GLOBALS['page']->add(Form::openForm('glossary_play', 'index.php?modname=faq&op=play') . Form::getOpenFieldset($lang->def('_FILTER')) . Form::getHidden('idCategory', 'idCategory', $idCategory) . Form::getHidden('id_param', 'id_param', $id_param) . Form::getHidden('back_url', 'back_url', $back_coded) . Form::getHidden('mode', 'mode', $mode) . Form::getTextfield($lang->def('_SEARCH'), 'search', 'search', 255, $search != '' && !isset($_POST['empty']) ? $search : ''), 'content'); $GLOBALS['page']->add('[ ', 'content'); //letter selection for ($i = 97; $i < 123; $i++) { if ($letter == $i) { $GLOBALS['page']->add('<span class="text_bold">(', 'content'); } $GLOBALS['page']->add('<a href="' . $link . '&letter=' . $i . '">' . chr($i) . '</a>', 'content'); if ($letter == $i) { $GLOBALS['page']->add(')</span>', 'content'); } if ($i < 122) { $GLOBALS['page']->add('-', 'content'); } } $GLOBALS['page']->add(' ] [ ', 'content'); for ($i = 48; $i < 58; $i++) { if ($letter == $i) { $GLOBALS['page']->add('<span class="text_bold">(', 'content'); } $GLOBALS['page']->add('<a href="' . $link . '&letter=' . $i . '">' . chr($i) . '</a>', 'content'); if ($letter == $i) { $GLOBALS['page']->add(')</span>', 'content'); } if ($i < 57) { $GLOBALS['page']->add('-', 'content'); } } $GLOBALS['page']->add(' ] ', 'content'); $GLOBALS['page']->add(Form::getBreakRow() . Form::openButtonSpace() . Form::getButton('do_search', 'do_search', $lang->def('_SEARCH')) . Form::getButton('empty', 'empty', $lang->def('_RESET')) . Form::closeButtonSpace() . Form::getCloseFieldset() . Form::closeForm(), 'content'); //analyze keyword $keyword_help = array(); while (list($keyword) = sql_fetch_row($result)) { $keyword_split = explode(',', $keyword); if (is_array($keyword_split)) { while (list(, $value) = each($keyword_split)) { $value = trim($value); if ($value != '') { if ($letter == 0) { if (isset($keyword_help[$value])) { ++$keyword_help[$value]; } else { $keyword_help[$value] = 1; } } elseif (substr($value, 0, 1) == chr($letter)) { if (isset($keyword_help[$value])) { ++$keyword_help[$value]; } else { $keyword_help[$value] = 1; } } } } } } ksort($keyword_help); reset($keyword_help); $GLOBALS['page']->add('<div class="yui-gf">' . '<div class="yui-u first" >' . '<div class="boxinfo_title">' . $lang->def('_TERM') . '</div>' . '<div class="boxinfo_container">' . '<ul class="link_list">', 'content'); while (list($key, $value) = each($keyword_help)) { $GLOBALS['page']->add('<li><a class="href_block" href="' . $link . '&letter=' . $letter . '&search=' . urlencode($search) . '&word=' . $key . '">' . $key . ' (' . $value . ')</a></li>', 'content'); } $GLOBALS['page']->add('</ul>' . '</div></div>' . '<div class="yui-u">', 'content'); if (isset($_GET['word'])) { $reDef = sql_query("\r\n\t\t\tSELECT title, answer \r\n\t\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_faq \r\n\t\t\tWHERE keyword LIKE '%" . $_GET['word'] . "%' AND idCategory = '" . (int) $_GET['idCategory'] . "'\r\n\t\t\tORDER BY title"); while (list($title, $answer) = sql_fetch_row($reDef)) { $GLOBALS['page']->add('<div class="boxinfo_title">' . $title . '</div>' . '<div class="boxinfo_container">' . ($search == '' ? $answer : eregi_replace($search, '<span class="highlight">' . $search . '</span>', $answer)) . '</div><br />', 'content'); } } $GLOBALS['page']->add('</div>' . '<div class="nofloat"></div>' . '</div>', 'content'); } else { // Display as faq $textQuery = "\r\n\t\tSELECT question, answer \r\n\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_lms'] . "_faq \r\n\t\tWHERE idCategory = '" . (int) $idCategory . "' " . (isset($_POST['search']) && !isset($_POST['empty']) ? " AND ( question LIKE '%" . $search . "%' OR answer LIKE '%" . $search . "%' ) " : '') . "ORDER BY sequence"; $result = sql_query($textQuery); $GLOBALS['page']->add(Form::openForm('glossary_play', 'index.php?modname=faq&op=play') . Form::getOpenFieldset($lang->def('_FILTER')) . Form::getHidden('idCategory', 'idCategory', $idCategory) . Form::getHidden('id_param', 'id_param', $id_param) . Form::getHidden('back_url', 'back_url', $back_coded) . Form::getTextfield($lang->def('_SEARCH'), 'search', 'search', 255, $search != '' && !isset($_POST['empty']) ? $search : '') . Form::getBreakRow() . Form::openButtonSpace() . Form::getButton('do_search', 'do_search', $lang->def('_SEARCH')) . Form::getButton('empty', 'empty', $lang->def('_RESET')) . Form::closeButtonSpace() . Form::getCloseFieldset() . Form::closeForm(), 'content'); while (list($question, $answer) = sql_fetch_row($result)) { $GLOBALS['page']->add('<div class="boxinfo_title">' . ($search == '' ? $question : eregi_replace($search, '<span class="highlight">' . $search . '</span>', $question)) . '</div>' . '<div class="boxinfo_container">' . ($search == '' ? $answer : eregi_replace($search, '<span class="highlight">' . $search . '</span>', $answer)) . '</div><br />', 'content'); } } $GLOBALS['page']->add('<div class="align_center">' . '<a href="#top">' . '<img src="' . getPathImage() . 'standard/upcheck.gif" title="' . $lang->def('_BACKTOTOP') . '" />' . $lang->def('_BACKTOTOP') . '</a>' . getBackUi(Util::str_replace_once('&', '&', $object_faq->back_url), $lang->def('_BACK')), 'content'); cout('<div class="nofloat"></div> </div><!-- yui content --> </div></div>', 'content'); }