function _updateMySQL()
    global $TABLE_PREFIX, $schema;
    $escapedTableName = mysql_escape($_REQUEST['tableName']);
    // get current column name and type
    $oldColumnName = $_REQUEST['fieldname'];
    $newColumnName = $_REQUEST['newFieldname'];
    $oldColumnType = getMysqlColumnType($_REQUEST['tableName'], $oldColumnName);
    $newColumnType = getColumnTypeFor($newColumnName, $_REQUEST['type'], @$_REQUEST['customColumnType']);
    // create/alter/remove MySQL columns
    $isOldColumn = $oldColumnType;
    $isNewColumn = $newColumnType != 'none' && $newColumnType != '';
    $doEraseColumn = $isOldColumn && !$isNewColumn;
    $doCreateColumn = !$oldColumnType && $isNewColumn;
    $doAlterColumn = $isOldColumn && $isNewColumn;
    // remove existing index (if any) - always dropping/recreating indexes ensure they match renamed fields, etc
    list($oldIndexName, $oldIndexColList) = getIndexNameAndColumnListForField($oldColumnName, $oldColumnType);
    $indexExists = (bool) mysql_get_query("SHOW INDEX FROM `{$escapedTableName}` WHERE Key_name = '{$oldIndexName}'");
    if ($indexExists) {
        mysql_query("DROP INDEX `{$oldIndexName}` ON `{$escapedTableName}`") or die("Error dropping index `{$newIndexName}`:" . htmlencode(mysql_error()));
    // update table: create, alter, or erase field
    if ($doCreateColumn) {
        // create field
        $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['tableName']) . "`\n                              ADD COLUMN  `" . mysql_escape($newColumnName) . "` {$newColumnType}";
        $result = mysql_query($query) or die("There was an error creating the MySQL Column, the error was:\n\n" . mysql_error());
    } else {
        if ($doAlterColumn) {
            // change field type
            $result = mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['tableName']) . "`\n                         CHANGE COLUMN `" . mysql_escape($oldColumnName) . "`\n                                       `" . mysql_escape($newColumnName) . "` {$newColumnType}") or die("There was an error changing the MySQL Column, the error was:\n\n" . mysql_error() . "\n");
        } else {
            if ($doEraseColumn) {
                // erase mysql field
                $query = "ALTER TABLE `" . mysql_escape($_REQUEST['tableName']) . "`\n               DROP COLUMN `" . mysql_escape($oldColumnName) . "`";
                $result = mysql_query($query) or die("There was an error removing the MySQL Column, the error was:\n\n" . mysql_error() . "\n");
    // add/re-create index if required
    if (@$_REQUEST['indexed']) {
        list($newIndexName, $newIndexColList) = getIndexNameAndColumnListForField($newColumnName, $newColumnType);
        $result = mysql_query("CREATE INDEX `{$newIndexName}` ON `{$escapedTableName}` {$newIndexColList}") or die("Error creating index `{$newIndexName}`:" . htmlencode(mysql_error()));
    // update uploads table (rename upload field if it was changed)
    $uploadFieldRenamed = $_REQUEST['type'] == 'upload' && $oldColumnName && $oldColumnName != $newColumnName;
    if ($uploadFieldRenamed) {
        $tableNameWithoutPrefix = getTableNameWithoutPrefix($_REQUEST['tableName']);
        $query = "UPDATE `{$TABLE_PREFIX}uploads`";
        $query .= "   SET fieldName='" . mysql_escape($newColumnName) . "'";
        $query .= " WHERE fieldName='" . mysql_escape($oldColumnName) . "' AND";
        $query .= "       tableName='" . mysql_escape($tableNameWithoutPrefix) . "'";
        mysql_query($query) or die("There was an error updating the uploads database:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
function createMissingSchemaTablesAndFields()
    global $APP, $TABLE_PREFIX;
    $schemaTables = getSchemaTables();
    $mysqlTables = getMysqlTablesWithPrefix();
    // create missing schema tables in mysql
    foreach ($schemaTables as $tableName) {
        // create mysql table
        $mysqlTableName = $TABLE_PREFIX . $tableName;
        if (!in_array($mysqlTableName, $mysqlTables)) {
            notice(t("Creating MySQL table for schema table: ") . $tableName . "<br/>\n");
            $result = mysql_query("CREATE TABLE `" . mysql_escape($mysqlTableName) . "` (num int(10) unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (num)) ENGINE=MyISAM DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;");
            if (!$result) {
                alert(sprintf("Error creating MySQL table: %s<br/>\\MySQL error was: ", $mysqlTableName) . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
            if (is_resource($result)) {
            // run defaultSqlData if applicable
            $defaultSqlFile = DATA_DIR . "/schema/{$tableName}.defaultSqlData.php";
            if (file_exists($defaultSqlFile)) {
                restoreDatabase($defaultSqlFile, $tableName);
                notice(t("Importing default data for schema table: ") . $tableName . "<br/>\n");
        // get schema fieldnames
        $schemaFieldnames = array();
        $tableSchema = loadSchema($tableName);
        foreach ($tableSchema as $name => $valueOrArray) {
            if (is_array($valueOrArray)) {
                array_push($schemaFieldnames, $name);
            // only fields has arrays as values
        // get mysql fieldnames
        $mysqlFieldnames = array();
        $result = mysql_query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM `" . mysql_escape($mysqlTableName) . "`") or die("MySQL Error: " . htmlencode(mysql_error()) . "\n");
        while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
            array_push($mysqlFieldnames, strtolower($row['Field']));
        if (is_resource($result)) {
        // add missing fieldnames to mysql
        $addFieldSQL = '';
        foreach ($schemaFieldnames as $fieldname) {
            if (!in_array(strtolower($fieldname), $mysqlFieldnames)) {
                $columnType = getColumnTypeFor($fieldname, @$tableSchema[$fieldname]['type'], @$tableSchema[$fieldname]['customColumnType']);
                if (!$columnType) {
                if ($addFieldSQL) {
                    $addFieldSQL .= ", ";
                $addFieldSQL .= " ADD COLUMN `" . mysql_escape($fieldname) . "` {$columnType}";
                // add index?
                if (@$tableSchema[$fieldname]['indexed']) {
                    list($indexName, $indexColList) = getIndexNameAndColumnListForField($fieldname, $columnType);
                    $addFieldSQL .= ", ADD INDEX `{$indexName}` {$indexColList}";
        if ($addFieldSQL) {
            mysql_query("ALTER TABLE `" . mysql_escape($mysqlTableName) . "` {$addFieldSQL}") or die("Error adding fields to '{$mysqlTableName}', the error was:\n\n" . htmlencode(mysql_error()));
            notice(t("Adding MySQL fields for schema table:") . " {$tableName}<br/>\n");