/** * Created by IntelliJ IDEA. * User: mlui * Date: 2/12/2016 * Time: 11:32 AM * * * @param $context * @param int $limit * @param int $offset * @param $username * @return array * @throws InvalidParameterException */ function bookmark_get_posts($context, $limit = 20, $offset = 0, $username, $from_guid) { if (!$username) { $user = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity(); throw new InvalidParameterException('registration:usernamenotvalid'); } else { $user = get_user_by_username($username); if (!$user) { throw new InvalidParameterException('registration:usernamenotvalid'); } } $loginUser = elgg_get_logged_in_user_entity(); if ($from_guid > 0) { $offset = $offset + getBookmarkGuidPosition($from_guid, $context, $loginUser); } if ($context == "all") { $params = array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'bookmarks', 'full_view' => false, 'view_toggle_type' => false, 'no_results' => elgg_echo('bookmarks:none'), 'preload_owners' => true, 'distinct' => false, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset); $bookmarks = elgg_get_entities($params); } else { if ($context == 'mine') { $params = array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'bookmarks', 'container_guid' => $loginUser->guid, 'full_view' => false, 'view_toggle_type' => false, 'no_results' => elgg_echo('bookmarks:none'), 'preload_owners' => true, 'distinct' => false, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset); $bookmarks = elgg_get_entities($params); } else { if ($context == 'friends') { $bookmarks = elgg_get_entities_from_relationship(array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'bookmarks', 'full_view' => false, 'relationship' => 'friend', 'relationship_guid' => $loginUser->guid, 'relationship_join_on' => 'container_guid', 'no_results' => elgg_echo('bookmarks:none'), 'preload_owners' => true, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset)); } else { $params = array('type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'bookmarks', 'full_view' => false, 'view_toggle_type' => false, 'no_results' => elgg_echo('bookmarks:none'), 'preload_owners' => true, 'distinct' => false, 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset); $bookmarks = elgg_get_entities($params); } } } if ($bookmarks) { $return = array(); foreach ($bookmarks as $single) { $bookmark['guid'] = $single->guid; if ($single->title != null) { $bookmark['title'] = $single->title; } else { $bookmark['title'] = ''; } $bookmark['time_created'] = time_ago($single->time_created); if ($single->description != null) { if (strlen($single->description) > 300) { $entityString = substr(strip_tags($single->description), 0, 300); $bookmark['description'] = preg_replace('/\\W\\w+\\s*(\\W*)$/', '$1', $entityString) . '...'; } else { $bookmark['description'] = strip_tags($single->description); } $bookmark['image_link'] = getImageLink($single->description); } else { $bookmark['description'] = ''; } $bookmark['address'] = $single->address; $bookmark['owner'] = getOwner($single->owner_guid); if ($single->tags == null) { $bookmark['tags'] = ''; } else { $bookmark['tags'] = implode(",", $single->tags); } $bookmark['like_count'] = likes_count_number_of_likes($single->guid); $bookmark['comment_count'] = api_get_image_comment_count($single->guid); $bookmark['like'] = checkLike($single->guid, $loginUser->guid); $return[] = $bookmark; } } else { $msg = elgg_echo('bookmarks:none'); throw new InvalidParameterException($msg); } return $return; }
function buildTemplate5(&$stories) { $s &= $stories; list($s_1, $s_2, $s_3, $s_4, $s_5, $s_6) = $stories; $s_1_image_url = getImageLink($s_1, 'large'); $s_1_caption = getCaption($s_1); $s_2_image_url = getImageLink($s_2, 'small'); $s_2_caption = getCaption($s_2); $s_3_image_url = getImageLink($s_3, 'small'); $s_3_caption = getCaption($s_3); $s_4_image_url = getImageLink($s_4, 'large'); $s_4_caption = getCaption($s_4); $s_5_image_url = getImageLink($s_5, 'small'); $s_5_caption = getCaption($s_5); $s_6_image_url = getImageLink($s_6, 'small'); $s_6_caption = getCaption($s_6); //$code = '<div id="featured_story" class="clearfix">'; $code = '<div class="clearfix featured_story">'; $code .= '<div id=story_1_image" class="thumb">' . $s_1_image_url . '</div>'; $code .= '<div class="storyBlockWrap"><h1 id="story_1_title">' . getStoryLink($s_1) . '</h1>'; $code .= '<p id="story_1_caption">' . $s_1_caption . '</p>'; $code .= '<div class="related_story">'; $code .= '<div id="story_2_image" class="slot">' . $s_2_image_url . '</div>'; $code .= '<p id="story_2_title">' . getStoryLink($s_2) . '</p>'; $code .= '</div>'; $code .= '<div class="related_story">'; $code .= '<div id="story_3_image" class="slot">' . $s_3_image_url . '</div>'; $code .= '<p id="story_3_title">' . getStoryLink($s_3) . '</p>'; $code .= '</div>'; $code .= '</div><!-- end storyBlockWrap --></div><!-- end featured_story -->'; //$code .= '<div id="featured_story" class="clearfix">'; $code .= '<div class="clearfix featured_story">'; $code .= '<div id=story_4_image" class="thumb">' . $s_4_image_url . '</div>'; $code .= '<div class="storyBlockWrap"><h1 id="story_4_title">' . getStoryLink($s_4) . '</h1>'; $code .= '<p id="story_4_caption">' . $s_4_caption . '</p>'; $code .= '<div class="related_story">'; $code .= '<div id="story_5_image" class="slot">' . $s_5_image_url . '</div>'; $code .= '<p id="story_5_title">' . getStoryLink($s_5) . '</p>'; $code .= '</div>'; $code .= '<div class="related_story">'; $code .= '<div id="story_6_image" class="slot">' . $s_6_image_url . '</div>'; $code .= '<p id="story_6_title">' . getStoryLink($s_6) . '</p>'; $code .= '</div>'; $code .= '</div><!-- end storyBlockWrap --></div><!-- end featured_story -->'; /* $code = '<div id="featured-story">'; $code .= '<div id="story-1-image" style="margin: 0 10px 0 0; float: left">'.$s_1_image_url.'</div>'; $code .= '<div class="story-content"><p id="story-1-title">'.getStoryLink($s_1).'</p>'; $code .= '<p id="story-1-caption">'.$s_1_caption.'</p>'; $code .= '<div id="story-2-image" class="slot" style="width: 40px; height: 30px; float: left; margin: 0 10px 0 0;">'.$s_2_image_url.'</div>'; $code .= '<p id="story-2-title">'.getStoryLink($s_2).'</p>'; $code .= '<div id="story-3-image" class="slot" style="width: 40px; height: 30px; float: left; margin: 0 10px 0 0;">'.$s_3_image_url.'</div>'; $code .= '<p id="story-3-title">'.getStoryLink($s_3).'</p>'; $code .= '</div>'; $code .= '<div class="spacer" style="clear: both;">'; $code .= '</div>'; $code .= '<div id="story-4-image" style="margin: 0 40px 0 0; float: left">'.$s_4_image_url.'</div>'; $code .= '<div class="story-content"><p id="story-4-title">'.getStoryLink($s_4).'</p>'; $code .= '<p id="story-4-caption">'.$s_4_caption.'</p>'; $code .= '<div id="story-5-image" class="slot" style="width: 40px; height: 30px; float: left; margin: 0 10px 0 0;">'.$s_5_image_url.'</div>'; $code .= '<p id="story-5-title">'.getStoryLink($s_5).'</p>'; $code .= '<div id="story-6-image" class="slot" style="width: 40px; height: 30px; float: left; margin: 0 10px 0 0;">'.$s_6_image_url.'</div>'; $code .= '<p id="story-6-title">'.getStoryLink($s_6).'</p>'; $code .= '</div>'; $code .= '</div>'; */ return $code; }
$folders = array(); $imageFiles = array(); $otherFiles = array(); $folderCount = 0; $imageCount = 0; foreach (scandir($realDir) as $file) { if ($file != '.' and $file != '..') { if (is_dir("{$realDir}/{$file}")) { $folders[] = array("name" => $file, "file" => "{$realDir}/{$file}", "link" => "{$scriptUrl}{$simplePath}/{$file}"); $folderCount++; exec("exec nohup setsid ./genWebQual.sh \"{$realDir}/{$file}\" " . THUMB_DIR . " " . THUMB_SIZE . " >> /tmp/log1 2>&1 & sleep 0.1"); exec("exec nohup setsid ./genWebQual.sh \"{$realDir}/{$file}\" " . WEB_QUALITY_DIR . " " . WEB_SIZE . " >> /tmp/log1 2>&1 & sleep 0.1"); } else { $ext = strtolower(substr($file, -4)); if ($ext == ".jpg" or $ext == ".png") { $imageFiles[] = array("name" => $file, "file" => "{$realDir}/{$file}", "link" => getImageLink("{$simplePath}/{$file}")); $imageCount++; } else { $otherFiles[] = array("name" => $file, "link" => "{$rootUrl}{$realDir}/{$file}"); } } } } if ($imageCount > 0) { $folders[] = array("name" => "Start Galleria here", "file" => "{$realDir}", "link" => "{$rootUrl}show.php?dir=" . WEB_QUALITY_DIR . "{$simplePath}"); exec("exec nohup setsid ./genWebQual.sh \"{$realDir}\" " . THUMB_DIR . " " . THUMB_SIZE . " >> /tmp/log1 2>&1 & sleep 0.1"); exec("exec nohup setsid ./genWebQual.sh \"{$realDir}\" " . WEB_QUALITY_DIR . " " . WEB_SIZE . " >> /tmp/log1 2>&1 & sleep 0.1"); } if (dirname($simplePath) !== '') { $parentLink = $scriptUrl . dirname($simplePath); } else {
function getRiverActivity($activities, $user, $login_user) { $handle = array(); $site_url = get_config('wwwroot'); foreach ($activities as $activity) { $userEntity = get_entity($activity->subject_guid); $avatar_url = getProfileIcon($userEntity); $object_guid = $activity->object_guid; $entity = get_entity($object_guid); $activity_like = checkLike($activity->object_guid, $login_user->guid); $activity_comment_count = getCommentCount($activity); $activity_like_count = likes_count_number_of_likes($activity->object_guid); $entityString = ""; $entityTxt = ""; $icon_url = ""; $img_url = ""; $message_board = ""; $container_entity = ""; $batch_images = array(); $isObject = false; if ($activity->subtype == "tidypics_batch") { $isObject = true; $batch_images = getBatchImages($activity->object_guid, $user->guid); if (sizeof($batch_images) > 1) { $entityTxt = "added the photos to the album"; $album_guid = $batch_images[0]['container_guid']; $activity_like = checkLike($album_guid, $login_user->guid); $activity_comment_count = api_get_image_comment_count($album_guid); $activity_like_count = likes_count_number_of_likes($album_guid); } else { if (sizeof($batch_images) == 1) { $activity_like_count = $batch_images[0]['like_count']; $activity_comment_count = $batch_images[0]['comment_count']; $activity_like = $batch_images[0]['like']; $img = get_entity($batch_images[0]['guid']); $original_file_name = $img->originalfilename; $container_entity = get_entity($entity->container_guid); if ($img->title != null) { $entityTxt = "added the photo " . $img->title . " to the album " . $container_entity->title; } else { $entityTxt = "added the photo " . $original_file_name . " to the album " . $container_entity->title; } if ($img->description != null) { if (strlen($img->description) > 300) { $entityString = substr(strip_tags($img->description), 0, 300); $entityString = preg_replace('/\\W\\w+\\s*(\\W*)$/', '$1', $entityString) . '...'; } else { $entityString = strip_tags($img->description); } } else { $entityString = ''; } } } } else { if ($activity->action_type == "create" && $activity->subtype == "album") { $isObject = true; $album = get_entity($activity->object_guid); $entityTxt = "created a new photo album " . $album->title; $container_entity = get_entity($entity->container_guid); if ($container_entity->type == 'group') { $entityTxt = $entityTxt . ' in the group ' . $container_entity->name; } $album_cover = $album->getCoverImage(); $file_name = $album_cover->getFilenameOnFilestore(); $image_join_date = $album_cover->time_created; $position = strrpos($file_name, '/'); $position = $position + 1; $icon_file_name = substr_replace($file_name, 'largethumb', $position, 0); $image_icon_url = $site_url . 'services/api/rest/json/?method=image.get_post'; $image_icon_url = $image_icon_url . '&joindate=' . $image_join_date . '&guid=' . $album_cover->guid . '&name=' . $icon_file_name; $image_icon_url = elgg_format_url($image_icon_url); $image_url = $site_url . 'services/api/rest/json/?method=image.get_post'; $image_url = $image_url . '&joindate=' . $image_join_date . '&guid=' . $album_cover->guid . '&name=' . $file_name; $image_url = elgg_format_url($image_url); $batch_images[] = createAlbumCoverImage($album_cover, $image_join_date, $image_icon_url, $image_url, $user); } else { if ($activity->action_type == "friend" && $activity->subtype == "") { $isObject = true; $msg = "is now a friend with"; $friendEntity = get_entity($activity->object_guid); $entityTxt = $msg . " " . $friendEntity->name; $icon_url = getProfileIcon($friendEntity); $icon_url = elgg_format_url($icon_url); $img_url = getProfileIcon($friendEntity, 'master'); //$friendEntity->getIconURL('master'); if (strpos($img_url, 'user/defaultmaster.gif') !== false) { $img_url = getProfileIcon($friendEntity, 'large'); //$friendEntity->getIconURL('large'); } $img_url = elgg_format_url($img_url); } else { if ($activity->action_type == "update" && $activity->view == 'river/user/default/profileiconupdate') { $isObject = true; $entityTxt = "has a new avatar"; $entityString = ""; $timeCreated = time_ago($activity->posted); $batch_images[] = createProfileImageBatch($activity->object_guid, $timeCreated, $userEntity); } else { if ($activity->subtype == "comment" && $activity->action_type == "comment" && $activity->view == 'river/object/comment/album') { $isObject = true; $album_comment = get_entity($activity->object_guid); $album_entity = ''; if ($album_comment) { $album_entity = get_entity($album_comment->container_guid); } $entityTxt = 'comment on album ' . $album_entity->title; $entityString = $album_comment->description; $entityString = strip_tags($entityString); } else { if ($activity->subtype == "file" && $activity->action_type == "create" && $activity->view == 'river/object/file/create') { $isObject = true; $container_entity = get_entity($entity->container_guid); if ($container_entity->type == 'group') { $entityTxt = 'uploaded the file ' . $entity->title . ' in the group ' . $container_entity->name; } else { $entityTxt = 'uploaded the file ' . $entity->title; } if ($entity->description != null) { $entityString = $entity->description; $entityString = strip_tags($entityString); } else { $entityString = $entity->title; } $simpletype = $entity->simpletype; if ($simpletype == "image") { $activity->type = 'image'; $icon_url = $site_url . 'services/api/rest/json/?method=file.get_post' . '&guid=' . $entity->guid . '&size=largethumb'; $icon_url = elgg_format_url($icon_url); $img_url = $site_url . 'services/api/rest/json/?method=file.get_post' . '&guid=' . $entity->guid . '&size=original'; $img_url = elgg_format_url($img_url); } else { $activity->type = 'download'; $icon_url = getProfileIcon($entity, 'large'); //elgg_format_url($entity->getIconURL('large')); $img_url = $site_url . 'services/api/rest/json/?method=file.get_post' . '&guid=' . $entity->guid . '&size=' . $entity->originalfilename; $img_url = elgg_format_url($img_url); } } else { if ($activity->subtype == "comment" && $activity->action_type == "comment" && $activity->view == 'river/object/comment/create') { $isObject = true; $file_entity = get_entity($activity->target_guid); if ($file_entity->title) { $entityTxt = 'comment on ' . $file_entity->title; } else { $entityTxt = 'comment on post'; } $entityString = $entity->description; $entityString = strip_tags($entityString); } else { if ($activity->action_type == "comment" && $activity->subtype == "comment" && $activity->view == 'river/object/comment/image') { $isObject = true; $image_entity = get_entity($activity->target_guid); $image_file_name = $image_entity->originalfilename; if ($image_file_name) { $entityTxt = 'comment on photo ' . $image_file_name; } else { $entityTxt = 'comment on post'; } $entityString = $entity->description; $entityString = strip_tags($entityString); } else { if ($activity->action_type == "create" && $activity->subtype == "thewire" && $activity->view == 'river/object/thewire/create') { $isObject = true; $entityTxt = 'posted to the wire'; $entityString = $entity->description; $entityString = strip_tags($entityString); } else { if ($activity->action_type == "create" && $activity->view == 'river/group/create') { $isObject = true; $entityTxt = 'created the group ' . $entity->name; $entityString = strip_tags($entity->description); } else { if ($activity->action_type == "join" && $activity->view == 'river/relationship/member/create') { $isObject = true; $entityTxt = 'joined the group ' . $entity->name; $entityString = strip_tags($entity->description); } else { if ($activity->action_type == "messageboard" && $activity->view == 'river/object/messageboard/create') { $isObject = true; $post_on_entity = get_entity($activity->object_guid); $message_board = elgg_get_annotation_from_id($activity->annotation_id); $entityTxt = 'posted on ' . $post_on_entity->name . '\'s message board'; $entityString = strip_tags($message_board->value); } else { if ($activity->action_type == "create" && $activity->view == 'river/object/blog/create' && $activity->subtype == 'blog') { $isObject = true; $container_entity = get_entity($entity->container_guid); if ($container_entity->type == 'group') { $entityTxt = 'published a blog post ' . $entity->title . ' in the group ' . $container_entity->name; } else { $entityTxt = 'published a blog post ' . $entity->title; } if ($entity->description != null) { if (strlen($entity->description) > 300) { $entityString = substr(strip_tags($entity->description), 0, 300); $entityString = preg_replace('/\\W\\w+\\s*(\\W*)$/', '$1', $entityString) . '...'; } else { $entityString = strip_tags($entity->description); } } else { $entityString = ''; } } else { if ($activity->subtype == "bookmarks" && $activity->action_type == "create" && $activity->view == 'river/object/bookmarks/create') { $isObject = true; $entity = get_entity($activity->object_guid); $container_entity = get_entity($entity->container_guid); if ($container_entity->type == 'group') { $entityTxt = 'bookmarked ' . $entity->title . ' in the group ' . $container_entity->name; } else { $entityTxt = 'bookmarked ' . $entity->title; } if ($entity->description != null) { $icon_url = getImageLink($entity->description); if (strlen($entity->description) > 300) { $entityString = substr(strip_tags($entity->description), 0, 300); $entityString = preg_replace('/\\W\\w+\\s*(\\W*)$/', '$1', $entityString) . '...'; } else { $entityString = $entity->description; } } else { $entityString = ''; } $entityString = strip_tags($entityString); $img_url = $entity->address; } else { if ($activity->subtype == "discussion_reply" && $activity->action_type == "reply" && $activity->view == 'river/object/discussion_reply/create') { $isObject = true; $target_entity = get_entity($activity->target_guid); $entityTxt = 'replied on the discussion topic ' . $target_entity->title; $entityString = $entity->description; $entityString = strip_tags($entityString); } else { if ($activity->subtype == "groupforumtopic" && $activity->action_type == "create" && $activity->view == 'river/object/groupforumtopic/create') { $isObject = true; $container_entity = get_entity($entity->container_guid); $entityTxt = 'added a new discussion topic ' . $entity->title . ' in the group ' . $container_entity->name; if ($entity->description != null) { if (strlen($entity->description) > 300) { $entityString = substr(strip_tags($entity->description), 0, 300); $entityString = preg_replace('/\\W\\w+\\s*(\\W*)$/', '$1', $entityString) . '...'; } else { $entityString = $entity->description; } $entityString = strip_tags($entityString); } else { $entityString = ''; } } else { //$isObject = true; //$entityTxt = get_object_entity_as_row($activity->object_guid)->description; } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } } if ($isObject) { $handle[] = array('id' => $activity->id, 'time' => time_ago($activity->posted), 'type' => $activity->type, 'sub_type' => $activity->subtype, 'action_type' => $activity->action_type, 'object_guid' => $activity->object_guid, 'subject_guid' => $activity->subject_guid, 'view' => $activity->view, 'string' => $entityString, 'txt' => $entityTxt, 'name' => $userEntity->name, 'username' => $userEntity->username, 'avatar_url' => $avatar_url, 'icon_url' => $icon_url, 'img_url' => $img_url, 'like_count' => $activity_like_count, 'like' => $activity_like, 'comment_count' => $activity_comment_count, 'batch_images' => $batch_images); } } return $handle; }