Example #1
function export_data($queryData, $frid, $fid, $groups, $columns, $include_metadata)
    global $xoopsDB;
    // generate the export filename, which the user will see
    $form_handler = xoops_getmodulehandler('forms', 'formulize');
    $formObject = $form_handler->get($fid);
    if (is_object($formObject)) {
        $formTitle = "'" . str_replace(array(" ", "-", "/", "'", "`", "\\", ".", "?", ",", ")", "(", "[", "]"), "_", trans($formObject->getVar('title'))) . "'";
    } else {
        $formTitle = "a_form";
    $export_filename = _formulize_EXPORT_FILENAME_TEXT . "_" . $formTitle . "_" . date("M_j_Y_Hi") . ".csv";
    // output http headers
    header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
    header('Content-Type: text/csv; charset=' . _CHARSET);
    header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=' . $export_filename);
    header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
    header('Expires: 0');
    header('Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0');
    header('Pragma: public');
    // get a list of columns for export
    $headers = array();
    if ($include_metadata) {
        // include metadata columns if the user requested them
        $headers = array(_formulize_ENTRY_ID, _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATOR, _formulize_DE_CALC_MODIFIER, _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATEDATE, _formulize_DE_CALC_MODDATE);
    } else {
        if (in_array("entry_id", $columns)) {
            $headers[] = _formulize_ENTRY_ID;
        if (in_array("uid", $columns) or in_array("creation_uid", $columns)) {
            $headers[] = _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATOR;
        if (in_array("proxyid", $columns) or in_array("mod_uid", $columns)) {
            $headers[] = _formulize_DE_CALC_MODIFIER;
        if (in_array("creation_date", $columns) or in_array("creation_datetime", $columns)) {
            $headers[] = _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATEDATE;
        if (in_array("mod_date", $columns) or in_array("mod_datetime", $columns)) {
            $headers[] = _formulize_DE_CALC_MODDATE;
    foreach ($columns as $thiscol) {
        if ("creator_email" == $thiscol) {
            $headers[] = _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATOR_EMAIL;
        } else {
            $colMeta = formulize_getElementMetaData($thiscol, true);
            $headers[] = $colMeta['ele_colhead'] ? trans($colMeta['ele_colhead']) : trans($colMeta['ele_caption']);
    if ($include_metadata) {
        // include metadata columns if the user requested them
        $columns = array_merge(array("entry_id", "uid", "proxyid", "creation_date", "mod_date"), $columns);
    if (strstr(strtolower(_CHARSET), 'utf') and $_POST['excel'] == 1) {
        echo "";
        // necessary to trigger certain versions of Excel to recognize the file as unicode
    // output export header
    $output_handle = fopen('php://output', 'w');
    // open a file handle to stdout because fputcsv() needs it
    fputcsv($output_handle, $headers);
    // output export data
    $GLOBALS['formulize_doingExport'] = true;
    // get rid of the fid and userid lines
    $data_sql = implode(" ", $queryData);
    // merge all remaining lines into one string to send to getData
    $limitStart = 0;
    $limitSize = 50;
    // export in batches of 50 records at a time
    do {
        // load part of the data, since a very large dataset could exceed the PHP memory limit
        $data = getData($frid, $fid, $data_sql, "AND", null, $limitStart, $limitSize);
        if (is_array($data)) {
            foreach ($data as $entry) {
                $row = array();
                foreach ($columns as $column) {
                    switch ($column) {
                        case "entry_id":
                            $formhandle = getFormHandlesFromEntry($entry);
                            $ids = internalRecordIds($entry, $formhandle[0]);
                            $row[] = $ids[0];
                        case "uid":
                            $c_uid = display($entry, 'creation_uid');
                            $c_name_q = q("SELECT name, uname FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("users") . " WHERE uid='{$c_uid}'");
                            $row[] = isset($c_name_q[0]['name']) ? $c_name_q[0]['name'] : $c_name_q[0]['uname'];
                        case "proxyid":
                            $m_uid = display($entry, 'mod_uid');
                            if ($m_uid) {
                                $m_name_q = q("SELECT name, uname FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("users") . " WHERE uid='{$m_uid}'");
                                $row[] = isset($m_name_q[0]['name']) ? $m_name_q[0]['name'] : $m_name_q[0]['uname'];
                            } else {
                                $row[] = "";
                        case "creation_date":
                            $row[] = display($entry, 'creation_datetime');
                        case "mod_date":
                            $row[] = display($entry, 'mod_datetime');
                            $row[] = trans(html_entity_decode(displayTogether($entry, $column, ", "), ENT_QUOTES));
                // output this row to the browser
                fputcsv($output_handle, $row);
            // get the next set of data
            $limitStart += $limitSize;
    } while (is_array($data) and count($data) > 0);
Example #2
function internalRecordIds($entry, $formhandle = "", $id = "NULL", $fidAsKeys = false)
    if (is_numeric($id)) {
        $entry = $entry[$id];
    if (!$formhandle) {
        $formhandle = getFormHandlesFromEntry($entry);
    } else {
        // need to convert possible legacy framework form handles to form ids
        $formhandle = dealWithDeprecatedFormHandles($formhandle);
    if (is_array($formhandle)) {
        foreach ($formhandle as $handle) {
            $handle = _parseInternalRecordIdsFormHandle($handle);
            foreach ($entry[$handle] as $id => $element) {
                if ($fidAsKeys) {
                    $fid = formulize_getFormIdFromName($handle);
                    $ids[$fid][] = $id;
                } else {
                    $ids[$handle][] = $id;
    } else {
        $formhandle = _parseInternalRecordIdsFormHandle($formhandle);
        if (is_array($entry[$formhandle])) {
            foreach ($entry[$formhandle] as $id => $element) {
                $ids[] = $id;
    return $ids;
Example #3
function prepExport($headers, $cols, $data, $fdchoice, $custdel = "", $title, $template = false, $fid, $groups)
    // export of calculations added August 22 2006
    // come up with a filename and then return it
    // rest of logic in entriesdisplay.php will take the filename and create a file with the calculations in it once they are performed
    if ($fdchoice == "calcs") {
        $tempfold = microtime(true);
        $exfilename = _formulize_DE_XF . $tempfold . ".html";
        return XOOPS_URL . SPREADSHEET_EXPORT_FOLDER . "{$exfilename}";
    global $xoopsDB;
    include_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . "/modules/formulize/include/extract.php";
    if ($fdchoice == "update") {
        // reset headers and cols to include all data -- when creating a blank template, this reset has already happened before prepexport is called
        $fdchoice = "comma";
        $template = "update";
        $cols1 = getAllColList($fid, "", $groups);
        // $cols1 will be a multidimensional array, one "entry" per column, and for each column the entry is an assoc array with ele_id, ele_colhead, ele_caption and ele_handle.
        $cols = array();
        foreach ($cols1[$fid] as $col) {
            $cols[] = $col['ele_handle'];
        $headers = getHeaders($cols, true);
        // array of element handles, boolean for if the cols are handles (or ids, which is the default assumption)
    if ($fdchoice == "comma") {
        $fd = ",";
        $fxt = ".csv";
    if ($fdchoice == "tab") {
        $fd = "\t";
        $fxt = ".tabDelimited";
    if ($fdchoice == "custom") {
        $fd = $custdel;
        if (!$fd) {
            $fd = "**";
        $fxt = ".customDelimited";
    $lineStarted = false;
    if ($template) {
        // add in other profile fields -- username, realname, e-mail, password, registration code
        if ($template == "blankprofile") {
            $csvfile = "\"" . _formulize_DE_IMPORT_USERNAME . "\"{$fd}\"" . _formulize_DE_IMPORT_FULLNAME . "\"{$fd}\"" . _formulize_DE_IMPORT_PASSWORD . "\"{$fd}\"" . _formulize_DE_IMPORT_EMAIL . "\"{$fd}\"" . _formulize_DE_IMPORT_REGCODE . "\"";
            $lineStarted = true;
        } else {
            if ($template == "update") {
                $csvfile = "\"" . _formulize_DE_IMPORT_IDREQCOL . "\"{$fd}\"" . _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATOR . "\"";
                $lineStarted = true;
            } else {
                $csvfile = "\"" . _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATOR . "\"";
                $lineStarted = true;
    } elseif ($_POST['metachoice'] == 1) {
        // only include metadata columns if the user requested them
        $csvfile = "\"" . _formulize_ENTRY_ID . "\"{$fd}\"" . _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATOR . "\"{$fd}\"" . _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATEDATE . "\"{$fd}\"" . _formulize_DE_CALC_MODIFIER . "\"{$fd}\"" . _formulize_DE_CALC_MODDATE . "\"";
        $lineStarted = true;
    } else {
        if (in_array("entry_id", $cols)) {
            $csvfile .= "\"" . _formulize_ENTRY_ID . "\"";
            $lineStarted = true;
        if (in_array("uid", $cols) or in_array("creation_uid", $cols)) {
            $csvfile .= $lineStarted ? $fd : "";
            $csvfile .= "\"" . _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATOR . "\"";
            $lineStarted = true;
        if (in_array("proxyid", $cols) or in_array("mod_uid", $cols)) {
            $csvfile .= $lineStarted ? $fd : "";
            $csvfile .= "\"" . _formulize_DE_CALC_MODIFIER . "\"";
            $lineStarted = true;
        if (in_array("creation_date", $cols) or in_array("creation_datetime", $cols)) {
            $csvfile .= $lineStarted ? $fd : "";
            $csvfile .= "\"" . _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATEDATE . "\"";
            $lineStarted = true;
        if (in_array("mod_date", $cols) or in_array("mod_datetime", $cols)) {
            $csvfile .= $lineStarted ? $fd : "";
            $csvfile .= "\"" . _formulize_DE_CALC_MODDATE . "\"";
            $lineStarted = true;
    foreach ($headers as $header) {
        // ignore the metadata columns if they are selected, since we already handle them better above. as long as the user requested that they be included
        if ($header == "" or $_POST['metachoice'] == 1 and ($header == _formulized_ENTRY_ID or $header == _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATOR or $header == _formulize_DE_CALC_MODIFIER or $header == _formulize_DE_CALC_CREATEDATE or $header == _formulize_DE_CALC_MODDATE)) {
        $header = str_replace("\"", "\"\"", $header);
        $header = "\"" . trans($header) . "\"";
        if ($lineStarted) {
            $csvfile .= $fd;
        $csvfile .= $header;
        $lineStarted = true;
    $csvfile .= "\r\n";
    $colcounter = 0;
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($data as $entry) {
        $formhandle = getFormHandlesFromEntry($entry);
        $ids = internalRecordIds($entry, $formhandle[0]);
        $id = $ids[0];
        $id_req[] = $id;
        $c_uid = display($entry, 'creation_uid');
        $c_name_q = q("SELECT name, uname FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("users") . " WHERE uid='{$c_uid}'");
        $c_name = $c_name_q[0]['name'];
        if (!$c_name) {
            $c_name = $c_name_q[0]['uname'];
        $c_date = display($entry, 'creation_datetime');
        $m_uid = display($entry, 'mod_uid');
        if ($m_uid) {
            $m_name_q = q("SELECT name, uname FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("users") . " WHERE uid='{$m_uid}'");
            $m_name = $m_name_q[0]['name'];
            if (!$m_name) {
                $m_name = $m_name_q[0]['uname'];
        } else {
            $m_name = $c_name;
        $m_date = display($entry, 'mod_datetime');
        // write in metadata
        $lineStarted = false;
        // will be update only, since blank ones have no data
        if ($template) {
            $csvfile .= $id . $fd . "\"{$c_name}\"";
            $lineStarted = true;
        } elseif ($_POST['metachoice'] == 1) {
            $csvfile .= "\"{$id}\"" . $fd . "\"{$c_name}\"" . $fd . "\"{$c_date}\"" . $fd . "\"{$m_name}\"" . $fd . "\"{$m_date}\"";
            $lineStarted = true;
        // write in data
        foreach ($cols as $col) {
            // ignore the metadata columns if they are selected, since we already handle them better above
            if (isMetaDataField($col) and $_POST['metachoice'] == 1) {
            if ($col == "creation_uid" or $col == "mod_uid" or $col == "uid" or $col == "proxyid") {
                $name_q = q("SELECT name, uname FROM " . $xoopsDB->prefix("users") . " WHERE uid=" . intval(display($entry, $col)));
                $data_to_write = $name_q[0]['name'];
                if (!$data_to_write) {
                    $data_to_write = $name_q[0]['uname'];
            } else {
                $data_to_write = displayTogether($entry, $col, ", ");
                $data_to_write = str_replace(""", "\"\"", $data_to_write);
                $data_to_write = "\"" . trans($data_to_write) . "\"";
                $data_to_write = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $data_to_write);
            if ($lineStarted) {
                $csvfile .= $fd;
            $csvfile .= $data_to_write;
            $lineStarted = true;
        $csvfile .= "\r\n";
        // end of a line
    $tempfold = microtime(true);
    $exfilename = _formulize_DE_XF . $tempfold . $fxt;
    // open the output file for writing
    $wpath = XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . SPREADSHEET_EXPORT_FOLDER . "{$exfilename}";
    $csvfile = html_entity_decode($csvfile, ENT_QUOTES);
    $exportfile = fopen($wpath, "w");
    fwrite($exportfile, $csvfile);
    // garbage collection. delete files older than 6 hours
    formulize_scandirAndClean(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . SPREADSHEET_EXPORT_FOLDER, _formulize_DE_XF);
    // write id_reqs and tempfold to the DB if we're making an update template
    if ($template == "update") {
        $sql = "INSERT INTO " . $xoopsDB->prefix("formulize_valid_imports") . " (file, id_reqs) VALUES (\"{$tempfold}\", \"" . serialize($id_req) . "\")";
        if (!($res = $xoopsDB->queryF($sql))) {
            exit("Error: could not write import information to the database.  SQL: {$sql}<br>" . $xoopsDB->error());
    // need to add in logic to cull old files
    return XOOPS_URL . SPREADSHEET_EXPORT_FOLDER . "{$exfilename}";