Example #1
function printUser()
    // displays a users schedule in printable form
    $oSched = getMySched($_SESSION['USERID']);
    // print out the results
	<title>Viewing Your Schedule</title>
	<link href="global.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
	<table width="100%" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0">
    if (count($oSched)) {
        //display rows
        foreach ($oSched as $Sched) {
            $oAreaPos = getAreaPos($Sched->event_area_id);
			<hr align="left">
            echo $Sched->event_name;
			<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="2" class="contactInfo">
					<td class="contactInfoName"><?php 
            print date("D, n/d", strtotime($Sched->event_date));
					<td width="31%">Start: <?php 
            echo date("g:i a", strtotime($Sched->event_start));
					<div align="left"></div></td>
					<td width="69%">End: <?php 
            echo date("g:i a", strtotime($Sched->event_end));
					<td>Position: <?php 
            echo $Sched->pos_name;
					<td>Location: <?php 
            echo $Sched->area_name;
				  <tr valign="top">
            // now we go through each pos and list the scheduled emps
            foreach ($oAreaPos as $Pos) {
				  	<td><table border="0" cellpadding="2" class="contactInfo">
				  	<tr><td colspan=2><strong><?php 
                echo $Pos->pos_name;
                $bRow = true;
                $oEventEmps = getEventEmps($Sched->event_id, $Pos->pos_id);
                if (count($oEventEmps)) {
                    // we have emps, display them
                    foreach ($oEventEmps as $Emp) {
                        $bRow = !$bRow;
                        if ($bRow) {
                            print " class=evenRow";
					  			<td colspan=2><?php 
                        echo $Emp->user_first . ' ' . $Emp->user_last;
                } else {
                    //we don't, display msg
                    print "<tr><td colspan=2><i>No employees scheduled yet</i></td></tr>";
    } else {
        // tell the user they have free time
You are currently not assigned any shifts.<?php 
Example #2
 *  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
 *  Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA
require_once 'classes/class.ical.inc.php';
// $Id: iCalView.php,v 1.3 2005/10/30 22:37:19 atrommer Exp $
// if we have a uid, grab their schedule
// if we have aid, grab area schedule
// otherwise, do nothing
if ($_REQUEST['uid']) {
    $oSched = getMySched($_REQUEST['uid'], 2);
} elseif ($_REQUEST['aid']) {
    $oSched = getAreaSched($_REQUEST['aid'], 2);
} else {
    accessDenied("Invalid user or area!");
$iCal = (object) new iCal('', 0);
// (ProgrammID, Method [1 = Publish | 0 = Request])
$categories = array('Work', 'Party');
// main loop for the events
foreach ($oSched as $Sched) {
    $aAssign = array();
    $oEventEmps = getEventEmps($Sched->event_id);
    // add all event emps to the attendees
    foreach ($oEventEmps as $Emp) {
        $aTemp = array($Emp->user_first . ' ' . $Emp->user_last => $Emp->user_email . ",1");
        $aAssign = array_merge($aAssign, $aTemp);
    $iCal->addEvent('', strtotime($Sched->event_date . ' ' . $Sched->event_start), strtotime($Sched->event_date . ' ' . $Sched->event_end), $Sched->area_name, 0, $categories, 'Log into ESS for more details!', $Sched->event_name, 1, $aAssign, 5, 0, 1, 1, '', 0, '', '', 1, 'http://' . $host . $docroot, 'en', '');
// end of main loop
Example #3
				  <tr valign="top">
            // now we go through each pos and list the scheduled emps
            foreach ($oAreaPos as $Pos) {
                $sDay = date("w", strtotime($Sched->event_date));
				  	<td><table border="0" cellpadding="2" class="contactInfo">
				  	<tr><td colspan=2><strong><?php 
                echo $Pos->pos_name;
                $bRow = true;
                $oEventEmps = getEventEmps($Sched->event_id, $Pos->pos_id);
                if (count($oEventEmps)) {
                    // we have emps, display them
                    foreach ($oEventEmps as $Emp) {
                        $bRow = !$bRow;
                        print "<tr><td>";
                        if ($_SESSION['USERTYPE'] > 1) {
                            // grab override data if super or higher
                            $oMatch = checkEmpConflict($Sched->event_start, $Sched->event_end, $sDay, $Emp->user_id, $Sched->event_date);
                            if (!count($oMatch)) {
			  						* <?php 
			  					<a href="viewSched.php?user=<?php 
                            echo $Emp->user_id;
Example #4
function deleteEvent($iEventID)
    global $db;
    global $DEV;
    global $mail;
    global $host;
    global $docroot;
    // get sender details
    $oSender = getUserVals($_SESSION['USERID']);
    // get event details
    $oEventDetails = getEventDetails($iEventID);
    // get event emps
    $oEEmps = getEventEmps($iEventID);
    // set up email basics
    $mail->From = $oSender->user_email;
    $mail->FromName = $oSender->user_first . ' ' . $oSender->user_last;
    $mail->Subject = $oEventDetails->event_name . ' has been canceled!';
    // the message
    $sBody = 'The event, ' . $oEventDetails->event_name . ', on ' . date("l, F jS, Y", strtotime($oEventDetails->event_date));
    $sBody .= ' from ' . date("g:i a", strtotime($oEventDetails->event_start)) . ' to ' . date("g:i a", strtotime($oEventDetails->event_end));
    $sBody .= ' has been canceled.  Please plan accordingly.';
    $sBody .= "\nPlease see http://" . $host . $docroot . " for more details.";
    $sBody .= "\nThanks, \n" . $oSender->user_first . ' ' . $oSender->user_last;
    $mail->Body = $sBody;
    // add the scheduled emps to the list
    foreach ($oEEmps as $Emp) {
        $mail->AddAddress($Emp->user_email, $Emp->user_first . ' ' . $Emp->user_last);
    if (!$mail->Send()) {
        accessDenied("There has been an error sending mail!");
    $db->query("delete from events where event_id={$iEventID}");