/** * This function change the template used only in the session * @param string a valid template name */ function setTemplate($new_template) { if (is_dir(_base_ . '/templates/' . $new_template)) { $_SESSION['template'] = $new_template; } else { $_SESSION['template'] = getDefaultTemplate(); } }
$docgrp = implode(',', $_SESSION['mgrDocgroups']); } if (!empty($id)) { $access = "1='" . $_SESSION['mgrRole'] . "' OR sc.privatemgr=0" . (!$docgrp ? '' : " OR dg.document_group IN ({$docgrp})"); $rs = $modx->db->select('sc.*', "{$tbl_site_content} AS sc LEFT JOIN {$tbl_document_groups} AS dg ON dg.document=sc.id", "sc.id='{$id}' AND ({$access})"); $content = $modx->db->getRow($rs); if (!$content) { $modx->webAlertAndQuit($_lang["access_permission_denied"]); } $_SESSION['itemname'] = $content['pagetitle']; } else { $content = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['newtemplate'])) { $content['template'] = $_REQUEST['newtemplate']; } else { $content['template'] = getDefaultTemplate(); } $_SESSION['itemname'] = $_lang["new_resource"]; } // restore saved form $formRestored = false; if ($modx->manager->hasFormValues()) { $modx->manager->loadFormValues(); $formRestored = true; } // retain form values if template was changed // edited to convert pub_date and unpub_date // sottwell 02-09-2006 if ($formRestored == true || isset($_REQUEST['newtemplate'])) { $content = array_merge($content, $_POST); $content['content'] = $_POST['ta'];
if ($thisCategory != $currentCategory) { if ($closeOptGroup) { echo "\t\t\t\t\t</optgroup>\n"; } echo "\t\t\t\t\t<optgroup label=\"{$thisCategory}\">\n"; $closeOptGroup = true; } else { $closeOptGroup = false; } if (isset($_REQUEST['newtemplate'])) { $selectedtext = $row['id'] == $_REQUEST['newtemplate'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; } else { if (isset($content['template'])) { $selectedtext = $row['id'] == $content['template'] ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; } else { $default_template = getDefaultTemplate(); $selectedtext = $row['id'] == $default_template ? ' selected="selected"' : ''; } } echo "\t\t\t\t\t" . '<option value="' . $row['id'] . '"' . $selectedtext . '>' . $row['templatename'] . "</option>\n"; $currentCategory = $thisCategory; } if ($thisCategory != '') { echo "\t\t\t\t\t</optgroup>\n"; } ?> </select> <img src="<?php echo $_style["icons_tooltip_over"]; ?> " onmouseover="this.src='<?php echo $_style["icons_tooltip"];
function _maskTemplateManager() { require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.form.php'; require_once $GLOBALS['where_framework'] . '/lib/lib.field.php'; require_once _base_ . '/lib/lib.table.php'; $lang =& DoceboLanguage::createInstance('configuration', 'framework'); $field_man = new FieldList(); $html = ''; if (isset($_POST['save_and_refresh'])) { if (!sql_query("\r\n\t\t\tUPDATE " . $this->table . "\r\n\t\t\tSET param_value = '" . $_POST['templ_use_field'] . "'\r\n\t\t\tWHERE pack = 'main' AND param_name = 'templ_use_field'")) { $html .= getErrorUi('_ERROR_WHILE_SAVING_NEW_FIELD'); } else { setTemplate($_POST['templ_use_field']); } } $drop_field = array(); $drop_field = $field_man->getFlatAllFields(false, 'dropdown'); $drop_field[0] = $lang->def('_NO'); $html .= Form::getDropdown($lang->def('_TEMPL_USE_FIELD'), 'templ_use_field', 'templ_use_field', $drop_field, Get::sett('templ_use_field')); $html .= Form::getButton('save_and_refresh', 'save_and_refresh', $lang->def('_SAVE_AND_REFRESH')); if (Get::sett('templ_use_field') != 0) { $field_obj =& $field_man->getFieldInstance(Get::sett('templ_use_field')); if ($field_obj === NULL) { return $html . getErrorUi('_ERROR_WITH_THIS_FIELD'); } $assignement = array(); $query_template_assigned = "\r\n\t\t\tSELECT ref_id, template_code\r\n\t\t\tFROM " . $GLOBALS['prefix_fw'] . "_field_template\r\n\t\t\tWHERE id_common = '" . Get::sett('templ_use_field') . "'"; $re_templ_assigned = sql_query($query_template_assigned); while (list($ref_id, $template_code) = sql_fetch_row($re_templ_assigned)) { $assignement[$ref_id] = $template_code; } $son_value = $field_obj->getAllSon(); $template_list = getTemplateList(true); $default_template = getDefaultTemplate(); $tb_son = new Table(0, $lang->def('_ASSIGN_DROPDOWN_VALUE_TEMPLATE'), $lang->def('_ASSIGN_DROPDOWN_VALUE_TEMPLATE_SUMMARY')); $cont_h = array($lang->def('_VALUE'), $lang->def('_TEMPLATE_VALUE')); $type_h = array('', ''); $tb_son->setColsStyle($type_h); $tb_son->addHead($cont_h); while (list($id_son, $drop_son_name) = each($son_value)) { $cont = array('<label for="template_selected_' . $id_son . '">' . $drop_son_name . '</label>', Form::getInputDropdown('dropdown', 'template_selected_' . $id_son, 'template_selected[' . $id_son . ']', $template_list, isset($assignement[$id_son]) && isset($template_list[$assignement[$id_son]]) ? $assignement[$id_son] : $default_template, '')); $tb_son->addBody($cont); } $html .= $tb_son->getTable(); } return $html; }
function getEasyDesignCss() { return DIR_WS_TEMPLATES . getDefaultTemplate() . '/css/' . FILENAME_EASY_DESIGN_CSS; }
echo EASY_DESIGN_TAGLINE; ?> </p> <?php } if ($category_depth == 'top') { ?> <h1 id="logo"><?php echo '<a href="' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . '"><img src="' . getLogoImage(getDefaultTemplate()) . '" alt="' . TITLE . '" title="' . TITLE . '"/></a>'; ?> </h1> <?php } else { ?> <p id="logo"><?php echo '<a href="' . HTTP_SERVER . DIR_WS_CATALOG . '"><img src="' . getLogoImage(getDefaultTemplate()) . '" alt="' . LINK_TO_HOME . '" title="' . LINK_TO_HOME . '"/></a>'; ?> </p> <?php } } ?> <?php // displays addon_modules layout blocks if ($header) { ?> <div id="header-content"> <?php echo $header; ?>
public function addfolder_dialog() { //check permissions if (!$this->permissions['add_org']) { $output = array('success' => false, 'message' => $this->_getErrorMessage('no permission')); echo $this->json->encode($output); return; } $id_parent = Get::req('id', DOTY_INT, 0); if ($id_parent < 0) { $id_parent = 0; } $template = getDefaultTemplate(); $template_arr = getTemplateList(); $template_tmp_arr = array_flip($template_arr); $template_id = $template_tmp_arr[$template]; unset($template_tmp_arr); $this->render('add_folder', array('id_parent' => $id_parent, 'title' => Lang::t('_ORGCHART_ADDNODE', 'organization_chart'), 'json' => $this->json, 'default_template' => $template_id)); }
$error .= "<br/>" . TEXT_UPDATE_FAILURE_LOGO_UNLINK; } if ($result == "DIR") { $error .= "<br/>" . TEXT_UPDATE_FAILURE_LOGO_DIR; } if ($result == "PERMIT") { $error .= "<br/>" . TEXT_UPDATE_FAILURE_LOGO_PERMIT; } } } } } } } // 全言語テンプレート情報取得 $selected_template = getDefaultTemplate(); $selected_index = 0; for ($i = 0; $i < count($template_info); $i++) { if ($template_info[$i]['id'] == $selected_template) { $selected_index = $i; break; } } // 文言取得 $objection = getObjectionWords(); // ロゴ取得 $logo = getLogoImage($selected_template, true); ?> <div class="messageStackSuccess"><?php echo $message; ?>